AmyCarmichael - World Changer Kids, Inc.

Amy Carmichael, her mother, and
Amy Carmichael was
one of the best known
and well-loved
missionaries of the 20th
She was born on Dec.
16, 1867, in Ireland, and
was the first of seven
children. She was
raised in a Christian
The Carmichael Home in Millisle, Ireland.
Her parents, David and Catherine were the
prosperous owners of Carmichael Flour Mills.
Amy Carmichael at age 24
She committed her life to
God as a child.
After her father died, Amy
and her family moved to
Belfast, Ireland, where she
did missions work.
In 1886, she attended a
spiritual life conference in
England as part of the
“Keswick Movement”,
which stressed a deeper
relationship with God.
Amy Carmichael at age 24
After the Keswick meeting,
her expensive tastes in food
and clothing disappeared,
and she saw the greater
importance of living a life of
service and devotion to God.
For many years, Amy cared
for Robert Wilson, the
chairman of the Keswick
Conventions, who was like a
father to her.
Amy as a Missionary in Japan
On January 13, 1892,
Amy heard 2 words
from the Lord, “Go,
ye..” .
This missionary call
moved her to action,
and, supported by the
Keswick Convention,
she went as a
missionary to Japan.
Amy as a Missionary in Japan
Amy stayed only 15 months
in Japan due to hardships,
the difficulty of the Japanese
language, and serious
anxiety, which was called
“Japanese head”.
She sailed for China, then
Ceylon (Sri Lanka), then
returned to England to care
for Mr. Wilson for about one
Amy as a Missionary to India
Amy was advised to go
to Bangalore India for a
change of climate.
In India, Amy began
traveling from village to
village with some
Indian Christian ladies
spreading the Good
News of Jesus Christ.
Amy as a Missionary to India
In India, Amy was
supported by the Zeanna
Missionary Society of the
Church of England.
She moved to Dohnavur, a
village near the southern tip
of India.
In 1901, Amy met Preena
(“Pearl Eyes”), a sweet 7
year old girl who had
escaped from a life of
slavery in the Hindu temple.
Preena pleaded for Amy to
help her.
The Precious Children of India
Amy started Dohnavur
Fellowship in the state
of Tamil Nadu, India in
1901, with the purpose
of rescuing children
from slavery and abuse
in Hindu temples.
She called the children
that she cared for her
“Lotus Buds” (after the
beautiful flowers).
Amy with one of her “Lotus Buds”
at Dohnavur
Many Christians came to
help Amy care for the
children at Dohnavur,
especially “house mothers”
who looked after the
children’s needs.
Many fellow missionaries
rejected Amy for her
determination to rescue
children from the abuse of
the Hindu temples because
they did not think that such
a horrible thing could
Children in the Hindu Temples
Some children were given to
the Hindu temples where
they were “married to the
gods” in religious
ceremonies, then abused by
Hindu priests and other
men. Girls were especially
Amy was often accused of
kidnapping by angry Hindus
when she took children
away from the temples.
The Outside of a Hindu Temple
Amy spoke out against
the evils of mistreating
children in the Hindu
Indians knew that the
abuse of children in the
temples was a “secret
sin” of Hinduism.
Thanks to Amy and
others, this abuse was
made illegal in 1948.
The Scenery Surrounding Dohnavur
in Tamil Nadu, India
The Cottage Nursery at Dohnavur
God provided for Amy and
her workers at Dohnavur.
Nurseries, a hospital, a
school, and other facilities
were built as God provided.
Amy started a Protestant
religious order called “the
sisters of the Common Life”
for single women who
wanted to enter missionary
One of Amy’s Beloved Workers with
the Children at Dohnavur
Many children who
grew up at Dohnavur
stayed on to help.
Amy’s “family” grew.
During her lifetime,
over 1,000 children
(both boys and girls)
were saved from Hindu
temples, housed, and
A Grand Tour to Madras
Sometimes Amy, a select
few of her children, and
helpers would leave the
compound at Dohnavur and
go on an outing.
Once Amy took 14 children
and 5 helpers on a train to
Madras, India, where they
visited the beach, many
sights in the city, and saw a
“movie” for the first time!
Amy Carmichael’s Writings
Amy always made time
to write, no matter how
busy she was.
Throughout her life she
wrote 35 books and
poems that continue to
inspire Christians to
fulfill God’s call on
their life.
The House of Prayer
In the middle of the
Dohnavur Fellowship
compound, Amy built The
House of Prayer at God’s
direction with money that
God provided.
Amy Carmichael was a
woman who knew how to
hear from God, and she
spent many hours in prayer,
knowing how important it is
to talk to God daily.
Amy’s Last Days
Toward the end of her
life, Amy suffered a
broken leg and a twisted
back due to an
accidental fall.
For the last 20 years of
her life, she was an
invalid and stayed
mostly in her room on
the Dohnavur
The Room of Peace
Amy’s room at
Dohnavur Fellowship
was called The Room of
Amy was surrounded by
books, scripture
phrases, and people that
she loved.
She continued to write
books and poems.
Amy Carmichael’s Homecoming
Amy Carmichael died at the
age of 83 in 1951. After a
simple service in The House
of Prayer, her body was
buried in “God’s Garden”
on the Dohnavur grounds.
Her grave is marked with a
simple stone table inscribed
with the word, “Amma”, her
Indian name, which means
Dohnavur Fellowship Today
Today, Dohnavur
Fellowship is still a
thriving ministry more
than 50 years after Amy
Carmichael’s death.
Dohnavur continues to
accept children in
danger from poverty,
abuse, and neglect.
Dohnavur Fellowship Today
Set on 400 acres in
Tamil Nadu, India,
Dohnavur Fellowship
includes a hospital, 16
nurseries, a school, and
other facilities.
Many books and a
movie have been
produced about the
inspiring life of Amy
Amy Carmichael, Inspiring Others
to Become Missionaries
Elisabeth Elliot, a
famous author, speaker,
and missionary to tribal
people drew her life’s
inspiration from Amy
Carmichael and has
written a biography of
Amy’s life.