School Food and Beverage Policy Ministry of Education Purpose The purpose of the presentation is to provide an overview of: the rationale for a School Food and Beverage Policy The Ministry of Education’s Healthy Schools initiatives the School Food and Beverage Policy the Nutrition Standards implementation strategies resources to help implement the policy. 2 TCDSB System Priorities – Nurturing Our Catholic Community FAITH DEVELOPMENT - To create and celebrate Catholic community where all proclaim the Good News of the Gospel and where Catholic beliefs are modelled and integrated into the whole learning experience SAFE, INCLUSIVE AND HEALTHY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT - To enhance the quality of the working and learning experience through improving schools and workplaces so that they contribute to positive health and respectful relationships INCREASING ENROLMENT AND RETENTION IN GRADES JK - 12 - To support and implement a variety of local and system initiatives that actively enhance the school profile and promote the benefits of Catholic education 3 The Need for Action . . . Rising childhood obesity rates may cause this generation of children to have shorter lives than their parents. -Standing Committee on Health, House of Commons, 2007 The rate of obesity among 12-17 year old Canadian adolescents has almost tripled over the past 25 years going from approximately 3% in 1978/79 to 9% in 2004. -Canadian Community Health Survey, 2004 In Ontario, 28% of children and youth are either overweight or obese. -Canadian Community Health Survey, 2004 Research shows that: Health and education success are intertwined: schools cannot achieve their primary mission of education if students are not healthy. -Storey, 2009 4 The Link . . . (cont’d) Roughly one-third of a child’s daily food intake occurs at school. -Dietitians of Canada, 2004 When nutritionally inadequate food and beverages are promoted at school every day, even along with healthier food and beverages, it becomes difficult for students to have healthy diets. -Dietitians of Canada, 2004 5 Healthy Schools Initiatives To date, the Ministry’s healthy schools initiatives have included: Foundations for a Healthy School framework the Healthy Schools Recognition Program Daily Physical Activity in Elementary Schools Sabrina’s Law – An Act to Protect Anaphylactic Pupils support for the Lifesaving Society’s Swim to Survive program 6 Daily Physical Activity (DPA) Quick Facts: • All students in grades 1-8, including students with special needs, participate in a minimum of 20 minutes of sustained moderate to vigorous physical activity each school day during instructional time. Resources: • • Resource guides for teachers (primary, junior, intermediate), principals and school board leaders e-learning module 7 School Food and Beverage Policy The School Food and Beverage Policy applies to: all publicly-funded elementary and secondary schools in Ontario. food and beverages sold in all venues (e.g., cafeterias, vending machines, tuck shops/canteens), through all programs (e.g., catered lunch programs), and at all events (e.g., bake sales, sporting events) on school premises for school purposes. 8 School Food and Beverage Policy (cont’d) The policy does not apply to food and beverages that are: offered in schools to students at no cost brought from home or purchased off school premises and not for resale in schools available for purchase during field trips off school premises sold in schools for non-school purposes (e.g., sold by an outside organization that is using the gymnasium after school hours for a non-school-related event) sold for fundraising activities that occur off school premises sold in staff rooms. 9 School Food and Beverage Policy (cont’d) School boards and schools will be encouraged to: • choose Ontario food and beverages first (e.g., offer Ontario grown and/or produced food and beverages when available and practical). • be environmentally aware (e.g., reduce food waste, reuse containers, recycle food scraps). • avoid offering food or beverages as a reward or incentive for good behaviour, achievement or participation. 10 School Food and Beverage Policy (cont’d) Exemptions for Special-Event Days: The school principal may designate up to ten days (or fewer, as determined by the school board) during the school year as special-event days on which food and beverages sold in schools would be exempt from the nutrition standards. These include bake sales, hot dog days, pizza days, candy grams, freezie days, etc. All events in which food is sold on school premises that may not meet the nutrition standards outlined in this policy. School principals: must consult with the school council prior to designating a day as a special-event day are encouraged to consult with their students when selecting special-event days. 11 Notwithstanding this exemption, on special-event days, schools are encouraged to sell food and beverages that meet the nutrition standards set out in the policy. School Food and Beverage Policy (cont’d) Implementation: School boards must be in full compliance with the policy by September 1, 2011. School boards are encouraged to implement the policy as soon as possible. School boards are encouraged to consult with their board of health to implement the nutrition standards. Under Ontario Public Health Standards, 2008, boards of health have a mandate to work with school boards and schools on healthy eating. 12 School Food and Beverage Policy (cont’d) Implementation Timeline: Winter 2010: Release of the School Food and Beverage Policy Winter 2010: Regional Training for Principals Winter 2010: Funding to School Boards for Principal Training Spring 2010: Release of Resource Guide & Quick Reference Guide Fall 2010: Release of eLearning modules Fall 2010: Elementary Teacher Training Winter 2011: Funding to School Boards for Teacher Training Spring 2011: Release of Teacher Resource Guide and eLearning modules * September 1, 2011: Full Implementation of the School Food and Beverage Policy 13 The 80/20 Rule Sell Most Sell Less ≥80% ≤20% Products in this category must make up at least 80 per cent of all food choices and all beverage choices that are offered for sale in all venues, through all programs, and at all events. Products in this category must make up no more than 20 per cent of all food choices and all beverage choices that are offered for sale in all venues, through all programs, and at all events. Not Permitted For Sale 0% Food and beverages in this category must not be sold in schools. The 80/20 rule is based on the number of products offered for sale, not the number of products sold. 14 The 80/20 Rule continued Once you have determined which category your product fits into, you will need to ensure that the products offered for sale in all venues, through all programs, and at all events, meet the 80/20 rule. When assessing the food and beverage choices offered for sale, remember: All food choices are assessed together. All beverage choices are assessed together. Food choices are assessed separately from beverage choices. 15 Nutrition Standards – Food Choices A food choice is a specific type of food that is offered for sale. Examples of food choices are as follows: An apple is one food choice and an orange is another food choice. A Red Delicious apple is one food choice and a McIntosh apple is another food choice. A bran muffin is one food choice and a banana muffin is another food choice. A whole grain bun is one food choice and a white (enriched) bun is another food choice. A slice of light cheddar cheese is one food choice and a slice of regular cheddar cheese is another food choice. However, five apples of the same variety (e.g., five Empire apples) are not considered five “food choices.” They would be considered one “food choice” for the purposes of calculating the 80/20 rule. 16 Nutrition Standards (cont’d) The nutrition standards are divided into two sections: food and beverages. Food is divided into six groups (the first four food groups are from Canada’s Food Guide): Vegetables and Fruit Grain Products Milk and Alternatives Meat and Alternatives Mixed Dishes Miscellaneous Items Beverages are divided according to the type of school: Elementary Schools Secondary Schools 17 Reading the Nutrition Standards The Categories Food or Beverage Group Vegetables and Fruit Tips Generic tips for each food and beverage group. Nutrition Criteria Specific nutrient levels for each subcategory. Sub-Group Products with a similar nutrient profile. Examples Some common products that may fit into the subgroup. Footnotes Additional explanatory notes identified in the nutrition criteria and examples. * Food high in sugars and starches (natural or added) can leave particles clinging to the teeth and put dental health at risk. Vegetable and fruit choices of particular concern include fruit leathers, dried fruit, and chips (potato or other). It is suggested that these foods be eaten only at meal times and that foods that clear quickly from the mouth be eaten at snack times, such as fresh (raw or cooked), canned, or frozen vegetables or fruit. ** Look for other words for sugar, such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, dextrose, dextrin, corn syrup, maple syrup, cane sugar, honey, and concentrated fruit juice. 18 Nutrition Standards – Mixed Dishes Many products offered for sale in schools include more than one major ingredient. These are grouped as Mixed Dishes. Mixed Dishes With a Nutrition Facts Table are assessed differently then Mixed Dishes Without a Nutrition Facts Table. 19 Nutrition Standards – Mixed Dishes (cont’d) Not all mixed dishes offered for sale have a Nutrition Facts table. For example, mixed dishes, such as entrees, soups and sides that are made from scratch, on-or off-site, and delivered to schools, may not have a Nutrition Facts table. For Mixed Dishes Without a Nutrition Facts Table, you will need to assess each major and minor ingredient using the nutrition standards. 20 Reading a Nutrition Facts Table Serving Size Apply the nutrition standards to the serving size listed on the Nutrition Facts table. % Daily Value Use the % Daily Value (DV) to determine if a product has a little or a lot of a nutrient. The % DV is also helpful in making comparisons between products. Core Nutrients The 13 core nutrients are mandatory in the Nutrition Facts table and are always listed in the same order. Ingredient List In the example above, whole grain wheat is the first ingredient. The first ingredient on the ingredient list is sometimes used to determine how a food product fits into the nutrition standards. Trans Fat The formula to determine if a food or beverage product meets the trans fat requirement is: Trans Fat (g) x 100 = % of fat Fat (g) from trans fat Ingredient List 21 Nutrition Standards – Miscellaneous Items avoid offering food or beverages as a reward or an incentive for good behaviour, achievement or participation. 22 Beverage Standards for Elementary Schools Sell Most Not Permitted for Sale • Water • Milk, Chocolate milk, hot chocolate made with milk <2% MF, <28g sugar, calcium > 25% DV • 100% Fruit juice • Yogurt Drinks <3.25% MF • 250 mL serving size limit for all beverages • Juice or Blends that are <100% juice • Milk-based beverages >28g sugar • Coffee, tea, fruit drinks, iced tea, soft drinks, energy drinks or sports drinks Differences between Elementary and Secondary School Beverage Standards For elementary schools For secondary schools • Limit on serving size for all beverages (e.g., 250 ml) • No coffee, tea, fruit drinks, iced tea, soft drinks, energy drinks or sports drinks • No limit on serving size (e.g., milk) Sell Less • Only decaffeinated coffee and tea allowed • Only diet and caffeinefree drinks allowed (e.g, diet non-cola pop) Practices to Support Implementation – Take a Comprehensive Approach School boards and principals are encouraged to take a comprehensive approach to healthy eating. The Foundations for a Healthy School framework helps school boards and principals with the implementation of the policy in a coordinated, integrated and holistic way. The four components of this framework include: Quality Instruction and Programs Healthy Physical Environment Supportive Social Environment Community Partnerships 25 Comprehensive School Nutrition High Quality Instruction and Programs Healthy Physical Environment • • • Nutrition education for students Nutrition education for staff • Healthy, culturally appropriate food choices are sold and offered (celebrations, fundraising, special lunch days etc) Safe food practices and allergy safe environment Supportive Social Environment Community Partnerships • • • • • • • Student Nutrition Programs Positive role modeling Appropriate scheduling of nutrition breaks Food and nutrition policies Parent, staff & student education Public Health, Parks and Recreation Community & parent partnerships (e.g., OPHEA, Heart and Stroke,after-school programs, catered lunch programs) Foundations for a Healthy School framework Health And Physical Education Curriculum School Food and Beverage Policy Health Literacy Students develop the skills needed to access, understand and use information to make healthy decisions. They will be able to understand, evaluate and communicate information in order to promote, maintain and improve health in a variety of settings across their life. 27 Teaching Healthy Eating There are many valuable opportunities for students to learn about healthy eating in a school, through classroom instruction, discussions, and through real life experiences with the food and beverages in the school environment (e.g., classroom celebration, lunch program). Subject/Program Kindergarten, 2006 and Grades Kindergarten Full-Day Early Learning – Kindergarten Location in the Curriculum Personal Growth and Development Health and Physical Activity Program (Draft) 2010 Health and Physical Education, Interim Grades 1-8 Edition, 2010 Social Studies, 2004 Healthy Living Living Skills Expectations Grades 1-6 Heritage and Citizenship and World Connections Science and Technology, 2007 Grades 1,2,3,5,6 Understanding Life Systems Grade 1 Understanding Matter and Energy 28 Resources Ministry of Education School Food and Beverage Policy Resource Guide Includes a policy overview, a detailed explanation of the nutrition standards, implementation strategies and a variety of templates, tips and other tools. Online learning modules at: Five interactive learning modules, designed to enable users to focus on topics of their choice and apply the online tools to their own school environment. Quick Reference Guide For use as a portable resource for purchasing food and beverages to sell in a school. Visit: 29 Supports Available Toronto Public Health – Chronic Disease Prevention Public Health Nurse EatRight Ontario (ERO) Talk to a Registered Dietitian toll-free at 1-877-510-5102 Send your questions to “Email a Registered Dietitian” at Find healthy eating information online at Registered Dietitians regularly update the ERO website with articles, tips and recipes. Nutrition tools such as videos on label reading offer interactive resources to support the development of healthy eating 30 habits. Ministry provided all schools $150.00 to support the implementation of this new policy and was spent by Sept. 30, 2010. Start •Initiate a health action team in your school •Survey students about food options they would like that meet the nutrition standards •Publish a healthy eating cookbook with recipes from students, staff & parents. Stop •Selling chips, candy and chocolate bars in tuck shops •Weekly pizza orders with only a meat lovers option (look for pizza options that meet the nutrition standards) •Having vending machine items that do not meet the nutrition standards Continue •Once a month CSAC hot dog sales (may use as an exempt day or look for food options that meet the nutrition standards) •Welcome BBQ to start the school year selling hot dogs and hamburgers (may use as an exempt day or look for options that meet the nutrition standards) •School wide Fruity Fridays that promotes students bringing fruit in their lunch on Fridays.