EDI Training October 2012 Alberta GUIDELINES FOR COORDINATORS Implementation EDI Organization & Administration EDI Completion Methods Electronic – web-based Getting Started School Authorities and schools informed & onside Database template complete and returned to Offord Parent consent letters Training logistics confirmed (dates, methods, etc.) Phase 1 - Immediately Database Template Provided via email and OCCS website 1) EDI Database Template (excel file) - collection of kindergarten class demographics - teacher email addresses - e-EDI Template.xls 2) EDI Instructions for Coordinators (word file) - detailed instructions on how to accurately complete the database template - Instuctions for Coordinators EDI Database template School Authority: Coordinator: School Teacher Name Name Pleasant Mrs. Doubtfire Child’s Date of Day Month 01 07 Child’s First Child’s Last Name Name Teacher Email dout@email.ca Birth Year 02 Johnny Appleseed Child’s ASN # Classroom Time 0015823 Child’s Gender Child’s Postal Code M L7N 2V6 am Assigning EDI IDs & Importing OCCS receives the database from coordinator *remove children’s names before sending, but keep a copy locally that includes the names OCCS assigns EDI identification numbers (unique for each child) and teacher passwords for e-EDI system OCCS imports the data into the e-EDI system OCCS sends class list – including teacher logins/ passwords and children’s EDI IDs – back to coordinator Assigning EDI IDs & Importing/Printing OCCS receives the database from coordinator with critical variables included OCCS assigns EDI identification numbers (unique per child) e-EDI - Administrator imports the data into the e-EDI system via the web 2 Class lists 1. Class list from OCCS which coordinators use to create class lists One for each class To Include: EDI ID, School name, Teacher name, Child’s local ID, date of birth, postal code and gender 2. Teachers are to be provided with a second class list (coordinator or SB responsibility) To Include: Child’s Name, School name, Teacher name, Child’s local ID, date of birth, postal code and gender This list will be used to match with list provided above Cross Referencing Class Lists Find the EDI ID# from the questionnaire on this ClassList generated by OCCS. Cross-reference the corresponding ASN # with the Local Class List. CLASSLIST GENERATED BY OCCS School Name Teacher Name EDI ID ASN # DOB Gender Class Time Valley School Mrs. X 02900101102 75-02 14/09/99 f am Valley School Mrs. X 02900101103 75-09 07/04/99 m am CLASSLIST GENERATED LOCALLY Teacher Name Mrs. X Child’s Last Name Child’s First Name Walsh Cindy ASN # 75-02 DOB Gender 14/09/99 f Mrs. X Gaskin Ashley 75-09 07/04/99 f Mrs. X Raos Robert 75-03 15/02/99 m PHASE 2: December/January You will receive a coordinators package and teachers packages by courier EDI Package Your EDI package will contain the following items bundled up for each teacher: • EDI Guide • e-EDI Manual • Coordinator’s Teacher Training Inventory e-EDI Package for Teachers Offord will supply each local coordinator with the following documents for distribution to the teachers… e-EDI Teachers Instruction Manual Teacher Information Sessions Recommended items to cover at Teacher Information Sessions Can be set up where teachers fill out questionnaires after training If e-EDI computer labs are suggested for training EDI Video (will be made available) Presentations (will be made available) Alberta EDI Children with Special Education Codes Can only respond YES to one of the below questions Must NOT be left blank Alberta EDI Alberta EDI Student status Child must be in class for at least one month and have consent from parents Alberta EDI GUIDE EDI GUIDE Alberta 2012/2013 Guide Ashley Gaskin agaskin@mcmaster.ca