India Panel Presentation

IEEE Teacher in Service
Program – India
T L Prasanna Venkatesan
Chair , TISP India Committee
Member , IEEE Educational Activities Board
TISP Symposium , Tampa , Florida
19th May 2012
TISP Volunteer workshop in Hyderabad – Trained
around 100 volunteers from 4 major IEEE Sections
Follow up teacher training workshops by volunteers
– Hyderabad – 4 Workshops = reaching 100 teachers
– Kerala – 2 Workshops = reaching 60 teachers
– Bangalore – 4 Workshops = reaching 100 teachers
Science clubs established in 2 shcools in Bangalore
Broader Organization
TISP India Committee – Established 2012
– Reports to R10 Educational Activities Committee and
provide quarterly reporting
– Constitution approved by R10 Director
– Chair appointed by R10 EAC
– Op-com members appointer by Chair
– Representatives appointed by Section Chairs
– Webmaster
– Invited external member ( preferably a school teacher )
– Other coopted members approved by voting members
How we are organized
Individual TISP Committees in Bangalore , Kerala and
Hyderabad Sections reporting to India committee via
section representative
Sections further have geographically distributed teams
in few districts
Most of these are based out of IEEE Entities in
Universities ~ IEEE Student Branches
Such entities put together teacher training workshops
Its working , but not ready to scale
Where do we get money from ?
We are still young – EAB is still baby sitting us
But not any more !! ;( ;(
Our section teams have managed to get budget for their
TISP Activities – USD 1000 per section
No way near to scaling
What do we want to do ???
Make every child in India learn science
by building engineering models
TISP in India
Teacher training and follow up workshops
– Train teachers on Hands on Training Activities
– Host follow up workshops in schools
– Lead and assist teachers to a point from where they are
comfortable hosting these workshops by themselves
Make it part of School Curriculum / Evaluation methods
– India education ministry urges schools to make continuous
evaluation part of agenda
– Schools and teachers need a reason to take it up . Not just
based on interest
TISP Centre of Excellence
A group of IEEE members / Engineers interested in
carrying out TISP Activity
Group part of a corporate organization , university ,
IEEE SB , or just a group of interested individuals
Have a clear plan of action to host teacher training
workshops, follow up workshops and sustain activity for
minimum one year
Sometimes they have a funds from parent organization
IEEE Supports with Volunteer training , funds (more
later) , brand etc
Interest from volunteers in couple of corporate and
university leadership
Plans for 2012
Hyderabad Section to liaison with Kendriya Vidyala
schools in Andhra Pradesh state to deliver training for
teachers from 50 Schools
Bangalore Section to deliver training to all teachers
from Tumkur School district in cooperation with the
State Government School department
Kerala Section to host TISP Week – 6 SB’s , 60 Schools
Many more workshops planned in association with few
SB’s and Universities
Crucial to achieve our goals
Account with IEEE Foundation
– IEEE TISP India Committee resolved to set up an account
with IEEE Foundation
– Seek funds from Individual / Corporate donors to fund
India wide efforts in to this account
Continue to request money from Section budget
Minimal opportunity to get money from R10 budget
Number of students known to have developed engineering
And our names !!
Prakash Sudhir
Namith Najeeb
Padmaprabodh Ambale
Rashmi Ambale
Ranjit Nair
TISP Committee
– Prakash Sudhir ( Vice Chair ) , Namith Najeeb ( Treasurer
) , K V Karthik ( Secretary ) , Manjunath Iyer ( Bangalore )
, Sabarinath Pillai ( Kerala ) , Prashant ( Hyderabad ) ,
Vijay ( Webmaster ) , Prasanna ( Chair )