George Washington High School

George Washington High School
Grade Level Assembly
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Believe it or not!
Only 179 school
days until you
walk across
the graduation
Your School Principals
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Our School Motto
Who Makes the Most Money?
Eagle Academics
Eagle Extra-Curricular Activities
The 8-Block Schedule
Agenda / continued.
Bell Schedule / Lunch Schedule
Food and Beverage Consumption
Bus Transportation
Campus-Wide Expectations
Internet Safety
Car Riders
Cell Phones
Agenda / continued.
Cheating / Plagiarism
Promotion / Classification
Graduate of Distinction Program
National Honor Society
Dress Code
Early Release / Late Arrival
Who Are My Guidance Counselors?
Hall Passes
Agenda / continued.
Lost and Found
Make-Up Work
Mid-Terms Exemption
Final Exam Exemption
Open Defiance
Parking Regulations
Senior Lunch Privileges
School Resource Officers (SRO)
Water Bottles on School Grounds
Questions & Answers
Your School Principals
Mr. Jackson, Principal – Grade 12
Mr. Toomer, Assistant Principal – Grade 11
Ms. Owens, Assistant Principal – Grade 9
Ms. Shelton, Assistant Principal – Grade 10
Ms. Hawkins, SPED Coordinator
Mission Statement
George Washington High School will provide
educational services of high quality that meet
or exceed the needs of each student to
achieve success in life.
Vision Statement
George Washington High School will prepare students
to enter the world of work or post-secondary education
in an effort to become productive citizens.
Our School Motto
Soaring to
Greatness in
Integrity, Character
and Pride.”
Who Makes the Most Money?
High School Dropout $17,299
High School Diploma $26,933
Associate’s Degree $36,645
Bachelor’s Degree $52,671
Eagle Academics
College Preparatory program
Dual Enrollment
Advanced Placement courses in Calculus AB,
Statistics, Environmental Science, Biology, English 11,
English 12, US History, European History/World History
II, Government Foreign Language
Governor’s School
$2.1 million awarded in scholarships
Eagle Extracurricular Activities
GWHS has 27 Interscholastic Athletic programs available
Academic Competition for Excellence (ACE)
16 of our student athletes have committed to playing at the
collegiate level
Varsity Football
Boys Basketball
Boys Track / Girls Track
Boys Golf
Girls Basketball
The 8-Block Schedule
▪ Each school day is divided into approximately four 95minute class periods, plus a 5-minute locker period.
Each class meets every other day on an “A” day
schedule and “B” day schedule. Students must plan for
each day in advance and check their calendars and
schedules carefully.
The 8-Block Schedule / continued.
▪ All students are enrolled in 8 classes, which allows
them to experience a wide variety of academic
possibilities – college preparatory, Career and
Technical and general education. After September
2013, there will be no non-scheduled periods in any
student’s schedule.
The 8-Block Schedule / continued.
▪ The “8-Block” schedule is more than simply an innovative way of
using school time. Rather, it is a scheduling system, which
embraces the philosophy that it is more important to teach
students to learn than to teach them facts. The “8-Block”
schedule cannot be implemented simply by asking teachers to
combine two of their “old” 45-minute lesson plans into one 95minute period. The curriculum has been restructured, with some
parts of the old content being discarded and teaching strategies
put into place that emphasize student involvement, research
and learning.
The 8-Block Schedule / continued.
The typical “8-Block” class period will be designed to
include: reviews, homework assessment, presentation of
new content, quiz and test time, constant feedback
techniques, hands-on experiences and guided practice.
We hope our attendance rate increases and encourage
you to study the attendance policy in the Student
Handbook very carefully.
The staff and administration at GWHS are pleased to
share the “8-Block” schedule experience with you.
School Attendance – It’s the law!
Student are required by law to attend school until age
18, as stated in the Code of Virginia § 22.1-254
Late Arrival, Checkouts report to Pupil Accounting.
See Ms. Martin, Secretary
Excused Absences:
1. Doctor/Medical appointment (Documentation)
2. Court appointment (Documentation)
3. Death in immediate family (Parent contact)
4. Religious holiday
5. School related activity approved by administration
Attendance / continued.
An absence will only be deemed “excused” if a note is given to the
attendance officer the day the student returns to school. The note
submitted to the attendance officer MUST contain the following
1. Full name of the student (PRINTED)
2. Exact reason for the absence, including date of the
3. Student’s grade level
4. Phone number (home and work) of the person writing the
5. Signature of the person excusing the student
It is important for all
students to be in the
classroom “ready to
work” when the tardy bell
rings. Students who are
not in the classroom
when the bell rings will
be considered “tardy.”
Tardy Consequences
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: Documented parent phone call by teacher
3rd Offense: Discipline referral and administrative letter
4th Offense: Teacher assigned Lunch Detention
5th Offense: Referral, 1-day of ISS for that particular
Subsequent tardy: See Student Handbook, page 16
Bell Schedule
08:10 a.m. – Locker Bell
08:15 a.m. – Warning Bell
08:20 a.m. – Tardy Bell
08:20 a.m.-09:50 a.m. – 1st Block
09:55 a.m.-11:30 a.m. – 2nd Block
3rd Block – See Next Slide
01:45 p.m.-03:20 p.m. – 4th Block
What Lunch Do You Have?
1st Lunch
11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
3rd Block Class
12:05 p.m.-01:40 p.m.
– E-Wing
– A-Wing
What Lunch Do You Have?
3rd Block Class
11:35 a.m.-12:20 p.m.
2nd Lunch
12:20 p.m.-12:50 p.m.
3rd Block Class/Continued.
12:55 p.m.-01:40 p.m.
What Lunch Do You Have?
3rd Lunch
01:10 p.m.-01:40 p.m.
3rd Block Class
11:35 a.m.-01:10 p.m.
Food and Beverage Consumption
All food and beverages must be consumed in the cafeteria.
Students who bring lunches from home must also consume this
food in the cafeteria.
The administration is researching the feasibility of extending the
privilege of students having lunch in the courtyard. This will an
opportunity for each student to demonstrate PRIDE for our
Food and drinks purchased from outside vendors or restaurants
are prohibited on school grounds.
Selling candy or other food items are prohibited by individuals
not associated with an approved campus club.
Bus Transportation
Riding the bus is a privilege
When the dismissal bell
sounds, walk orderly and
quickly to your designated
If you’re late, you will most
likely be left behind
Campus-Wide Rules and Expectations
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Be Safe …
Keep hands and feet to self;
Know emergency drills;
Walk quietly into classroom, library, auditorium, computer lab
and find seat;
Keep chair legs flat on floor;
Walk to the right side of the hallway;
Know your PIN number;
Never share your PIN number with another student(s); and
Follow directions first time given.
Be Responsible …
Turn off and put away cell phone or electronic device;
Be prepared and participate in class;
Take out materials for class;
Make good choices;
Accept ownership of your actions;
Do not leave the room unless permission is given by teacher;
Have materials organized;
Always try to do your best;
Respect privacy;
Report problems to campus security, administrator, SRO; and
Accept consequences without arguing or complaining.
Be Respectful …
Listen politely;
Follow teachers’ directives;
Respect others thoughts/opinions;
Talk with an appropriate volume and respectful tone;
Raise your hand to speak and wait patiently;
Ask permission to use things that don’t belong to you;
Keep assigned area clean, including desk;
Discard trash appropriately; clean up eating area;
Don’t cut the lunch line;
Use good table manners; and
Use a “restaurant” voice in the cafeteria.
Internet Safety
1. Give out my name or my parent’s names.
2. Give out my address or phone number.
3. Send or receive pictures from anyone
4. Give my e-mail address or password to anyone.
5. Get together with anyone I meet on the Internet.
I will tell my parents if I get a message that is mean or
makes me feel uncomfortable.
Car Riders
Car riders should be dropped off and picked up in
the Gymnasium/Cafeteria parking lot only.
Cell Phone Usage
GWHS is NOT responsible for items lost or stolen.
Music playing devices must be used with headphones
or ear buds. Music playing devices may be used
during limited times during the school day.
Cell phones may be used during limited times during
the school day.
This Usage Policy will operate on a “trial basis”
only from August 12-December 13, 2013.
Cell Phone Usage
Cell phones may NOT be used during class time.
Can I use my cell phone if I have a note to report to the
restroom, guidance, main office, library, etc., etc., etc.?
Answer – “NO!” Remember, cell phones may not be
used during class (instructional) time.
When the Warning Bell sounds, cell phones and all
electronic devices must be powered down and put
Cell Phone Usage
No calls may be placed during the lunch block as most
students are in class at that time, only before first lunch
and after the last lunch.
Absolutely no pictures shall be taken during the school
Students are not permitted to possess a cell phone or
electronic device during SOL testing, PSAT, SAT, ACT,
AP, or teacher-made tests/quizzes.
Cheating / Plagiarism
Cheating directly undermines the integrity of the
educational process and will not be accepted or
condoned by any teacher.
Cheating corrupts true learning and denies fair
evaluation of all students.
Consequences: No credit for that particular work and
disciplinary referral
Promotion / Classification
Promotion is based upon EARNED credits:
To be classified as a 10th grader, a student must have earned a
minimum of five (5) standard units of credit.
To be classified as an 11th grader, a student must have earned a
minimum of eleven (11) standard units of credit to include ninth and
tenth grade English, and three (3) verified units of credit.
To be classified as a 12th grader, a student must have earned a
minimum of seventeen (17) standard units of credit, one of which must
be eleventh grade English, have five (5) verified units of credit to
include the End-of-Course SOL English 11-Reading, English 11Writing, and one (1) EOC SOL Mathematics.
Graduate of Distinction
The Graduate of Distinction program is designed to
recognize those students who have demonstrated the
characteristics and traits necessary to be a successful
high school student.
These are the same characteristics and traits that form
the foundation for a successful post-secondary life.
For more information, please refer to page 28 of the
2013-2014 Student Handbook.
National Honor Society
Membership is an honor bestowed upon a student.
Selection is based on outstanding scholarship, character,
leadership, and service.
Candidate must have been in attendance at GWHS the
equivalent of one semester.
Candidate must have a cumulative scholastic average of at least
a 3.25 as determined by GWHS weighted ranking system.
Any disciplinary offense is considered a flagrant violation of
school rules; therefore, no warning is necessary for dismissal.
Dress Code
(1 of 3 slides)
The administration, faculty and staff of GWHS feel that
young adults will want to take pride in their appearance
and dress.
Through the dress code, we seek to protect you and to
prepare you for the expectations of the work and
academic worlds beyond high school. Dress with selfrespect and decency in mind.
Dress Code
(2 of 3 slides)
Hats and headdresses of any kind are not be worn in school
building during the regular school day. Hats worn in the building
will be confiscated.
Clothing which advertises controlled substances and/or tobacco
products are not permitted in school. Likewise, clothing with
vulgar language and/or weapons are not to be worn.
Students must wear shoes.
Sunglasses are not permitted to be worn.
Bandanas, bandana print paraphernalia, gang insignia and
tagging of any sort are not allowed at school, on any book, book
bag, skin or any other item.
Dress Code
(3 of 3 slides)
SHIRTS: The neckline of all garments must not be low or
revealing. The shoulder seam of the garment must be at least 2
inches wide and be worn on the natural shoulder. While
standing, no skin may show at the waistline, front or back.
BOTTOMS: The top layer of dresses, shorts and skirts must
hang at the knee at all times. Jeggings, Leggings, Yoga pants
or bike shorts may not be worn. No sagging pants, no
undergarments may be visible at any time. No holes in jeans
above the knee.
No see-through fabric allowed.
Dress Code Consequences
1st Offense – WARNING; Student is sent to office either to
change or have parent bring appropriate clothing. If clothing is
not changed, student will be sent to In-School Suspension (ISS)
for the remainder of the school day.
2nd Offense – 1 day ISS
3rd Offense – 1 day Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)
4th Offense – 3 days OSS
5th Offense – 5 days OSS
6th Offense – 7 days OSS
Early Release / Late Arrival
Students will only be granted Early Release or Late Arrival
based solely on the following conditions. DPS established these
conditions in an effort to ensure that time spent away from
school is meaningful and will advance the students in their
future endeavors:
The student is enrolled in a college course at Danville Community
College (DCC) or online;
The student is enrolled in an internship with a local business or
The student is gainfully employed.
Supportive documentation is required for verification.
Fighting will not be tolerated on school grounds. Neither verbal
nor physical confrontations will be tolerated and both will result
in a referral. Students are encouraged to seek mediation
through the guidance office, an administrator, or School
Resource Officer (SRO) prior to escalation.
Major physical confrontations will result in a maximum of ten
(10) days out-of-school suspension for the first offense with a
recommendation to the Disciplinary Hearing and Review Board
for a long-term suspension for the remainder of the school year.
Who Is My Guidance Counselor?
Mr. Geyer
Grade 9: Health Careers Academy (HCA)
Grade 10: HCA and Technology Studies Academy
Grade 11: HCA and TSA
Grade 12: HCA and TSA
Who Is My Guidance Counselor?
Ms. McKinnie
Grade 9: G – M
Grade 10: H – M
Grade 11: C, K – Q
Grade 12: C, L – R
Who Is My Guidance Counselor?
Ms. Lyons
Grade 9: N – Z
Grade 10: N – Z
Grade 11: A, D, E, R – Z
Grade 12: A, D, E, S – Z
Who Is My Guidance Counselor?
Mr. Wilkes
Grade 9: A – F
Grade 10: A – G
Grade 11: B, F – J
Grade 12: F, F – K
College Advisor
Ms. Quilpa
College Prep
Academic Presentation Resources
SAT and ACT Registration
Financial Aid
Hall Passes
Hall passes are REQUIRED
when students are dismissed
from class during scheduled
class time.
Hall passes must be properly
filled out to be valid, and
must be shown to school
personnel upon request.
Student lockers are property of the school and remain at all
times under the control of the school; however, students are
expected to assume full responsibility for the security of their
Do not share your locker with anyone, including your locker
Periodic general inspections of lockers may be conducted by
school authorities for any reason, at any time, without notice,
without student consent, and without a search warrant.
Lost and Found
During the course of the school year, many articles are
lost or misplaced. If a student finds an article, it should
be delivered immediately to the Campus Security Desk.
If the loss is reported to the student’s teacher when the
article is discovered missing, attempts will be made to
locate lost articles.
Make-Up Work
Students who are absent from school or classes are responsible
for making up work missed during their absences.
Students will be granted one (1) day to make up work for every
day absent, unless the individual teacher gives permission to
extend the time.
If this procedure is not followed, the teacher is not required to
accept the work.
It is the student’s responsibility to get the work from the teacher.
Students are not to take prescription or nonprescription medicines at school except as provided for
by the guidelines set forth by Danville Public Schools.
No medicine will be given at school without prior written
parental consent and the student’s own medication.
Students are NEVER to be in POSSESSION of overthe-counter medication or prescription
Mid-Term Exams
There will be no
exam exemption
for mid-term
Final Exam Exemption
Any student in Grade 9 through Grade 12 who has a course
average of at least a “C” (i.e., 77-85) or better computed prior to
the exam and has had no more than six (6) cumulative
absences during the school term may be exempt from the final
examination in a class.
In order to offer an incentive for students to succeed on the
EOC SOL tests, a point system was created where students can
earn credit towards their final exam grade. Refer to page 31-32
of the 2013-2014 Student Handbook for more details.
Open Defiance / Disrespect
No student shall show disrespect towards a staff member or another
Disrespect includes abusive language to staff members and students.
Any student who disobeys a reasonable or otherwise openly defies a
school staff member shall be subject to out-of-school suspension and
considered for expulsion.
The minimum penalty is some type of suspension; the maximum
penalty is three (3) days of OSS.
Failing to give a staff member your correct name will be considered an
act of defiance, resulting in at least one (1) day of out-of-school
Parking Lot Regulations
Parking Permits may be purchased at the Security
Desk at $15.00 each.
Senior Parking Only – Parking lot across from Broad
Junior, Sophomore, Freshman Parking – Gymnasium
parking lot, Technology Studies Building parking lot
(Vocational Building), or Christopher Lane parking lot.
Senior Lunch Privileges
Absolutely NO UNDERCLASSMEN have the privilege to leave
campus for lunch.
Any student leaving school grounds for lunch will not be covered
by school insurance.
Students are prohibited from bringing food purchased off
campus at lunch back to the school for consumption.
All tardies resulting from students leaving campus for lunch will
be recorded as “unexcused.”
Seniors are held responsible for students riding in their vehicles.
Violations of Senior Lunch Privileges
Seniors who leave campus with a Non-GWHS person(s).
Failure to return to campus on time from lunch.
Bringing food and/or beverage on school grounds from outside
vendors or restaurants.
1st Offense: The senior student is restricted to having his or her
lunch in the cafeteria for one semester and one day of ISS.
2nd Offense: The senior student in violation is assigned a 1-day
OSS. The student is issued a restriction to the cafeteria for the
remainder of the school year (with assigned seating).
School Resource Officer
The School Resource Officer
(SRO) program is designed
to provide a liaison between
school and law enforcement.
The major purposes of the
program are to facilitate
communication and foster
positive relationships.
Water Bottles
Students are permitted to only bring water in a clear
water bottle to school.
Questions & Answers
A Diploma.
Don’t Leave School Without One!