Maths Tracker v3.3 Instructions for use ADMIN (powerpoint)

User Guide
The Maths Tracker by Schools Development Group is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Slide No
Summary of Content
Introduction and Rationale
An overview of The Maths Tracker …
Visual overview of how the Maths Tracker is organised
Initial set-up of the Maths Tracker
How to set The Maths Tracker up on your shared drive
Copying student information from Integris
Copy information from Integris
18 - 21
Enabling Macros
Security information
22 - 23
Custom Menu : Admin Tab
Extra menu option for administrators (password protected)
Folder Selection
How to link Student and Teacher files to The Maths Tracker
Import Integris Student Files
How to import student information from csv files
Export Selected Teacher (Form) Files
How to send files to teachers
Import all Teacher (Form) Files in selected folder
How to retrieve files from teachers
29 -34
New students and student leaving
How to manage student movement
35 - 38
Updated Versions of the programme
How to import data from old versions to new.
39 - 42
Creating Student Groups
How to assign students to groups
43 -45
Student Grade Data and Reports
How to input grade data and run grade reports and graphs
26 - 27
The Maths Tracker : The Schools Development Group (2014)
The Maths Tracker has been developed as part of a joint project between the
Schools Development Group and the Department of Education of WA.
The Schools Development Group is a not-for-profit organisation established in
1980 due to a need to provide exchange on co- operative teaching approaches
and school design improvements. The activities of the Group have come from
identified needs in public education by educators and parents in schools as well
supporting education specialists. Visit for
more information.
The Maths Tracker is a culmination of two years work. The working party
comprised of Administrators, Classroom Teachers and Numeracy Specialists
from schools across the state including Huntingdale Primary School, Highgate
Primary School, Halls Creek Primary School, O’Connor Primary School and
Jurien Bay District High as well as Consultants from the Department of Education
Rationale and Aims
The purpose of The Maths Tracker is to provide teachers with a resource that
assists with planning, teaching and assessment of the Mathematics contained in
the Australian Curriculum (v6.0). It contains the Content Descriptors taken directly
from ACARA documents. Each Content Descriptor has been linked to
checkpoints that have been carefully written as student behaviours that are
observable and recordable.
The Maths Tracker has the facility to monitor student progress through the content
and their assigned grades for each semester. It also has the capacity for teachers
to write brief anecdotal notes about their students. An important function of The
Maths Tracker is to be a resource that collects comprehensive data on numeracy
development for a whole school, year level, class and individual students. It is
possible to roll the data over from year to year, thus providing a valuable means of
effective communication between the admin team and teachers within a school.
Proficiency Strands:
The Maths Tracker contains elaborations of the Content Strand of Australian
Curriculum Mathematics only. Teachers also need to be cognisant of the
Proficiency Strands of Understanding, Fluency, Problem-Solving and Reasoning.
These describe the ‘doing of the maths’ or the skills required to work
mathematically. The students’ aptitude for the proficiencies will guide the teacher
when assigning grades or making decisions about the achievement of particular
Content Descriptors. Some of the checkpoints in The Maths Tracker lend
themselves to the assessment of the proficiencies. These typically begin with
verbs such as “describe” , “explain” , “justify” etc... Teachers are encouraged to
consider both Content and Proficiency Strands equally when making an
on-balance judgements about student achievement.
First Steps in Maths and Teaching Points
The Maths Tracker contains references to First Steps in Mathematics.
First Steps in Mathematics is a series of teacher resource books that is
organised around sets of mathematics outcomes for Number,
Measurement, Space, and Chance and Data. The series will help
teachers to diagnose, plan, implement and judge the effectiveness of the
learning experiences they provide for students. A hyperlink to this
resource is on the Title Page and can be freely accessed with a DET
(WA) Portal log-in. The reference is written as a link to Key
Understandings which is denoted as “KU”.
Some of the checkpoints have clarifying teaching points
that have been written by experienced
Numeracy Specialists as an elaboration
to the Content Descriptor or Checkpoint.
First Steps in Mathematics © Department of Education WA 2013
Moderation and Consistency
The accuracy of any whole school monitoring system is always dependent
upon the quality and consistency of teacher judgement. Moderation
between teachers is essential if consistency is to be maintained. It is
envisaged that the Maths Tracker will provide the catalyst for professional
conversations around the planning, teaching and assessment of Australian
Curriculum Mathematics and can be used as a basis for collaborative
planning and the analysis of whole school strengths and weaknesses in the
teaching of numeracy.
The Maths Tracker :
The Schools Development Group (2014)
A few notes:
This program requires you to enable macros on your computer in order to read it.
(See slide 19) This is not possible if you have your security settings set too high.
The setting needs to be medium.
It is important that schools devise protocols for the effective sharing of files. The
Admin version of the programme should be kept on a secure drive for admin use
only and the teacher files should be kept on a shared drive that is accessible to all
teachers and admin. The teacher files may be copied and updated elsewhere (eg
at home or on personal laptops) ...but it is essential that all changes are re-saved
into the shared drive. Admin staff need to take care to only make updates to
teacher files if it is the current and up to date file to safeguard against lost data.
The Maths Tracker :
The Schools Development Group (2014)
The Maths Tracker
Schools Development Group TEMPLATE
Student data
copied from
School Admin Copy
Contains data on all students in the school and is
to be stored in a secure drive with Admin access
Teacher Copy
Contains data on student in one class only and is
to be stored in a shared drive with Admin and
Teacher access
Generated about achievement of Whole School,
Year Level, Classroom, Groups and Individual Students
Initial set-up of the Maths Tracker
(Please note: If you also use the English Tracker, see slide 14
for alternative instructions )
1. Create a new folder named “The Maths Tracker “Name of School Date” in a
secure drive that is admin access only. Save the Tracker Template (.xlsm) to this
folder. ( eg The Maths Tracker Huntingdale Primary School 010714)
2. . Create 2 sub folders in this folder. Name these:
Student Input (This will contain student details in csv files)
Reports (This will be a holding folder for any reports that are run at
particular times)
The Maths Tracker :
The Schools Development Group (2014)
Initial set-up of the Maths Tracker
(your admin folder should look like this)
The Maths Tracker :
The Schools Development Group (2014)
Initial set-up of the Maths Tracker
3. Create a new folder in a shared drive that all teachers and admin
staff can access.
Name this folder “Teacher Feedback Files”
Admin Folder:
•Template excel doc
•Student Input
Teacher Feedback Files
(empty at this stage)
The Maths Tracker :
The Schools Development Group (2014)
Set up for both the Maths
and English Trackers
Secure Admin Drive
Shared Drive
Create one folder named Maths and English
Create one folder named Tracker
Teacher Feedback Files
Sub Folders:
Student Input Folder **
English Reports
Maths Reports
Maths Tracker.xlms
English Tracker.xlms
Sub Folders:
• Maths Teacher Feedback Files
• English Teacher Feedback Files
** Note
Both English and Maths Trackers
will read the same csv files in
The English Tracker :
Student Input Folder.
The Schools Development Group (2014)
Copying student information
from Integris
1. Open Integris. You are about to make a list of students for each
year level. Using binoculars icon, identify the list of required
students using drop down boxes. Click Find .
Using the Year
group filter, search for
each year level , one
at a time.
Copying student information
from Integris
2. Highlight all students in that group and click Select. This builds a ‘browse set’
3. Click the “Send Letter” icon (It looks like a letter and a pencil) then select
“Produce a CSV file for use in subsequent mail merge”. Click OK.
Copying student information
from Integris
4. There should be a message “building files”
Save csv file in the Student Input Folder that was
created in the secure drive earlier.
(eg Year K.csv, Year 6.csv)
5. Repeat this process until all year groups have been
saved. Your Student Input Folder should now contain
CSV files for all year groups in your school.
Copying student
information from Integris
! Care ….. These files contain personal information about your
students. Ensure they are in a secure drive.
The Tracker only requires the information in columns A – K of the
csv files. You can highlight all columns L onwards and ‘clear
contents’. This will delete sensitive information such as
addresses, phone numbers and custody information.
Open The Maths Tracker...
In order to use the document, you will need to enable macros.
Please ensure that the security settings on your computer are set to
“medium” ....macros cannot be enabled if the settings are too high.
Enabling macros
Each time you
open the file
you will need
to “Enable
Enabling macros
Add-ins Tab
A new tab called “Addins” will appear across
top of page. Click this
to view a custom
toolbar menu
containing the
following tabs:
Enabling macros
This custom menu contains all functions that you will need to operate and
maintain The Maths Tracker. It is not necessary to use any of the other standard
Excel functions. ( fact it is BEST not to)
As the Administrator, you now need to activate the Admin tab to display extra
menu items.
Custom Menu : Admin Tab
This tab allows extra Admin menus to be displayed. Click Display Admin Menus.
It is password protected. The password is PASSWORD (all caps)
There is also an extra tab on left named “Folder Selection”
The Maths Tracker :
The Schools Development Group (2014)
Folder Selection
This tab is where links are made to your student input files
(csv files from Integris) and also to Teacher Feedback and
Reports Files.
Click ‘Folder Selection’ and then ‘Select All’
Click “Browse” button in Student Input row. Select the file you created in secure drive name
“Student Input” (don’t open it)
Repeat for Teacher Feedback and Reports Folders (remember the Teacher Feedback Files
are in a different drive) Click OK. The title page will be displayed with these links. Check that
they are correct.
The Maths Tracker :
The Schools Development Group (2014)
should now
be file
recorded in
rows 7 – 9.
Go to
menu and
save this
Import Integris Student Files
You are now going to import your student details into the programme.
Click the Students Tab then click the “Import Integris Student Files”
You will see a message in bottom left hand corner of screen saying “Please
wait ....importing student data”. When it is complete, all of the students in
your school will be displayed in alphabetical order.
Click Utilities tab and then “View Title Page” to get back to title page.
The Maths Tracker :
The Schools Development Group (2014)
Export Selected Teacher (Form) Files
You are now going to export a copy of the programme for
each class (form) in your school.
1. Using the Tables tab, click Form. You will see a list of all the
classes (room numbers) in your school.
2. Type a Y next to every one of them that you wish to create a
file for. Most likely, this will be all of them. Click Save this file
in the Save/Quit tab
The Maths Tracker :
The Schools Development Group (2014)
3. Click Admin tab, then “Export selected Teacher (Form) files”.
You will see a message in bottom left hand corner of screen saying “Please
wait....saving teacher file for Room 01, then progress through until all Room
numbers have been saved.
You have just created a teacher file for each class and they are saved in the folder
named “Teacher Feedback Files” that you created in the shared drive during initial set
At this point, go to Save/Quit tab and Close this file. Make sure you select “yes” to
save changes. (It is best not to have the admin version open at the same time as a
teacher file it can be confusing)
Now go to Teacher Feedback files (in shared drive) ....these are the files that your
teacher can access to view and update their student information. Notice the Form and
date issued information in cells with yellow background ......this colour differentiates a
teacher file from the admin file (it is the only visible difference). Teacher files and
Admin files work in exactly the same way...but Teacher files only have data for that
particular class.
The Maths Tracker :
The Schools Development Group (2014)
Import all Teacher (Form) Files in selected folder
The Teachers will now go ahead and update information on their files. At some point in
time, usually at the end of a term or semester, the Administrators will want to collate
the data back into the master copy kept in the secure drive. Make sure the teachers
are aware that you are going to do this so that they have their updated files saved in
the nominated shared drive.
Open the admin version of the programme. Display admin menus.
Click Admin tab and then “Import all Teacher (Form) Files in selected folder”
There will be a message in bottom left hand corner of screen saying “Please wait,
importing teacher feedback data from students achievement data entry
for room ....” The teachers data is now saved into the admin version of the
The Maths Tracker :
The Schools Development Group (2014)
New Students and Students leaving
your school
When a new student arrives:
1.Save a new csv file for that year level from Integris. Save this in Student Input
folder. When computer gives message “File already exists, do you want to replace yes.
2.Open Admin menus on admin version in secure drive, using PASSWORD.
3.Use Admin tab to “Import all Teacher (Form) Files in selected folder”
4.Use Student tab to “Import Integris Student Files.”
5.Follow procedure for “Export Selected Teacher (Form) ....but only place a “Y” next
to the class that you wish to update with new student.
6.IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure the teacher is aware that you are updating the
teacher file. You need to be sure that the file is the current file and all teacher
updates that have been made are saved.
When a student leaves:
1.Use the admin tab to select “Mark/Unmark students for deletion.
2. Identify the student(s) who have left. Click pink button
“Mark selected students for deletion”
3. You can leave students marked for deletion, and archive their records
periodically (eg: once a term)
When you are ready to archive the students’ records and
delete them from the student list,
click “Delete and Archive students marked for deletion”
4. Browse your computer to select a folder to keep archived records.
A folder within the “Reports folder” may be a good place.
Rename the archive file to a date or name of student…
An Archive File….has 2 sheets.
Sheet 1: Student Data
This contains ‘deleted’ student details
Sheet 2: Achievement Data
This contains details of any
achievements made by the students
in the file. (These can be re-entered if the student returns.
See Schools Development Group administration for more details )
It will be necessary to send updated versions of The Maths Tracker throughout the
year. We will be making minor changes and upgrades as issues and concerns are
raised. Updated versions will be placed in the Library if The Maths Tracker
Connect Community.
When you receive an update, save it to the admin secure drive:
1. Open current admin version of the Maths Tracker. Display admin menus. Use Admin menu to
“Import all teacher (form) files in selected folder”. Close this file.
2. Open NEW version in usual manner and enable macros. Display admin menus.
3. Use Admin menu to “Import all data from previous version of the program”
4. This will prompt you to select the folder where current admin version is stored. Highlight the
current version and click open.
1.When all data has been
imported, this message will pop
up . Click OK. You should have
students data and achievement
data in the new file. Check by
“View students by surname” and
“View achievements”
2.You need to re - enter the file
paths for the folders Student
Input, Reports and Teacher
Feedback files. Either open ‘old’
version and copy cells B7 : E9 on
title page and paste this into cells
B7:E9 on new version or…..
Click ‘Folder Selection’ , Display
All, and then browse your
computer for these file paths.
(See Slide 23)
Please note:
Note 1:
After importing data from current version to new version, it is an opportune time to ensure you
have all student details correct. Add any new students and/or delete students who have left the
Note 2:
Version 3.2 is written in .xlsm format. Version 2.1 was written in .xls format. Therefore, the new
teacher files will not just replace the files that are currently in the teacher feedback files. It is
advisable to copy the current teacher feedback files and archive them. Then delete them from
the teacher feedback files folder in shared drive. Do this before exporting the new version out to
teacher files.
To export new Teacher Files:
3.In new Admin version, use Tables tab to select the forms (classes ) that require a new copy of
the Tracker. Click ‘Tables’ then ‘form’ and place a “Y”
4.Use Admin tab to “export selected teacher (form) files”.
Student Groups
The Maths Tracker V3.2 has the capacity to group students into 8 different groups. Schools have the choice to
label these groups as best suits their context and needs of the students.
As a suggestion, Admin could ‘pre label’ in 3 or 4 of these groups before exporting the
Tracker to the teachers. For example, “ESL”, ‘Indigenous”, “Special Needs”etc… This would leave
4 or 5 groups unlabelled and allow teachers to group their students according to working maths groups
within the classroom. Groups are always flexible ….and students can be in more than one group.
To label groups, Click on
‘Tables’ tab and select
‘Student Group’ Type in
column B to change the
title of each group
To assign Student Groups
Click on “Students’ tab
Select “Update Student
Attribute data”
Highlight a student
Click yes (or no) for a
particular group
Click green “Update attributes”
after each student.
When finished, click Close.
there will be a “Y” next to
students name in columns K – R
as appropriate.
Students can be grouped by either
admin or teachers.
Using Student Groups
Tab and
Choose the
group for which
you wish to run
The report will be labeled with
name of group and the date of
the report.
This function is useful for the
provision for differentiation and
Student Grades Data
Use ‘’ Students’’ tab to
“Update Student Grade
Input grade data. You are
able to select multiple
students at one time.
Using “Reports” tab,
Select “Grades reports and
View data by
View data by count /
In this view, if you
double click on the
numbers in the grade
chart, you will
see which students
attained that grade.
This is a pivot table.
Advanced users of
Excel will be able to
re-sort this table and
drag categories around
to compare groupings
and data.
Double click on
numbers to see
student names