Understanding Art and Design - St John`s CE Primary School

Understanding the Arts and Design - 2012/13
Develop children’s understanding
of art as a explorative process
and the role of the sketchbook.
• Children to see examples of using a
sketchbook as a process
• Each class to be visited by an artist who
will show sketch books to children and talk
about how they use their sketch books.
Spring Term
• Staff and children to discuss
purpose of sketch books and model
exemplary examples regularly
Develop the use of examples and
techniques of craftworkers.
• Guidance give to staff re
incorporating into planning before
spring term
• Tudor topic to focus on tapestry in
spring term
Develop children’s understanding
of composition.
• Planning for 3 compositions a year
focusing on whole school genres.
• Genre of term – played in
assemblies, at lunchtimes and in
• Children to learn about current
process of composition in recording
studio – possible trip?
To raise the profile of dance.
• Evidence of purposeful
sketchbooks with samples of work
that reflect an explorative
• Work scrutiny Spring term – Staff
meeting time
•Release time for Working Party
• AfL/marking feedback in books
• TR to talk to staff before spring term
about ideas for art. – staff meeting time
(30 minutes) beginning of spring term
• Release time for Working Party
• Evidence in planning
• All Staff to include in long term and
medium term planning – ongoing Work
scrutiny by Working Party – Summer term
•Resources for project (ask
parents for scrap material,
thread etc)
• TR to work with MD to provide planning
ideas/templates for composition work?
• All staff to have evidence of planning and
carry out lessons.
• ongoing Work scrutiny by Working Party –
once a term
• TR to provide CDs and make sure these
are available for assemblies, lunch,
classrooms etc.
• TR to research possibility of school trip
or resources that could support children’s
understanding (liaise with SZ and MD)
Summer term
• Work Scrutiny
• Work scrutiny
• Evidence in planning
• Evidence of children’s work –
recording of composition
• Cost of music download?
• Cost of possible trip?
• Cost of resources
• An increased knowledge of
different genres, song writers and
• Evidence of trip and understanding
of composition in a context
• Working Party Meeting with specialist.
• Whole school dance project in
Summer term.
• Staff meeting time with a specialist in
spring 1) and to plan for summer project.
• Planning in dance will build skills to
work up to dance project.
• All staff to plan for dance that will
support final project.
• Time to be allocated to practise as whole
•Cost of specialist training
•Cost of music
• Evidence of planning
• Evidence of project outcome and
process through photography and
• Timetabled slots given
Curriculum Review July 2013 Understanding the Arts and Design
Position Statement
In this area of learning we did the following well:
• There is some evidence in some year groups of art as a process and exploration in art that is
documented in sketch books. In spring children had experience of weaving or sewing or both across all
year groups. In the summer a photography week was completed. This was very successful and built upon
some of the areas of development we had seen through work scrutiny.
•The development of composition is working well with the use of MD and TR. The profile of music has
been raised with a successful music evening which showcased all of our children who are part of the
range of music tuition we have at St John’s
•All children had a focus on Tudor dance in the Spring term and a dance project planned and due to be
completed in July 2013.
In this area of learning we need to develop:
• A consistent approach and coverage across year groups. We feel coverage should be decided with colleagues in
school for the school at the beginning of the year once we know our whole school themes. Therefore all arts
subjects are to have pre-decided coverage which compliments the whole school themes. Artists, composers and
choreographers work to study will be included in this.
• Evidence of children’s opinions of artists, their own and other pupils’ work needs to be in their sketch book.
• Displaying art achievements in the KS2 and KS1 creative area. One child to be picked per term by the teacher
to be put into a special frame on the achievement display.
•Teachers to have a discussion as to what support they need when MD is not teaching their class.
Understanding the Arts and Design - 2013/14
•To ensure and develop a
consistent approach and
coverage across year groups
and arts subjects.
• Middle managers to ensure that
coverage art, music and dance
topics are built into whole school
long term planning grid when
deciding themes for the following
•TR to meet with middle managers when
whole school themes have been decided to
support in deciding which areas of art, music
and dance fit in with the theme.
•Time for TR to meet with middle
• Evidence on whole school long term
planning grid
• Class teachers to ensure that art
work is completed in sketch books
and dance is recorded as evidence
in shared area.
• Class teachers will ensure that
they plan for arts subjects in line
with the whole school long term
planning grid.
• To develop and ensure
evidence of children’s
opinions of artists, their own
and other pupils’ work needs
to be in their sketch book
linked to the whole school
agenda of AFL.
•To develop assessment in
music now that MD and TR
are teaching all music
• Children to start art topics with
looking at examples of area of art
and/or an artist that works in this
area. They are to have evidence in
their sketch book for their
development of opinion of the
artists’/art work.
• Children to have an I can at the
top of their art work and they and
their peers should have the
opportunity to comment on their
work in line with this.
• TR to develop a planning and
assessment proforma to use across
year groups.
•Teachers to make sure art is completed in
sketch book and TR to monitor this with
book scrutiny,
•Teachers to record dance and put in shared
area. TR to monitor.
•Teachers to plan for art and dance using
the whole school long term planning grid and
TR to monitor through looking at plans.
•TR will liaise with MD on behalf of teachers
to ensure he covers music in line with whole
school themes.
•TR to create a planning proforma for MD to
•Teachers to plan for artists/examples that
show children the style of artwork they are
learning about and provide time and
evidence in sketch books where children can
develop an opinion about this art work.
•Time for TR to complete work
• Evidence in sketch book and on
shared area.
•Time for TR to meet with MD
and monitor planning.
• Evidence in planning and sketch
•Time for TR for book scrutiny.
• Evidence in planning and sketch
•Time for TR to meet with MD
• Evidence of assessment and
evaluation on proformas
•Teachers to ensure I cans are stuck or
written in books. And that children evidence
sharing their opinion of their work and
others’ work in line with the I can.
•TR to monitor this through work scrutiny.
•TR to develop proforma
•TR to meet with PR and AC to discuss
•TR to meet with MD regularly to discuss
effectiveness of proforma
•TR to use proforma and evaluate