CCNpresentation - North American Council on Adoptable Children

Jockey Being Family &
North American Council on
Adoptable Children
Partnering to Improve Outcomes for Adopted
Children, Youth and their Families
The Community
Champions Network is
supported by Jockey
Being Family™, Jockey
International’s corporate
citizenship initiative to
strengthen adoptive
families for successful
NACAC/CCN Programs Initiated
2005 NACAC Conference Scholarships
2005 Parent Group Leaders Training
2006 Technical Assistance to Parent Groups
2006 Title Sponsorship of MN Adoptwalk
2006 CCN Community Champions Network
2009 Post-Adoption Advocacy Training
2011 Advocacy Tool Kit on line and in print
2011 Youth Speak Out/Network Teams Launched
Annual Parent Leadership and Legislative Advocacy Trainings
2012 Parent & Youth Partnering Training
2013 Youth One-Day Conference Launched at NACAC
Evolving Strategy
• 2005 Support to parent group leaders
through training and technical assistance
• 2006 Develop post adoption coalitions in
states and provinces. Empower groups to
leverage local dollars
• 2008 Target parent support group to urban
locations and train teams
• 2011 Combine support group and coalition
development strategies
• 2012 Addition of strong youth component
CCN Sites by Year - 2006
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Kansas City, Missouri
Los Angeles County
Ontario, Canada
Orlando, Florida
Rhode Island
Washington, D.C.
Washington State
CCN Sites by Year - 2007
Alberta, Canada
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Kansas City, Missouri
Los Angeles County
North Carolina
Ontario, Canada
Orlando, Florida
Rhode Island
St. Louis, Missouri
Tampa, Florida
Washington, D.C.
CCN Sites by Year - 2008
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Kansas City, Missouri
Los Angeles County
North Carolina
Orlando, Florida
• Ontario, Canada
• Sacramento,
• St. Louis, Missouri
• Tampa Florida
• Texas
• Washington, D.C.
CCN Sites by Year - 2009
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Florida (state)
Kansas City, Missouri
Los Angeles County
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Sacramento, CA
St. Louis, Missouri
Ontario, Canada
Washington, D.C.
CCN Sites by Year - 2010
Chicago, Illinois
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Florida (state)
Kansas City, Missouri
Los Angeles County
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Ontario, Canada
Rhode Island
Sacramento, CA
St. Louis, Missouri
Washington, D.C.
CCN Sites by Year - 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Florida (state)
Kansas City, Missouri
Los Angeles County
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Ontario, Canada
Rhode Island
Sacramento, CA
St. Louis, Missouri
Washington, D.C.
CCN Sites by Year - 2012
Chicago, Illinois
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Florida (state)
Kansas City, Missouri
Los Angeles County
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Ontario, Canada
Rhode Island
Sacramento, CA
St. Louis, Missouri
San Francisco, CA
Washington, D.C.
CCN Sites by Year - 2013
United States
• Bay Area (Alameda, Contra Costa
and San Francisco)
• Chicago, Illinois
• Colorado
• Delaware
• Eau Claire, Wisconsin
• Florida
• Kansas City, Missouri
• Los Angeles County
• Maryland
• Massachusetts
• Michigan
• Mississippi
Rhode Island
Sacramento County
St. Louis, Missouri
Washington, D.C.
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
System Improvement
and Advocacy Highlights
• Federal
– US: Teams from 9 states attended 3+ day training
and legislative canvassing visits on use of Fostering
Connections and Adoption Incentive monies to
fund adoption supports; May 2010
– Canada: System Change/Advocacy sessions held in
September and October 2010 in Ontario; NAAN
formed, advocacy platform finalized November
– Canada: HUMA Hearings and report include
adoption advocacy issues 2011; youth testify
System Improvement
and Advocacy Highlights
• California
– Legislation passed to ensure Fostering
Connections monies support youth in care and
adoption supports
– Youth team – CAYAT (CA Youth Adopted Youth
Advocacy Team) – launched in Los Angeles County
• State legislative advocacy day with LA and Sac County
Teams, April 2011
System Improvement
and Advocacy Highlights
• Missouri
– Kansas City and Saint Louis receive state funding
through legislative statute to create post adoption
resource centers at each of two parent led
organizations – leveraging $400,000 in state funds –
funds have been allocated annual since
– Kids & Judges event held to educate judicial system to
the system from child/youth point of view
– Ongoing advocacy to secure Fostering Connections
monies for adoption support programs
System Improvement
and Advocacy Highlights
• Ontario
– Expert Panel releases “Raising Expectations” in 2009,
outlining improvements both pre and post adoption
– Standing Commission on Adoption established
– Bill 179 passed, freeing Crown Wards for adoption and
authorizing adoption subsidies for sibling groups and
children 10+ years of age
– ACO Youth Network and ACC Youth Speak Out Team
launched, October 2011
– Youth team testifies at Youth Leaving Care Hearings,
November 2011
System Improvement
and Advocacy Highlights
• Massachusetts
– H.E.R.O.E.S. Youth Leadership launched, December 2011
– Youth panelists at three national conferences
• New Brunswick
– Youth Speak Out Team launched June 2012
– Youth panelists testify on permanency before Parliament,
November 2012
• Ottawa, Ontario
– Second youth advocacy team launched, November 2012
Parent Networking Support Highlights
• Parent Liaison Model launched in New Brunswick,
September 2011
– Moncton Pilot, Bilingual Parent Liaison Lead
• Sacramento Capital Adoptive Family Alliance
– Web-based one-stop information and referral site
– Parent/professional CCN Steering Committee established
and sustained
• Texas Advocacy Network under Embrace established,
April 2011
• Hundreds of adoptive families from all sites have
benefitted from immediate responses of support,
information, resources and referral in response to
requests posted to list serv
Post Adoption Needs Research
• CCN conducts survey on post-adoption needs, releases
findings at the Rudd Adoption Research conference and in
Adoptalk article
• NACAC/CCN staff contribute learning from CCN project to
Evan B. Donaldson landmark report* on efficacy and best
practice in post adoption support service domain, released
October 2010
• NACAC/CCN join national US coalition for federal PAS
mandate; present at Congressional Briefing, October 2011
• NACAC/CCN staff and parent partners participate in Post
Adoption Practice and Policy Summits in D.C., April 2012
* “Keeping the Promise”
Post Adoption Needs Survey
• CCN’s international (US and Canada) survey to
assess, from the community, post adoption
support needs, helpful models, experiences
– 1200 responses since September 2010
– 65% responded in regards to children adopted
from foster care
– 81% of responded identified a primary need of
“Understanding of adoption issues by school and
community personnel”
Post Adoption Survey Results, continued
– 72.3% reported that “Provider(s) who are adoption
competent” would help with unmet mental health needs
– 88.9% reported that “Provider(s) who understand
adoption issues” would help with unmet medical needs
• Of common post adoption support services, the
following were reported to be used and helpful:
– 81.9% training and education
– 75.3% advice/support from experienced adoptive parents
– 74.4% adoption subsidy
Post Adoption Survey Results, continued
• Barriers to accessing the help families identify as
needing are:
– 56.3% can’t find need services
– 48.8% providers don’t understand adoption issues
– 41.3% eligibility problems
– 37.5% wait for services is too long
Training for Parents, Professionals and
Community Partners
• Topics covered:
Adolescent Issues, Adolescent Permanency
Adoption Competency for Mental Health Providers
Adoption Competency for Parents
Brain Development, Trauma and Recovery
Clinical Issues and Family Preservation
Community Forums and Needs Assessments
Parent and Youth Support Group Development
Parent Leadership and Advocacy
Post Adoption Supports and Networks
Youth Development and Advocacy
Webinar Training launched, April 2012
Training for Parents, Professionals and
Community Partners
• Number of Trainees by Year:
2008 – 965
2009 – 1070
2010 – 1100
2011 – 1200
2012 – 1250
Sustainable CCN Model:
Sacramento CCN Steering Committee
• Meeting monthly since 2009, parents & professionals in
• January planning session; 4 committees established
– Training
• November full-day training for parents/professionals
• Partnership with local community college
• Planning for next year
– Identification
• Data collection: disruptions, service delivery
• Recommendations – Keeping the Promise
– Outreach
• CCN Membership and awareness; web site
– Respite
• Adopt US Kids grant: 12 families at retreat, launch of peer-to-peer
support program
Contact Information
970 Raymond Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114
651-644-3036 ~ Fax: 651-644-9848 ~
Kim Stevens ~ 508-254-2200 ~
Become a Member Today!