Early Medieval and Romanesque Art Chi Rho Iota page, Book of Matthew, Book of Kells Iona, Scotland (?) late 8th or early 9th century. Oxgall inks and pigments on vellum, 9 1⁄2”w x 12 3⁄”4h (14-1) http://commons.wikimedia.org/upload/e/ee/KellsFol034 rChiRhoMonogram.jpeg Gummersmark Brooch Denmark, 6th century. Silver gilt. Height 5 3/4” (14-3) http://www.ou.edu./class/ahi1113/slides/08-02.jpg Purse Cover from the Sutton Hoo burial ship, Suffolk, England. C. 615-25. Cloisonne plaques of gold, garnet, anda chedcked milllefiore enamel, L. 8” British Museum, London. http://www.ou.edu./class/ahi1113/slides/08-03-1.jpg Detail of Purse Cover from Sutton Hoo. Norse Hawk attacking Celtic Duck. http://www.ou.edu./class/ahi1113/slides/08-03-2.jpg The Borgund Stave Church. Borgund, Norway c. 1125–1150 (14-11) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Borgund_stave_church.jpg (28 January 2012) Map of Carolingian Europe http://www.ou.edu./class/ahi1113/slides/08-06-1.jpg Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, Aachen, Germany. 762-805 http://www.ou.edu./class/ahi1113/slides/08-06-2.jpg Palace Chapel of Charlemagne (14-13) http://www.ou.edu./class/ahi1113/slides/08-07-1.jpg Palace Chaple of Charlemagne, Transverse barrel-vaulted bays http://www.ou.edu./class/ahi1113/html/ch-08-1.htm Page with Matthew the Evangelist, Ebbo Gospels c. 816-40. Ink and colors on vellum 101/4” x 83/4” (14-18) http://www.ou.edu./class/ahi1113/slides/08-10.jpg Crucifixion with Angels and Mourning Figures Outer cover, Lindau Gospels c. 870-80 Gold, pearls, and gems 103/8”w x 133/4”h (14-19) http://www.ou.edu./class/ahi1113/slides/08-11.jpg Christ Enthroned with Saints and Emperor Otto I One of a series of ivory plaques known as the Magdeburg Ivories. German or North Italian c. 962-63. Ivory plaque, 5 x 51/2” Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC http://www.ou.edu./class/ahi1113/slides/08-12.jpg Doors of Bishop Bernward made for the Abbey Church of Saint Michael Cathedral Museum, Hildesheim Germany, 1015 (14-24) Bronze, height 16’6” http://www.ou.edu./class/ahi1113/slides/08-12.jpg Detail Bishop Bernward Doors http://www.ou.edu./class/ahi1113/slides/08-13-3.jpg Romanesque Europe http://www.ou.edu./class/ahi1113/html/ch-10-1.htm Abbey Church of Saint-Foy Conques, Rouergue, France. Mid-11th12th century left, Abbey Church of Saint-Foy right, ‘pilgrimage plan’ of the Abbey Reliquary statue of Sainte-Foy Made in Auvergne for Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy. Late 9th–10th century (p462) Christ in Majesty detail of apse painting from the Church of San Clemente, Tahull, Lerida, Spain. 1123 (p468) Church of San Clemente, Tahull, Spain. C. 1100 http://www.arrakis.es/~camui/taull.htm Cathedral complex, Pisa, Tuscany, 1063–1350 (15-11) http://www.personal.psu.edu/staff/j/x/jxf17/italy2001/Pisa%20cathedral%20inside1.JPG Interior, Nave, Pisa Cathedral 1063–1100s http://www.personal.psu.edu/staff/j/x/jxf17/italy2001/Pisa%20cathedral%20inside1.JPG Gislebertus. Last Judgement, tympanum of the west portal, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun, Burgundy, France. 1120-35 Virgin and Child From the Auvergne region, France. Oak with polychrome (15-27) Page of facsimile showing Hildegard's Vision, Liber Scivias, 1150-1200 Bishop Odo Blessing the Feast sections 47-48 of the Bayeux Tapestry, Norman-Anglo-Saxon embroidery. Linen with wool, 1066-82