Florida SHOTS - Snow Strategies

Florida SHOTS
Florida State Health Online Tracking System
What is Florida SHOTS?
The Florida State Health Online Tracking System (Florida
SHOTS) is a free, voluntary, statewide, web based
immunization registry authorized by Florida Statute s.
381.003, F.S.
A federally funded program through the Florida Department of
Health (DOH) Bureau of Immunization (BOI) accessible to
health care providers, schools, and child care facilities in
What does Florida SHOTS do?
 Electronically store immunization related data on all core data
elements approved by the National Vaccine Advisory Committee
(NVAC) for children and adults
 Enables providers to electronically retrieve and report information on
individuals’ immunization records real time, or through batch upload
 Provides parents and schools the required certified 680 form to
confirm a child’s school readiness
 Enables the State of Florida to monitor and report Immunization
Saturation Levels by critical age groups
 Enables large organizations to exchange immunization records
using Health Level HL7 standards
 Enables vaccine ordering and management, and federal grant
reporting compliance
What does Florida SHOTS do?
 Provides automated de-duplication and edit checking, consolidates
all immunization records from multiple providers
 Supports clinical decisions through the use of complex immunization
algorithm forecasting schedules
 Enables reminder and recall notification capabilities
 Provider level and aggregate management reporting for doses
administered, inventory, vaccine accountability, and performance
 Vaccine Preventable Disease campaign management and surveying
The System
 28,863 active system users
 26,915 Immunization Providers enrolled in Florida SHOTS
 62 EHR partners collaborating with over 400 Florida SHOTS
providers to enable batch uploads
 22 HMO’s performing mass uploads to Florida SHOTS
 Required system user level login security and management protects
confidential medical information
 Web Based Training Module updated with each software release
 Enrollment Help Desk
 Produces Certified Form 680 authorized immunization record for
schools and day care centers
Florida SHOTS - The Early Days
 1995 State Immunization Registries began as a Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention national initiative
 2000 Florida Statutory authority establishing a registry passed and
administrative rule adopted
 2002 All county health departments using Florida SHOTS
 2003 Load Florida Vital Statistics birth records in Florida SHOTS
 2004 Begin Private provider enrollment through major statewide marketing
campaign – Ongoing effort
 2005 Begin roll out to school districts - access for school nurses and
 2006 Pursue and Collaborate with EHR software vendors for mass uploads
Florida SHOTS Recent Timeline
Meaningful Use HL7 Implementation
PHINMS Certified Routine CRA Uploads
VTrckS Interface
VFC Allocation Forescasting
Batch Upload Enhancements
MCO Match / HEDIS Reporting
Seasonal Flu
Adult Vaccines
Statewide Reporting Enhancements
Automated De-Duplication
Vital Statistics Upload Enhancments
HMS Data Exchange
Major Software Upgrade
CHD Vaccine Accountability & Inventory
VFC Provider Inventory Accountability
VFC Module Data Reconciliation
Parent Access to Certified 680 Form
H1N1 - Campaign Functionality
Web Services
VFC Provider Enrollment
DR and Fail Over
Centralized Web based Registry
Bi-directional Data Exchange
CHD and Schools Enhanced Use of FL SHOTS
PP VFC Vaccine Ordering
ACIP – Algorithms clinical decision support
Child Care Centers Access
School Data Exchange
HMO MCO mass data upload enhancments
Interstate Exchange
System Architecture Upgrade
Private Providers Enhanced Use of FL SHOTS
45 M
Use of Integration Broker
Survey Functionality
Lessons Learned
Divide and Conquer - Take purposeful steps to achieve
realistic short and long term goals
Measure progress and performance along the way
Leverage proven technology - no wheel reinventions
Don’t assume your collaborating partners have time and
resources to respond to your program needs right away
– work within their schedule
Electronically Certified Form 680s
 Forms must be signed by a practitioner licensed under
Chapters 458, 459, F.S., or their authorized representative
 Only electronically certified Form 680s generated in
Florida SHOTS are valid
Endorsements of Florida SHOTS
 Florida Pediatric Society
 Florida Medical Association
 Florida Academy of Family Physicians
 Florida Osteopathic Medical Association
Florida SHOTS Program Director
Susan Lincicome
(850) 245-4444 Ext 2381
Florida SHOTS Enrollment Desk 877-888-7468