Eco Committee - Eco-Schools Northern Ireland

Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Foundation for Environmental Education
• Aim of the foundation:
• Environmental education for sustainable development
• To facilitate a world-wide Programme
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Foundation for Environmental Education
The FEE 5 Key Programmes
Blue Flag
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
What is the Eco – Schools Programme?
• A programme promoting environmental awareness
and action
• Links with the Revised Curriculum
• Eco-Schools is a whole school holistic programme
• It involves school pupils, teachers, non teaching
staff, parents, the local authority and local
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Impact on Your School
Changes attitudes
Increased Environmental
Team work
Pupils responsible
for actions
Increases pupil pride
in school
Involves wholeschool
development taught
Improves school grounds
and environment
Uses practical
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
How to become an Eco – School
1. Register - free
2. Receive welcome pack, learn how to work towards
3. 7 step programme
4. Choose from 10 Topics
5. Self certify school for Bronze and Silver awards
6. Work towards your ‘Green Flag’ by studying one major
topic and two minor topics
7. Your school also must be litter free
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Eco – Schools 7 Steps
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
10 topics to choose from
Biodiversity Climate
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Going for awards
• 3 levels, award criteria is linked to the 7 steps
• Minimum of 6 months before applying for Green Flag.
• Bronze / Silver – self-certify.
• Green
(renewed every 2 years)
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
The 7 Steps
1 - Eco Committee
2 - Environmental Review
3 - Action Plan
4 - Monitor and Evaluate
5 - Curriculum Links
6 - Wider Community
7 – Eco-Code
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Step 1 – Eco Committee
• Pupil led
• Range of class groups represented
• Reporting, showcasing results and obtaining
feedback from the whole school
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Step 2 – Environmental Review
• Form on website / toolkit
• Pupil involvement
• Cover every area of environmental impact – 10
• Show results – notice board
• Review – once a year
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Step 2 - Environmental Review Form
• E.g. Energy section of
Environmental Review
• Simple and quick process.
• Eco-Committee could
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Step 3 – Action Plan
• Review – informs an action plan
• Complete form on website / in toolkit
• Pupils responsible for some actions
• Measurable targets (avoid general targets) 25% increase in
recycled cans etc.
• This will help monitoring and evaluating steps and to
measure success as opposed to increase recycling.
• Share with whole school.
• Action Plan included in school’s development plan
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Step 3 - Example Action Plan
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Step 4 – Monitor and Evaluate
• On-going activity
• Whole school aware of progress of environmental action
• Evaluate effect through discussion and debate
• MONITORING – collection of quantifiable data e.g.
water/energy use, number of bins taken to landfill,
transport to school data, healthy snacks data, etc.
• EVALUATION - comparison of before and after data in
relation to the topic covered
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Step 5 – Curriculum Links
• School has named individual responsible for environmental
• School has curriculum plan integrating a range of eco issues
into the curriculum across all year groups in all subjects
• Link curriculum work into Eco-Schools Programme e.g.
topics identified in the action plan
• Issues on sustainable development are explored through
curriculum activities in many year groups
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Step 6 – Wider Community
All pupils and staff
Local businesses
Showcase work
Local Press
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Step 7 – The Eco-Code
• Whole school can get involved e.g. class competitions
• Display it
• Know it - engage everyone
• Keep it relevant e.g. review your code in line with action
• You can have lots of fun with your Eco-Code posters,
song, pictures etc.
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Step 7 – The Eco-Code
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Green Flag assessments
• Apply to Eco-Schools, TIDY Northern Ireland
• Externally assessed
• Re-assessment required every 2 years
• N.B. Continual Process – we can assess you at any
point in your programme
• Deadline for Green Flag application is 11th January
2013 and 15th March 2013
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
The assessment process
1. Submit Application – checked
Review all relevant documentation,
the Eco-Code, minutes [in any
2. Assessment date/time agreed
format], Environmental Review,
3. Fully trained volunteer
assessors visit your school
Action Plan, eco notice board
Meet the Eco-Committee
4. Assessment – around 2 hours
Tour around the school preferably
5. Not a formal presentation as
led by the Eco-Committee
report provides all the
9. Meet pupils from a variety of classes
and age groups and View the results of
various activities
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Eco Schools – Curriculum Links
• Art/ Design –
Posters, paintings, junk art
• Drama - Schools can create plays based on climate
• Music – Groups such as the Really Rubbish Orchestra go
into schools and recycling rubbish into musical
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Eco Schools – Curriculum Links
• English - Writing short stories, essays, articles in the local
press highlighting local environmental issues
• Maths - Calculating the cost saving to a school , i.e.
savings to the school energy efficiency, graphs, charts,
statistics, every notice board in the school could be
covered with this
• Science - Looking at the carbon footprint, designing ways
to overcome the problem of litter be it designing bins or
using experiments
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Eco Schools – Revised NI Curriculum
Curriculum Objectives- Key stage 1, 2 and 3
Empower young people to achieve their
potential , make Informed, responsible
decisions throughout their lives.
Develop the
young person as
an individual
Develop the
young person as
a contributor
to society
Develop the
young person as
a contributor
to the economy &
Eco Schools – Curriculum Links
Key Elements
• Personal
• Mutual understanding
• Citizenship
• Personal health
• Cultural
• Moral character
• Media awareness
• Spiritual awareness
• Ethical awareness
• Employability
• Economic awareness
• Education for
Areas of Learning
The world
around us
and society
Initiatives - Biodiversity
Contact your council for help, most of them
have ‘Biodiversity Officers’ who can give you
excellent advice on this topic
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives - Energy
• Contact your Education
• They can put you in
contact with your local
‘Energy Efficiency Officer’
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Register with Operation Energy
Eco-Schools is now sponsored by Airtricity
who also sponsor the Energy topic.
Operation Energy offers fantastic resources to
help energy efficiency.
These include:
• 50 hours of activities (with lesson plans)
for Foundation, KS1 and KS2
• An interactive website,
• Online games
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives - Climate Change
HSBC Climate Change Initiative
• This exciting project involves HSBC staff in
18 countries connecting with schools to
address environmental themes.
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives - Global Perspectives
“Go Green, Go Global!” for Key
Stage 2 teachers and pupils Global perspective and Climate
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives - Healthy Eating
• Schools are already enforcing
healthy eating so you should gain
recognition for your good work
• Some schools have “Fruity Fridays”
and reward pupils who bring
healthy snacks to school
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives - Transport
• 4 week sustainable travel challenge.
• Addresses the Transport topic for Green flag.
• Curriculum Linked Resources – KS1 & KS2
• There are four prize categories for use of
sustainable transport with some great prizes
and a special awards ceremony.
• information and registration details can be
found at
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives – School Grounds
• You can use the “Biodiversity Topic” to
help with this topic as a way of
developing your school grounds
• There are grants available to schools
through the “Big lottery Fund”
• You could also ask for help from parents
and local businesses
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives - Water
• The best agency to ask for advice on this topic is
‘Northern Ireland Water’ or you could even ask your
school caretaker for their opinion.
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives – Litter Less Campaign
• Aims
• To reduce litter and effect long-term behaviour change
amongst the youth around globe
• 15 different countries including Northern Ireland
• Seed Funding for Schools to do a litter project – up to £320
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives – Litter Less Campaign
• School Requirements
•Upload evidence of campaign through the website
•Each school is required to connect/collaborate with other
schools in participating countries
•The deadline for completion of the project is 21st of December
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives - Litter
• The BIG Spring Clean will run throughout
April 2013
• Register to do a schools litter pick
• Free Big Spring Pack (posters, stickers, bin
• All Eco-Schools encouraged to get involved
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives - Waste
• Get in contact with your councils “Recycling
Officer” for help and advice on this topic.
They will be able to advise you on the best
course of action to take regarding your waste
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives - Waste
Curriculum Resources
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives - Waste
• Cookstown Textile recyclers
• Your school could win up to £3000 by recycling all types of
clothing, shoes, household textiles and handbags
• The school that collects the most clobber per pupil wins &
get paid 60p per kilo collected
• Bag collection (clothes bank)
• Competition runs:
– 01st Sep 2012 -31st May 2013
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives - Waste
• We support the new ‘Rethink Waste’
• Raise awareness / understanding of
waste prevention / recycling issues
• Aim is to give practical tips for action to
support cutting down the amount of
waste we produce
• Workshops to 40 schools and piloting 4
zero-waste schools
• Workshops address paper and plastic
waste Eco-Schools Programme Support
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and by the Department of the Environment.
Initiatives - YRE
• Goal of YRE is for post-primary school students (aged 11-21) to
investigate environmental issues / problems and report them
3 types of entry can be submitted either written,
photographic or video journalism
• International YRE competition is held each year, where
winning Northern Irish entries will be entered.
• 3 age categories 11-14; 15-18 and 19-21.
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
Online Resources
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
New Eco-Schools Website
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
What others think of Eco-Schools
“Eco Schools: engages the whole school community – students,
technicians, caretaker, canteen staff, teachers and parents,
generates ideas from within the school creating a great sense of
pride and ownership and makes the curriculum more interesting
by getting students actively involved in practical project.”
Caroline Quinn,
Teacher, St Mary’s College, Clady
“Eco Schools is all embracing and contributes to significant
improvements to the physical health and emotional well-being of
pupils, which has resulted in a significant rise in educational
attainment. Eco-Schools gives them a voice and builds their selfesteem, sowing the seeds of young, articulate, confident
Dinah MacManus,
Principal, Holy Family Primary School, Belfast
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.
What others think of Eco-Schools
“I am committed to making Northern
Ireland a better place to live, work and
invest. The Eco-Schools programme that
my department has been sponsoring for
the last 5 years, and to which we have
just announced an additional £80,000
for this year, is enabling and teaching
young people how to make this vision
Environment Minister
Alex Attwood
Eco-Schools Northern Ireland is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, sponsored by Airtricity and supported by the Department of the Environment.