to a presentation about STEM education.

What is STEM Education?
• STEM stands for Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math.
• STEM education is the integration of these 4
disciplines into the curriculum with a
commitment to hands-on, collaborative and
cooperative learning.
• STEM education is critical thinking and
problem solving.
Why is STEM Education Important?
• In order to compete in the global economy,
STEM education has become a national
• STEM jobs are growing at a faster rate than
non-STEM jobs.
• The number of skilled STEM workers in the
U.S. does not meet the demand of available
STEM jobs.
Why is STEM Education Important?
• Businesses are forced to go abroad to fill STEM
• STEM education is the key to meeting current
and future job market demands for STEM
skilled workers.
STEM Education at Kincaid
• STEM Council:
– Consists of school administrators, teachers, Foundation and PTA
– Constructed a 5-year strategic plan to fully integrate STEM education
into the curriculum.
• This includes:
Facility upgrades to convert the existing science lab to a STEM lab.
Hiring a STEM lab instructor.
Teacher collaboration.
The use of technology in everyday learning.
Hands-on STEM based projects, ex. STEM Expo.
STEM school certification.
STEM Education at Kincaid
What It Will Look Like
• Curriculum:
– STEM lab will be an expansion of the science lab.
• Lessons are based on the science curriculum with
technology, engineering and math incorporated into the
– Collaboration with grade level teachers, science lab
teacher, and computer lab teacher facilitated by a
STEM lab instructor.
– STEM lab and computer lab instructions will be closely
STEM Education at Kincaid
What It Will Look Like
• Facility Changes:
– Incorporate the building of a new STEM lab and computer
lab with the K-building Project (SPLOST).
– The new computer lab will be located next to the STEM lab
so students can access technology during STEM lessons.
– The existing science lab and computer lab will remain for
teacher led STEM activities.
– STEM lab will include an outdoor garden area as an
extension of the hands-on learning.
STEM Education at Kincaid
What It Will Look Like
Sope Creek Elementary STEM Lab
STEM Education at Kincaid
What It Will Look Like
Sope Creek Elementary STEM Lab
STEM Education at Kincaid
What It Will Look Like
• Equipment:
– Additional laboratory equipment to support STEM
– Additional equipment for the computer lab
Color printer
Software to do code programming
Lego robotics program
– Additional computers and smartboards to create
STEM learning centers
What is the Kincaid Foundation
• Through its fundraising efforts, the Kincaid
Foundation currently funds the science lab and
science lab teacher.
• The Foundation is raising money to transition the
existing science lab to a STEM lab. This includes:
– Hiring a STEM lab instructor.
– Purchasing a color printer and scanner for the
computer lab.
– Purchasing additional laptops for school wide use.
Why does the Foundation Need to
Raise Money?
• The initial cost estimate for Phase 1 of
transitioning the science lab to a STEM lab is
• The funding for the STEM lab will not be
provided by the school district and must be
raised through the Foundation.*
* Excludes facility upgrades as part of K-building Project through SPLOST funding.
How Can You Help?
• Support the Foundation’s STEM-tastic Capital
Campaign to bring a STEM lab to Kincaid.
• Donate! Donate! Donate!
• STEM-tastic Capital Campaign will kickoff Mar. 5th
and run through Mar. 26th.
• The class with the highest percentage of STEMtastic donations will win a hands-on STEM party
from Wheeler HS Magnet students.
STEM Expo Locations
Kindergarten – Classrooms
1st Grade – Classrooms
2nd Grade – Cafeteria
3rd Grade – Classrooms
4th Grade – Classrooms
5th Grade – Classrooms