Technology Plan Presented by Diana Mitchell Technology Plan 2 Abstract "Technology is transforming society, and schools do not have a choice as to whether they will incorporate technology but rather how well they use it to enhance learning" (North Central Regional Educational Laboratory & Illinois State Board of Education, 1995). How will school districts accommodate the growing demand of integrating technology with education for the 21st century learner? Technology Plan—Beaumont ISD 3 Needs Assessment • 20 member committee Dr. Carrol A. Thomas, Superintendent of Schools Mr. David Harris Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education Dr. Shirley Bonton, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education Terry Ingram Assistant Superintendent for Operations Jane Kingslely, Cheif Financial Officer Bettie Nixon, Director of Information Services/Technology Bonnie Vessel, Instructional Technology Supervisor Doris Cyrus, Campus Technology Lead Teacher Kelli Morgan, Campus Technology Lead Teacher Margaret Harrell, Campus Technology Lead Teacher Janice Kattawar, Campus Technology Lead Teacher Shelley Welch, Campus Technology Lead Teacher Greg Schumacher, Senior Network and Programming Administrator Rodney Morgan, Campus Technology Lead Teacher Lamar Stanfield, Campus Technology Lead Teacher Sally Smith, Campus Technology Lead Teacher Maridell Still, Campus Technology Lead Teacher Ron McCartney, Campus Technology Coordinator Mary Bowser, Campus Technology Teacher Technology Plan 4 Function of the Committee •Meetings are held monthly •Agenda is set up by the superintendent •Technology course offerings •Teaching and learning needs •Software needs •Budgetary planning •Hardware needs •Planned obsolescence •Technology in-service planning •Network upgrade needs •And any other matters relating to technology in a collaborative, data driven decision making process •District feels that this will ensure that no educator or child in BISD will be left behind. Technology Plan 5 Data Driven Decision Making is governed by: • The Four levels of progress collected from the Texas Star Chart • Guide lines set forth in the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology • No Child Left Behind Act • National Educational Technology • Campus Leads and Liaisons meet monthly with district administrators to ensure that The Technology TEKS and professional development standards are being met. • Benchmarks are placed in every PreK-5 student cumulative folder and teachers check for master of the TEKS before student promotion to the next grade level each year. Technology Plan 6 Goals and Objectives Goal1: Incorporate technology as an integral part of education. Objective 1: Students will demonstrate the knowledge needed to direct their continued pursuit of knowledge in digital world of information. • The district will over a period of three years will: • Budget funding for teaching and learning for the 2008• Continue to provide student access to electronic information in classrooms, labs, libraries and other appropriate areas • Ensure accessibility by all students to technology-based instruction • Provide instructional leaders that will facilitate campus use and integration of technology into the curriculum Technology Plan 7 • Have Instructional leaders incorporate the use and integration of technology into the campus plan along with providing funding for campus use and tech integration at the campus level • Provide staff with technology rich curriculum in the core content areas • Provide staff development in the use of technology-rich curriculum • Re-evaluate and modify technology-rich curriculum as needed • Establish distance learning labs in all schools to allow high school students to receive college credit and peer interaction with other students in different geographical areas. • Have campus administrators monitor and assess classroom application of technology-rich curriculum. • Update and provide access for online curriculum in a timely manner Technology Plan 8 Students will over a three year period: • Use technology in inquiry standards based lessons that require higher level thinking skills • Acquire information literacy skills as designated in the individualized Campus STaR charts • Master competencies in Technology Applications TEKS and BISD K-t Technology Benchmarks that are appropriate for their grade levels. Technology Plan 9 Goal 2: The district will provide staff development for all in the use of appropriate emerging technologies and their integration as a natural part of education. • Over a period of three years the district will: Align district technology staff development with the newly developed state teacher STaR Chart. Develop a district wide staff development calendar with courses listed by competency levels as determined by selfassessment Allocate sufficient funding and time for staff development Allocate sufficient funding and time for technology leads to attend annual state TCEA conference Provide ongoing sustained professional development for teachers, principals, administrators and school library media personnel to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library media center. Develop and implement workshops based on SBEC teacher standards and STaR Chart proficiency levels that will be delivered in various formats. Technology Plan 10 Provide a technology-proficient, certified teacher to serve as full-time instructional technologists on each campus as a natural part of staffing. Continue with K-12 technology integration training by trainthe-trainer model, summer institutes, mini-sessions, independent study Monitor the effective integration of technology into the curriculum Allocate sufficient funding and time for staff development Continue with the implementation of the educator proficiency levels, which would include a required number of workshop hours to move towards the highest level of proficiency On-line staff development registration and records portfolio Incentives to complete proficiencies, teachers may become eligible for software/hardware Continue to use technologies, software and on-line services for data analysis of student performance and accountability (web based Item Analysis program) Technology Plan 11 Goal 3: The district will include technology-based information systems when making district or campus instructional and management decisions. • Objective3: In the next three years the district will provide and support appropriate software and the ethical use of resources. Provide standard productivity software packages for each computer purchased, which would include Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Inspiration or Kidspiration. Replace windows operating systems to appropriate versions in order to support most current technologies as needed. Add new computers to replace any obsolete models Provide and support standardized hardware and software for IEPS, gradebooks, and evaluation of test data, including Special Education needs. Provide technology leadership academies for administrators and technology leads that develop appropriate skills to apply district technology goals to campus plans and instruction, promote and support technology-rich curriculum; implement appropriate staff development planning and budgeting through district technology training days and campus technology training. Technology Plan 12 Develop district-wide standards and policies for hardware and software Increase Internet bandwidth to support emerging technologies Increase community access to technology resources through Family Technology Nights and extended hours for computer labs Establish a yearly Technology Fair and incorporate technology training in the annual Educational Summit Promote district website to district patrons Technology Plan 13 Provide increased opportunities for adult literacy advancement and GED attainment through GED On-line and district IPTV networking. Explore collaborative efforts with the City of Beaumont, Lamar University, Region V ESC officials to develop shared technology resources Train all administrators, teachers and para professionals in the district on the new TEAMS software designed to handle student, human resources and payroll applications. Technology Plan 14 Goal 4: The district will establish the human and technical infrastructure to encourage communication and to improve access to data and educational resources Objective: The district will secure adequate funding for maintaining state of the art technology resources, including IPTV, broadcast servers, wireless access and expanded utilization of distance learning In the next three years the district will: Continue leasing computers with a four year refresh as well as software licensing agreements in alignment with the state student/computer ratio requirements. Equipment for the network, infrastructure, and printers will be replaced as necessary. Planning will be made for obsolescence of all non-leased equipment Continue to make E-Rate applications for technology funding Utilize grant writing teams to obtain external funds for technology purchases Technology Plan 15 Will have each campus allocate a percentage of their local budget to technology needs, including professional development Maintain and support a local and wide area network for voice, video, and data, increasing speed and bandwidth to meet increased needs Maintain network access for all students, teachers and administrative personnel Coordinate hardware and software purchases with curricula and or administrative needs and certify that the purchases met current infrastructure capability and established standards. Evaluate emerging technologies Implement a wireless infrastructure at all appropriate facilities Implement the use of an IP telephone system for sue by all district personnel Technology Plan 16 Evaluate and consider implementation of an IP television network for communication and staff development Consolidate data file servers into a central location using SAN technologies Hire Microintegration configure the voice mail Implement the use of an IP telephone system for use by all district personnel by upgrading the Call Mangers Provide a full time certified instructional technology specialist for each campus Provide five specialized full-time technicians (with implementation of a leased hardware infrastructure) Provide two full-time technology trainers Provide two full-time support-desk personnel Investigate and initiate wireless connectivity to “difficultto-wire” locations Technology Plan 17 Evaluate and implement appropriate policies (acceptable use), security software, and hardware The district will evaluate electrical and surge protection adequacies in all facilities, set standards and make adjustments as required. Cameras will be installed at all locations in the district Investigate RFID technologies for purposes of asset control and personal and student tracking