Organizing and Hosting a Home Cross Country Meet Presented by Kevin Smith, Ken Reeves, and Bill Tokar S Secure a Home Course Standard Course—most courses a variation of these distances a. S 1 mile elementary S 3k middle school S 5k high school Considerations b. 1. Safety Secure a Home Course (cont.) 2. Spectator friendly-loops, Figure 8, cloverleaf a. Start and finish in proximity b. Wide, straight start (125-200m) c. Trails or path minimum 2 bodies wide (6 feet) d. Make sure loops don’t overlap time wise 3. Restrooms-ability to bring in (rent) portables a. One M/W for each 25 athletes b. Custodial care and maintenance 4. Parking and Traffic Flow a. Access for emergency personnel Secure a Home Course (cont.) 5. Changing terrain and surfaces a. Safe terrain (snakes, rocks, ruts, steepness of downhill/uphill, etc.) b. It is cross country c. Have test race/practice on the course beforehand to test out challenges 6. Availability of water 7. Ideally meet time at appropriate weather time a. Standards of when to have meet and when to cancel b. Heat Index- combination of temp and humidity Head Coach’s Duties A. Complete permits with appropriate government agency or put on school’s master calendar 1. B. Request bus/district transportation or complete driver forms. Private Property, parks or Recreational Areas- add “Additional Insured” to district’s policy C. Notify rangers, police, fire, and EMT personnel. 1.Try to arrange for emergency responders to be on site. 2. Have a med kit accessible and emergency release cards. Head Coach’s Duties (cont.) D. Inform Administrators and invite them E. Secure “Official Training” 1. Hire a firm- Royal Results 2. Parent/teacher volunteers- 2 timers (head and back up), chronomix, head official, finish boards, data entry to post results, water jugs. a. Access to electricity. May need to bring in a generator. 3. Old school sticks, tags, cards, check off chart F. Organize Parent Volunteers, Assistant Coaches, Fellow Teachers/ Colleagues 1.Delegate responsibilities-traffic control, hydration stations, restrooms, snack stand (?), clerk of the course, starter, course monitors. 3 Weeks Out A. Mail or Email Final Directions*. Include: Driving and Parking Instructions S Course Map** file://localhost/Users/ksmith/Documents/Cross Country 2009/OAK CANYON PARK 2006 CC COURSE.doc S S S Google Earth Event Order 3 Weeks Out Identify Key Locations: clerk, restrooms, start and finish, emergency tent area Pack meet day envelops: extra tags, trash bags, course map, final instructions, race schedule Parent and visitor information S S S Cost if any of parking or entering the course S Length of distance from parking to course S Course restrictions (no dogs, bikes, etc.?) file://localhost/Users/ksmith/Documents/Cross Country 2008/OP Invite Letter All School.doc S Meet Day Duties A. Mark the course- chalk/flour, cones, posts, surveyor tape, tennis balls, athletic tape or duct tape. Proper course markings*** file://localhost/Users/ksmith/Downloads/Marking a Course.pdf 1. file://localhost/Users/ksmith/Downloads/Finish Chute.pdf 2. Conform to the standards of the facility 3. Set up clean up for after the meet Meet Day Duties A. Walkie-talkies on a secure channel B. Water jugs, cups, trash bags, ice for injuries C. Barf Buckets and latex/non-latex gloves for chute workers D. Confirm EMT staffing E. Set up packets F. MEET DAY CHECKLIST*** 1file://localhost/Users/ksmith/Documents/Clinics/Meet Prep List.docx Meet Day Personnel (Ideally) S Starter S Results staff S Head timer S Course monitors S Head Finish Judge S Split timer S Chute stewards S Packets S Place card S Commanding road/parking S Tag remover S Scorer person S Awards person? Forms A. Pre-meet letter B. Course map C. Meet check off list D. Scoring sheets E. Tag sheets***** 1file://localhost/Users/ksmith/Documents/Cross Country 2008/Tag Board Sheet 1-20.xls Forms A. Press release B. Various instruction sheets 1. 2. Instructions for starters Instructions for chute workers a. Placement map for them 3. Instructions for course monitors After the Meet Send out results to local media and running sites A. 1. Ventura Star a. Rich Romine: rromine@vcstar/ b. Rhinannon Potkey: rpotkey@vcstar/ d. e. B. Check the facility- leave it in better shape than you found it C. Thank you letters/shirts (Tee shirt buys the world) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Workers. Facility people Maintenance people Teams that came School Secretaries- the run the site Administrators- They want to wear the gear of winners Appendix 1. Oak Park Invite Letter 2. Course Map 3. Proper Markings 4. Meet Scoring Program 5. Tag Board Sheets FINALLY