Mandated Reporting
Monday, August 13,
Who is a Mandated Reporter?
Under Virginia law, certain professionals are required
to report when acting in a professional capacity.
They are:
Persons licensed to practice medicine or any of the healing arts
Hospital residents or interns
Persons employed in the nursing profession
Social workers
Eligibility workers in local DSS
Probation officers
Teachers or other persons employed in a public or private
school, kindergarten, or nursery school
Who is a Mandated Reporter?
Persons providing full or part-time child care for pay on a
regular basis
Mental health professionals
Law enforcement officers or animal control officers
Professional staff persons employed by a public or private
hospital, institution, or facility in which children are placed
Persons associated with or employed by any public or private
organization responsible for the care, custody, and control of
Mediators certified to receive court referrals
Emergency medical services personnel
Volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
Who is a Mandated Reporter?
Any persons over the age of 18, who has receive
training approved by the DSS for the purposes of
recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect
Any athletic coach, director or other person 18 years
of age or older employed by or volunteering with a
private sports organization or team
Administrators or employees of public or private day
camps, youth centers and youth recreation programs
Any person employed by a public or private
institution of higher education
What do I report?
You report any suspected case of child
abuse and/or neglect.
You report suspicions – you do not have to
have proof nor do you investigate the case.
There are penalties for failing to report
suspected child abuse or neglect within 24
hours of the first suspicion.
How do I report?
Call local Department of Social Services
Call 1-800-552-7096 – this number is statewide, 24
hours a day, 7 days a week.
You need to have as much information as possible
including name, address, telephone number of child,
birth date or age, sex and race of child, name,
address, telephone number of suspected abuser,
nature and extent of abuse/neglect including prior
You can report anonymously but it is encouraged to
share your name in case follow up is required.
What Happens When I Call?
Child Protective Services (CPS) has to ensure that
the case meets the four validity criteria:
Child is under the age of 18 at the time of the
The alleged abuser was in a caretaker role;
The alleged abuse or neglect meets the definition
of abuse or neglect as defined by the CPS
Program; and
The local agency has jurisdiction to respond to the
On the call …
If the criteria is not met, CPS cannot accept the call.
It is okay to ask them for guidance – where do I go next. For
example, the call may have been denied because it is out of
their jurisdiction. Ask them for the name and number of the
correct jurisdiction.
If the criteria is met, CPS can accept the call.
Once call is accepted, CPS must determine if the report is valid
for a CPS response.
CPS worker will conduct either a family assessment or an
Family Assessment
Will be completed within 45-60 days of report.
There is no immediate threat to the child’s safety or well-being.
Examples include:
Lack of supervision
Physical Neglect
Minor Physical Injury
Emotional Abuse/Neglect
CPS worker will work with the family to determine whether or
not services are needed to prevent abuse and/or neglect and to
meet the needs of the family.
There is no finding of abuse or neglect made.
Investigation Response
Investigation is conducted when there are immediate child safety
concerns, previous reports of abuse or neglect, or the report is
required by law to be investigated.
Examples include:
Sexual Abuse
Death of a child
Serious physical injuries
Hospitalization due to suspected abuse/neglect
Injuries requiring medical evaluation/treatment
Abuse/neglect occurring in schools, day care centers or homes, foster
homes and other non-family settings
CPS has 45-60 days from the time of the report to
investigate the case.
Findings will be made at the conclusion of the
Founded: the investigation reveals by a
preponderance of evidence that abuse or neglect
has occurred.
Unfounded: the investigation reveals insufficient
evidence that abuse or neglect occurred. It does not
meant that abuse/neglect did not occur, but that the
evidence was insufficient for a founded disposition.
Will I know the outcome?
Mandated reporters are informed if your report is
being accepted for a CPS response.
At the conclusion of the CPS response, the local
agency can tell you that the investigation was
unfounded or that the local agency took necessary
Other information is restricted under federal and
state laws.
You can call CPS and ask what the determination of
the report is after 60 days if you have not heard from
What is Child Abuse?
Physical Abuse: any non-accidental physical injury or threat of injury by a parent
or caretaker
Cuts, fractures, bruises, shaking, burns, bites
Patterned bruises or marks such as fingertip or rope markings
Fading bruises or healing cuts, burns, and bites
Physical Neglect: the failure to provide for a child’s physical survival needs to the
extent that there is harm or risk of harm to the child’s health or safety by a
parent or caretaker
Lack of adequate food
Lack of adequate clothing
Lack of adequate shelter
Lack of adequate medical and dental care
Lack of adequate hygiene
Lack of supervision
Child Abuse Definitions continued
Sexual Abuse: acts of sexual assault and sexual exploitation of minors by parents or other
caretakers– can be a single incident or many incidences over a period of time
Oral-genital contact
Sexual propositions or enticements
Indecent exposure
Child pornography
Child prostitution
Emotional Maltreatment: chronic pattern of behaviors such as verbal assaults and/or
consistent failure to provide a child with appropriate support, attention, and affection
Screaming, intimidating, rejecting, ridiculing, blaming, sarcasm
Intense, chronic family conflict
Helpful Numbers and Resources
1-800-552-7096 24 Hour Child Protective Services
Hotline for reports
Greater Richmond SCAN – 804-257-7226
Child Advocacy Center (SCAN) – 804-643-7226
A Guide For Mandated Reporters in Recognizing
And Reporting Child Abuse And Neglect,
Commonwealth of VA, DSS, CPS