Promotion Policy

Promotion: Policy and Process
April 2013
NYC DOE Promotion Policy
Promotion Criteria Changes
Common Core Aligned NYS Assessments and Student Promotion
Early Preparation for June Promotion Decisions
• Promotion Portfolios
• Core Course Outcomes and Class Performance
• Promotion Process
• Promotion Data Freeze
• June Decisions
• August Decisions
• Parent Appeals/Grade Changes
• Additional Resources
Chancellor’s Regulation A-501 outlines promotion
standards for New York City public school students in
grades Pre-K through 12, as well as procedures for
implementing the promotion policy.
Promotion Policy: Grades Pre-Kindergarten–2
(ATS Criteria Code)
Promotion Standard1,2
Lower Grade
Principals, in consultation with a child’s teacher and parent,
make promotion decisions based on whether students have
demonstrated progress toward meeting the Primary Literacy
Standards and the New York Learning Standards for
1 and 2
Lower Grade
Principals make promotion decisions based on whether
students have demonstrated progress toward meeting the
Primary Literacy Standards and the New York Learning
Standards for Mathematics.
1 This
Students are exempt from the NYC DOE Promotion Policy.
policy applies to all grade pre-K–2 students, including English Language Learners and Students with Disabilities.
ELL’s, the decision to promote or retain shall include consideration of the student’s language development; limited English
proficiency may not be the basis for retention (Chancellor’s Regulation A-501, p. 4).
3 Given the reasons for exempting these students from the promotion policy, a positive outcome is expected in June. Students
may be retained with valid reasons and documentation provided by the school.
2 For
Promotion Policy: Grades 3-8
Promotion Standard
(ATS Criteria Code)
Students must achieve a Level 2* or above on both ELA AND
Mathematics tests to be promoted to the next grade.
Students must achieve a Level 2* or above on both the ELA AND
Mathematics tests AND attain passing grades in all four core
courses (English, mathematics, science, and social studies) to be
promoted to the next grade.
*A promotional cut score of “met” can be used to satisfy students’ promotion requirements.
Promotion Policy: English Language Learners
• Promotion criteria for ELLs is determined by two factors:
• Number of years enrolled in a United States School System
(USSS) (reflected on UYRE)
• Status as a Student with Interrupted Formal Education
Business Rules for Calculating Months Enrolled in a
US School System
• Rules from NYSED Student Information Repository System (SIRS)
• One day of enrollment within a month equals one month of enrollment.
• Months of enrollment in Pre-K or ungraded elementary are to be
• For students that complete a school year and return the following fall,
summer months are counted in their total enrollment in US schools.
• A student’s enrollment will not reset to zero when they discharge to a
non-US school for more than a calendar year.
• Their enrollment will stop accruing when they discharge and
resume when/if they re-enroll.
ATS Calculates months of enrollment
Schools can add additional months of
enrollment in US school systems
For students in red, schools
need to complete ELPC
Total years
enrolled in a
US school
Promotion Policy: ELLs Grades 3-7
ELL Information
(ATS Criteria Code)
Promotion Standards1
Enrolled in an USSS for
fewer than 2 years
Students are exempt from the NYC DOE Promotion Policy.
Enrolled in an USSS for at
least 2 but fewer than 6
years OR SIFE
Promotion decisions are based on multiple measures. Students must:
• Attain satisfactory progress in English as a Second Language (ESL)
literacy development in alignment with New York State Learning
Standards for English Language Arts as evidenced by student work,
teacher observation and assessments/grades; or achieve a satisfactory
level of proficiency in English as evidenced by the New York State
English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT); or achieve
a Level 2* or above on the ELA test
• Meet New York State Learning Standards for Mathematics taught either
in the student’s native language or using ESL methodologies; or attain
satisfactory progress in Mathematics taught using ESL methodologies as
evidenced by student work, teacher observation and
assessments/grades; or achieve a Level 2* or above on the math test.
Enrolled in an USSS for at
least 6 years
Students are promoted if they achieve a Level 2* or above on the ELA AND
Mathematics test.
*A promotional cut score of “met” can be used to satisfy students’ promotion requirements.
Promotion Policy: ELLs Grade 8
ELL Information
(ATS Criteria Code)
Promotion Standards1
Enrolled in an USSS for
less than 1 year
Students are exempt from the NYC DOE Promotion Policy.
Enrolled in an USSS for
at least 1 but fewer
than 2 years OR SIFE
Students are promoted if they pass their core courses (ELA,
math, science and social studies).
Enrolled in an USSS
school for at least 2 but
fewer than 4 years
Students are promoted if they:
(1) Pass all core courses(ELA, math, science and social studies),
(2) Achieve expected gains on the NYSESLAT or ELA test, and
(3) Achieve a Level 2* or above on the mathematics test.
Enrolled in an USSS
school for at least 4
Students are promoted if they:
(1) Pass their core courses,
(2) Achieve a Level 2* or above on the ELA and mathematics
*A promotional cut score of “met” can be used to satisfy students’ promotion requirements.
Defining Gains for Grade 8 ELLs
• NYSESLAT and State ELA results will not be finalized in time to make
June promotion decisions.
• To determine if grade 8 ELLs enrolled 2 to four years, have made gains
in ELA schools will administer a promotion portfolio.
• The grade 8 Promotion Portfolio Manual contains special direction for
determining performance comparable to expected ELA gains based on
the student’s ELA promotion portfolio [performance
• ELA Gains (from the NYSESLAT and State ELA exams) will be
calculated centrally and loaded into ATS for August promotion
Promotion Policy: Students with IEPs
Students with IEPs
Grades K-2
Grades 3-8
Promotion decisions
for all grade K–2
students, including
students with IEPs,
follow the general
Promotion Policy
guidelines for grades
Standard Promotion Criteria (STD)
Modified Promotion
Criteria (MOD)
No Promotion
Criteria (NON)2
If a student’s IEP indicates that
he/she is held to standard
promotion criteria (or if the
student’s IEP does not indicate any
promotion criteria), the standard
promotion criteria for the student’s
current grade level will be used to
make the promotion decision.
If a student’s IEP indicates
that he/she is held to
modified promotion
criteria1, the promotion
criteria in the IEP will be
used to make a promotion
Students who
participate in NYSAA
(do not participate in
State tests) are
exempt from the NYC
DOE Promotion
Testing modifications are different from modified promotion criteria. If a student has testing
modifications, he/she could have either standard OR modified promotion criteria.
to relevant deadlines for establishing promotion criteria.
the reasons for exempting these students from the promotion policy, a positive outcome is expected in
June. Students may be retained with valid reasons and documentation provided by the school.
2 Given
Deadlines for Establishing Promotion Criteria
• The deadlines to establish promotion criteria for students with IEPs in
order for it to apply to 2012-2013 promotion decisions are1:
• January 31, 2013: For students with existing IEPs.
• May 20, 2013: For students initially referred to special education
and students with an existing IEP who are new to the NYC DOE.
• The Promotion Criteria Guidelines for Students with Disabilities in
Grades 3–8 provides information on how promotion criteria should
be determined, applied, and evaluated.
1These deadlines
are based on the date of the IEP conference. Promotion criteria established after
this date will be in effect for the 2013-14 school year.
Promotion Criteria Discrepancies
Schools were asked to review the Promotion Criteria Report
(RPCR) report to ensure students’ promotion criteria were
accurately reflected in ATS.
• When incorrect, schools were asked to update applicable
source systems (E.g. SESIS, CAP, UYRE)
Early May: Schools should review RPCR to ensure the accuracy of
promotion criteria for promotion decisions.
• If students promotion criteria is incorrect, schools should note
the discrepancy, confirm the correct promotion criteria in the
applicable source system (SESIS, CAP, UYRE) and escalate the
request for a change of promotion criteria to their network.
Promotion Criteria Overrides
• The CFN can help schools collect
and process promotion criteria
Criteria Change Requests Should Include:
• Subject Line: Promotion Changes DBN E.g.
Promotion Changes 27Q124
• Attach tracker containing this information:
• Student Name (s)
• NYC ID(s)
• Current criteria and what the criteria
should be changed to.
Types of
Special Flags
OA: Overage
PR: Previously Retained
Spec Ed: Special Ed
IEP CRI: Promotion
Criteria from CAP
LEP Flag: ELL Status
Common Core Aligned NYS Assessments and
Student Promotion
• In past years, promotion decisions for students with standard criteria
were based on students’ state test performance levels (e.g. 1, 2, 3 or 4).
• Due to the changes in the tests, it is not possible to estimate students’
performance levels this year.
• Instead we will determine promotional cut scores based on student’s raw
• Raw scores are the total number of questions the student answered
correctly out of the total number tested.
• Standard promotion criteria students with raw scores in the lowest 10%
(approximately) will be recommended for retention and summer school.
• We expect this number to be similar to last year.
• While the overall performance levels on the 2013 tests may be lower, the
raw score required to meet promotion standards will be comparable to
the 2012 tests.
Common Core Aligned NYS Assessments and
Student Promotion
• As in year’s past, promotional cut scores will be calculated
centrally and loaded into ATS.
• School will be able to view promotional cut scores and other
promotion related student performance data on RASP.
• A promotional cut score of “met” can be used to satisfy students’
promotion requirements.
Release of Final NYS Test Results
• NYS test results are expected in late August
• The release of NYS test results will not impact promotion
decisions, as promotional cut scores will be used to make
promotion decisions for the 2012-2013 SY
• A decision to promote a student in June, based on the
promotional cut scores, will not be reversed if a student
did not achieve a Level 2 on the NYS test(s).
NYC DOE Promotion Policy
Promotion Criteria Changes
Common Core Aligned NYS Assessments and Student Promotion
Early Preparation for June Promotion Decisions
• Promotion Portfolios
• Core Course Outcomes and Class Performance
• Promotion Process
• Promotion Data Freeze
• June Decisions
• August Decisions
• Parent Appeals/Grade Changes
• Additional Resources
Promotion Portfolios
• A promotion portfolio is a
collection of specific exercises
that indicate whether a
student in grade 3-8 is
performing comparable to
Proficiency Level 2 on the NYS
ELA and/or mathematics
• They are not samples of
student work collected over
the course of the year.
Portfolio Components
Leveled Text (reading accuracy)
Standard Reading Passage (reading
Independent Writing Activity (writing
process, expression, mechanics)
ELA Class Work (one piece of class work)
Mathematical Inventory
Standard Math Problems
Mathematics Class Work (one piece of
class work)
Overall Portfolio Scores
High Level 2: Eligible for promotion in
Level 2: Eligible for promotion in August
Level 1
Who Must Receive a Promotion Portfolio
• Students who do not meet the NYS test promotion standard
• Students whose cut score indicates they did not meet in
ELA and/or math
• Are missing a cut score (for one or both exams)
• Grade 8 ELLs enrolled in a US schools system for at least two
years, but no more than four years (MT8)
• Used to determine ELA gains in the absence of NYS ELA
and NYSESLAT results in June.
Students Recommended for Promotion Portfolios
• This year, students recommended for a promotion portfolio
will appear in red on PPSC.
• The recommendation is intended to:
• Help schools administer and prepare promotion portfolios in a
timely and targeted manner.
• Strategically balance the promotion portfolio workflow and
reduce the amount of portfolios that need to be prepared.
between the release of promotion cut scores and the deadline
for principals to enter promotion decisions (3 days).
Students Recommended for Promotion Portfolios
• Who is recommended for a promotion portfolio?
• Students who scored and Level 1 or Level 2 on the 2012 NYS exams
• Students who were promoted on the basis of a promotion portfolio for
the 2011-2012 SY (Appeal Code 1)
• Portfolio recommendations are not exhaustive.
• Note: Grade 3 students who have never taken the NYS exams and new
admits will likely not be flagged as recommended using the above
• Schools should administer additional promotion portfolios to students
who they feel will not meet their promotion standards on the NYS
exams based on academic performance throughout the year.
Printing the Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet
• Schools will print the
Promotion Portfolio
Summary Sheet from ATS
(PPSC) to record student’s
scores on the promotion
• The summary sheet will be
scanned into ATS (UPSC) to
populate promotion portfolio
Enter ‘Y’ to Print
Portfolio Scan Sheet
Individual Portfolio
Component Scores
Steps to Prepare a Promotion Portfolio (Teacher)
For June Promotion Decisions
1. Access materials needed from the Promotion section of the Principals’ Portal.
Teachers will need to download two documents for the applicable grades:
• Promotion Portfolio Manual
• Promotion Portfolio Blackline Masters
2. Print the student’s Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet from ATS (PPSC).
3. Indicate whether the portfolio is being completed for ELA and/or math.
4. Administer the portfolio components using the Manual and relevant sheets from
the Blackline Masters.
5. Score student responses for each component and calculate overall score for the
promotion portfolio and record results on the Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet.
6. Use the checklist included in the Blackline Masters to assemble the promotion
For August Promotion Decisions
1. Add the August Update Sheet and relevant evidence as outlined in the Manual.
(This sheet is not scanned. Staple the sheet to the student’ portfolio)
Steps to Prepare a Promotion Portfolio (Principal)
For June Promotion Decisions
1. Ensure that all necessary evidence is included in the promotion portfolio
Use checklist provided from the Blackline Masters.
2. Review the evidence submitted and make a final determination on the promotion portfolio
score (Level 1, Level 2, or High Level 2) and sign and date the bottom of the Promotion
Portfolio Summary Sheet.
3. Scan Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet into ATS to populate portfolio results in ATS
4. Deliver only portfolios of students who score High Level 2 and High Level 1 (for ELLs with
MT8 Criteria) for students whom you are recommending for promotion.
For August Promotion Decisions
1. Review the August Update Sheet and make a final determination on the portfolio score
(Level 1 or Level 2), and sign and date the bottom of the August Update Sheet.
If the overall portfolio score has changed, you can update the score on UPSC.
Example: Student work over summer school shows student has moved from Level 1 to
Level 2.
2. Deliver only portfolios of students who score Level 2 and for whom you are recommending
promotion to community superintendents.
Promotion Portfolios
• Principals should only submit high quality, complete promotion
portfolios for review
• All components should be included
• The classwork items should reflect the student’s best work
• It is recommended that the student work sample is from one of the school’s
Common Core units
• Superintendents review promotion portfolios and may confirm or
change the score of the promotion portfolio in ATS.
• Once superintendents review a promotion portfolio score in ATS,
schools will be prevented from printing a new Portfolio Summary Sheet
(PPSC) or changing promotion portfolio scores (UPSC).
TG8C: Core Course Outcomes and Class Performance
Grades 3-7
• Schools will enter ELA/ESL and math performance in ATS for ELLs
with multiple (MLT) criteria.
Grade 8
• Starting June 3, core course outcomes that are finalized in STARS
will transfer to ATS to populate the TG8C function.
• Schools will also be able to manually update TG8C to reflect grade
8 students performance in their core courses.
Enter Core Course
Outcomes (‘P’ or ‘F’)
Promotion Data Freeze
June 1: ATS will ‘freeze’ the DBN (promotion DBN) of all
Schools will be responsible for making promotion decisions for all
students on their register at this time.
New registrants (not including transfers) will be added to schools’
promotion screens on an ongoing basis.
June 10-12: Once a principal decision is entered, all pieces of
promotion data will freeze for the remainder of the promotion
process (through August promotion decisions).
June Promotion Decision Timeline: Grades K-8
Action Step
May 7 –June 7
Schools prepare standardized promotion portfolios and enter all promotion portfolio
scores into ATS.
Principals submit only High Level 2 and High Level 1 (for ELLs with MT8 criteria)
promotion portfolios to superintendents for students who are being recommended for
June 3-June 7
Grade 8: Ensure core course outcomes are entered in TG8C.
Grades 3-7: Ensure ELA/ESL and math class performance information is entered in TG8C.
June 10
Anticipated release of promotional cut scores in ATS.
June 10-12
Principals enter promotion decisions for ALL students in ATS (PDEC).
June 10-12
Schools administer promotion portfolios to students who were not previously administered
one and who did not meet a promotional cut score in ELA and/or math and require one for
promotion. If the portfolio is a High Level 2, they may recommend the student for
promotion and should submit the portfolio to the superintendent for review.
June 12-14
Superintendents enter June promotion decisions in ATS. Once a final decision is entered, it
will enable school to begin printing June decisions letters and summer school letters.
June 17-26
Schools print standardized June decisions letter(for students who were not promoted) from
ATS and send letters home to families.
are general time frames and may be updated as events relating to promotion decisions are finalized.
RASP: Overall ELA and Math Performance
• RASP contains all subject related performance points, that are
used to determine recommended promotion decisions.
Cut scores
NYS test results
NYC summer test results
ELA Gains
• For ELLs only. Based on NYSESLAT and NYS ELA results
• ESL/Math Course Performance
• Only applicable to ELL’s in grades 3-7 with multiple (MLT) criteria
Overall ELA and Math Performance (Determine
Recommended Decision on PDEC)
PDEC: Principal Decisions for Grades K-8
• Principals will enter promotion decisions for students in grades K-8 on
• Principals will not be able to enter promotion decisions until:
• Core course outcomes are entered for all grade 8 students
• All students who require a promotion portfolio have received a promotion
portfolio and the results are entered in ATS
• Discharged students will continue to appear on promotion screens
(Students will appear in blue on PCOMM or green on WebConnect)
• Schools should enter promotion decisions for these students based on the
available data.
• The decision will be used as a starting point to determine placement, if the
student re-enrolls.
• There is no recommended decision for discharged students
• Promotion portfolios are not required for discharged students
Overall ELA and
Math Performance
(From RASP)
Overage and/or
previously retained
students are
displayed in red
Core Course
(From TG8C)
Type ‘D’ to display student
biographical info
Type ‘C’ to enter a comment for a
promotion appeal
Decision and
Scores and
If disagreeing with recommended decision,
enter appeal reason code:
1. Portfolio (Valid Scores Required)
2. Overage/Previously Retained (August
Only-Comment Required)
3. Principal Discretion to Retain
(Comment Required)
Letter #
and Letter
JUPL: June Letter Printing Screen
• Schools will release English versions of June retention letters
(and summer school letters) from ATS printers using this
function in ATS.
• Schools can complete multiple releases of the letters as needed.
• Summer school letters cannot be printed until a promotion
decision is entered.
Schools can back-pack the letters home to families.
Select which letters to print (New, all or by ID)
Update Mailing Date or
Principal Name
(To Be Displayed on Letters)
Sort by Grade Level
or Official Class
Parent’s Preferred
Written Language
Sample June Decision Letter
Information about the June promotion
decision and additional opportunities for the
child to meet promotion standards
Letter version
ATS Printers
• Schools may print June decision letters on any DFS certified ATS
• Lexmark T630, T640, T650, X646, X736, X466, X656.
• Ensure legal paper is loaded in printers and the default tray is
adjusted to accommodate legal paper.
• Additional information about releasing printing jobs is available
on ATS Print.
• If a family’s preferred written language is a language other than
English, schools should download and print the corresponding
translated version of the letter from the Promotion page.
• Parent’s preferred written language is located in the top right
corner of the letter.
• The letter number is located in the bottom right corner of the
English and translated letters.
• The June letter key will assist schools in matching English and
translated version of the letters.
• Schools should send both the English and translated version of
June decision letters home to families.
Student Participation in Commencement Ceremonies1
Elementary school: If a student does not meet promotion
requirements in June, the principal and parent can decide together if
the student should participate in a moving up or graduation
• Schools should obtain written consent from parents explicitly stating
they understand participation in June graduation or stepping up
ceremonies does not mean their child will be promoted.
• Middle school and High School Students: Students may not
participate in their school’s moving up or graduation ceremony if
they have not met promotion/graduation requirements.
important for students in articulating grade (5th and 8th) and
high school seniors.
Overage and/or Previously Retained Provision
In August, principals may recommend
promotion for students in grades 3-8
who are overage and/or previously
retained who have not yet met their
promotion standards.
OA/PR students will appear in red on
the August PDEC
Retained In
8, 7 or 6
7, 6 or 5
6, 5 or 4
5, 4 or 3
To recommend promotion, principals
must provide information and evidence
4, 3 or 2
of how the students have
3, 2 or 1
demonstrated gains on multiple
measures of assessment (e.g.
• Overage: Student is two or more years overage for
standardized assessment scores,
his/her grade level by December 31 of current
classroom assessments, completed
school year.
student assignments, and teacher
• Previously Retained: Student was retained in
his/her current, or prior two grade levels.
turn this age by December 31st of the current school year.
August Promotion Decision Timeline: Grades 3-81
Action Step
July 29- August 1
August 5-7
NYC Summer tests administered. (August 5: Math, August 6:ELA, August 7: Makeup)
August 8
NYC Summer test results are available for schools to view in ATS (RASP).
August 8-9
Principals enter August promotion decisions in ATS (PDEC).
August 8-9
Principals submit only Level 2 promotion portfolios to superintendents for students who did
not meet their New York State test promotion standard but whom the principal is
recommending for promotion.
August 12-13
Superintendents enter final August promotion decisions in ATS.
August 19-23
Final August promotion decision letters are printed and mailed to families by Central.
August 26-30
Principals and superintendents begin to hear parent appeals to final August promotion
Grade 8: Ensure summer school core course outcomes are entered in TG8C.
Grades 3-7: Ensure ELA/ESL and math class performance information is entered in TG8C.
Teachers complete the “August Update: Promotion Review Summary Sheet and add to
students’ promotion portfolios.
1 Pre-K-2
Promotion decisions are only made in June.
are general time frames and may be updated as events relating to promotion decisions are finalized.
Parent Appeals
• To appeal a promotion decision, parents should submit an appeal in
writing to the principal within three days of receiving the August
decision letter1.
• All parent appeals are addressed first by the principal and then the
superintendent (when necessary).
• When necessary, the principal submits the promotion portfolio to the
superintendent, who:
• All appeals are reviewed and evaluated based on the student's
promotion criteria
• Appeals will be addressed beginning the week of August 27.
should not be turned away if their appeal is received outside the designated timeframe
or is not submitted in writing.
Parent Appeals/Grade Level Changes
• Appeals that will result in a change of grade level should be entered
in ATS using the RQSA functions.
• Grade level changes will be escalated to the superintendent for review
and a final determination.
• When entering requests schools should provide detailed rationale in
alignment with Chancellor’s Regulation A-501.
• RQSA (GRC): Request change of grade level for students in nonarticulating grades
• RQSA (PAT): Request change of grade level for students in articulating
• RQSD: View Action Request Status
8 (GRC): Request change of grade level for students in non-articulating grades
9 (PAT): Request change of grade level for students in articulating grades
Enter requested grade
level and effective date
Enter rationale for requesting appeal/grade change. Provide detailed
information in alignment with Chancellor’s Regulation A-501
List Notice Information
(if available)
Enter rationale for requesting appeal/grade change. Provide detailed
information in alignment with Chancellor’s Regulation A-501
ATS Rollover and Promotion
Action Step
May- June
Schools set official classes and enter list notices for the 2013-2014 school year.
ATS Rollover: ATS transitions from 2012-2013 to 2013-2014 school year. All
students are grade bumped forward one grade (regardless of promotion
August 8- 13
Final August Promotion Decisions are made.
Late August
ATS Pullback. All students in grades 3-8 whose final August decision is retain,
will have their grade bump/list notice cancelled. They will be placed back into
their 2012-2013 grade level.
After ATS
All appeals that result in a grade level change or requests to change a student’s
grade level are entered in ATS on an individual basis using the RQSA functions.
1 Dates
are general time frames and may be updated as events relating to promotion decisions are finalized.
Next Steps for CFN’s
• Turnkey trainings to all schools by Friday May 24, 2013
• Make sure every school receives training (especially new principals)
• This PowerPoint will be available on the Network Promotion/Summer
School Resource Page
• A similar presentation will also be available on the Principals’ Portal
• Support schools in completing the promotion process (policy question,
criteria corrections, decision completion in ATS)
Additional Resources
ATS Wiki:
Chancellor’s Regulation A-501:
Common Core Aligned NYS Assessments and Student Promotion:
June Letters:,frameless.htm?NRMODE=Published
June Promotion Page:
Network Promotion/Summer School Page:
Promotion Portfolios: