
Jonathan Kemp, YCF / MEC / ADB
Step in, Step Out
Are we awake?
What if….
What if you could only
become a Christian before
the age of twenty?
"The risks facing contemporary teenagers bear solemn
testimony to the church's ineffectiveness at addressing
adolescence. Youth look to the church to show them
something -- someone -- capable of turning their lives
inside out and the world upside down. Most of the time
we have offered”
Kenda Creasy Dean
Professor of Youth, Church and Culture
Princeton Theological Seminary
What do you want young people
who “graduate” from your
church to
be able to do?
 to know?
 to be ?
Current thinking about Youth Ministry
1. Let’s not have ‘youth ministry’ at all!
 Perception
that YM has ‘failed’
 So we should focus on Inter-generational activities
 Avoid youth groups becoming separated (or even
‘tumours’ on the Body).
 OT has no distinction between old and young, so why
should we, etc.
 How does this sound?
Current thinking about #uthmin
2. Youth ministry continues to need a separate and
intentional focus.
 Gospel
is for everyone, including the young.
 We need to offer something better than the worldly
message of materialism etc.
 The Church needs a future.
 The Church needs a present: youth can be assets,
including as leaders.
 ‘Youth congregations’ anecdotally lead to growth
 Responses?
Is there a middle road?
PINS model:
 Participation:
involved? Visible?
 Integration: intergenerational? Not always separate?
 Normative activities: is this Anglican? Is this Christian?
Are youth learning what they need to learn?
 Sensitivity: age-appropriate? Allowing space and time
for youth to do their own thing?
Two major themes in YM:
1. Evangelism: reaching out and attracting
unchurched or lapsed members; making new
2. Discipleship: training / educating / building up
those who are already believers.
Focus upon the young people you already have, not
those you don’t have.
Adopt a building block model, not a funnel.
Outcomes for today
Starting from scratch
The importance of vision
The three circles (or levels) approach
How to set achievable goals
Resources to make it all happen.
Ministry vision
A vision is a picture of your ministry in the future.
It answers the question, “Where do we want to go?”
It should articulate your dreams and hopes for the
ministry, and remind you what you are trying to
“Be faithful, not flashy.”
That YCF Ministry will become a strategic priority in every
Parish in every Region and at Diocesan level;
That every Parish will have the knowledge, skills and
resources it needs to shape the YCF Ministry it seeks,
including Religious Education and Chaplaincy in local
That our YCF Ministry will lead to growth in the faith,
service, generosity and number of Anglicans in Southern
Queensland and beyond.
Parish YG:
“To see God transform our community by empowering youth to be
active disciples in the body of Christ.”
Ministry vision
What’s important?
Simple language
Concrete outcomes
Room for creativity
Inspires involvement
Potential pitfalls
1. Babysitting focus: ‘it doesn’t matter what we
offer, as long as we’re ticking the YM box.’
2. Program focus: ‘we need to be bigger and better
than those Baptists’.
3. Method focus: ‘this method worked for me, so it
will work for youth today too.’
Spend a few minutes thinking about what you want
your youth ministry to look like in three years’ time.
What will your leadership team be like?
What influence do you want your ministry to have –
on young people, on your Church, on your wider
What will success look like?
We aim to produce young people who
Passionately Christian
Theologically and morally reflective
Biblically literate
Equipped for ministry
Mission and Evangelism focussed
Practising the disciplines of the Christian life
Passionately Christian
Biblically literate
Theologically and
morally reflective
Equipped for ministry
Mission and Evangelism focussed
Practising the disciplines of the Christian life
A Process for Implementing Vision
in YCF Ministry
• What is our vision?
• What do the elements of it
look like at each age?
• What program or setting might be used?
Starting off...
Listen to God
Listen to your community (needs/wants of youth)
Think about the Team needed.
1. Request from youth for help
2. Approach people one-on-one (open-ended but
tangible and manageable)
3. If interested, address the specifics (including Blue
cards/SMCs etc)
4. Invest time in them (socially / training etc)
Developing young leaders
“Every young person has the potential to lead and
should be given the opportunity to do so.”
Create opportunities.
Always aiming for the next level when they’re
Three level strategy (Ross Farley)
Level 1: contact
Level 2: evangelise
Level 3: teach
Level 1: Contact
Purpose: to introduce new people to the youth
group in a non-threatening environment. It’s an
opportunity for non-Christians to discover that
Christians have fun and care about other people.
It’s not just about lots of people coming, but about
making new friendships and consolidating old ones
(i.e. Relationships).
Level 2: Evangelise
Purpose: to share the Gospel
Could be a fun program with a significant (say 15
min) evangelistic input included. This element is
consistent with the theme of the event, not just
tacked on.
No pressure, just consistent Gospel presentation.
Level 2 events are promoted to people who came
to Level 1.
Level 3: Teach
Purpose: to disciple young people through teaching,
Bible study and prayer.
This is the core group of our ministry.
This is where we equip young people to minister to
their peers and disciple them.
Level 3 events are promoted to people who
attended levels 1 and 2.
Example time
Let’s compile activities you could offer for each
What specific resources could we draw upon?
Level 3 - the Core
The success of the whole strategy depends on the
quality of the core.
The core needs to be a part of every circle.
Remember: Building blocks, not funnels.
Belong  Behave  Believe.
Reflect on your current offerings
What Level are the events you facilitate?
Is there a ‘safe’ path for new people to enter your
Do you go ‘deep’ enough for the people who need
Do we see: the Bible? Empowerment? Informal
education (opportunities to learn and grow)? Equality
of opportunity?
What might a term program look like, using these three
Which level/s should we see most?
New models of YM
Church-based youth group
Open neighbourhood youth club (e.g. PCYC)
Youth congregation (pros and cons)
Uniformed group (e.g. GFS / Boys Brigade)
Cell groups
Detached missions (‘Fresh expressions’)
Setting SMART Goals
Specific – who, what, where?
Measurable – can it be measured?
Achievable – skills, abilities, $$
Realistic – willing and able to achieve it
Time specific – or there’s no sense of urgency!
Don’t forget regular review and evaluation.
Let’s set some goals...
Write down 1 SMART goal for two areas:
Your youth ministry leadership team
A specific event
What if we’re working with a small
youth group?
Remember what you are there for:
Real life
Renewing hope
(Av. Church size in the US is now 78 people, with
about 10% being youth...)
Focus on
Building strong relationships (time: quality and
The young people you have, not those you don’t.
“Be Faithful, not Flashy.”
Program for:
A small group (if that’s what you have).
Depth over breadth. If fewer activities, make them
impactful and memorable. Choose resources which
will allow you to get to know each other really well.
Starting social. Have a fun planning meeting to
make the term engaging.
Typical YG program (Level 2)
Icebreaker game
Worship time
Game or activity
Teaching input
Small group Bible study / discussion
Prayer / reflection
Sound YG Term Program
(on your desktop...)
Do you have a dedicated space?
Does it do what you want it to?
Opportunities to connect with larger events
(Don’t be afraid of losing kids to ‘the opposition’.)
Engage in:
Life-changing activities together.
Be proud of who you are and what you do.
Remember that you are not alone!
Prezi on YM (Chris R)
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Money? GFS grants are available
Program ideas?  Recommended
(Don’t forget Diocesan policies etc – safety first.)
Help and encouragement?
Our Vision
That YCF Ministry will become a strategic priority in
every parish in every region and at Diocesan level;
That every parish will have the knowledge, skills
and resources it needs to shape the YCF Ministry it
seeks, including RE and Chaplaincy in local schools.
That our YCF Ministry will lead to growth in the
faith, service, generosity and number of Anglicans in
southern Queensland and beyond.
Our Role
We aim to assist the parishes and agencies of the
Church to evangelise and disciple people, from birth
to young adulthood, in order to develop their
maturity as Christians within the Anglican tradition.
YCF Staff
Ministry Education Commission YCF team:
Mr Jonathan Kemp (Director, YCF Ministry) FT
Mr Jonathan Sargeant (RE, Chaplaincy) FT
Ms Fiona Hammond (Special Projects / Education) 0.4
Mr Nathan Haywood (Dio. Camps Coordinator) 0.2
YCF Strategy
 Camps
 Partnerships
 Communication
 Training, Resourcing
& Formation
Aligns with Diocesan and MEC strategies
Strategy: Events
November 2012:
Saturation Day,
 Wet’N’Wild Water
 (c. 100 attendees)
 To be held again at
Wet’N’Wild on
Saturday 9 Nov 2013.
 Open to YGs, kids,
camp reunions,
Anglican schools, etc.
Strategy: Events
SN@P nights – Wynnum, Bardon, HendraClayfield...
Strategy: Camps
(New) Primary Ichthus
(Jan.2013; Jan 2014)
29 campers, 15 leaders
Strategy: Camps
Emmaus retreat
 (March 2013)
 Young adults
 22 campers, 15 leaders
(up 400%)
 Overseen by “Emmaus
Executive” (meets
 Emmaus groups now
meeting regionally
Strategy: Camps
Junior Ichthus
 (September 2013)
 Near Springbrook
 52 campers / 15 leaders
in 2012.
 Brilliant evaluations!
Strategy: Camps
•Senior Ichthus
•30 June – 6 July
•28 campers / 15 leaders
•Near Peregian Springs
•Overseen by “Ichthus
Management Group” which meets
Strategy: Partnerships and Projects
JK Committees:
 QCMN (ecumenical / SU)
 MC&F Reference group
 Connect 2 Church
 E-Lent / Word Up project
 Vocations Task-group
JS Committees:
 RENEW (Chair)
 QCT RE&Chap Commission
 REAC (Qld govt)
We are working with or have
worked with:
ABM et al...
GFS Grants:
Up to $500 per parish
per year for a group.
Up to $2000 per parish
per year for a special,
one-off project.
Forms are available online at
Leader needs to join GFS
In return, we support GFS
Cathedral day (kids’
activities etc. on Thursday
3 October)
AYCFAB supports
GFS/Kidsplus+ groups as
the preferred kids’ club
model in parishes.
Fiona and I presented at
the GFS leaders weekend
at Bribie on 25 May.
We will also explore other
forms of support.
Developing social service projects and
options to suit a range of ages
(See our website:
Roma and Chinchilla trip (April 2013).
Parish / Community Garden projects
Bushcare / bushwalking...
2014 Youth Pilgrimages (Vanuatu, PNG)
Youth Ambassadors to Parishes
2014 Schoolies Week options
Other pilgrimage options for older youth.
Strategy: Communication
New website:
Events calendar (two-way communication)
Downloadable resources for every kind of YCF group
YCF group directory
Picture Galleries
Camp rego forms
Blogs and blog roll
Contact details
And more...
Strategy: Communication
Social Media:
•Facebook Page: c.247 Likes
Strategy: Communication
• Wednesday Weekly
• Regular newsletters to
Parishes and contacts
(providing links to our
Strategy: Training, Resourcing and
Visit parishes, schools and agencies for preaching
/ consulting / problem-solving...
On topics including:
 Youth Ministry
 Children’s Ministry
(inc. Messy Church)
 Families Ministry
 Employing YCF Ministers
 Social media/networking
(new Social Media Policy)
Strategy: Training, Resourcing &
 Bring
It! A regular bi-monthly meeting for youth
ministers and leaders of youth groups in the Diocese,
with guest speakers, free pizza, etc.
Strategy: Training, Resourcing and
We encourage parishes to employ a YCF minister
(FT/PT) and we advise on all steps of the process, in
liaison with Diocesan HR.
JK currently working on new Parish Regulation for
YCF Minister Appt Process.
We are seeking to create new formal pathways for
the Formation of YCF Ministers.
Summing up: MEC’s 2013 YCF Ministry
Camps /
Partner-ships Communication
Training and
RISE day
Primary Ichthus
GFS grants
Bring it!
Junior Ichthus
ASC seminars
Facebook Page
consultancy to
Saturation day
Senior Ichthus
Focus content
Grad clergy
GFS kids’
Wed Weekly
YCF Minister
pastoral care
and advice
Messy Church
YCF newsletters
Regional visits
Growth Strategy: Events
Youth form of ‘Bible 360’ (proposed)
Encourage more parishes to try “Messy Church”
“Reverb” project for Dec/Jan.
Growth Strategy: Training, Resourcing
and Formation
Within parishes, focus on Transition periods for
young people:
School  High school
 High school  Uni/work
 Primary
“Apprentices Guild” for upper primary, to follow
Sunday school and retain this age group (cf.
QCMN “Here2Stay” project)
In the meantime...
• (+ blogs)
Read Focus (new look, new role)
Subscribe to Wednesday Weekly (email:
Ensure we have at least one set of “YCF Contact”
details from your parish.
“Off-line resources”
Join the Roscoe Library here at St Francis’ College,
Free membership for Brisbane Anglicans
Thousands of books, DVDs and materials
Picture books, Messy Church books, “young-people
friendly” worship instruction books.
NOOMA DVDs and study resources
Catalogue is open on-line at
Use your Human Resources
Invite us to come to you!
(Preaching / speaking / training / consulting /
problem-solving /...)
Youth Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Families Ministry
Employing YCF Ministers / workers
Social media/networking (new Social Media Policy)
Sticky Faith (Fuller Institute, US)
Where will Growth come from, if not
from Youth, Children and Families?
Jonathan Kemp
(07) 3514 7432/0409 744 507
(MEC, Anglican Diocese of