Brett Lawson, Principal Greg Billings, Assistant Principal CAPA Academy Steven Broadway, Assistant Principal Professional Academy Michael Sizemore, Assistant Principal Freshman Academy Focused study in the Fine Arts Dual enrollment program School-within-a-school design Safe and supportive learning environment Active and involved parent organization and community adopters Numerous academic, social, and athletic extracurricular activities Facility with fully-equipped science laboratories, specialized fine arts classrooms, and interactive whiteboards, throughout the building School Enrollment CAPA Enrollment Grade 9 388 80 Grade 10 345 92 Grade 11 341 113 Grade 12 274 80 1,348 365 TOTAL Bachelors Degrees Master / Doctorate Degrees Certified Staff Highly Qualified Staff 100% 68% 91 % 98.1% 14- Advanced Placement Course Offerings 94- Honors Course Offerings Enriched English, math, science and social studies classes for qualifying Optional students 2009-10 2010-11 Average ACT Score Projected ACT Score 19.8 18.1 - 22.1 2009-10 Attendance Rate 91.5 2009-10 Graduation Rate 81.2 100% of CAPA students graduate on time. Overton’s programs are consistently recognized with top honors and awards at the regional, state, and national level. Football Basketball Baseball Softball Soccer Track Volleyball Golf Bowling Cheerleaders Pom Squad Art Band Broadcasting Choir Creative Writing Dance Drama Orchestra Piano Marching Band Jazz Band Percussion Ensemble Chamber Orchestra Chamber Choir Composition Show Choir Digital Art Painting and Drawing Photography Sculpture Black Box Theatre Technical Theatre Master Classes Extensive Performances Opportunities Collaborative Performances 3 year average $6,787,152.00 3 year average CAPA SENIORS $921,000.00 $11,512.50 EACH 100% of CAPA students who apply and audition for colleges and universities are recipients of a scholarship. Arkansas Sate University Choir Michele Bottini Bridging Souls Productions Collage Dance Collective Dayton Contemporary Dance Company Frank Shaffer Ron Horton Bobby Lavell Memphis Symphony Orchestra Nubian Dance Theatre Out Loud Artistry Vaneese Thomas Carnegie Hall-(2010) Wind Ensemble Fame-(2010) All-School Musical The National Freedom Awards-(2010) President’s Day Choral Festival-(2011) Annie-(2011) All-School Musical Essentially Ellington Regional Festival-(2011) Blue Jazz Ensemble Overton’s performance ensembles are recognized as “first call” appearances for prestigious local and regional events. Bridge Builders Debate Team French Club Knowledge Bowl Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society National Forensics League National Spanish Honor Society Quill & Scroll Honor Society Spanish Club Thespian Society Ambassadors Anti-Violence Bridge Builders Facing History & Ourselves Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club FCCLA Future Business Leaders of America InkWell Interact Key Club National Forensics League PeaceJam Peer Mediation Science, Engineering, Communications and Math Student Government Assoc. Tracker Club Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Arts Schools Network Magnet Schools of America College Board All staff and specialized programs at Overton are affiliated with state, regional, and national professional associations 2.0 overall GPA for each semester No grade lower than a D for the semester or final grade Scores at or above the 50th percentile on the Reading/Language Arts subtest AND on the Mathematics subtest or its equivalent on a current nationally normed or TCAP Achievement Test Satisfactory conduct and work habits Satisfactory attendance, including promptness to school and each class (a total of more than 15 absences and/or tardies is considered unsatisfactory) All applicants must successfully complete an audition and agree to stay an extra hour each day in specialized CAPA programs Agree to meet all program requirements of the student’s major department 2009-10 Grade Level Reading / Language Math 7th Grade 753 and up 751 and up 8th Grade 751 and up 750 and up These scale scores equate to the 50th percentile. Parents of students who are in-district and qualify for our Optional program need to complete the application and submit all proper documentation to Overton High School. Note: These parents do not need to go through the application process online or the in-person application process at the Board of Education To submit an online application, the student must currently attend a Memphis City School in the 8th – 11th grade Parents of eligible students for the online application process can pick up a bar-coded “ticket” application January 24th from 6:30am to 5:30pm and January 25-27th from 7:30am until 5:00pm at the Board of Education If you have a bar-coded application, you can submit an application online by going to the Optional Schools website and it will provide you with a receipt If you complete the online application, you do not need to return to the Board of Education on January 28th In order to use the bar-coded application online, the online submission must occur prior to January 28th at 5 pm You may submit an application in person if you do not have web access or you prefer not to submit an application online You must apply in person if you choose to have your child privately tested or use a test other than the 2010 TCAP Achievement Test results You must apply in person or by mail if your student is currently a non-Memphis City Schools student (i.e. county, private, independent or parochial) or attends a charter school You may pick up a bar-coded application January 24th from 6:30am until 5:30pm or January 25-27th from 7:30am until 5pm. Then, to apply in person, you must bring the application with all proper documentation on January 28th between 6:30am and 5pm to Board of Education After January 28th , applications may be submitted to the Optional office. However, bar-coded “ticket” applications may not be used after 5pm on January 28th Applications for Optional School with proper documentation attached may be mailed to: Division of Optional Schools and Advanced Academics Memphis City Schools Board of Education 2597 Avery Avenue, Room 106 Memphis, TN 38112 Applications received in the mail will be processed at the end of the work day. Bar-coded applications may be mailed but must be received by January 28th at 5pm. Bar-coded applications will be processed in numerical order, with the last four digits of the bar code number holding your place in line. Applications are processed on a first-come, first served basis using the following procedures: 1. Sibling Preference for Memphis City Qualified students with siblings in the same Optional Program who are maintaining the Optional requirements. A sibling is a brother or sister who lives at the same address. 2. Memphis City qualified students 3. County Optional students who are currently enrolled in Memphis City Schools 4. County qualified siblings 5. County qualified students 6. Tennessee qualified students 7. Out-of-state qualified students Completed Optional Application Current 2010-11 Comprehensive Report Card Copy of “most recent”Achievement Test Scores Proof of Residence (if In-District Student) Successful Program Audition & Interview (to be scheduled by the school after all other requirements have been met) Division of Optional Schools and Advanced Academics Linda Sklar, Director 416-5338 Brett Lawson , Principal 416-2021 Greg Billings CAPA Optional Coordinator 416-2142 Ashley Tipton, Professional Counselor 416-2031