Program Heat the the delta (English version)

Heat in the delta
Clientship & design in a changing climate
November 28, 2014 | Tolhuistuin | Amsterdam
November 28, 2014, Architectuur Lokaal organizes the national manifestation Heat in the delta on
public clientship and design. Both literally and figuratively we deal with major changes. Formerly the
local aldermen initiated building projects on a large scale, within in the context of the national spatial
planning; sometimes in collaboration with project developers and corporations. In the future,
ambitions will differ completely. Relationships and tasks have changed tremendously over a short
period. Municipalities will have to do a lot more themselves, without being the initiator. On the one
hand they’ll have to deal with small local initiatives; on the other hand they are expected to guide
urbanisation, whilst climate and energy have to be self-evident in this context.
But how can the aldermen do that? How can they take advantage of new techniques and the
possibilities offered by design? Which examples are available, which financial models? And in what
way communities can realize and guard spatial quality? What does the new local clientship means for
the local administration?
Hitte in de delta is the 6th edition of the national manifestation on (public) clientship and design,
organized by Architectuur Lokaal every four year in the year of the municipal local elections.
Governors, designers, knowledge institutions, civil servants, project developers and housing
corporations in the vanguard share their innovative ideas with fellow aldermen, local councillors,
deputies, waterboards and all others involved in clientship and design in The Netherlands.
Climate & Energy
Location: Grote zaal / Theatre Room
09.00 Registration opens, coffee & tea
09.45 Agenda Cilly Jansen director Architectuur Lokaal
10.15 Public patronage in a changing climate
chaired by Felix Rottenberg
Along with the continuing decentralisation, roles in public patronage are changing. What does
this mean for spatial challenges that can and have to account for climate and energy? The
Province of Noord Brabant purchases cultural heritage and invests in sustainable energy. The
Water board of Vallei & Veluwe closely collaborates with knowledge institutes and enterprises
to transform organic waste into bio mass. The Municipality of Amsterdam finally has an
alderman responsible for sustainability that occupies himself with sustainable energy and
clean air. At all local and regional levels work is being done on the resilient city, but how
effective are these policies and how fast can they be implemented. Do local and regional
authorities collaborate in a satisfactory manner? Is there still a link with central government
and what is the nature of this link?
Debate with Abdeluheb Choho alderman Amsterdam Municipality (D66), Yves de
Boer alderman Province Noord Brabant (VVD) en Tanja Klip chairman Water board Vallei en
Veluwe (VVD)
11.00 Changes in malleable Netherlands
chaired by Michelle Provoost Development/Design team Atelier ZZ, Crimson
Big Society, decentralization and population decline are trends that will have a big impact on
the organization and spatial order of the Netherlands. The central questions are no longer
what, where and how much to build. We have to consider how we will decide on spatial
developments, how we will finance new plans and how we must organize their
implementation. The new Environmental Act that will simply Dutch environmental legislation
and make it more effective addresses these issues. A dilemma presents itself: the law aims to
accommodate sustainable developments and regional differences, but the law also wants to
make it easier for everybody to pursue his own spatial ambitions by stimulating grass roots
11.00 Atelier ZZ, commissioning and environmental laws
introduction by Cilly Jansen, director Architectuur Lokaal, projectleader Atelier ZZ
Atelier ZZ investigates the possibilities to contribute to the improvement of town and country
planning tools. It concerns improvements that first and foremost are felt and experienced by
Dutch civilians, but that will also wonder and surprise cosmopolitan citizens in our globalizing
world. Atelier ZZ, a project of Architectuur Lokaal under Werken aan Ontwerpkracht, Actie
Agenda Architectuur en Ruimtelijk Ontwerp (Working on Design Power, Agenda on
Architecture & Spatial Design AAARO), presentments the outcomes of its investigations during
2013 and 2014 in an advice to the Cabinet.
11.10 Premiere: Dilemma’s in het veen (Dilemma’s in the Peaty Meadows)
film by Victor Vroegindeweij
The Peaty Meadows Atelier Friesland van Atelier ZZ wants to offer guidelines to develop visions
on the future informed by design. Visualization of possibilities can help politicians, inhabitants
and entrepreneurs to make choices, regardless of planning and legal issues and other
obstructions. The Atelier discloses bottlenecks that in the broader context of national
legislation are also relevant for the rest of the Netherlands. The Peaty Meadows Atelier
Friesland analyzed what processes, actors, financial streams and mentalities frame the future
of the Frisian peaty meadows. What does this mean for major challenges with regard to the
landscape in the Netherlands?
11.35 Results Atelier Peaty Meadows Friesland
Wouter Vanstiphout chairman Development/Design team Atelier ZZ, professor Design and
Politics TU Delft, Crimson, discusses the results of the team with Frans Veltman alderman
Friese Meren (CDA), Jan Vente alderman Bergambacht (SGP/CU), president Platform Slappe
Bodem, with contributions by Paula Kemp Development/Design team Atelier ZZ, Banning
Barristers en Nanne de Ru Development/Design team Atelier ZZ, The Berlage, Powerhouse
Company; chaired by Michelle Provoost
12.15 Black Swans: design in the environmental policy
The first Atelier ZZ advice 2013-2014, Black Swans: design in the environmental policy will be
handed over to the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. Hermen Borst head
Spatial Design and deputy director Spatial Development of the Ministry receives the advice
from Carel de Reus chairman Atelier ZZ.
12.30 The energy challenge
chaired by Felix Rottenberg
Energy is power. Energy is politics, mobility, economics. What does the future look like, what
challenges are awaiting us and how can administrators, designers and other professionals join
forces? Dozens of municipalities plan to be the first fully energy neutral municipality in the
Netherlands by 2025. What do these plans exactly propose? Are the scenarios put forward
12.30 Introduction to the energy challenge
Nikol Dietz H+N+S Landschapsarchitecten, co-author Landscape and Energy
12.45 Case studies
Eric Frijters FABRIC, Lector Future Urban Regions Nederlandse Academies van
Bouwkunst, Brendan de Graaf Duurzame Energie Unie Texel and Albert Anijs Arnhem
13.15 Debate
Discussion with Isabelle Diks alderman Leeuwarden Municipality (Groen Links), Piet
Sleeking alderman Dordrecht Municipality (Beter voor Dordt BVD) and Nikol Dietz H+N+S
14.00 The Big Climate Debate
chaired by Felix Rottenberg
Research reveals that larger municipalities are more able to develop climate-conscious policies,
but also that active climate policies not necessarily produce better results. How can
municipalities make use of designers to manage climate impacts?
What is climate?
Peter Kuipers Munneke polar meteorologist IMAU, weather forecaster NOS
What is the problem?
Jan Brouwer team of ambassadors Resilient City, quality teams Space for the River
What can design do?
Henk Ovink Principal Rebuild by Design, Senior Advisor to Secretary Shaun Donovan, HUD /
Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force USA
15.00 Intermezzo: The Gauge
The Gauge 2014 is an award issued by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment for
projects that inspire others to think and act ‘resilient’.
Willem Jan Goossen program manager Spatial Adaptation ministry Infrastructure and the
Environment. The award will be presented by Pier Vellinga professor Climate Change and
chairman Knowledge on Climate.
15.15 Practical examples
chaired by Isabelle Diks alderman Leeuwarden Municipality (Groen Links)
discussion with Pex Langenberg alderman Rotterdam Municipality (D66), Paulus
Jansen alderman Utrecht Municipality (SP) and Marleen Hermans professor Public
Commissioning in the Construction Industry TU Delft
16.15 Intermezzo: Climate in the picture Loek van Vliet photographer
16.30 Vision for the future
Felix Rottenberg interviews Wim Kuijken Deltacommissaris
17.00 Drinks at the restaurant
18.00 Dinner
[dinner is fully booked]
Design & Quality
Location: Tuinzaal / Garden Room
10.15 The new architect
chaired by Thijs Asselbergs architect, professor Architectural Engineering TU Delft
Architects increasingly are expected to possess different skills and process approaches. What
are the new qualities of the architect and how can education anticipate? How must architects
improve to produce (and implement) optimal resilient designs?
Met Floris Alkemade architect, chairman jury Archiprix 2014, Pieter Stoutjesdijk architect,
ECOnnect and Gerjan Streng, architect, The Cloud Collective
View the IABR film ‘Mosaic of Brabant’ on design research, commissioned by Architectuur
Lokaal here.
11.30 The Q factor
chaired by Rients Dijkstra State advisor Infrastructure and the City
The Environmental Act retains the obligation for the government to secure a good quality of the
built environment. Local authorities are granted more leeway to accommodate local
peculiarities. A proper motivation for decisions with a spatial impact is of the utmost
importance. What tools do local authorities use to arrive at deliberate decisions? How can they
make effective use of advice by expert teams?
Discussion with Roeland van der Schaaf alderman Groningen Municipality (PvdA), Han
Hefting alderman Beemster Municipality (Beemsterpolderpartij) en Hans Konst alderman
Province of Friesland (PvdA)
Presentation of the first copy of the book Q FACTOR Ruimtelijke kwaliteit in Nederland
[Q FACTOR Spatial Quality in the Netherlands] by authors Sandra van Assen urban designer and
José van Campen planner to Tjeerd Dijkstra former chief government architect.
12.45 The Year of Space 2015
chaired by Indira van ’t Klooster Architectuur Lokaal, chief editor A10 New European
Meeting within the context of Year of Space with the architecture centres in the
Netherlands on:
> Day of Architecture 2015 withHans Leeflang director Knowledge, Innovation and Strategy,
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
> The Atlas on Tour with met Jaap Evert Abrahamse senior researcher Cultural Heritage
Ministry Culture and co-author of the Atlas on the Urbanisation in the Netherlands, 1000 years
of spatial development (2014).
> The Vinexpeople with Jaap Jan Berg INTI
13.45 Conclusion
17.00 Drinks
18.00 Dinner at the restaurant [dinner is fully booked]
Location: IJ Pavillion
Exhibition Archiprix 2014
In the EXPO ROOM and in the TUINZAAL / GARDEN ROOM of the IJ Pavilion the entries of
Archiprix 2014 will be on display.
Analysis of the entries of Archiprix 2014 prompted the conclusion that design culture is very much
alive. The new engagement no longer runs directly from design to result (an approach that is
destined to fail); it is aimed at conceiving viable projects by activating participation. Personal
considerations of the new generation of designers that deals conscious and confident with topical
challenges, play an important role as well. They extrapolate urban design from architecture and
consider it self-evident to incorporate sustainability in their plans.
17.00 Drinks at the restaurant
18.00 Dinner [dinner is fully booked]
Location: Expo Zaal / Expo Room
10.15 Partner parade
chaired by Carolien Ligtenberg bureau ZWIRT
Young designers demonstrate how spatial issues, matched to energy and climate issues, can
assume concrete form through design research. They show examples of design solutions that
have a broad applicability and offer interesting leads with regard to inspiration and
feasibility. Architects hand keys with which local authorities can get down to work.
Presentations from 10.15 to 12.00 & repeated from 12.15 to 14.00
State and space
Young innovators Rients Dijkstra Rijksadviseur Infrastructuur en Stad
Netherlands are changing Carolien Ligtenberg bureau ZWIRT
Fresh water
The Fresh Water Cooperation Wolbert van Dijk, Paul van Dijk and Joppe Veul
Dikes in The Netherlands Eric-Jan Pleijster LOLA
Local food production
Urban Farming Box Minke Mulder and Claire Oude Aarninkhof
The Food Metropolis Peter Leeuw bureau 3515
Transformation en conservation of energy
Priceless Remants Dik Houben Powerhouse Company
Sustainability of School Construction Marco van Zandwijk RUIMTE OK
Heat in the city
Hot Amsterdam Jeroen Atteveld and Dingeman Deijs
Ecological Energy Network Olv Klijn FABRIC
Rainproof Amsterdam Daniel Goedbloed Waternet
The Wondrous Water Square Florian Boer and Dirk van Peijpe DE UNRANISTEN
13.45 Conclusion
Rients Dijkstra and Carolien Ligtenberg
17.00 Drinks at the restaurant
18.00 Dinner [dinner is fully booked]
Competitions (full program in English)
Location: IJ Zaal / IJ Room
10.15 5th EU Procurement Day: Making Tendering Even Simpler
New tools in an international context. Presentation of the new KOMPAS light Development
Competitions and KOMPAS towards Sustainability – the latter has been developed in close
collaboration with TU Delft. Both digital instruments for improved and simpler procurement
of architectural commissions have been developed by the Steunpunt Architectuuropdrachten
& Ontwerpwedstrijden of Architectuur Lokaal under the Action Agenda Architecture and
Spatial Design (AAARO) and with consultation of branch organizations of project developers
and designers.
Cilly Jansen and Michel Geertse Architectuur Lokaal, Steunpunt Architectuuropdrachten &
11.00 Internationalisation
chaired by Matthijs Prins associate professor Design and Construction Management TU Delft
Brussels has introduced public procurement directives to promote a single European market.
The merits of these directives are heavily contested. Nevertheless, cross border collaborations
seem to increase. The success stories of Dutch architects and builders abroad are well-known,
but at the moment international collaborations also advance in Dutch procurement
procedures for architecture. How do you locate suitable commissions and partners abroad
and how do you deal with different (procurement) cultures?
11.00 Presentation new Library at Birmingham
Francine Houben Mecanoo architecten
11.30 Conversation on commissioning and commissions abroad
Matthijs Prins and Francine Houben
12.00 Socially responsible procurement
chaired by Alijd van Doorn assistant professor section Design and Construction
Management TU Delft
Sustainable procurement no longer confines itself to climate issues, maintenance costs and
energy savings. Attention for flexibility, circular economy and corporate social responsibility
is rapidly increasing. If these sustainability ambitions are to succeed, public clients, designers
and contractors must reassess their approach towards procurement processes. How can the
conditions of the preparation, tendering and contract stages be optimized to make the best
use of the potential of design?
12.00 Presentation of the renovation of a.s.r. headquarters at Utrecht & the New
University Building at Amsterdam
Jeroen van Schooten Team V Architectuur
11.30 Conversation on the responsability of architects
Alijd van Doorn and Jeroen van Schooten
13.00 The Fulcrum (in English)
New British-Dutch initiative aimed at making all architectural commissions in the UK and the
Netherlands available in a transparent fashion through a joint portal:
Cilly Jansen director Architectuur Lokaal, Walter Menteth Project Compass CIC, National
Councillor at RIBA, Walter Menteth Architect (UK), Russell Curtis Project Compass CIC, RIBA
Construction Leadership Group Region London, RCKa architects (UK)
13.45 Conclusion
17.00 Drinks at the restaurant
18.00 Dinner [dinner is fully booked]
Location: Poortgebouw
De OPEN COÖP is a multidisciplinary cooperation of diverse Enterprises and freelancers. They are
not just united by the shared building, but also by their love for the city of Amsterdam and the
ambition to make city life better and more inspiring. The OPEN COOP is a ‘Machine that can
chew any wicked problem related to the city’ by combining politics, art, (digital) media, design,
management, campaigns, architecture, new technologies, local production and great food.
Sharing knowledge and expertise by working together on larger (societal) issues is an essential
For Heat in the Delta the OPEN COÖP organizes nine workshops of half an hour each for small
groups in its own accomodation: the presentation room and the frontstore of the Poortgebouw,
directly besides the Tolhuistuin (see location information). Three times, two workshops are
programmed simultaneously, and one time two workshops.
Attention: Places in the workshops of OPEN COÖP are limited. Places need to be reserved upon
11.00 The cooperative approach towards large issues
The cooperative movement in 360°: what goes on, where and why? What private/public
enterprises are becoming successful? The workshop leader of Partizan Publik presents a bird’s
eye view of the five building blocks of an effective cooperation, in three separate sectors
(culture, energy and care). Subsequently, the participants will assemble a future scenario.
Thijs Middeldorp Partizan Publik
What if we can print buildings in 3D?
During an interactive 3d print demonstration we will discuss the future changes the 3D craze has
in store for us. What will city life look like after the third industrial revolution?
Martine de Wit DUS
11.30 The Dutch sustainable business models experience
During this workshop you will experience which innovative business models contribute to a
sustainable city. By looking into new and existing initiatives we will take you through the basic
principles, success factors and impact of sustainable business models.
Daphne de Wit DUTCH
Coffee tasting
Kees Kraakman introduces you into the world of quality coffee. About why local roasting and
slow development into the successful small business are the secret behind a truly great coffee.
Kees Kraakman Uw koffiedienstverlener
New ways to reuse available materials more effectively are ever-increasing. Think about
collaborative consumption platforms such as Peerby. Tom’artvark’jaspers developed a project
titled The ArtShed. Together with you he will investigate how the principals of circular economy
can be used in other domains.
Tom Jaspers
12.00 Conclusion first round
12.30 CityBlogging is CityBranding is CityMaking (smartphone required)
An introduction into the ilovenoord citybranding method which involves local Communities in the
‘making’ of their own city.Learn more about the five best practices of the ilovenoordcommunity
en receive a crash course in the ilovenoord method.
Luc Harings ilovenoord
Participation and Play as a basis for sustainable placemaking
The first of the Richard Krajicek Foundation’s ‘Playgrounds of the Future’, designed by DMAU,
has just been delivered at the Rivierenbuurt in The Hague. This workshop focuses on the
sustainable placemaking principles behind the playground and their implementation on other
Daryl Mulvihill DMAU
13.00 Street dinners – social engineering (in English)
Local Streets celebrated anywhere! What if neighbours everywhere cooked and dined together,
wouldn’t the world be a better place. In a dynamic workshop – like only Bite Me can organize – it
is shown how the principles of Street Dinners could be used everywhere.
Jonas Grøn and Anastasia Dimitriadou Bite me
E-tech and social change
ICT is often perceived as an ideal means to address a large audience for social issues. But what is
the basis of the design for an online solution that actually works? And how do you tap into
existing demand and the requirements of the end user? A workshop on parallels between
architecture and web applications and the role of users in the design process.
Alexander Zeh Topika
13.30 Conclusion second round
17.00 Drinks at the restaurant
18.00 Dinner [dinner is fully booked]