FORSKERMØTET 2014 The 36 Meeting of the Norwegian Association for Economists BI Norwegian Business School, 6-7 January 2014 th Monday 6/1: 09.00-11.00 11.00-11.15 11.15-12.00 12.00-13.00 13.00-15.00 15.15-16.00 16.15-18.15 19.00-22.00 22.00-max{1,g(π)} Registration Welcome Keynote lecture 1: Espen R. Moen (BI) Lunch Invited and contributed sessions I Nobel lecture: Richard Priestley (BI) Invited and contributed sessions II Conference dinner Hotel bar and disco (π is profits, g' > 0) Lobby Room B1 030 Room B1 030 Lobby Room B1 030 Hotel Tuesday 7/1: 09.30-11.30 11.30-12.30 12.30-13.15 13.30-15.30 Invited and contributed sessions III Lunch Keynote lecture 2: Per Krusell (IIES/SU) Invited and contributed sessions IV Coffee table: Between rooms A2 005 and A2 010 Cloak room: A2 090 Wi-Fi: Network: BI-Guest Username: os_gjest Password: Velkommen2014 1 Lobby Room B1 030 2 Invited and contributed sessions (Version: 6 January 2014 at 15:43 CET) Sessions I: Monday 13.00-15.00 Invited session: Petroleum and macroeconomics Chair: Hilde Bjørnland Room: B1 030 Hilde Bjørnland (BI): Boom or gloom? Examining the Dutch disease in a two-speed economy Torfinn Harding (Univ. of Sussex): Institutions and the Location of Oil Exploration Francesco Ravazzolo (Norges Bank): Business Cycles in Commodity Exporter Countries Choice and welfare Chair: Christian Brinch A2 005 Asle Gauteplass (NTNU): Sustainable production and the ambiguous effect of discounting Discussant: Christian Brinch Andreas Fagereng (SSB): Asset Market Participation and Portfolio Choice over the Life-Cycle Discussant: Asle Gauteplass Trond E. Lunder (TMF): Did they get what they came for? Welfare migration among heterogeneous welfare benefits in Norway Discussant: Andreas Fagereng Christian Brinch (BI): Time Aggregation and the Analysis of Welfare Persistence Discussant: Trond E. Lunder International economics and aid Chair: Arne Wiig A2 010 Inger Sommerfelt Ervik (UiB): Welfare Effects of Trade Policy in General Oligopolistic Equilibrium Discussant: Arne Wiig Hege Medin (NUPI): The reverse home market effect in exports: A cross-country study of the extensive margin of exports Discussant: Inger Sommerfelt Ervik Maren E. Bachke (UMB): Information and donations to development aid projects Discussant: Hege Medin Arne Wiig (CMI): Devolutionary delusions? The effect of decentralization on corruption Discussant: Maren E. Bachke 3 Environmental economics no. 1 Chair: Gunnar Eskeland A2 015 Brita Bye (SSB): Efficient measures to curb carbon leakage: What is optimal rebate level? Discussant: Gunnar Eskeland Caroline Wang Gierløff (UMB): Analyzing Payment for Environmental Service using Data Envelopment Analysis: Target setting and reallocations Discussant: Brita Bye Gunnar Eskeland (NHH): Leadership in Climate Policy: Is there a case for Early Unilateral Unconditional Emission Reductions? Discussant: Caroline Wang Gierløff Factors affecting achievement Chair: Ingeborg Solli A2 050 Øystein Hernæs (PRIO): Television and Cognitive Skills: Modern Evidence Discussant: Ingeborg Solli Marianne Haraldsvik (NTNU): Does the educational level of your classmates' parents matter? Discussant: Øystein Hernæs Ingeborg Solli (UiS): Born to run behind Discussant: Marianne Haraldsvik Experiments Chair: Leif Helland A2 059 Ola Kvaløy (UiS): Hidden Benefits of Reward: A Field Experiment on Motivation and Monetary Incentives Discussant: Leif Helland Stein Holden (UMB): Intra-household Coordination, Cooperation and Pareto-efficiency: Lab-in-the-Field HawkDove Game Experiments Discussant: Ola Kvaløy Leif Helland (BI): Information, rationing, and coordination in experimental posted offer markets Discussant: Stein Holden Inflation Chair: Tommy Sveen A2 095 Tord Krogh (UiO): Real wage rigidity and unemployment: Closed versus small open economy Discussant: Tommy Sveen Ragna Alstadheim (Norges Bank): How New Keynesian is the US Phillips Curve? Discussant: Tord Krogh Tommy Sveen (BI): Sectoral interdependence in small open economies Discussant: Ragna Alstadheim 4 Sessions II: Monday 16.15-18.15 Invited session: The Holden III committee and wage formation Steinar Holden (Chair) B1 030 Steinar Holden (UiO): Wage formation and challenges for the Norwegian economy Victoria Sparrman (SSB): The Norwegian wage formation and the effect of immigration Bernt Bratsberg (Frisch Centre): Labour migration and the financial crisis Industrial organisation no. 1 Chair: Bjørn Hansen A2 005 Joakim Prestmo (SSB): Real investments and production in the offshore petroleum industry Discussant: Bjørn Hansen Øyvind Nilsen Aas (BI): Dispersion in retail prices Discussant: Bjørn Hansen Bjørn Hansen (Telenor): Spectrum policy and competition in mobile data Discussant: Øyvind Nilsen Aas Economics and history Chair: Arild Sæther A2 010 Carsten Syvertsen (HiOF): The rise and the fall of Anglo-Norwegian natural ice trade (1850-1914)-lessons learnt and consequences for the petroleum inudstry in Norway-a creative o'mangement perspective Discussant: Arild Sæther Jon Reiersen (HiVE): From Conflict to Cooperation: Norwegian Labor Market Institutions in the Making Discussant: Carsten Syvertsen Arild Sæther (Agder Vitenskapsakademi): The entrepreneur - A lost actor that should resurrect Discussant: Jon Reiersen Price theory Chair: Theis Theisen A2 095 Teis Lunde Lømo (UiB): Resale price maintenance in two-sided markets Discussant: Theis Theisen Arne Rogde Gramstad (UiO): Piracy in Commercial vs. Open Source Software Competition Discussant: Teis Lunde Lømo Theis Theisen (UiA): Efficiency and justice in the market for cooperative dwellings Discussant: Arne Rogde Gramstad 5 Econometrics and forecasting Chair: Olvar Bergland A2 050 Håvard Hungnes (SSB): Equivalent formulations in co-fractional systems and the implication for the co-fractional rank test Discussant: Claudia Foroni Claudia Foroni (Norges Bank): Density forecasts with MIDAS models Discussant: Håvard Hungnes Leif Anders Thorsrud (BI): Forecasting output and inflation with global components. This time is different Discussant: Olvar Bergland Olvar Bergland (UMB): Model Uncertainty in Energy Market Models: A Bayesian Approach Discussant: Leif Anders Thorsrud Business and governent governance Chair: Geir Bjertnæs A2 059 CANCELLED: Cathrin Fløgstad (UiB): Lending to Developing Countries: How do official creditors respond to sovereign defaults? Discussant: Geir Bjertnæs Asmund Rygh (BI): Bureaucrats in international business: Investigating welfare-economic rationales for stateowned multinational enterprise Discussant: Cathrin Fløgstad Geir Bjertnæs (SSB): Corporate income taxation, regulations on profit shifting, and worker welfare Discussant: Asmund Rygh Resource economics Chair: Kristin Linnerud A2 015 Stein-Erik Fleten (NTNU): Keeping the Lights On Until the Regulator Makes Up His Mind Discussant: Kristin Linnerud Anders Skonhoft (NTNU): Perfect selectivity vs. biomass harvesting in an age- structured fishery model. What is the gain? Discussant: Stein-Erik Fleten Øyvind Handberg (UMB): Using experiments for ex-ante (policy) evaluation of forest conservation initiatives Discussant: Anders Skonhoft Kristin Linnerud (Cicero): Termination of renewable energy support schemes: How uncertainty affects investment rates Discussant: Øyvind Handberg 6 Sessions III: Tuesday 9.30-11.30 Invited session: Industrial organisation and vertical restraints Chair: Lars Sørgard B1 030 Nils-Henrik M. von der Fehr (UiO): Green Certificates, Vertical Relations and Market Power Simen A. Ulsaker (NHH): Buyer Groups, One-stop Shopping and Exclusivity Lars Sørgard (NHH): Upstream Merger in a Successive Oligopoly: Who Pays the Price? Fiscal Economics and pensions Chair: Nils Martin Stølen A2 010 Thor Andreas Aursland (NHH): Rebalancing in the Eurozone Disussant: Nils Martin Stølen Erling Holmøy (SSB): Generational Accounts provides misleading fiscal effects of demographic changes: Reasons and corrections Discussant: Thor Andreas Aursland Nils Martin Stølen (SSB): Life time pension benefits versus life time contributions Discussant: Erling Holmøy Labour Chair: Victoria Sparrman A2 015 Jørgen Modalsli (SSB): Intergenerational occupational mobility in Norway, 1865-2011 Discussant: Marit Gjelsvik Hege Marie Gjefsen (SSB): School accountability: Incentives or Sorting? Discussant: Victoria Sparrman Marit Gjelsvik (SSB): Labour market effects of higher skill premia in Norway Discussant: Jørgen Modalsli Victoria Sparrman (SSB): Labor Market Institutions and Wage Inequality in the OECD Countries Discussant: Hege Marie Gjefsen Housing prices and markets Chair: Eilev Jansen A2 035 Dag E. Sommervoll (BI): Homes and Castles: Should We Care about Idiosyncratic Risk? Discussant: Andre Anundsen Andre Anundsen (Norges Bank): Regional US housing price formation: One size fits all? Discussant: Dag E. Sommervoll Erling R. Larsen (BI): Did the 2008 Monetary Policy Reversal in Norway Reverse the Housing Market? Discussant: Eilev Jansen Eilev Jansen (SSB): Forecasting Norwegian housing prices Discussant: Erling R. Larsen 7 Political economy Chair: Rune Sørensen A2 050 Elias Braunfels (NHH): How do Political and Economic Institutions Affect Each Other? An Empirical Approach Discussant: TBA Askill Halse (UiO): Unified, but divided. The effect of geographical representation in single-district electoral politics Discussant: Rune Sørensen Per Tovmo (NTNU): The impact of voting franchise on fiscal and election outcomes Discussant: Askill Halse Rune Sørensen (BI): The impact of state television on voter turnout Discussant: Per Tovmo Environmental economics no. 2 Chair: Knut Einar Rosendahl A2 070 Taran Fæhn (SSB): Climate policies in a fossil fuel producing country Discussant: Eirik Romstad Durmaz Tunc (NHH): Optimal Innovation Strategy for Mitigating Pollution Discussant: Knut Einar Rosendahl Eirik Romstad (UMB): Dynamic Efficiency for Stock Pollutants Discussant: Taran Fæhn Knut Einar Rosendahl (UMB): Carbon leakage: Pay or not pay the polluter? Discussant: Durman Tunc Monetary Policy Chair: Gisle Natvik A2 080 Drago Bergholt (BI): Foreign Shocks in an Estimated Multi-sector Model Discussant: Gisle Natvik Paolo Gelain (Norges Bank): Monetary Policy Trade-offs and Financial Frictions Discussant: Drago Bergholt Gisle Natvik (Norges Bank): Economic uncertainty and the effectiveness of monetary policy Discussant: Paolo Gelain 8 Sessions IV: Tuesday 13.30-15.30 Invited session: Growth and business cycles Chair: Kjetil Storesletten B1 030 Kjetil Storesletten (UiO): Redistributive Taxation in a Partial Insurance Economy Francesco Furlanetto (Norges Bank): Matching efficiency and business cycle fluctuations Sigurd Mølster Galaasen (UiO): R&D heterogeneity and implications for growth Agricultural economics Chair: Øyvind Hoveid A2 010 Klaus Mittenzwei (NILF): The disappearing middle hypothesis: Review and clarification Discussant: Sofie Skjeflo Sofie Skjeflo (UMB): Economy-wide effects of input subsidies in Malawi: Market imperfections and household heterogeneity Discussant: Klaus Mittenzwei Daniel Atsbeha (UMB): The Effect of Dairy Quota on Milk Composition Discussant: Øyvind Hoveid Øyvind Hoveid (NILF): Returns to scale in Norwegian milk production revisited Discussant: Daniel Atsbeha Labour markets and gender Chair: Karen H. Ulltveit-Moe A2 015 Kjell Erik Lommerud (UiB): Mommy tracks and public policy: On self-fulfilling prophecies and gender discrimination Discussant: Karen H. Ulltveit-Moe Venke Furre Haaland (UiS): The Intergenerational Transfer of the Employment Gender Gap Discussant: Kjell Erik Lommerud Karen H. Ulltveit-Moe (UiO): Globalization: A woman's best friend? Exporters and the gender wage gap Discussant: Venke Furre Haaland Industrial organisation no. 2 Chair: Lampros Lamprinakis A2 070 Frode Nordvik (BI): The Location of Oil and the Resource Curse Discussant: Lampros Lamprinakis Rasmus B. Holmen (Menon): Road investments and productivity effects Discussant: Frode Nordvik Stefan Flugel (UMB): Accounting for User Type and Mode Effects on the Value of Travel Time Savings in Project Appraisal: Opportunities and Challenges Discussant: Rasmus B. Holmen Lampros Lamprinakis (NILF): Rethinking competitiveness for high cost producers Discussant: Stefan Flugel 9 Financial economics Chair: Klaus Mohn A2 035 Dagfinn Rime (Norges Bank): The Offshore Renminbi Exchange Rate: Microstructure and Links to the Onshore Market Discussant: Klaus Mohn Burhan Ahmad (UMB): Spatial differences in volatility across regional rice markets of Pakistan Discussant: Dagfinn Rime Gjermund Grimsby (Menon): Community banking and the market for business credit Discussant: Burhan Ahmad Klaus Mohn (UiS): Exploration risk in oil and gas shareholder returns Discussant: Gjermund Grimsby Regional economics Chair: Sigbjørn Sødal A2 050 Lars Håkonsen (HiT): Local government allocation of cultural services Discussant: Sigbjørn Sødal Astri Drange Hole (HiB): Provider category and quality of care in the Norwegian nursing home industry Discussant: Lars Håkonsen Sigbjørn Sødal (UiA): Analysis of regional division in Norway by means of gravitation models Discussant: Astrid Drage Hole 10