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Current Economic Issues Facing


宋承敏 by Song Chengmin


How to evaluate Chinese economy?

• 1 、我要列举好多条,但是最重要的一条是,问题




I have many points to make, but the most important one is: we are trying to think of ways to resolve all the issues instead of avoiding them. ex: environmental protection, adjustment of economic structure, innovation, low income, social security, credibility, monopoly, reform and opening up, anticorruption etc.

• 用,食品安全,垄断,改革开放,反腐败


• 只是有些问题一时还没有找到更好的办法


It takes time to find out better ways to resolve these issues.

2 、企业的进步

Progress of enterprises

• 中国是制造大国。现在许多企业不好。这是一个




China is a large manufucturing country. Many enterprises are not doing well nowadays. This is a problem in the process of development. The economy used to grow very rapidly in the past. The domestic and external demand was dynamic, and the production capcity was strong. There were many repeated production of low-end products, and later high-end products.

• 品的重复建设。结构调整老是调整不好。



We did not do a good job in economic restructuring. Now the market is forcing us to find a way out. "Made in China" was in large quantity, now we have to inprove the quality of product.

3 、速度问题

Speed of economic growth

• 速度下降说明什么?过去为什么高?劳动力成本低,发展



What does the slowdown of economic growth mean? Why was the growth rate so high in the past? Because the labor cost was low, and we developed some enterprises with high energy and resources consumption. The officials were willing to see rapid growth due to the pressure of unemployment.

Due to the constraint of environment, inflation, resources, and market, it is impossible for China to carry forward.

• 市场等等的压力,不能继续下去。过去那




Now the growth rate is coming down. This is the outcome of both outer pressure and inner adjustment. Currently, the speed of growth is still fairly high among the countries in the world.

4 、前进的动力

Driving force of development

• 还有没有动力?中国正处在工业化、城镇化。城




Is there still driving force? China is in the process of industrialiaztion and urbanization. Every one percent annual increase in the level of urbanization means that 10 million more people come to the cities from the countryside. We need to further open up to the outside world, and strenghthen cooperation with

BRICK member states and developing countries.

5 、社会保障将提高内需

Social security will expand

domestic demand


了 90% 以上,养老保险迅速扩大,失业保险解决


The characteristic of social security in China is that we have accomplished the targets in a short period of time which many other countries took many years to accomplish. The medical insurance has covered more than 90% of the total population. The scale of social pension has been rapidly expanded.The unemployment insurance scheme is also working quite well.

6 、就业问题


• 高度重视。过去高速度,政府的一个主要

考虑就是解决就业问题。每年解决 1200 万


We attach great importance to employment issue. In the past, the economy was growing fast. One major concern of the government is to address the problem of employment. We need to create 12 million new jobs every year.It is difficult for some enterprises to recruit workers.

8 、社会信用问题

Social credibility

• 社会信用,食品安全问题,政府高度重视


The government lays great emphasis on issues concering social credibility such as food safety.

The public awareness to protect their rights and interests has been enhanced, and supervison from the public and media has been strenghtened.

9 、改革开放

Reform and opening up

• 要求在增强,不改革不行。政府的改革,




There is a greater need for reform. The government cannot do well without reform.

We are pressing ahead with the refroms on

SOEs, ideologies, traditions, income distribution etc.

10 、环境问题


• 社会在进步,环保意识在加强,推动环保


The society is moving forward. There is a stronger public awareness of environmental proctection. We are bound to carry farward the work of environmental protection.


International cooperation and competition

• 1 、我们全面、强大、配套的生产能力,丰




The global market needs our strong and alldimensional production capabilities as well as high-quality and inexpensive commodities.

Although some production bases have been transfered to other places, it is unlikely that

China will be replaced by any other country in a short time.

• 2 、我们需要市场,需要进口好的产品,引



We need market. We need to import good products, introduce up-to-date technologies, attract useful experience, managerial expertise and culture. We need international cooperation.

• 3 、我们认为,大家是互相需要的,谁也离不开谁

We believe that we need each other. No single country can live without collaboration from the rest of the world.

• 4 、既是合作的关系,又是竞争的关系。双方国情


Our relationship is both cooperative and competitive.

The two countries have different national conditions.

It is natural for us to have disputes and frictions.

• 5 、怎么办?协商的办法,谈判的办法。互相恶斗


How can we deal with it? Only consultation and negotiation. We both get hurt if we fight each other.

• 6 、双方国情不同,容易产生误解,要努力多想一


Due to our different national conditions, misunderstanding is easily generated. We need to think of more ways to strenghthen mutual trust.

• 7 、不要贸易保护主义。我们很少主动采取贸易制


We have to get rid of trade protectionism. We rarely resort to trade sanctions. We wish to expand import and avoid trade barriers.

• 8 、我们正在变化,从出口导向、引进外资为主到


We are changing our trade pattern. In the past, our trade was dominated by export and foreign investment. Now we are willing to see a more balanced foreign trade and two-way investment.


什么 ?

What can Chinese traditional culture bring

• 1

to corporate management



A big problem in the research of corporate management nowadays is: we sing high praise for the entrapreneurs, management and employees. It seems everything is perfect.

However, we've been avoding cruel practical problems.

• 2 、现在企业管理越来越难。社会在进步,人在进




The corporate management is becoming more and more difficult. The society is progressing. The humanbeings are developing. The corporate management has to catch up. Chinese traditional culture specialized in the exquisite research on human relations, spiritual realm of humanbeings, which can inject nutrition into corporate management.

• 3 、过去企业管理注重制度,程序化,人与



The corporate management in the past paid more attention to systems, prosecures, and relationship between human and productive materials. But humanbeings are alive. We need to do better in managing people.

• 4 、中国传统文化好多思想在企业管理中大



Many thoughts in Chinese traditional culture can be applied in modern corporate management. ex. Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. The bosses should treat employees like this, and vice versa.

• 5 、克己复礼。太好了!把纪律变成不仅是


知修身养性齐家治国平天下。 restrain yourself and return to propriety. Great!

Consider self-discipline as not only out pressure but also requirement of your inner self.

• 6 、具体办法。吾日三省吾身。

Concrete ways: One has to reflect on himself three times a day.

• 7 、忠义礼智信,温良恭俭让。

Benevolence, faithfulness, righteousness, wisdom and honesty.

temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous.

• 8 、言必信,行必果。

Promise has to be kept, and actions have to be resolute.

• 9 、天时不如地利,地利不如人和。

Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people.

• 10 、有了这些营养,人能够有良好的思想



With these cultural nutritions, people can have good thinking and are willing to adapt themselves to the scientific management of the enterprises. Meanwhile, they can maintain an active manner, creativity and pleasant mentality.
