中国农药工业发展现状和未来发展趋势 China Pesticide Industry ---For Sustainable World Agriculture Development 张爱娟 Adrienne Chang 南京红太阳股份有限公司 Nanjing Red Sun Co.,Ltd. Istanbul June 2014 主要内容 Main Content 一、中国农药发展现状 二、中国农药管理相关法律法规 三、未来中国农药产业发展趋势 1. China Pesticide Development Review 2. China Pesticide Management Laws and Regulations 3. Future Development Direction and Strategy of China Pesticide Industry 一、中国农药发展现状 Chinese Pesticide Development Review 概况 General Profile 中国农药工业经过几十年,特别是改革开放以来的快速发展,已经形成了包括科研开 发、农药原药生产和制剂加工、原材料及中间体配套较为完整的农药工业体系。中国已 经成为农药生产、使用、进口、出口大国。 目前可生产农药品种500多个,常年生产农药品种250多个,基本覆盖了杀虫剂、杀菌 剂、除草剂和植物生长调节剂的主要类型。登记农药产品 2 万个左右。 所生产的农药产品除了满足国内农业发展的需要外,出口呈现逐年增长的势头。 现有农药生产企业2000多家,其中原药生产企业500多家,农药类上市公司10余家。 总销售额2000亿人民币。 After decades of fast development, China pesticide industry has established strong strength on complete systematic structure with integration of technology R&D, A.I. manufacturing, Formulation, upstream raw material and intermediates production. China is now the very important country for pesticide manufacturing, use, import & export. China may manufacture more than 500 A.I., among which around 250 are regular kinds, covering main products of insecticide, herbicide, fungicide and plant growth regulator. There are around 20,000 pesticide products (technical and formulated) registered in China. All the products manufactured not only meet the needs for China domestic agriculture development, but also are exported to overseas market which grows fast year by year. There are around 2000 pesticide manufacturers in China, among which 500 are technical grade manufacturers, around 10 are public companies listed in China main stock markets. Total sales scale of the whole industry is around RMB200billion. 1. 农药产量 Pesticide Output 400 354.9 350 300 250 226 190.2 200 173.1 150 129.6 103.9 86.3 87 82.2 100 64.8 6 9.6 264.8 248 50 0 2000 图1: 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2000~2011年农药产量统计图Table 1: Pesticide output , 2000~2011 2006-2011年,中国农药总产量增长104.3% China total pesticide output increased by 104.3% from 2006 to 2011 2012年全国农药产量 China Pesticide Output, 2012 (100%计, 万吨) Based on 100%, 10,000 Tons 品 种 Category 杀虫剂 Insecticide 杀菌剂 Fungicide 除草剂 Herbicide 农药总产量 Total Pesticide OutPut 1~12月累计 Jan. to Dec. 同比(%) YOY Change(%) 占总产量比例(%) Proportion(%) 81.3 -12.0 22.9 14.4 -7.1 4.1 164.8 42.5 46.4 354.9 19.0 图2: 数据来源:国家统计局 Table 2: Source--National Bureau of Statistics 三大类农药近年来的发展情况 Output of Three Major Pesticide Kinds in Recent Years 图3: 2006-2010年,年均增长率杀虫剂10.24%,杀菌剂10.33%,除草剂28.49% Table3: From 2006 to 2010, average growth rate per annum of insecticide reached 10.24%, fungicides 10.33%, herbicides 28.49% 2.2012年全国农药生产品种 2. Pesticide Category Manufactured in China, 2012 品种 Category 杀虫剂 Insecticide 杀菌剂 Fungicide 除草剂 Herbicide 植物生长调节剂 Plant Regulator 杀鼠剂 Rodenticide 农药总和 Total Pesticides 品种数 A.I. Numbers 占总品种比例(%) Proportion(%) 134 31.5 131 30.8 123 28.9 30 7.2 7 1.6 425 100 3. 2000-2012年全国农药进出口统计(实物:万吨) 3. China Pesticide Import and Export from 2000 to 2012 (unit:10,000 Tons as is basis) 90 89.74 80 79.6 70 60.3 60 47.7 50 39.1 40 50.8 出口量 Export 进口量 Import 27.4 30 20 16.2 10 42.8 39.8 48.5 19 22.2 4.1 3.5 2.7 2.8 2.8 3.7 4.3 4.14 4.4 4.4 5.1 5.3 6.89 0 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 数据来源:国家统计局 Data Source: National Bureau of Statistics 2012年农药进出口情况 China Pesticides Import and Export, 2012 出 口 Export 进 同比 金额 同比 YOY Amt YOY Change ($100 Change (±%) mil.). (±%) 89.74 12.7 28.60 18.2 19.22 -2.1 7.72 7.07 -8.1 59.87 19.4 农药类别 数量 Category Vol. 10,000t 口 Import 同比 金额 同比 YOY Amt. YOY Change ($100 Change (±%) mil.) (±%) 6.89 30.3 5.92 21.2 12.4 0.86 25.9 1.30 19.4 3.37 -9.1 2.41 26.9 2.63 34.4 16.73 28.8 2.46 42.5 1.40 6.1 数量 Vol. 10,000t 农 药 Total Pesticide 其中 杀虫剂 Insecticide 杀菌剂 Fungicide 除草剂 Herbicide 数据来源:农业部农药检定所 Data Source: ICAMA 2012年中国农药出口 除草剂近六成,杀虫剂三成,杀菌剂一成二。 Herbicides occupied 60%, insecticides 30% and fungicides 12% of total pesticide export in China, 2012 . 数据来源:农业部农药检定所 Data Source: ICAMA 4. 2012年中国农药出口国家和地区 4. China Pesticide Export Destination Countries and Regions (2012) 共出口到170个国家(地区) -亚洲:泰国、以色列、印度、越南、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦、马来西亚、日本、土耳其 -南美:巴西、阿根廷、巴拉圭、哥伦比亚 -北美:美国 -欧洲 :俄罗斯联邦、乌克兰、比利时 -非洲:尼日利亚、加纳、南非 -大洋洲 :澳大利亚 除草剂出口到以上21个国家的金额占农药总金额的74%以上。其中出口到美国最多,出 口金额高达11.3亿美元,同比增长55.1%,占整个农药出口的14.3%。 Total 170 export destination countries and regions in 2012 -Asia: Thailand,Israel,India,Vietnam,Indonesia,Pakistan,Malaysia,Japan,Turkey -South America: Brazil,Argentina,Paraguay,Columbia -North America: USA -Europe: Russia,Ukraine,Belgium -Africa: Nigeria,Ghana,South Africa -Oceania: Australia Herbicide exported to the above 21 destination countries amounts to 74% of total pesticide export value. Among them, the export to USA ranks the largest export value of USD1.13billion, increased by 55.1% on year-on-year basis, which amounts to 14.3% of total pesticide export value. 13 数据来源:农业部农药检定所 Source: ICAMA 2012年中国农药出口国家排名 Ranking list of export destination countries in 2012 排名 Ranking 数据来源:国家统计局 Data Source: National Bureau of Statistics 出口目的国 Export Destination Country 出口金额($100mil.) Export Value 1 美国 11.2661 2 巴西Brazil 6.991 3 阿根廷Argentina 5.2804 4 澳大利亚Australia 3.8732 5 泰国Thailand 3.2061 6 以色列Israel 2.979 7 印度India 2.7242 8 越南Vietnam 2.6941 9 印度尼西亚Indonesia 2.5989 10 尼日利亚Nigeria 1.747 11 南非South Africa 1.4995 12 俄罗斯联邦Russia 1.4753 13 乌克兰Ukraine 1.4586 14 巴基斯坦Pakistan 1.4476 15 哥伦比亚Columbia 1.3504 16 比利时Belgium 1.3268 17 马来西亚Malaysia 1.3261 18 日本Japan 1.295 19 巴拉圭Paraguay 1.2762 20 加纳Ghana 1.1328 21 土耳其Turkey 1.0556 5. 2012年中国农药出口品种 5. China Pesticide Export Product Varieties 共出口402种农药品种 出口金额超过1亿美元的品种12个 草甘膦、吡虫啉、百草枯、草甘膦异丙胺盐、莠去净、毒死蜱、2-4滴、乙酰 甲胺磷、灭多威、多菌灵、克百威、高效氯氟氰菊酯 以上产品占出口总数量的59.2%和出口总金额的44.0% Total export 402 pesticide product kinds in 2012 Among which, the following 12 products exceed USD100million export value for each Glyphosate, Imidachlorprid, Paraquat, Glyphosate IPA salt, Atrazine, Chlorpyrifos, 2-4D, Acephate, Methomyl, Carendazim, Carbonfuran, Lambda-cyhalothrin The export of above 12 products amounts to 59.2% of total export quantity and 44.0% of total export value. 出口金额超过1亿美元的品种12个 12 Products Whose Export Sales Exceed USD100million 金额排序 Rank by Sales 年份 Year 进出口 In/Export 有效成分 AI 数量(万吨) 美元(亿美元) Volume(10000mt) USD(100million) 农药种类 Category 1 2012 出口Ex 草甘膦 Glyphosate 38.9685 14.2727 除草 Herbicide 2 2012 出口Ex 吡虫啉 Imidacloprid 2.3943 3.5964 杀虫 Insecticide 3 2012 出口Ex 百草枯 Paraquat 15.8902 3.3447 除草 Herbicide 4 2012 出口Ex 草甘膦异丙胺盐 Glyphosate IPA Salt 15.7084 3.0217 除草 Herbicide 5 2012 出口Ex 莠去津 Atrazine 5.3037 1.9206 除草 Herbicide 6 2012 出口Ex 毒死蜱 Chlorpyrifos 2.9464 1.6286 杀虫 Insecticide 7 2012 出口Ex 2,4-滴 2,4-D 4.4559 1.4302 除草 Herbicide 8 2012 出口Ex 乙酰甲胺磷 Acephate 2.398 1.224 杀虫 Insecticide 9 2012 出口Ex 灭多威 Methomyl 1.1676 1.1322 杀虫 Insecticide 10 2012 出口Ex 多菌灵 Carbendazim 2.5889 1.0897 杀菌 Fungicide 11 2012 出口Ex 克百威 Carbofuran 1.5547 1.0287 杀虫 Insecticide 12 2012 出口Ex 高效氯氟氰菊酯 Lambda-cyhalothrin 1.3296 1.0016 杀虫 Insecticide 数据来源:农业部农药检定所 Source: ICAMA 中国农药工业发展成就 Achievements of China Pesticide Industry Development 1. 产品结构进一步改善 ★ 杀虫剂所占比重逐年下降,杀菌剂和除草剂所占比重有 所提高。 ★ 高效、安全、环境友好型新品种所占比例得到了明显的 提升。随着高毒农药的禁用,高毒、高残留农药产量占 农药总产量的比例从70%以上,降到3%以下。 1. Improved product structure ★ Insecticide percentage has significantly dropped year by year, herbicide and fungicide have increased ★ High-effective, safe and environmentally friendly products have been the main stream products. The percentage of high-toxic, high- Insecticide residue pesticide products have dropped from 70% to below 3% now since the banning policy started in 2007. Herbicide Fungicide 数据来源:国家统计局 Data Source: National Bureau of Statistics 各类农药所占比例(%) Percentage of Various Pesticides(%) 2005 2010 “十二五”规划 各占比例 12th 5-Year Plan 杀虫剂 Insecticide 41.8 31.4 40 22.9 除草剂 Herbicides 28.6 40.5 45 46.4 杀菌剂 Fungicide 10.1 7.1 15 4.1 其它 Others 19.5 21 农药类别 Category 数据来源:国家统计局 Data Source: National Bureau of Statistics 2012 中国农药工业发展成就 Achievements of China Pesticide Industry Development 2. 企业规模不断扩大,组织结构有所改善 ★ 随着环保、安全的要求日益严格,以及市场竞争日趋激烈,推动了农 药企业兼并重组、股份制改造的步伐,企业规模不断壮大。 ★ 农药产业集聚取得初步成果,在江苏如东建设的农药工业产业园已初 具规模,目前园区累计入驻农药生产企业50多家。 2. Enterprises sizes are enlarged, organization structures are improved ★ More and more strict regulations on EHS and tough market competitions have pushed M&A within the Industry, more and more big companies emerged and grew fast. ★ More and more plant sites are consolidated into the specialized pesticide industry park for better efficiency. 中国农药工业发展成就 Achievements of China Pesticide Industry Development 中国农药工业发展成就 Achievements of China Pesticide Industry Development 2. 技术创新取得一定成绩 ★ 创制了一批具有自主知识产权的农药新品种并取得了国内外专利,30多个创制 品种进入了国内外市场。 ★ 主导品种和中间体绿色生产工艺开发、生产装备的集成化和大型化、工艺控制 自动化、水基型剂型加工技术等共性关键技术已成功应用于农药工业化生产。 2. Technology Innovation has achieved certain success in the Industry ★ Developed some new pesticide A.I. products with own intellectual properties which applied domestic and international patents. More than 30 new A.I. products have been successfully introduced into the global market. ★ Successfully developed technologies on greener manufacturing process, large-scale integrated equipments, automatically process control, water based formulation ect. 中国农药工业发展成就 Achievements of China Pesticide Industry Development 浙江新农毒死蜱生产车间 乙基氯化物生产车间 浙江新安草甘膦生产 江苏扬农贲亭酸甲酯生产 红太阳当涂工业园区年产 2.5万吨吡啶碱生产装置 中国农药工业发展成就 Achievements of China Pesticide Industry Development 3. 企业环境保护和责任关怀意识不断加强,三废治理水平不断提高。 3. More and more aware of focusing on environment protection and responsible care. Increased capability on technology of wastes treatment and EHS. 中国农药工业发展成就 Achievements of China Pesticide Industry Development 4. 农药出口结构得到改善 ★ 长期以来,农药出口以低附加值的原药产品为主,近年来高附加值农药制剂产品的出口量增 加较多,并开始进入欧美等高端市场。 5. 农药产品质量稳步提高 ★ 农药产品质量也稳步提高,部分产品达到国际先进水平,如吡虫啉、溴氰菊酯、多菌灵、甲 霜灵、三唑酮、草甘磷等。我国执行的200多个国家或行业标准,均采用或等同国际标准。 4. Better product and market structures of pesticide export ★ Since many years ago, most of China pesticide export are low-valued technical grade products, but in recently years, significantly more growth on higher-valued pesticide formulation products, and also started to enter into high-standard markets like Europe and USA 5. Improved better product quality ★ Achieved better product quality, some reached international advanced quality level, for example, Imidachlorprid, Deltamethrin, Carbendazim, metalaxyl, Triadimefon,Glyphosate ect. We are applying more than 200 industry standards which are at the same level as international standards. 中国农药工业发展成就 Achievements of China Pesticide Industry Development 6. 农药管理实现法制化和国际化 ★ 《农药管理条例》以及各种技术规章和标准的颁布实施,使农药管理实行了 法制化管理。国家打击假冒伪劣农药的力度加大,农药市场秩序进一步纯 化和正常。 6. Progress on Institutionalization and Internationalization of Pesticide Management ★ Regulations on Pesticide Administration were issued to apply various technology regulations and standards, which progressed pesticide institutionalization management. The government also takes active action to crack down counterfeit pesticide products to make a fair and healthy pesticide market environment. 中国农药工业存在问题 The existing problems of China Pesticide Industry (1)产业集中度较低 (2)自主创新能力弱,技术装备水平低 (3)产品结构尚需进一步调整 (4)特殊污染物缺乏有效处理手段 (1)Scattered capacity, over-capacity, repeated investment (2)Weak self-innovation capability, the low level of engineering and equipment technology (3)Product structure needed to be better improved and adjusted (4)Lack of effective treatment technology of special pollutants 二、中国农药管理相关法律法规 China Pesticide Management Laws and Regulations Regulatory Framework and Organizations Regulatory Authorities Regulatory Acts Registration Framework Regulatory Authorities Manufacturing Registration & Use • Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) Market Supervision • • • Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Pesticide Products • Quality Standard General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) Regulatory Acts • Laws • Administrative License Law of the People’s Republic of China • Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China • Law of the People's Republic of China on Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products • Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China • Standardization Law of the People’s Republic of China • Standardization Law of the People’s Republic of China • Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China Regulatory Acts • Regulations • Regulation on Pesticide Administration (Revising) • Regulation on Agrochemicals Administrative Protection • Regulation on Industrial Products Manufacturing License • Regulation on Hazard Chemicals Administration Registration Framework Under the Regulations on Pesticide Administration, the MOA issues regulatory policies and guidance documents to assist the public and regulated entities. • Pesticide Registration Data requirements (Revising) • Regulatory Principles of Pesticide Registration • Restricted or prohibitive Use Pesticide • Regulation on Pesticide Label and Instruction (Revising) • Pesticide Distribution Licenses MOA The Ministry of Agriculture is a component of the State Council in charge of agriculture and rural economic development. ICAMA General Office The institute for control of agrochemicals, mandated by MOA, responsible for pesticides evaluation, registration, risk assessment, policies enforcement, market supervision, international cooperation and public service. ICAMA n Planning & Finance Office Registration Division Quality Control Division Efficacy Division Residue Division Health Division Environment Division Re-evaluation Division Supervision and Regulation Division International Cooperation Division Information Division CCPR Secretariat Registration Stage Temporary Registration Field Trial Stage I Application Stage II Full Registration Stage III Evaluation Procedure Efficacy Health Residue Screening Applications Environment Quality Control Proposed Decision Consultation Period Final Decision by MOA Science Review of Data 三、未来中国农药产业发展趋势 3. Future Development Direction and Strategy of China Pesticide Industry 1.中国农药工业发展环境 1. Development Environment of China Pesticide Industry (1)全面建设小康社会,将促进农药工业的发展 (2)环境保护要求日益严格 (3)知识产权保护意识增强 (4)食品安全日益受到关注 (5)农业生物工程技术的影响日益增强 (6)非贸易壁垒增多 (7)未来农业及植保方式的变革 (1)Comprehensive construction of well-off society will promote the development of agrochemical industry (2) The increasingly strict environmental protection regulations (3) The enhancement of intellectual property rights protection consciousness (4) Food safety is attracting more and more attention (5) The influence of agricultural biological engineering technology is growing (6) An increase of non-trade barriers (7) The innovation of future agriculture and plant protection 2.中国农药企业未来发展战略 2. Chinese Agrochemical Enterprises Development Strategy in the Future ★ 从理念到管理上缩小与国际大公司的差距 ★ 实施资本运营战略,加快企业重组步伐,做大做强——规模优势 ★ 调整产业、品种结构——品种优势 ★ 加强技术改造和自主创新——技术优势 ★ 开拓国内外市场,专业化服务——市场优势 ★ 树立企业品牌意识,加强终端市场建设——品牌优势 ★ 增强责任关怀意识,加大环保投入力度,承担社会责任 ★关注并参与国际农药法规制订,积极应对非贸易壁垒 ★ 加大科技研发投入、关注转基因工程技术的影响 2.中国农药企业未来发展战略 2. Chinese Agrochemical Enterprises Development Strategy in the Future ★ Narrowing the gap with the international big company from concept to management ★ Implementing capital operation strategy; Accelerating the pace of corporate restructuring; becoming bigger and stronger --- scale advantage ★ Adjusting the structure of industry and product variety---variety advantage ★ Strengthening the technology transformation and independent innovation--technology advantage ★ Developing domestic and international markets, specializing services--marketing advantage ★ Setting up enterprise brand consciousness, strengthening the construction of the terminal market---brand advantage ★ Strengthening the consciousness of responsible care; increasing investment in environmental protection and social responsibility ★Focusing and participating in international pesticide laws and regulations revises, coping actively with non-trade barriers ★ Increasing investment in science and technology R&D, focusing on the effects of transgenic engineering technology 3.农药产业政策制定目的 3. The Purposes of Setting up China Pesticide Industry Policies ★ 提高对农业生产的保障能力 ★ 确保粮食和食品安全 ★ 确保环境生态安全 ★ 实现农药行业从弱到强的转变 ★ To improve the support capability and reliability to agricultural production ★ To ensure food supply and food safety ★ To ensure environmental ecological safty ★ To realize the change of pesticide industry from weak to strong 4.宏观调控 4. Macro-control (1)总量控制:保障供给、有序发展 (2)优化布局:推动产业聚集、减少面源污染 (3)结构调整:集约化、规模化、专业化、特色化 (4)提升水平:新工艺、新技术、新装备、自动化 (5)加强创新:提高创新能力、保护知识产权 (6)保护环境:节能减排、保护生态环境 (7)规范市场:培养主导品牌、规范市场秩序 (1)Total amount control: Guaranteeing supply and orderly development (2)Optimization layout: Promoting industry aggregation and reducing diffused pollution (3)Structure adjustment: Intensification, scale, specialization, characterization (4)Promoting competence: New process, new technology, new equipment and automation (5)Strengthening innovation: Improving innovation ability, protecting intellectual property rights (6)Protecting environment: Energy conservation and emissions reduction, the ecological environment protection (7)Standardizing the market: Cultivating leading brands, standardizing market order 5.发展目标 5. Development Targets (1)到2015年,50%以上的农药原药企业进入工业集中区; (2)农药企业数量减少30%,国内排名前20位的农药企业销售额达到总销 售额的50%以上; (3)国内排名前10位的农药企业研发费用达到企业销售收入的3%; (4)“三废”排放量减少30%,副产物资源化利用率提高30%。 (1)By year 2015, more than 50% of the pesticide technical enterprises enter industrial parks; (2)The number of pesticide enterprises decreases by 30%, top 20 pesticide enterprises sales reach more than 50% of total sales; (3)Spendings on R&D of the top 10 pesticide enterprises reach 3% of sales revenue; (4)“Three wastes” discharges reduce by 30%, utilization rate of by-products increases by 30%。 6.中国农业工业发展趋势 6. China Pesticide Industry Development Trend (1)企业兼并重组 (2)产品结构继续得到调整 (3)提高准入门槛 (4)园区化布局 (5)树立农药品牌 (6)生物农药将成为农药开发、应用的热点 (1)Merge and Acquisitions (2)Continuing adjustment of product structure (3)Raising barriers to entry (4)Park cluster layout (5)Setting up the brands (6)Biological agrochemicals will become the hot destination of pesticide development and application