TAXMAN MUNCIPAL SOFTWARE - Phoenix Computer Systems Home

Personnel Property Tax System
 Property Tax System
 Water/Sewer Tax System
 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax System
Motor Vehicle Excise Tax
The PHOENIX Motor Vehicle Excise Tax
Module is an integrated part of the suite of
municipal software products used to provide
municipalities a tool to manage the excise
tax billing, cash receipts, abatements,
refunds, overpayments. This module is
totally integrated with the other PHOENIX
Municipal Software Modules.
Motor Vehicle Excise Tax
Manages Excise Bills
Prints Excise Bills
Processes Interest
Prints Demands
Cash Receipts
Abatement Process
Refund Process
Data Transfer Process
To Communicate With
Deputy Tax Collector
Turnover Reports
Abatement Reports
Refund Reports
Payment Reports
Various Other Reports
Motor Vehicle Excise Bill
Manages Excise Bill
with Online Access
 All Current Data
Available Online
 Excise Bill Can be
Viewed and Managed
In One Place
Motor Vehicle Excise Bill
Prints Excise From
Excise Demands
Demands Can Be
 Demands Can Be
Printed or Sent To
Deputy For Printing
 Demands Are Totally
Integrated With The
Rest of The System
Excise Warrant Processing
 Warrants Transferred
Warrants Are
Generated With In
Collector Are
The System
Uploaded Into The
 Warrant Are Then
Transferred To Deputy  Service Has Been
Tax Collector
 Mark Has Been
 Warrant Has Been
Excise Abatements
Abatements Are
Managed by
Abatements Function
 Abatement Function
Totally Integrated
With Billing System
Excise Cash Receipts
Cash Receipts
Managed in a Online
Function But Still
Keeps Them In a
Batch For Cash
 Cash Receipts Totally
Integrated With Rest
Of System
Overpayments & Refunds
Overpayments Are
Generated By The
Cash Receipts
Function Or The
Abatement Function
 Refunds Are Managed
Within The
Motor Vehicle Excise Interest
The System Manages
Interest Based On The
Interest Parameter Set
On Installation
Motor Vehicle Excise Reports
The System Maintains
Numerous Reports
Turnover Reports
Cash Receipt Reports
Refund Reports
Abatement Reports
Commitment Reports
Miscellaneous Reports
Property Tax
The PHOENIX Property Tax Module is an
integrated part of the suite of municipal
software products used to provide
municipalities a tool to manage the
property tax billing, cash receipts,
abatements, refunds, overpayments. This
module is totally integrated with the other
PHOENIX Municipal Software Modules.
Property Tax
Manages Tax Bills
Prints Tax Bills
Processes Interest
Prints Demands
Cash Receipts
Abatement Process
Refund Process
Interfaces With Numerous
Assessor Systems
 Betterment Process
 Turnover Reports
 Abatement Reports
 Refund Reports
 Payment Reports
 Various Other Reports
Personnel Property Tax
The PHOENIX Personnel Property Tax
Module is an integrated part of the suite of
municipal software products used to provide
municipalities a tool to manage the
Personnel Property tax billing, cash
receipts, abatements, refunds,
overpayments. This module is totally
integrated with the other PHOENIX
Municipal Software Modules.
Personal Property Tax
Manages Tax Bills
Prints Tax Bills
Processes Interest
Prints Demands
Cash Receipts
Abatement Process
Refund Process
Interfaces With
Numerous Assessor
Betterment Process
Turnover Reports
Abatement Reports
Refund Reports
Payment Reports
Various Other Reports
The Phoenix Water/Sewer Module is an
integrated part of the suite of municipal
software products used to provide
municipalities and water districts a tool to
manage the billing, cash receipts,
abatements, refunds, overpayments and
water/sewer liens. This module is totally
integrated with the other Phoenix
Municipal Software Modules.
Water/Sewer Tax
Manages Tax Bills
Prints Tax Bills
Processes Interest
Prints Demands
Cash Receipts
Abatement Process
Refund Process
Process Meter Reading
 Interface With Various
Meter Devices
 Turnover Reports
 Abatement Reports
 Refund Reports
 Payment Reports
 Various Other Reports
Meter Reading
Allows Manual Entry
of Meter Reading
 System Also
Interfaces With
Various Meters
Water/Sewer Bill
Water/Sewer Bill from
current meter readings
Water/Sewer Bill
Manages Water Bill
with Online Access
 All Current Data
Available Online
 Water/Sewer Bill Can
be Viewed and
Managed In One Place
Water/Sewer Abatements
Abatements Are
Managed by
Abatements Function
 Abatement Function
Totally Integrated
With Billing System
Water/Sewer Cash Receipts
Cash Receipts
Managed in a Online
Function But Still
Keeps Them In a
Batch For Cash
 Cash Receipts Totally
Integrated With Rest
Of System
Overpayments & Refunds
Overpayments Are
Generated By The
Cash Receipts
 Refunds Are Managed
Within The
Water/Sewer Interest
The System Manages
A Separate Interest
Amount For Both
Water And Sewer
Based On The Interest
Parameter Set On
Water/Sewer Liens
The Lien Process Places
the Bill On Lien and
Removes the Bill From
the Current Balance Due.
The Lien is Available to
the PHOENIX Property
Tax Module and Prints
On the Property Tax Bill
Water/Sewer Reports
The System Maintains
Numerous Reports
Turnover Reports
Cash Receipt Reports
Refund Reports
Abatement Reports
Commitment Reports
Miscellaneous Reports
Interested In Further Information?
Contact Us At:
Phoenix Computer Systems Inc.
596 Roosevelt Ave
Springfield, Ma 01118
Telephone: (413) 796-7600
Web Site: