State of play of National Action Plans in the EU Member States and PAN Europe activities « Sick of Pesticides » Workshop Tuesday, 30 November 2010, Brussels Hans Muilerman and Henriette Christensen (PAN Europe) The presentation • • • • • • The PURE directive Directive 128/2009 Deadlines Where are Member States Discussion on possible activities PAN Europe work projected The PURE directive • 2000 PAN Europe’s members agreed to propose a pesticide use reduction • Early 2001, a PURE Working Group was established, • December 2003, 87 organisations in 29 countries had signed up to support our campaign for a PURE Directive Essential slogan from the PURE campaign: Rather than wasting more years to agree on standard risk indicators it is time to take action to protect environment health and biodiversity EU action on sustainble use directive • 2006, the Thematic Strategy on the sustainable use of pesticides and EU directive proposed • Directive 128/2009 published 24 November 2009 • Entry into force 25 November 2009 • Implementation by 14 December 2011 • Many provisions with later implementation deadlines Directive 2009/128/EC specifies in article 4 that: ”Member states shall adopt National Action Plans to set up their quantitative objectives, targets, measures and timetables to reduce risks and impacts of pesticide use on human health and the environment and to encourage the development and introduction of integrated pest management and of alternative approaches and techniques in order to reduce dependency on the use of pesticides. These targets may cover different areas of concern, for example worker protection, protection of the environment, residues, use of specific techniques or use in specific crops.” Time tables for national implementation of SUD Overall implementation • 14 December 2011, MS to convert Directive 2009/128/EC into national law (art. 23) • 14 December 2012, MS shall communicate NAP to Commission and other MS (art. 4.2) National penalties: 14 December 2012, MS to inform Commission about penalties for infringements (art. 17) National evaluation: Member States shall review National Action Plans at least every five years, meaning max December 2016(art 4.2) Time tables for EU action on implementation of SUD Monitoring and surveying health and environment impacts • 14 December 2012 Commission in collaboration with MS make guidance document (art 7.3) EU evaluation: • 14 December 2014, Commission submit report on NAP implementation to EP and Council (art. 4.3) • 14 December 2018, Commission submit report on NAP implementation to EP and Council. It may be accompanied, if necessary, by appropriate legislative proposals (art. 4.4) 14/12/2011 14/12/2014 14/12/2016 Commission report + eventual legislation National evaluation 14/12/2012 Commission report MS communication Directive implementation Crucial dates 14/12/2018 Topics covered in the SUD includes Date Training 14 December 2012 Sale of pesticides 14 December 2015 Measure MS establish certification systems and designate responsible for implementation (art 5.2). MS ensuring distributors giving information on danger and alternatives non-professional (art. 6.4) Info and awareness N/A raising Inspection of equipment 14 December 2016 Until 2020 General ban on From 2013 aerial spraying MS to ensure all equipment has been checked (art 8.2) interval between inspections below five years and shall not exceed three years thereafter. aircrafts to be equipped with best available technology to reduce drift (art.9 (f)) Topics covered in the SUD includes Date Measure Information to the public N/A water N/A protect the aquatic environment and drinking water, with mandatory establishment of buffer zones Specific areas N/A Minimum or prohibited pesticide use or risks in specific areas, Handling N/A Handling and storage of pesticides and treatment of their packaging and remnants (article 13). • 30 June 2013 • • 1 January 2014 • Integrated pest management Indicators N/A MS report to the European Commission on implementation of IPM (art. 14.3) all professional uses to implement IPM (art. 14.4) Where PAN E has active members UK, FR, HU, DE, DK, SW… What EU Member States can be covered by involving more people? Where are Member States Consult. Targets/time IPM tables Incentives Implement. UK FR DK SW DE SI NL Can we somehow assess their achievements? PAN work on NAP MS inspiration to 2011 deadline: • Best practice NAP, no MS feedback yet • Report on biodiversity • Stimulate IBMA/IOBC to get active • …………… (to be defined) Need carrot and stick for EU policy changes Preparation to 2014 deadline • Asked questions last year, to be used to monitor in 2014 How to stimulate MS? • Start a joint campaign in Brussels and Member States (5-8) • Organise to be the expertise center on NAP? • Reward the best? • Blame the worst? • Involve citizens (local activities SSP)? Thank you