UNIVERSITY OF PADUA FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2009-2010 INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW Luciano Butti (with the help of Serena Corbetta, Manuela Molinaro, Vittorio Zattra) B&P Avvocati FIRST PART: THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE IN INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW SUMMARY: 1. The idea of precaution 2. Why is it so difficult to regulate risks? (and will the sun rise tomorrow? And who was David Hume?) 3. Precaution as a legal principle 4. Environmental law and the precautionary principle 5. A case study: Nanotechnologies and the precautionary principle 6. Conclusions SECOND PART: GENERAL ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW SUMMARY: 1. Introduction: sources of international environmental law 2. Organizations for environmental law protection 3. Main treaties on international environmental law 4. General principles of international environmental law: outlines THIRD PART: GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE. THE KYOTO PROTOCOL SUMMARY: 1. Introduction: the increasing emissions of GHGs 2. Timeline of the International Climate Change Regime 3. The 1992 Earth Summit: the UNFCCC 4. The Kyoto Protocol FOURTH PART: THE PROTECTION OF WATERS, BIODIVERSITY AND PROTECTED AREAS: COMMUNITY INTERVENTIONS AND ACTION PLANS SUMMARY: 1. Biodiversity 2. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands 3. The Convention on biological diversity, or the Biodiversity Convention 4. The European Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) 5. Inner waters 6. The VI Environment Action Programme FIFTH PART: WASTE DIRECTIVE N. 2008/80 SUMMARY: The need for a new legislative framework The Revised Directive and the resulting framework Introduction to the new framework Features of the Revised Directive Conclusions SIXTH PART: INTEGRATED POLLUTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL (IPPC) DIRECTIVE N. 2008/1 SUMMARY: 1. The evolution of the European IPPC regulation 2. Sectors of application 3. Italian AIA Law 4. Sanctions 5. Regional Regulations SEVENTH PART: INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS: SEVESO Seveso accident description EIGHTH PART: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND THE ENVIRONMENT