(Sayed Mongy) - The Center of Nuclear Studies and Peaceful

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
The Egyptian Nuclear Safety
& Regulations Activities
Prof. Dr. Sayed Ali El-Mongy
Vice-Chairman of NRRA
Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (NRRA)
* Coordinator of SSS TWG (ANNuR – Arab League)
* Supervisor of Central Laboratory - CLERMIT
Center for Nuclear Science and Peaceful Application
Cairo University, 6-7 Nov. 2012)
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
Chronology of the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
‫تطور التشريعات للطاقة الذرية المصرية‬
1955 : Act No. 509 , The Atomic Energy Commission (
Prime Minister)
1957 : Decree of the President Nasser No.288,
Atomic Energy Establishment ( The presidency),
1960 : Law No.59 to regulate peaceful uses of
Atomic Energy in Egypt
1961 : First reactor criticality (2 MWt)
1977 : The Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA) by
Law ( Minister of electricity and energy)
1991 : Code of Practice of the EAEA
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
Atomic Energy authority (EAEA)
Nuclear Research Center
Minister of electricity
Rad. Research & Tech. Center
Nuclear Safety Center
Hot Lab. Center
Nuclear Material Authority , 1977
Nuclear Power Plants Authority, 1976
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
Egypt & Treaties ‫عضوية مصر فى االتفاقات الدولية‬
Member of NPT 1968, Ratified 1981
Nuclear Safeguards agreement 1982
Signed CTBT - 1996
Signed nuclear terrorism - 2005
Signed Early Notification - 1986
Signed Assistant – emergency, 1986
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
Chronology ‫تطور تشريعات االمان النووى المصرى‬
1982, The establishment of a competent regulatory body in Egypt (Nuclear
Regulatory and Safety Committee) .
1991 , Based on the Decree of the President No. 47 , the NCNSRC was
2006, the Presidential Decree no. 152 (ESAC) for control of NMs,& Executive
Ministerial Decrees No.(419,420 and 421) for implementation procedure.
2007 : the Strategic Decision for the peaceful electricity by NPPs
2010 , By the Law No.7 ratified by the President in 29 March 2010…. An
independent “ Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (NRRA)”
established …
2011 : The code of practice was issued (26 Oct. )
2012 : Full independence of NRRA ( 5 March). Chairman & Vice-chairman
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
A Structure of NRRA (Nuclear Safety Institute
Central Lab. For
Regulations & Nuclear
Emergency Division
unit for
sources &
Radiation Control
Safety of Nuclear
Installations Division
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
Nuclear Law & Licensing Dept.
Safeguards & Phy. Protection Dpt
Quality Assurance Dept.
Radiological Safety Dept.
Site & Environmental Dept.
Radiation Protection Dept.
Engineering Safety Dept.
Operation & Human Factor Dept.
Fuel Cycle’s Safety Dept.
‫الهيكل الحالى هيئة الرقابة النووية واإلشعاعية‬
Vice chairman
Nuclear Facilities Sector
Management system Head
Site Security
Radiological Facilities Sector
Medical center
Quality Assurance system
Nuclear Safeguards & Security Sector
Nuclear Safety Institute
Engineering affairs
Rad. Network, Labs. , Emergency
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
Primary Functions of NRRA:
:)‫الوظائف االساسية للجهة الرقابية )هيئة الرقابة النووية‬
Regulations & Guides
‫التنظيمات واالرشادات‬
Review & Assessment
‫التقييم والمراجعة‬
Authorization (Licensing) ‫استصدار التراخيص‬
Regulatory inspections
‫التفتيش والمراقبة‬
Enforcement actions
‫االجراءات االلزامية‬
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
• The Main Duties of NRRA: ‫مهام االمان النووى‬
• 1. Reviewing and Assessment of the Safety Reports of Nuclear
and Radiation Facilities.
• 2. Conducting Regulatory Inspection for Nuclear and Radiation
• 3. Carrying out Safeguard Inspection for Nuclear Materials.
• 4. Issuing Licensing, Permit Authorization or Approval for
Personnel or Facility or Procedure, or Safety Document.
• 5. Developing Regulations, Rules and Procedures Related to
Nuclear and Radiation Safety Issues.
• 6. Control of Transportation of Radioactive Materials on-Land
or in the Suez - Canal.
• 7. Conducting Research in Areas relevant to Nuclear and
Radiation Safety.
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
The activities carried out by the NRRA ‫االمان النووى‬
Licensing of the following facilities (in the last 10 years):
1- ET-RR )The first research reactor)
2- ET-RR2 ( The second research reactor)
3- FFPP ) Fuel manufacture pilot plant)
6- RADIATION LABORATORIES )Research, medicine ,industry)
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
The Licenses issued :
• 1. Licensing Requirements of Research Reactors (RRs), 1997
• 2. Licensing of Operators of Research Reactors (RRs), 1998
• 3. Basic Regulatory Rules for the Protection against Ionizing
Radiation, 1998
• 4. Safety Regulations Concerning Radio-active waste, 2004
• 5. Regulatory inspection program 2004
• 6. Inspection Requirements for Nuclear Facilities at EAEA,
• 7. Licensing of charged particles accelerators,
• 8. Licensing of gamma irradiators , 2006.
• 9. Relicensing of gamma irradiator 2012
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
AAEA -ANNuR : ‫التعاون مع الهيئة العربية للطاقة الذرية‬
• Steering Committee
• Thematic Working (TWGs) Groups
Nuclear SSS
Waste Management
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
IAEA (Cooperation from 2009 - 2011) ‫الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية‬
Workshop in the field of Nuclear Safety, QA , Waste management,
nuclear safeguards and security,….)
European Commission (EC)
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS)
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
Mr. Amano (IAEA Director General)
Dr. Sayed El Mongy
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
Thanks Center for Nuclear Science
and Peaceful Application (NSPA)
Cairo University
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority