Work Permit System

Work Permit System
Course Contents
Course Objectives
To familiarize you all with the requirements of the
Work Permit System.
To familiarize you all with the OPERATIONAL
requirements of the Work Permit System.
To JUSTIFY the need for an effective Work
Permit System.
Course Objectives
To provide Permit Signatories with sufficient knowledge of the Work
Permit System to enable them to fulfil their role
To provide non-signatory participants with sufficient knowledge of
the Work Permit System to enable them to contribute to the integrity
of the Work Permit System during their normal work activities.
The measure of any system or procedure is not how good it looks
on paper, but how well it serves its purpose and how well it is MADE
TO WORK in the field.
Proper implementation, consistent operation and good monitoring
will ENABLE the work covered by a Work Permit to be executed in a
safe and controlled manner.
Compliance with Work Permit System
Compliance with the Work Permit System is
applicable to ...
 Subcontractors Employees
 All Contractors ( If they work in our
Construction areas)
What is Work Permit System ?
.... The Work Permit System is a formal
Safety System, the objective of which is to control
specific work activities which are known to be
potentially hazardous in relation to ...
• The Health and Safety of Personnel
• The integrity of the operation / Facility /
“ A Work Permit is not a permission to carry out
hazardous jobs. It is an essential part of a system
which determines how that job can be carried out
safely and clearly identifies the controls to be put
in place.”
“ The issue of a permit does not by itself make a
job safe : that can only be achieved by those
preparing for the work and those carrying it out.”
Activities covered included but not limited to:
• All works in Live / Construction Areas
• Activities liable to give rise to flammable atmospheres, e.g. Painting
insulation, etc.
• Hot work in live areas or areas subject to potential flammable
atmospheres as above
• Excavation Works.
• Heavy Lifts / Crane Activities / Rigging Works
• Use of Manbaskets
Explosion Devices
• Confined Spaces
• Radiation Etc.
Working on live electric systems
Electrical and Mechanical testing
Electrical Energisation
Pneumatic integrity pressure testing
Flushing, Blowing and line cleaning operation
Removal of handrails and gratings plus working at heights on
incomplete walkways
Commissioning activities e.g. Tightness testing, simulation runs,
inerting, dryouts, catalyst loading, preparing the plant for operation.
Special conditions, e.g. Emergency Permits at night
Working over water outside of fixed barriers
Safe work permit must be reviewed and signed by Superintendent / Supervisor
/ Foreman.
Safe work permit must be validated and approved by (contractor / owner) HSE
permit control personnel.
Safe work permit control number indicated, date/ date duration was valid and
work area should be specified on its exact location & elevation.
Description of work should be more specific to identify high-risk activities.
Live systems in the work area must be identified (temporary / permanent
underground electrical cable, piping etc).
Work execution plan should contain specific detail of work to be done or brief
description of planned work to identify the predictable hazards.
Precautionary measures should be written specifically & accordingly
appropriate to the hazards associated with the intended work.
Follow the steps in checking the safe work permit.
Work to be done must be specific.
Equipment number shall be indicated (if any).
Review all check off items on general preparation checklist and verify with work
in-charge if requirement was met
If conditions are all not met a special procedure should be prepared.
Protective equipment checklist is check-off.
Supervisor to write sign his name approving the hot work permit.
If work is not completed fill in the date, time and status of the uncompleted work
and sign out the safe work permit.
If work is completed ensure that area was cleaned after the work then check off
the checklist & sign out the safe work permit.
Follow the steps in checking the safe work
Location and description of confined space
shall be specifically identified.
Purpose of entry briefly explained.
List all materials to be taken into the
confined space. Counter check if all
materials were removed after the completion
of work.
Identify the hazards in the confined space.
(Physical / atmospheric hazards.
Supervisor shall ensure that all requirement
of the entry permit was met, reviewed and
check-off slots marked before allowing entry.
Additional requirements could be included as part of the permit as added
instructions or precautions to ensure the safety of all the authorized
All authorized entrants shall be poses an individual confined space access
pass / ID.
Assign a certified confined space attendant.
Maintain an entry –exit personnel accountability log.
A competent person shall do test for atmospheric hazards.
Evaluate the confined space for physical hazards.
Contact persons name & phone number should be indicated.
Supervisor and safety in-charge should sign the bottom line of the permit
as acceptance & acknowledgement that work can commence safely in the
confined space.
Fill-up the Equipment Lift Record Card
Description of work
Assigned crafts
Rigging equipments to be use.
Material / equipment to be lifted
Type of lifting device (make, model and capacity)
Responsible supervision should sign over his printed name.
Fill-up the Job Safety Plan, duly signed by the crane operator and
rigger, (for above 25 tons; Rigging Supervisor & HSE Manager)
Description of work
Assigned crafts
Rigging equipments to be use.
Material / equipment to be lifted
Type of lifting device (make, model and capacity)
Ensure that requirement was met and check-off.
Attach an area plot plan clearly indicating work location and
lighting positions.
Safe Work permit with the necessary attachments i.e. area plot plan,
excavation, confined space, rigging / lifting, hot work etc., should be
prepared by the supervisor / permit applicant one (1) day before the
execution. It must be properly filled-up and signed by the
concerned supervisor (See attached
guidelines for SWP
Submit Safe Work Permit to HSE Permit Coordinator at the HSE permit
/ training room not later than 8:00 AM one (1) day before the work
Safe Work Permit must be registered at permit control logbook.
Safe Work Permit Coordinator will check or
review the
work permits
to ensure that the
following were complied:
Permit duly signed and reviewed by FM, Supv’r, Supt.
Special precaution and equipment required are checked
All required attachments are provided.
•Safe Work Permit control number indicated, date was
valid and area of work should be specific (i.e.
elevation, column no. etc.).
•Brief description of work and detailed JSA for the specific job, to
identify the hazards & safety precautions.
Before 10:00 AM, all work permits reviewed and approved by the
HSE Permit Coordinator will be forwarded to Contractor HSE Permit
office for approval, with a receiving list.
Approved SWP will be collected by HSE Permit Coordinator from
Contractor permit office at 3:00 PM of the same day
At 4:00 PM (1day before work execution) or 6:00am (day of work
execution), Supervisor / permit applicant should collect their work
permit at the HSE training / permit office.
All work permits intended for Saturday activities shall be applied 2
days before the day of work execution (Thursday).
Every Thursday, responsible supervisors / department heads shall submit list
of personnel for specific activity (see attached form, employee list for overtime
works) and submit to HSE Permit Coordinator at HSE training/permit office
not later than 8:00 AM.
HSE Permit Coordinator will review the Request for Overtime, including
relevant work permit and other attachment, i.e. emergency contact person or
duty officer / line supervision, area plot plan/location, etc.
Before 10:00 AM, all work permits reviewed and approved by the HSE Permit
Coordinator will be forwarded to Contractor for approval, with a receiving list.
Contractor will release the approved extended overtime at 3:00 PM and
applicants will retrieve the Permits at Permit Office, up to 4:30 PM.
Construction Manager
has overall responsibility for
ensuring that provision are
made for the implementation
of safe systems of work . He
is responsible for appointing
all personnel who are
authorized to sign Work
Permits. Their names will
appear on the Authorized
Signatories-HSE List.
Issuing Authority
The Issuing Authority should be a person of sufficient
seniority and authority to determine priorities of work.
He should be fully familiar with the works on-going
within the areas and the nature of those works.
Personnel to fulfill this role are likely to be Area
Construction Manager, or their authorized substitute.
The application of the “Work Permit” Procedure, for
any Area or System, shall be the responsibility of the
Area Construction Manager / Shift Supervisors who
are responsible for that Area or System at time of
Issue. They will liaise with the HSE Manager in all
HSE Manager
The HSE Manager has the responsibility for conducting
Permit to Work training, monitoring the operation of the
Permit to Work Procedure by the Field Operation
Groups, updating the Authorized Signatory List: as per
HSE Record and proposing the list for appointment.
The authorized signatories list shall detail the status of
the signatories.
He also has responsibility to provide advice and
guidance on the activities and precautions to be
governed by the Work Permit System.
Permit Receiver
nominated by Contractor
or the Subcontractor, with
responsibilities, who has
been trained and is
requirements of the “Work
Permit” system.
The Permit Receiver shall ensure that ...
He has successfully completed Work Permit Course. The work
crew has received adequate instruction / been adequately briefed
in the Work Permit System.
He discusses the job fully, inclusive of any integral hazards, the
required safety precautions, including isolation and PPE, with
the Authorized Supervisor.
The permit is posted, prominently, on the job site.
The work crew is briefed on the permit details, including any
potential hazards, and on all precautions taken, or to be taken.
* The precautions are maintained throughout the work
* The workers understand that, if circumstances change,
the work must be stopped and advice sought from the
* The work crew stays within the limitations set on the
permit (physical boundaries, type of work and validity
* On completion or suspension of the work, the site is left
in a safe condition and the Supervisor informed.
The Supervisor shall ensure that :
The Supervisor has responsibility for the work to which
the Permit relates. He is responsible for ensuring that the
correct precautions and isolations are detailed in the
Permit and are correctly implemented in the field.
He is also responsible for the daily renewal of the Permit
after checking the site and set up of the work ensuring
that all precautions are still in place and circumstances
requiring amendments to the Permit have not arisen.
When permits are raised by Permit Receiver, the same person cannot
also be the Permit Issuer.
The Permit Issuer shall ensure that
The person in charge of the job ( The Contractor/Permit
Receiver fully understands the nature of the applicable
All the hazards associated with the work are identified.
All the necessary precautions are implemented, including
isolations, before work begins.
All person, who may be affected by the work, are informed;
before work begins, when work is suspended and when the
work is complete.
That permit, for task that may interact, are crossreferenced.
The effective arrangements are made for the worksite
to be examined; before work begins, as appropriate and
upon completion of work.
Sufficient time is spent, at shift handover, to discuss all
on going or closed permits, with the in-coming
Authorized Person..
The Sufficient Supervisors visits are made to the work
site, during progress of the work, to confirm the
consistent application of the permit requirement.
HSE Permit Coordinator
The HSE Permit Coordinator is responsible for
ensuring that all sections of the Permit forms are
completed by authorised signatories prior to issue. He
is responsible for full clerical control of the system
including retention of the closed out Work Permit for
the defined period.
All active Permits will be marked on a plot plan
displayed on the wall of the Permit Office.
Work Permit Monitoring by:
1. HSE
2. Client Representative
3. Audit / Inspection Teams
May contribute to the integrity of the Work Permit System by
* Ensuring that the permit copies are displayed at the
Work Site and present in Work Permit office as required.
Checking that the work is being carried out in
accordance with the time parameters of the permit.
Checking that the work is being carried out in
accordance with the physical parameters of the permit.
Checking that all foreseeable hazards have been
identified and that arrangements are in place to control
Asking question of work crews, to test their
understanding of the Work Permit System, the permit
which is in place, the job it covers, the hazards involved
and the applicable safety arrangements.
Completion of the Work Permit Form
Upon completion of the job, and when isolation
have taken place, the contractor / Supervisor shall,
via the Client Supervisor (Authorized) request the
necessary de-isolation.
 The authorised person shall instruct the
electrician/ mechanic, as applicable to carry out
the necessary de-isolation if is it do so.
System such as Work Permit are only a burden
BEFORE a serious incident ...... they are not a
burden AFTER the incident, when the record shows
clearly that YOUR responsibilities had been
efficiently executed.
( Work Permit is A Legal Document )