The implementation of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the

The implementation of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the
National Strategy for Improving the Position of Women and Promoting
Gender Equality (2010 – 2015)
6 Priority Areas of NAP:
Increasing women's participation in decision-making processes and achieving
gender equality
Improving the economic status of women and achieving gender equality
Achieving gender equality in education
Improving the health of women and promoting gender equality in health
Preventing and combating all forms of violence against women and to provide
a comprehensive system of protection for women victims of violence
Eliminating gender stereotypes in the media and the promotion of gender
Combating Sexual and Gender Based
Violence Project
o The project started on 15 June 2009, when the Project Team was
established. The Project Board approved no-cost extension of the project
activities until 30th of September 2012.
o The Project document Combating Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (the
Statement of the RS Government: no. 018-5539/2008 dated 11 December
2008), signed by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Mr Rasim Ljajic
on 12 December 2008, together with the UNDP Deputy Resident
Representative Ms Rini Reza.
o The overall project value: $3,011,140.50
Combating Sexual and Gender Based
Violence Project
o Developed report with mapped services provided by Centres for Social
Work (CSWs) to SGBV victims. Mapped safe houses and shelters taking
care of SGBV victims.
o Developed specialised curricula in the area of gender equality and sexual
and gender-based violence for the Judicial Academy of Serbia, Police
Academy and Department for Human Resources Management of the
Republic of Serbia.
o 37 students have attended or are currently attending three-month
training in the selected institutions addressing sexual and gender-based
Combating Sexual and Gender Based
Violence Project
o The Study “Mapping of family violence against women” developed
o Developed uniform procedures and forms for data collection on
sexual and gender-based violence among relevant stakeholders.
o The General protocol for cooperation and proceedings of
institutions, organs and organizations in cases of violence against
women in family and in intimate partner relationships was adopted
on 24th November 2011 by the Government of Serbia in the form
of Government’s Conclusion.
Combating Sexual and Gender Based
Violence Project
 The National Strategy for Combating Violence against Women in
Family and in Intimate Partner Relationships was adopted by the
Government of the Republic of Serbia on 1 April 2011.
 The Action strategy for the proceedings with the GBV
perpetrators was developed. Three two-day trainings were held for
the employees of the CSWs in Belgrade, Nis and Kragujevac in
Combating Sexual and Gender Based
Violence Project
 Media campaigns marking the international campaign “16 days of
activism against gender violence” during 2009, 2010 and 2011.
 The SGBV project established a reward in 2009 for a specific
contribution in the area of awareness raising related to
unacceptability of sexual and gender-based violence.
 35 grants were awarded to support stakeholders at local level.
Inception Programme
 The purpose of the Inception Programme was to facilitate the
planning and preparation for the agreed Programme-Based
Approach (PBA) and to prepare GED for their leading role in the
NAP implementation.
 Implementation period from March 2010 until June 2011.
Inception Programme
o The achievement of specific results and description of implemented
activities is as follows:
 1. Result: There is an existence of donor support for the implementation of the National
Action Plan on Gender Equality.
 2. GED is strengthened internally to increase their capacity and their tools, and to
improve working conditions in order to perform their duties.
 3.Result: GED is strengthened in their external environment by partnerships with other
institutions and organizations working for gender equality, at municipal, national,
regional and international level.
 4. Result: GED is strengthened by activities of Investigation, promotion, and visibility of
the Directorate and the National Action Plan for Gender Equality.
One-year programme for the implementation of
priority activities in three areas of the National
Action Plan (NAP)
 The overall objective of the Programme NAP I is to
implement the priority activities in the three areas of the
NAP (Decision making, Economic empowerment and
Media), and thus support the efforts of the Serbian
authorities in achieving de facto gender equality.
 Implementation period July 2011 – July 2012; no-cost
extension until September 30, 2012.
One-year programme for the implementation of
priority activities in three areas of the National
Action Plan (NAP)
o The overall objective of the programme is to implement the
priority activities in three areas of the NAP:
Representation of women in public and political life,
Women’s economic empowerment, and
Women and media, and thus support the efforts of the Serbian authorities
in achieving de facto gender equality.
“The role of media crucial for breaking gender
stereotypes”, Media Centre, December 13, 2011”
One-year programme for the implementation of
priority activities in three areas of the National
Action Plan (NAP)
o Under the overall objective, three sub-objectives have been
identified in relation to three areas:
1) Increased participation of women in public and political life in accordance with
NAP objectives in this strategic area,
2) Improved economic status of women and economic inequality between men
and women reduced, equal opportunities policy and better use of women’s
development resources introduced, in accordance with NAP objective in this
strategic area,
3) Positively influence the elimination of gender stereotypes from media coverage
and promote gender equality in media.
Some of NAP I Activities
 Creating of guidelines, check lists and training materials
for decision makers, political parties, trade unions and
associations of employers.
 Developing of methodology for monitoring of
representation of women in Statutes of Local SelfGovernments.
 Conducting analysis of the Budget of the Republic of
Serbia for 2012 from gender perspective.
Some of NAP I Activities
 A study on the status of women exposed to double or
multiple discrimination and their participation in public
and political life in Serbia and conducting training for
 Developing the study on the capacities of auxiliary
services at the local level, with recommendations on how
to strengthen the capacities of auxiliary services for
balancing working conditions and family life.
Some of NAP I Activities
 Developing and implementing project of establishing five
rural women’s e-clubs.
 Raising public awareness of existing legal and
institutional framework on GE and creating PR Strategy.
 Developing grant programmes for parts of local gender
commissions’ action plans in areas of employment and
Some of NAP I Activities
 Developing grant programmes for economic
empowerment of rural women entrepreneurs in rural
 Promotion of Code of conduct for gender sensitive
 Creating media activities aimed at promoting gender
equality and directed/created debate.
Some of NAP I Activities
 Education and sensitization of the teaching staff at
schools and colleges of journalism for gender-sensitive
 Encouraging the active role of the media and news
agencies in promoting GE.