Provide RBOA INC 2014 ANNUAL MTG Niceville City Hall 7:00 PM 4 March 2014 RBOA INC Welcome -- thanks for coming Your participation in conduct of RBOA is greatly appreciated 402 members (properties) strong Board of Directors, Committees All Volunteers AGENDA CALL TO ORDER QUORUM VALIDATION ANNOUNCEMENT OF STANDARDS ELECTION OF DIRECTORS TREASURER’S REPORT 2014 BUDGET COMMITTEE REPORTS 2013/2014 PROJECTS/SPECIAL INTEREST OPEN DISCUSSION BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT VICE PRES TREAS/SEC ENVIRONMENT ARCHITECTURE COMPLIANCE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PAUL MARYESKI AL HABERBUSCH LINDA BLYTHE SCOTT WILCOXEN AL HABERBUSCH FRANK STRASBURGER FRANK STRASBURGER JASON GRANDY SPECIAL THANKS WEBSITE MANAGEMENT CITY OF NICEVILLE USE OF CITY HALL – no $$ charge BOOK KEEPING/BILLING MICHAEL & JONI MCCAIN (MEMBERS) MICHELLE ATKINSON LANDSCAPING PRO EARTHSCAPES (ON CONTRACT) SPECIAL THANKS LAWN MAINTENANCE (cutting/trimming) TAX ACCOUNTANT STEPHEN SHELTON, CPA ENTRANCE LIGHTING S & P LAWN SERVICE (ON CONTRACT) DESTIN LIGHTING (SUPPLIES) PESTICIDE SERVICE GRASS ROOTS (ON CONTRACT) SPECIAL THANKS LEGAL ASSISTANCE BECKER & POLIAKOFF (ON RETAINER) JAY ROBERTS, ESQ JOHN COTTLE, ESQ JOHN ANDRLE GETTING THE WORD OUT (LAKE MATTERS) CORPORATE MEMORY—LAKE HENDERSON PURPOSE AND POWER OF THE ASSOCIATION “This Association is non-profit, does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit to the members thereof. The specific purposes for which it is formed are to provide for maintenance, preservation and architectural control of the residential properties and to promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents of said properties.” (Article III of the By Laws) ROCKY BAYOU OWNERS ASSOCIATION QUORUM VALIDATION (26% of 402 = 105) ANNOUNCEMENT OF STANDARDS ELECTION OF DIRECTORS 7 TOTAL: 5 NEEDED FOR QUORUM, 4 MUST VOTE NOMINATIONS: ? RESULTS -- CY 2013 TREASURER’S REPORT $44K Annual Program 402 mbrs x $110 Money Mkt: Checking: Dam Fund: $32,502 $2,128 $5,437 _________ $40,067* *as of 31 Dec 2013 *as of 31 Dec 2012 ($15,729) *as of 31 Dec 2011 ($28,000) 2014 Annual Budget Income (402 x $120) Expenses (major items) Lawn Service Insurance Landscaping Legal Projects Utilities $48,240 8,000 4,500 6,500 5,000 7,800 6,000 $37,800 COMMITTEE REPORTS ENVIRONMENTAL COVENANT COMPLIANCE ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL environmental ENVIRONMENTAL THE LAKES: Amick, Phelps, Werk, Kenny, Henderson CLOSE CONTACT WITH THE “LAKE DOCTOR” FOR VEGETATION CONTROL ON ALL LAKES LAKE HENDERSON & LAKE WERK MORE PROBLEMATICAL LAKE WERK: SPATTERDOCK LILIES MONITOR SITUATION – early treatment is critical CHEMICAL TREATMENT IS COSTLY VEGETATION CAN BE CONTROLLED - NOT ELIMINATED PLEASE LET THE BOARD KNOW IF YOU SEE A PROBLEM DEVELOPING -- thanks ALLIGATORS FLA FISH & WILDLIFE WILL RESPOND IF GATOR > THAN 4 FEET IN LENGTH FALL 2011 SMALL ALLIGATOR SPOTTED TRAPPER UNSUCCESSFUL LATE 2012 SMALL ALLIGATOR SPOTTED GATORS GROW ONE FOOT EACH YEAR NO ACTION TAKEN DUE TO SIZE BE CAREFUL W/CHILDREN/SMALL PETS GIVE US A CALL IF YOU SEE A GATOR TELL US IT IS > 4 FEET IN LENGTH! beavers BEAVERS BEAVERS AT WORK IN LAKE WERK! SEVERAL TREES TAKEN DOWN IN 2013 TRAPPER CALLED-PERMIT OBTAINED SEVERAL BEAVERS REMOVED FROM LAKE IN 2013 IN 2014 TOO!! EMERALD COAST WILDLIFE REFUGE DOES NOT RELOCATE BEAVERS RECOMMENDED TRAP AND DESTROY DAM (PROTECT TREES WITH FENCING/WIRE MESH) 2013 COVENANT COMPLIANCE 11 Letters sent to property owners 4 lawns/yards 3 personal watercrafts 2 trailers No Fining Boards RBOA Web Site: Compliance process Thank you for your cooperation ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL Who is on the Committee? Your neighbors!! Al Haberbusch - Chairman Bill Osthoff Paul Grimmig ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL ACC Application – for any new house or addition to the property after a house is in place Download application at (first column) Info required: what is it; what will it look like; what’s it made of; where will it be sited on the lot (include drawings/pictures, specs, site plan) Owner (not realtor or contractor) agrees/certifies Restrictive covenants are on the web site (click Documents) Find your address on member list – shows Unit Number ACC will retain drawings for file – submit in 11” x 14” format ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL Variance to Restrictive Covenants Provide rationale – why can’t your project comply? Provide written concurrence from owners adjoining your property, or owners that might be affected (e.g. across the street) In granting set back waivers RBOA assumes no responsibility for encroachment into Utilities/Drainage setbacks from County or other government agency. This is always noted in ACC approval “Notes” Package Types 2013 5 1 2 1 Fences Enclose Existing Porch Siding New House on Bond Circle PROJECTS SEVERAL IMPROVEMENTS PLANNED MARION & SHARON ENTRANCES TOP PRIORITY IN 2014 ONLY TWO UNIMPROVED RBOA ENTRANCES REVIEWING SIGN ALTERNATIVES NOW MASONRY OR WOOD POST HENDERSON LAKE SIGN HAD ONE IN THE PAST WOOD POST SIGN IN CENTER OF THE DAM GETTING ESTIMATES NOW COVENANT MATTERS COVENANTS EXTENDED IN 2013 UNIT 1: extended for 10 yr period 40/77 approved UNIT 2: extended for 10 yr period Until Dec 2023 Until Sep 2013 47/88 approved UNIT 4: extend automatically in Dec 2014 Unless 2/3 of owners are against By written agreement COVENANT MATTERS UNIT 4 Covenants Extended per MRTA Marketable Records Title Act, FL Statute Preserves marketable title beyond 30 years BOD approved at Special Meeting (Feb 2014) UNIT 4 & UNIT 5 Architectural Control Committee expired Architectural Review Committee installed BOD approved at Special Meeting (Feb 2014) RBCC COURSE IRRIGATION RBCC OBTAINED NWFWMD PERMIT TO DRAW WATER FROM LAKE KINNEY NO LONGER GETTING RECLAIMED WATER FROM CITY OF NICEVILLE (25+ YR SERVICE) LEGAL REVIEW BY ASSOC ATTORNEY RBCC HAS RIGHTS TO THE USE OF LAKE WATER BASED ON LEASE FROM RUCKEL PROPERTIES LEASE PRECEEDS RUCKEL QUIT CLAIM DEEDS TO RBOA WILL DRAW AS NEEDED THROUGHOUT YEAR BOD WILL MONITOR LAKE LEVELS CLOSELY CLOSE CONTACT WITH RBCC AND NWFWMD Lakes Memorandum of Agreement 1994 MOA between RBOA & RBCC Outlines organizational responsibilities Lake infrastructure: dams and flow of water from Lake Amick to Lake Henderson Time to review in best interest of both parties Lake Amick/Phelps Dam repair: $31,000+ in 2010/2011 Water quality/treatment/control of wildlife also BOD Special Interest Item Discuss at upcoming monthly meetings SPECIAL INTEREST ITEMS NICEVILLE BY PASS WORK COMPLETE PARKING OFF DRIVEWAY-PLS DON’T!! CRIME IN OUR AREAS ONE CONCERN AT ENTRANCE OFF FORREST ITS AROUND - TAKE PREVENTIVE STEPS!!! 2013 BREAK IN – PHYSICAL CONFRONTATION PUBLIC SEWERAGE - no immediate plans SEVERAL AREAS IN ASSOC ARE ON SEPTIC SPECIAL INTEREST ITEMS NICEVILLE BY PASS WORK COMPLETE PARKING OFF DRIVEWAY-PLS DON’T!! CRIME IN OUR AREAS ONE CONCERN AT ENTRANCE OFF FORREST IT’S AROUND - TAKE PREVENTIVE STEPS!!! 2013 BREAK IN – PHYSICAL CONFRONTATION PUBLIC SEWERAGE - no immediate plans SEVERAL AREAS IN ASSOC ARE ON SEPTIC Real Estate Market Market is rising but still a “buyers” market Clean and neat homes, right priced are selling Updated helps: kitchen/baths/flooring/roof New homes selling quickly at or very close to list price, $150 per sq foot and higher “Swift Creek” , “The Stables” & spot builds Builder concessions & near record low interest Lesser insurance costs and lower utility bills Number of distressed homes declining Several in the Association Maintenance/upkeep is a challenge Real Estate Market RUCKEL PROPERTIES-NEW HOUSING DEV BEHIND THE AIRPORT ON FOREST RD INSIDE THE NICEVILLE BY PASS PROPERTY ANNEXED BY CITY OF NICEVILLE MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1100 ACRES, 4400 UNITS SINGLE FAMILY, TOWNHOMES, CONDOS, COMMERCIAL LEADING INDICATORS SIDEWALK ON ROCKY BAYOU DRIVE WATER TOWER ON MARYSA ENLARGED MAIN SEWER LINE INSTALLED OFF FOREST THANK YOU FOR COMING HAVE A GOOD YEAR!!