The project… - International Atomic Energy Agency

cooperation in Latin
America and the
Improving programmes to
reduce childhood malnutrition
in Latin America
Obesity is a major health
problem in Latin America
due to changes in diet
and patterns of physical
Obesity is caused by overnutrition, and is a form of
RLA/6/052: Evaluation of Intervention Programmes for the
Reduction of Childhood Malnutrition (ARCAL LXXXIV)
Improving programmes for the reduction of
childhood malnutrition in Latin America
The project…
Supported the development of
intervention programmes related
to overweight or obese children.
Evaluated their impact using
isotopic techniques.
Improving programmes for the reduction of
childhood malnutrition in Latin America
The impact…
Policy makers now have tools to support the diagnosis and
evaluation of obesity and its causal factors
Supports the evaluation of intervention programmes in Chile
and Cuba.
Assistance to Bolivia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama and
Uruguay to develop and implement pilot intervention
Standard operating procedures for validation methods using
isotopic techniques have been developed
Screening for congenital abnormalities
in newborns, Uruguay
The challenge…
In Uruguay, the second principal
cause of death in children under
one year of age is congenital
Failure to diagnose and treat some
congenital diseases such as
neonatal hypothyroidism or cystic
fibrosis can cause irreversible,
lifelong damage.
Newborn screening programmes
for these conditions are essential.
URU/6/022: Early Diagnosis of Congenital
Diseases in Children; URU/6/023: Screening
Neonates for Cystic Fibrosis using RIA;
URU/6024: Screening and Diagnosis for
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Screening for congenital abnormalities in newborns, Uruguay
The project…
The programme for neonatal
hypothyroidism at the Nuclear
Medicine Centre at the University of
the Republic, Montevideo started in
1990 and has been continued in
another three projects.
The screening programme covers
all newborns and two diagnostic
centres in the northern and eastern
part of the country have been
supplied with equipment and
Screening for congenital abnormalities in newborns, Uruguay
The impact…
All newborns in Uruguay now receive screening for
hypothyroidism through the cord blood screening programme.
Babies that have been detected as positive are usually able to
receive treatment within a few days, or within 3-4 weeks at the
latest, that will virtually eliminate mental retardation resulting from
congenital hypothyroidism.
Screening has been expanded to cover other life threatening
conditions (Phenilketonuria and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia).
Improving cancer care in the
Dominican Republic
The challenge…
The medical centres of the Dominican
Republic had no medical physics
services nor regular calibration
programmes for their cancer therapy
Treatment was limited to the use of
earlier generation cobalt machines and
the dosimetry applied for treatment did
not take account of individual patients’
For applications in brachytherapy,
sources of radium-226 were still used.
DOM/6/002: Establishment of
Brachytherapy Services, DOM/6/003:
Improved Quality of Radiotherapy
Services, DOM/6/004: National Nuclear
Medicine Service
Improving cancer care in the
Dominican Republic
The project…
Provided basic equipment to the Instituto
de Oncologia Dr. Heriberto Pieter for
quality assurance in dosimetry for the
cobalt machines, and a computerized
system for treatment planning and clinical
Medical personnel were trained.
A service for low dose brachytherapy was
established, which used caesium-137
instead of radium-226.
The first nuclear medicine centre of its kind
in the Dominican Republic was established
in the Oncological Institute of the Cibao
Improving cancer care in the
Dominican Republic
The impact…
3300 implants performed on patients with gynaecological cancer
since 1997.
Care provided for 700 cervical cancer patients per year.
Medical physics and nuclear medicine services available.
Availability of trained cancer therapy technicians.
Updated cobalt-60 teletherapy machines.
Regular quality controls on the basis of protocols.
Computerized or manual treatment planning for every patient.
Clinical dosimetry in brachytherapy, tailored to each patient.
Radiological protection services at regular intervals.
Enhancing nuclear medicine in
Havana, Cuba
The challenge…
Every year, some 5000
people are diagnosed
with cancer in Cuba.
This project aimed to
enhance nuclear
medicine services and
medical therapy
procedures, focusing on
improving the quality of
life of patients.
Enhancing nuclear medicine in
Havana, Cuba
The project…
Working with the Centre for
Clinical Research in Havana,
Cuba, the IAEA provided
expert services, fellowships
and scientific visits on beta
source dosimetry.
It also conducted a national
workshop on beta dosimetry
and the use of
Enhancing nuclear medicine in
Havana, Cuba
The impact…
The number of clinical studies performed per year increased dramatically
(between 2000 and 2006, the number of patients treated doubled).
Quality control improved and the radiological safety of patients and
workers was strengthened (the equivalent dose to personnel was
reduced by 33%).
The training provided to specialists from other institutions increased
Several important donations of specialized equipment were made to the
Cuban Centre for Clinical Research, including a dose calibrator and a
gamma camera, donated by Sweden.
Sterilizing human
tissue in Uruguay
Uruguay had no capacity
to radio-sterilize tissue
Radio-sterilization of
tissue reduces the preprocessing bacterial
load and is also a
terminal sterilization
URU/7/005: Sterilizing Human Tissue Using Ionizing
Sterilizing human tissue in Uruguay
The project…
aimed to supply sterilized, highquality tissue grafts with increased
clinical and microbiological
aimed to provide human resources
qualified in tissue graft radiation
sterilization within Uruguay in order
to increase safe human
Sterilizing human tissue in
The impact…
Uruguay now has access to safe and
properly treated tissue grafts to heal
different skin and musculoskeletal
More patients can be treated.
The production of radio-sterilized
grafts has increased.
Tissue banking activities have now
been included in the National
Programme for Continual Medical
Education and Professional
Awareness in Uruguay.
Preserving cultural heritage artefacts in
Latin America
The challenge…
The classification, preservation and
restoration of historical objects
require scientific, technical and
historical knowledge
Nuclear analytical techniques can be
used to identify the chemical
composition of historical artefacts
This is used for profile establishment
and helps fight counterfeiting and
illegal trafficking of cultural goods
RLA/8/043 Use of Nuclear Analysis Techniques and
Development of Databases for Characterization and
Preservation of National Cultural Heritage Objects
Preserving cultural heritage artefacts in Latin America
The project…
• Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico and
Peru were helped with the study and preservation of their national
cultural heritage, through the provision of analytical information for
the characterization and contextualization of cultural heritage
• was provided on the use of nuclear analytical techniques
• a database was developed for curators, researchers, archaeologists
and other analysts, to support and promote the use of nuclear
analytical techniques.
Preserving cultural heritage artefacts in Latin America
The impact…
A database of descriptive and analytical
data on samples of archaeological and
other cultural property has been
Several laboratories in the region have
successfully employed nuclear
techniques to study archaeological
ceramics and samples of obsidian
(volcanic rock) and bones.
The nuclear techniques have been
promoted through publications, outreach
seminars and talks aimed at
representatives of institutes related to the
study of cultural heritage.
Improving the common bean in
Costa Rica
The challenge…
The common bean is the main source of
protein, iron and fibre in the diet of the
Costa Ricans.
It is grown on small and medium sized
farms in Costa Rica and other parts of
Central America and the Caribbean.
It is affected by web blight, which is
controlled by spraying fungicides.
Fungicide effectiveness is severely
limited by the heavy rainfall, and has a
negative environmental impact.
COS/5/025: Development of Induced
Mutations and Biotechnology for Improved
Productivity and Competitiveness
Improving the common bean in Costa Rica
The project…
Used irradiation to develop web blight
resistant common bean mutants.
Other relevant biotechnologies such as in
vitro techniques and molecular genetics
were also applied.
The resulting mutants are superior to other
varieties in terms of plant architecture,
flowering period, disease and pest
resistance, flavour and other quality traits.
The resistant bean varieties and the
molecular markers linked to this trait were
disseminated to the national bean
improvement programmes.
Improving the common bean in Costa Rica
The impact…
Strengthened national technical
capabilities in the field of plant
breeding and genetics in Costa Rica.
Improved bean strains successfully
cultivated in vitro and reproduced.
Control of bean web blight disease
(mustia hilachosa) in Costa Rica
Increased interest in the coordinated
use of biotechnology and nuclear
Strengthening the national
environmental monitoring system in
the marine ecosystem in Guatemala
The challenge…
Population and industry is growing
around Puerto Quetzal and other
areas on the south coast of
Puerto Quetzal is the most important
industrial harbour on the Central
American Pacific coast.
Despite its leading position and
modern operation, the port had no
environmental monitoring
GUA/7/002: Strengthening the National
Environmental Monitoring System in the
Marine Ecosystem
Strengthening the national environmental monitoring system in the marine
ecosystem in Guatemala
The project…
Helped to determine the levels of
contamination of ecotoxic metals in the
marine environment.
Complemented the National
Directorate of Energy’s evaluation of
radioactive contaminants.
Supported capacity building and
acquisition of new expertise that
allowed Puerto Quetzal to establish an
environmental department capable of
reconstructing past pollution and
monitoring future incidences occurring
in the harbour’s area of influence.
Strengthening the national environmental monitoring system in the
marine ecosystem in Guatemala
The impact…
The project has led to better coastal marine management.
National expertise in environmental quality assessment and
pollution monitoring strategies has improved.
An environmental monitoring system can now be
implemented at Puerto Quetzal, a pre-requisite for ISO14001
Multilateral collaboration between Empresa Portuaria
Quetzal and other national institutions (Ministry of
Environment, Ministry of Energy and Mines and Universities)
has been enhanced.
Conserving the environment in the
mining sector of Peru
The challenge…
Mining activities in Peru have
resulted in a high level of
environmental contamination.
The level of environmental
contamination has led to a
deterioration in farming activities.
The main rivers in Peru are affected
by high levels of cyanide and
metals, including copper, lead, zinc,
cadmium, arsenic, nickel, and
mercury – all from mining activities.
PER/2/015: Radiotracer Technology Applied
to Conservation of the Environment in the
Mining and mineral Sector
Conserving the environment in the mining sector of Peru
The project…
Carried out by the Peruvian Institute of Nuclear Agency
(IPEN), with Agency support.
Used isotopic tracer techniques to determine contamination
levels in order to establish clean operating practices in the
mining and minerals industries.
Established the technical tools needed to characterize
environmental pollution caused by mining activities, in order to
adhere to the national policy for the management of naturally
occurring radioactive materials.
The Agency provided fellowships, a scientific visit and
equipment to analyze non-radioactive and radioactive
materials in environmental samples.
Conserving the environment in the mining sector of Peru
The impact…
Improved analytical capability.
Levels of arsenic and other pollutants in sediments of the
Rimac and Aruri rivers in the mining zone around Lima were
Two studies on the hydrodynamics of underground waters of
two mines in Puno and Lima and the characterization of
effluent filtration from two mines in Arequipa and Cajamarca
were completed.
On the basis of the findings, the Peruvian Institute of Nuclear
Agency (IPEN) drew up an environmental conservation plan.
Controlling fascioliasis in Latin America
The challenge…
Fascioliasis is a parasitic disease
that affects animals and humans.
It is estimated to affect some 17
million people around the world.
It is highly prevalent in Latin
America, and is expanding
Epidemiological studies are
urgently needed in order to
support the development of
appropriate control strategies.
RLA/5/049: Integrated Control of Fascioliasis in Latin
America (in support of National Programme)
Controlling fascioliasis in Latin America
The project…
Serological and coprological diagnostic techniques were standardized
in order to reach a consensus on protocols.
Epidemiological surveys were carried out in each country, using
harmonized multitests in selected zones.
Nuclear techniques were used to
genetically characterize Fasciola
and the different snails that act as
intermediate hosts for the
A bibliographic review gathered
all available data on affected
livestock species and breeds, the
prevalence of the disease,
endemic areas and recorded
human cases.
Controlling fascioliasis in Latin America
The impact…
Strategies for control can be designed according to the
epidemiological characteristics of the disease in each country.
These can then be applied by other countries of the region
with similar fascioliasis characteristics.
The project directly benefits the inhabitants of endemic areas in
the form of improved public health as a result of control
strategies (particularly in Bolivia and Peru).
Indirect benefits include increased profitability and
sustainability of cattle, sheep and goat populations in countries
where such livestock forms the backbone of the economy.
Sustainable development of the Upper
Lempa River water basin
The challenge…
To ensure the sustainability of
water resources in the Upper
Lempa River Basin, which
drains from El Salvador,
Guatemala and Honduras, in
an area called the Trifinio
RLA8038: Sustainable Development of the Environment
and Water Resources in the Upper Lempa River Basin
Sustainable development of the Upper Lempa River water basin: El
Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras
The project…
Used isotope hydrology to
identify the movement of
water from precipitation to
the Lempa River through
volcanic and alluvial aquifers
Supported the establishment
of a plan for an integrated
watershed management
programme in the Trifinio
Sustainable development of the Upper Lempa River water basin: El
Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras
The impact…
Transboundary hydrographical,
geological and
hydrogeological information
was harmonized
A transboundary observation
network to monitor the
chemical and isotopic
composition of precipitation,
groundwater and surface
water was established.
Improving milk and beef production in
The challenge…
This project focused on
improving the nutrition and
health conditions of cattle in
Honduras, concentrating on the
needs of small and mediumscale Honduran stock-breeders.
Feed supplementation strategies
for cattle that drew on locally
available plant resources were
HON/5/002: Improving the nutritional and sanitary
conditions of cattle through nuclear methods
Improving milk and beef production in Honduras
The project…
Used nuclear and related techniques to obtain new
data on the nutritional quality of locally available feed
resources, in particular forage crops.
Improving milk and beef production in Honduras
The impact…
Low-cost feeding strategies have
been developed, using locally
available resources.
This will enhance the efficiency
and productivity of milk and beef
production, and will bring greater
returns for farmers.
Honduran agriculture experts are
using nuclear techniques to
monitor the reproductive
efficiency of cows and to improve
the effectiveness of artificial
Promoting Pest-free Produce for Export
in Guatemala
The challenge…
Fruit producers in Guatemala suffer
significant economic losses due to
fruit fly damage.
Fruit flies can cause severe damage
to fruit and vegetables such as
papaya, mango, orange, pear,
apricot, peach, apple, guava,
pepper and tomatoes.
The presence of fruit flies restricts
interregional trade and agricultural
GUA/5/016: Establishment of Fruit Fly Free
or Low Prevalence Areas using the Sterile
Insect Technique
Promoting Pest-free Produce for
Export in Guatemala
The project…
Aimed to help Guatemala reduce fruit fly
damage through the use of the sterile insect
This technique is a type of ‘birth control’ for
insects: radiation-sterilized male flies are
released into the wild to compete with fertile
male flies, resulting in reduced
Promoting Pest-free Produce for
Export in Guatemala
The impact…
Guatemala has become the most
important Central American exporter of
fresh tomatoes, peppers and papaya
to its nearest major international
market, the USA.
Export of tomatoes and peppers now
generates over two million dollars per
Papaya exports have doubled and
annual produce exports now amount to
over four million dollars.
Hundreds of jobs in production,
packing and transportation have been
generated, primarily for women.
Assessing energy options and
strategies in Mexico
The challenge…
Demand for electricity in Mexico has
increased by about 6% per year for the past
20 years.
Energy demand has also been rising by an
average of 3% per year. Current plans in the
electricity sector base nearly 92% of new
capacity on natural gas generation
Mexico needed to analyse the consequences
of a fossil-based expansion, and to review
possible alternative development paths.
MEX/0/012: Comparative
Assessment of Energy Options
and Strategies until 2025
Assessing energy options and
strategies in Mexico
The project…
Provided training in
energy planning
models, collected
and analysed data.
Studies were carried
out by a national
team of specialists
from the Mexican
institutions involved
in energy and
electricity planning
for the country.
Assessing energy options and
strategies in Mexico
The impact…
Electricity expansion planning,
energy sector planning, and
environmental impact studies
were concluded.
The Government of Mexico is
using the project results to
establish national policy.
Completing the Atucha II Nuclear Power
Plant in Argentina
The challenge…
Atucha I in Argentina, opened in 1974, is
Latin America’s first nuclear power plant
Atucha II NPP was initiated in 1981 but
was delayed due to financial problems
when only 81% complete.
In 2005 the Government of Argentina
decided to resume activities to complete
the new NPP.
Atucha II NPP will produce some 5% of
the total production of electricity in
Argentina, the equivalent of more than 3
million cubic metres of natural gas per day.
ARG/4/090: Completing the Atucha
II Nuclear Power Plant
Completing the Atucha II Nuclear Power Plant in Argentina
The project…
Aimed to provide advice and expertise in subjects relevant
to the finalization of construction and preparation for
commissioning, start-up and safe and reliable operation of
the Atucha II NPP.
Carried out over 25 expert
missions including project
management and
document reviews and
workshops on specific
Completing the Atucha II Nuclear
Power Plant in Argentina
The impact…
Expertise has been provided to
support the construction and
commissioning of the Atucha II NPP,
covering engineering, licensing and
compliance, commissioning and, in
particular, the management and
performance of these activities.
Capabilities and expertise have
been strengthened and improved in
accordance with international
standards and guides.
Strengthening the safe management of
radioactive waste in Latin America
The challenge…
In Latin America, radioactive material
is used in industry, medicine,
research and other areas, and
radioactive waste is generated as a
This increases the public’s risk of
exposure, and the possibility of
radiological accidents.
Naturally occurring radioactive
material (NORM) and technologically
enhanced naturally occurring
radioactive material (TENORM) can
also affect public health and safety.
RLA/9/055: Strengthening the National
Infrastructure and Regulatory Framework for
the Safe Management of Radioactive Waste in
Latin American Member States (TSA4)
Strengthening the safe management of radioactive waste in Latin America
The project…
Aimed to strengthen national infrastructure and regulatory
frameworks for the control of public exposure and safe
management of radioactive waste in the Latin America region.
Countries were helped build national policies on the management
of radioactive waste, in line with international recommendations
Training for the staff responsible for regulatory activities and for
managers of radioactive waste was provided on topics related to
public exposure control and safe management of radioactive
waste, including waste safety requirements, environmental
monitoring and national policy and strategy for radioactive waste
Strengthening the safe management of radioactive waste in Latin America
The impact…
National regulations for the control
of public exposure are being
established in accordance with the
safety standards of the IAEA,
covering all stages of radioactive
waste management.
Protection of the public has been
strengthened at the regional level,
and the risk of exposure,
radiological accidents and
malevolent acts with radioactive
waste materials has been reduced.