Chapter 4 Matter and Energy in the Ecosystem 4.1 Roles of Living Things 4.2 Ecosystem Structure 4.3 Energy in the Ecosystem 4.4 Cycles of Matter 4.1 Roles of Living Things Objectives: •Identify the roles of producers, consumers and decomposers. •Explain the concept of trophic levels. Producers, Consumers and Decomposers • Organisms of most ecosystems gather food in three ways: – As producers – As consumers – As decomposers • Energy only enters the ecosystem at the level of • the producers. All other organisms depend on the energy captured by the producers. Producers • Producers – organisms that make their own food • • • from inorganic molecules and energy. Almost all producers use the sun for energy. With this energy they combine carbon dioxide and water through photosynthesis to produce sugars. Nearly all the energy entering an ecosystems comes from the sun. Producers • Plants are the most important producers in • • terrestrial environments. Photosynthetic protists and bacteria are the most important producers of aquatic environments. There are a few nonphotosynthetic producers. – Bacteria that make food by using energy stored in inorganic molecules. – Live in extremely harsh environments: • Hot springs • Thermal vents of the ocean floor Consumers • Consumers – organisms that cannot make their own food. • All animals are consumers, as are some bacteria, fungi and protists. • Obtain their energy by eating other organisms. Types of Consumers • Four basic types: – Herbivores – Carnivores – Omnivores – Scavengers Herbivores • Herbivores- organisms that eat only plants • Also called Primary Consumers because they eat only • producers Examples: – Insects – Birds – Grazing animals – cows, deer • Well adapted for the eating, grinding and digesting of plants and other producers. – Teeth – Stomachs Carnivores • Carnivores – organisms that capture and eat herbivores or other carnivores • Carnivores that eat primary consumers are called Secondary Consumers • Carnivores that eat other carnivores are called Tertiary Consumers Carnivores • Examples: – Lions – Snakes – Hawks – Spiders • Bodies are well adapted for hunting, capturing and eating prey. Omnivores • Omnivores – organisms that eat both producers • • and consumers Omnivores can be primary, secondary or tertiary consumers depending on what they eat. Examples: – Humans – Chimps – Bears Scavenger • Scavenger – usually do not hunt living prey, but • • feed on the bodies of dead organisms. Scavengers can be primary, secondary or tertiary consumers Examples: – Vultures – Hyenas – Many insects • Start the process of returning nutrients from dead organisms to the environment. What type of consumer are you? • If you eat a salad? (primary) • If you eat a hamburger? (secondary) • If you eat a tuna salad sandwich? (tertiary) Decomposers • Decomposers - bacteria and fungi that consume • • • the bodies of dead organisms and other organic wastes. Consume a variety of dead material from fallen leaves to the bodies of dead herbivores and carnivores Also break down organic material in animal waste. Recycle nutrients from organisms back into the environment. Decomposers • Without decomposers we would quickly run out • • of nutrients. They complete the cycle of matter in the ecosystem. Convert organic matter from organism back into simpler forms, which are then returned to the soil where plants can use them. Plants then use these nutrients to grow and the cycle begins again. Cycle of Matter sun Returns nutrients To the ground Grass (producer) Bacteria (Decomposer) Grasshopper (primary consumer) Turkey Vulture (scavenger) (Hawk Dies) Hawk (tertiary consumer) Robin (secondary consumer) Trophic Levels • Trophic Levels - a layer in the structure of feeding relationships in an ecosystem. • Word break down: – Troph- means “to feed or nourish” – -ic means “related to” Trophic Levels • Producers make up the first and largest trophic level. – Because they make their own food producers are also called autotrophs. • Autotroph means “self-nourisher” • Autotrophs are the sole point of entry for energy into the ecosystem. Trophic Levels • Consumers form the second and higher trophic • levels Because consumers cannot produce their own food they are also called heterotrophs – Heterotroph means “other-nourisher” • Primary consumers eat producers and make up • • the second trophic level. Secondary consumers make up the third trophic level Ominvores, scavengers and decomposers feed at all trophic levels above the first. Trophic Levels • Most ecosystems have three, four or five trophic levels • Each trophic level is dependent on the one below it. Review • What is a producer and what is its role? • What is a consumer and what is its role? • What is a decomposer and what is its role? • What is a trophic level? 4.2 Ecosystem Structure Objectives •Describe food chains and food webs. •Examine how ecosystem structure is related to population changes and the transfer of pollutants. Review • What is an autotroph? • What is a heterotroph? • What type of consumer are you if you eat a salad for lunch? Food Chains • Food Chain – a series of organisms that transfer • • food between the trophic levels of an ecosystem. All food chains begin with producers Next is herbivores, followed by one or more carnivores. All organisms are consumed by decomposers • • Figure 4.4 page 56 • Few ecosystems are simple enough to be represented by a food chain. Food Webs • Food Web – a network of food chains • • • representing the feeding relationships among the organisms in an ecosystem. Include all the food chains in a ecosystem The interactions of a food web link organisms in an ecosystem. Changes in the population of one organism can affect other populations. – This can be seen when an important consumer is removed from an food web. – Figure 4.5 page 57 Antarctica Food Web • Main producer is microscopic algae • Krill feed on this algae • Krill are the main source of food for Baleen whales, • • • • seals, squid, penguins and fish Because of whaling the Baleen whale population decreased As a result the krill population increased The population of seals, squid, penguins and fish increased due to the increase in the krill population. Figure 4.6 page 58 Diversity and Stability • The more diverse an ecosystem, the more connections • • • • there are in the food web. The more connections in the food web the more stable the ecosystem is. When there is a loss of a organism there is other organisms with the same function that the ecosystem can recover. A deciduous forest is diverse and a small disturbance has little effect. A tundra lacks diversity and a small disturbance has long lasting effects. Biological Magnification • Biological Magnification – the increasing concentration of a pollutant in organisms at higher trophic levels in a food web. • Many pollutants can concentrate this way and have devastating effects on an ecosystem. – DDT, mercury DDT • DDT was a pesticide used by farmers. • It washed into streams and other water sources. • The plants growing in the water became contaminated • • • • • with the DDT. Fish would eat the plants The fish were eaten by bald eagles DDT was almost responsible for the extinction of our national symbol DDT caused problems with the reproduction and caused the shells of their eggs to be weak. DDT is no longer used and through conservation efforts the bald eagle is recovering. Review • Why is biological magnification such a problem? • Why does diversity mean a more stable ecosystem? 4.3 Energy in the Ecosystem Objective: Investigate the movement of energy through an ecosystem. Define ecological pyramid, and explain its relationship to energy in an ecosystem. Review • What is biological magnification? • What makes a more stable ecosystem? Energy and Food • Energy from the sun travels as waves to Earth. • Some of this energy is immediately reflected • • back into space and some is absorbed by Earth’s surface and atmosphere. Plants receive less than 1% of the energy that reaches the Earth from the sun. Of this energy less than 30% is stored in the form of organic matter made during photosynthesis. – With this energy plants make about 170 billion tons of organic matter. Sun and Earth Biomass • Biomass – the total amount of organic matter • • • present in a trophic level. Is potentially food for the next trophic level Scientists use biomass to track the flow of energy from one trophic level to the next. Energy in the form of biomass is transferred as one trophic level feeds on the next. – Only part of this energy is transferred. – Some energy is used for movement, heat and other functions necessary for life. – Figure 4.8 page 61 Energy • It is because of the loss of energy from one trophic level to the next that the size and number of trophic levels is limited. • Example: Owls – Owls are not typically preyed upon – The owl population is not sufficient to support an additional trophic level. Ecological Pyramids • Ecological Pyramid – A diagram that shows the relative amounts of energy in different trophic levels in an ecosystem. • Can show: – Energy – Biomass – Number of organisms in a food web Energy Pyramid • Figure 4.9 page 61 • Base of the pyramid is the producers, the first trophic • • • • • • • level. Second level is the primary consumers Third level is the secondary consumers Fourth level is the tertiary consumers The producers get 100% of the energy Only 10% of this energy is available for the 2nd level Only 1% of the energy from the 3rd level is available for the 4th . Only 0.1% of the energy from the 4th is available Energy Pyramid Tertiary consumers 0.1% 1% Secondary Consumers 10% Primary Consumers Energy from the sun 100% Producers Biomass Pyramid • Figure 4.10 page 62 • Shows the mass of organic matter at each trophic level • Base is producers • Biomass pyramids often follow the same pattern as energy pyramids Biomass Pyramid 50 g owl 500g of mice 5,000g of grasshoppers 50,000g of plants Numbers Pyramid • Figure 4.10 page 62 • Number of organisms may be different at each • • level. The one shown has 1000 plants and one owl, this is a common pattern An exception would be one tree that supports 1000 insects – The one tree has a large amount of biomass and energy – The 1000 insects have a smaller amount of biomass Numbers Pyramid 1 owl 10 mice 100 grasshoppers 1,000 plants Energy and Trophic Levels • Energy moves between the trophic levels in the form of food • Food also contains matter – Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen • Important to the production of food • Growth of producers is limited by the amount of these elements, not by the amount of energy from the sun. Review • What are the three types of ecological pyramids and what does each tell us? • How does energy move through the ecosystem? 4.4 Cycles of Matter Objectives Describe the chemical composition of the human body. Explain the water cycle, the carbon cycle, and the nitrogen cycle. Your Body About 96% of your body is made up of just for elements oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. See Table 4.1 p. 64 How much of your body is composed of: Oxygen Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Calcium Phosphorus Common Elements About 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen and 21% oxygen Carbon is present in the atmosphere as well as in biomass and rocks Even though these elements are common on Earth they are not always in a usable form. Ex. nitrogen. Nitrogen is common in the Earth’s atmosphere, but it is not in a form that plants can use, very little nitrogen exists in a form plants can use. A scarcity of usable nitrogen will limit plant Where do you think the largest amount of water is found? Oceans? Groundwater? Glaciers? Streams? Answer Oceans In which one is there more water found? Streams? Atmosphere? Answer Atmosphere Water Plants consist of up to 90% water Humans consist of up to 60% water Of all the water on the Earth only 0.3% is usable by humans The world’s water supply totals approx. 326 million cubic miles of water Oceans = 97.24% Icecaps, Glaciers = 2.14% Ground Water = 0.61% Fresh-water lakes = 0.009% Inland seas = 0.008% Soil moisture = 0.005% Atmosphere = 0.001% Rivers = 0.0001% Water Cycle What is the water cycle? The continuous recycling of water throughout the globe. Important Terms Evaporation- the movement of water into the atmosphere as it changes from a liquid to a gas Transpiration- the evaporation of water from the leaves of plants. Precipitation- The process in which water falls from clouds (rain, snow, etc.) Condenstation- The process by which water vapor is turned into liquid form Water Cycle A drop of rain falls from the sky and becomes surface runoff The surface runoff accumulates as a body of water The water then evaporates Condenses in the clouds And falls as precipitation Water Cycle Carbon Cycle Scientists believe that when the Earth was very young that the atmosphere was much like that of Mars and Venus, about 95% carbon dioxide Living things played an essential role in the formation of Earth’s atmosphere. Photosynthetic organisms removed some carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and added oxygen. This led to what our atmosphere is like today only 0.04% carbon dioxide Living things are still the most important part of the carbon cycle Photosynthesis and Respiration The processes of photosynthesis and respiration could not occur without carbon Photosynthesis: H2O + CO2 + energy C6H12O6 + O2 Respiration: C6H12O6 + O2 CO2 + H2O + energy As you can see the produces of one reaction are used by the other reaction Carbon Cycle Plants use CO2 and sunlight to make sugars and starches during photosynthesis When these nutrients are consumed by the plant or any other organisms, CO2 and energy are released Biological reactions in organisms are the main part of the carbon cycle, Figure 4.12 The amount of carbon tied up in organic matter at any given time is larger than the amount of carbon in the atmosphere Carbon Cycle Two other important sources of carbon are the ocean and rocks Oceans hold a great deal of carbon dioxide because carbon dioxide dissolves easily in water. Carbon is also stored in rocks: coal, oil and limestone are formed from the bodies of dead organisms. Because the bodies of these organisms were never completely decomposed, some of the carbon in them was never released. The carbon from fossil fuels is released as CO2 when we burn them for energy Carbon Cycle Nitrogen Cycle The nitrogen cycle is very important to living things. Organisms need nitrogen in order to make amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins…proteins are the building blocks of nucleic acids Nitrogen is common in the atmosphere (78%), however as a gas it is unusable to most organisms. It must be in a more reactive state to be usable Nitrogen Cycle There are nitrogen-fixing bacteria that can use atmospheric nitrogen These bacteria produce ammonia (NH3), this is a form of nitrogen plants can use Nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in the soil and in the roots of legumes Legumes- are plants such as peanuts, beans and clover that have colonies of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in nodules on their roots Nitrogen Cycle Most of the ammonia is used by other bacteria. These bacteria produce nitrites and nitrates (contain nitrogen and oxygen) Nitrates are the most common source of nitrogen for plants Fertilizer can also be provided to plants, they contain nitrates. Nitrogen Cycle Animals get their nitrogen from the proteins of the food they consume Decomposers return nitrogen to the soil in the form of ammonia and the cycle starts again Figure 4.13 page 67 Nitrogen Cycle Review • What is the most abundant element in your body? • What is a legume? What is an example?