CIP ICT PSP WP2012 Constituency Building Workshop

Constituency Building Workshop
Brussels, 24 January 2012
Objective 1.3: Open innovation for
Internet-enabled services and next
generation access (NGA) services in
Smart Cities
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
• The significant problems we
have cannot be solved at the
same level of thinking with
which we created them.
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Problem statement
• During the CEO Roundtable,
most participants stressed that
one of the barriers to NGA
investment is the lack of
existing or planned consumer
demand for higher broadband
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2011
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
One possible answer
• In order facilitate the
development of
attractive next
generation content
and therefore foster
demand, the
proposes to launch
an 'NGA Experiment'.
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Theme 1: ICT for Smart Cities
Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE): the DAE highlights …
- The importance of ICT for energy efficiency and low carbon economy
- The role of ICT for smart mobility as well as the development of a new generation of
web-based applications and services that leverage standards and open platforms
(DAE Action 54)
DAE Action 54: expects that Member States engage in large scale pilots to test and
develop innovative and interoperable solutions in areas of public interest that are
financed by the CIP programme.
Total funding available for Theme 1: €27 million
Objective 1.1: Smart urban digital services for energy efficiency
Objective 1.2: Cooperative transport systems for smart mobility
Objective 1.3: Open Innovation for Internet-enabled services and next generation
access (NGA) services in Smart Cities
Smart Cities = local areas that make a conscious effort to uptake innovative ICT based solutions to
improve conditions of living and working and support a more inclusive and sustainable urban
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Objective 1.3 rationale
• Observed lack of consumer demand for ultra fast Internet
connections (above 30Mb/s).
• Facilitate and stimulate the development of attractive services
and applications, hence, fostering consumer demand.
• Several pilots (Pilot Type B) to encourage a subsequent wider
deployment of innovative services and applications (not yet
tested on a large scale) and assess consumer response.
• In addition to connected TV applications (to be tested and
validated by at least one pilot), other applications may also
be tested as to achieve the same goal i.e. foster consumer
demand for very high bandwidth networks (NGA).
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Objective 1.3 rationale (2)
• These applications may be provided over connected TV
platforms, over other hardware and/or software platforms
(web-based, cloud-based) or based on social networks. Some
– High Definition Tele-Presence or Tele-working applications
(recreate the feeling of immersion and closer interaction).
– Cloud computing services and applications (e.g. backup of
large files, online games, streaming of media files to multiple
– Telemedicine and Remote Surgery services and applications.
• The cumulative effect of the applications tested may also
have to be taken into account.
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Objective 1.3
Open innovation for Internet-enabled services and next generation
access (NGA) services in Smart Cities.
Funding instrument: Pilot Type B (intended to support several pilot
Duration of pilots: 24-36 months, including at least a 6 months
operational phase.
Consortium: minimum 4 independent legal entities from 4 different
EU Member States or Associated Countries.
Additional requirement: at least 3 cities or regions located in
different Member States or Associated Countries.
Budget: €14 million (EU contribution) for two topics: a) and b)
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Focus and outcomes (a)
a) Facilitate the creation of efficient innovation ecosystems that
develop services and applications making use of information
generated by users (e.g. through social networks) or captured
from sensors (Internet of Things).
The pilots launched will complement current pilots with a view
to reinforcing common strategies and methodologies, and
exploiting best practices, for quick development of services
through open platforms, and accelerating their adoption.
The pilots are to undertake cross border testing and validation
of services.
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Focus and outcomes (b)
Stimulate demand for innovative services and applications
based on next generation access (NGA) networks.
One or two pilots will be supported. At least one pilot will be
funded that tests and validates sophisticated connected TV
applications that are open to collaboration with third parties,
with a view to promoting the early adoption of new paradigm
for users and media interactions.
These connected TV applications should integrate information
provided from multiple private and public sources and be tested
in real life pilot conditions with supporting institutions (public
and private) from different EU countries.
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Focus and outcomes (a+b)
Applicable to both topics a) and b):
Outcomes will be achieved through large scale service
demonstrations, accelerating the take-up of innovative
digital services for cities or regions committed to
improving living, working and environmental conditions
through ICT-based solutions (i.e. Smart Cities).
Requirement: involvement of key stakeholders, such as
public bodies and businesses, with strong involvement of
end-users, as well as SMEs (as providers of services and
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Conditions and characteristics
Applicable specifically to topic b):
The pilots need to adapt, integrate or extend existing
open platforms/environments for stimulating the
development of services and applications over next
generation access (NGA) networks.
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Conditions and characteristics
Applicable to both topics a) and b):
Each proposal needs to provide concrete information on:
The funding of infrastructure is beyond the scope of this
- functionality of the platform on which the integration will
take place
- services / applications that are proposed to be delivered on
the platform
- scale at which these services are planned to be piloted
- extent to which users and citizens will be involved at all
- value added in comparison to existing services and
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Conditions and characteristics
User-centred methodologies are to be applied in order to enable
the early adoption of new services or applications and reduce
It is expected that industrial stakeholders take-up a strong role,
that SMEs with high growth potential be engaged as services and
applications providers and that large user groups be involved.
Exploitation plans for the platforms and services tested during
the course of the pilots need to be provided.
Dissemination and communication activities need to constitute
an integral part of the proposed work.
Proposals should include specific and realistic quantitative
indicators to monitor progress at different stages.
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Expected impact
Showcases of valued added and users interest for
services based on NGA networks.
Establishment of common strategies, methodologies and
standards for delivering user-driven, innovative Internetenabled services through open platforms with proven
efficiency in accelerating the provision and wider up-take
of those services.
Improved capacities for SMEs to develop, validate and
rapidly scale-up new products and services through open
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Connected TV scenarios
Broadcast + Internet TV
Broadcast + IPTV (managed)
IPTV (managed) + Internet TV
Broadcast + IPTV + Internet TV
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems
Internet TV
INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems