WELCOME TO Measuring Purchasing Performance THIS IS A MOST USEFUL MODULE AS IT HIGHLIGHTS THE BENEFITS OF PROCUREMENT TO THE REST OF THE ORGANISATION 2011_Course Code 0052D-1/1 Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance WHAT IS Purchasing Performance? Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Effectively achieving general or specific objectives assigned to the function and those employed within it Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Objectives of the function are based on activities that will support the goals of the organisation Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Purchasing can ensure improvements at all stages in supply chain including: Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance For example Inbound: Time, Quality, Cost, Continuity, Supplies, processes, inventory, SRM Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance For example Outbound: CRM, processes, services, logistics Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance “What gets Measured gets done” TOM PETERS Measurable improvements for Purchasing can be listed as: Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance For example Cost reduction of: transactions, inventory, supply base management, expediting Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance For example Improvement: processes, outputs, projects, communication Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Both quantitative and qualitative assessment Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Quantitative Measures: Keeping within given department budget Number of purchase orders Contract savings (whole life Remove carriage charges Reduce supplier base Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Quantitative Measures Reduction in lead times Price savings Reduction in administration costs Reduction in stock holding Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Quantitative Measures Orders placed Reduction of carriage charges Cut out duplication of effort Reduce supplier base Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Qualitative Measures: Supplier relationship management (SRM) Customer relationship management (CRM) Internal Client relationship management (ICRM) Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Qualitative Measures The process of supplier development, and long-term collaborative relationships The introduction of JIT systems The observance of quality standards Implementation of e-procurement systems Financial performance from a total sales perspective Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Qualitative Measures: Environmental & Ethical Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance What is a simple, quick & cheap improvement your Purchasing department could make, now? Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Functions/Departments need to know they are performing well to survive and thrive in the longer term and not get outsourced Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance ‘If you can’t measure it you can’t manage it’ CIPS Study Guide Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance There will be an overall goal for the organisation to reach over the next few years Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance For example? Increase market share To go international or global To be market leader Be top brand Effective Negotiation Supply chain excellence and MARKET LEADERSHIP are strongly correlated Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Top 10 brands by value 1. Apple, 2. Google, 3.IBM, 4.McDonalds, 5.Microsoft, 6.Coca Cola 7. at&t, 8. Marlboro, 9. China Mobile, 10.GE Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance The overall organisation goal is then broken into chunks of smaller goals/objectives for functions and individuals to reach Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Performance will be evaluated in line with the business VISION, MISSION, OBJECTIVES & PLANS Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Hierarchy of objectives VISION MISSION STATEMENT GOALS & OBJECTIVES STRATEGY TACTICS Effective Negotiation OPERATIONS Measuring Purchasing Performance Overviewing Performance jargon Performance Management Value add & Non-Value add SMART(ER) Stakeholders Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Differentiate between Value add and Non-Value Add Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Qualitative “QUOTE: Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value” Albert Einstein Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Value add Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Adding Value to the Business Improving the way you do something Stop doing something that has no value Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Reduced Delighting CRM Supply the Reduced Base Customer Supplier Good Cost 80/20 Base communitcation Savings rule Governance: channels Policy and Supplier SRM Appraisal Procedures Maverick Vendor Intelligent OwnTerms & Spend Rating Related Customer Conditions Control Research Role Competitive CSR Joint Pricing Green Ventures/ Low carbon Control Logistics Partnering footprint Effective Negotiation Buy/Lease/ Outsource Decisions Value add Measuring Purchasing Performance Adding Value to the Business Issues investors/shareholders care about: In Neely, et al *Strategy, *Earnings per share growth, *FCF, *Management Experience, *R&D spend, *Short/Long term debt, *Products, *Bad news, *Market leadership, *Challenges & risks Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Non-Value Add Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Don’t measure for measurement’s sake Computers can create masses of data but is it all necessary? Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Does this next quote ring any bells? Do you know of any measurement in your organisation like this? Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance The Measurement Mantra “We now had an accounting department full of people who only stopped cranking out numbers to pick up their paychecks. Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance The Measurement Mantra “We had so damn many numbers, inside so many damn folders, that no one was looking at them. But no one would admit it. Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance The Measurement Mantra “Everyone just bluffed their way through meetings, pretending to be familiar with every detail”. Ricardo Semler, CEO of Semco, in his book Effective Negotiation ‘Maverick’ Measuring Purchasing Performance Damage & Theft Chasing Obsolescence Scrap Unnecessary Movement Non-Value add Costs to store: 80/20 Queries/ Not fit for purpose Too many Suppliers/same products Duplication of effort Maverick Spend Unnecessary processes Waiting, Absenteeism/ Duplication Zero/Poor queuing of data High Staff Terms & storage turnover Effective Negotiation Conditions Complaints/ returns/re-work Measuring Purchasing Performance SMART “QUOTE: It’s not that I am so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer” Albert Einstein Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Overviewing Performance jargon SMART(ER) Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Overviewing Performance jargon SMART(ER) Objectives are projects (having start and end date) Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance SMART(ER) Effective Negotiation Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timebound Evaluation Responsible Measuring Purchasing Performance Overviewing Performance jargon SPECIFIC clear & defined outputs/ results required Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Overviewing Performance jargon MEASURABLE Solid, visible evidence Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Overviewing Performance jargon ACHIEVABLE/ AGREED Within capability and timescales Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Overviewing Performance jargon REALISTIC/ RELEVANT In organisation/ business scope Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Overviewing Performance jargon TIMEBOUND Must have start and end date Effective Negotiation TIME “QUOTE: The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once” Albert Einstein Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Overviewing Performance jargon EVALUATION Cost v Benefit, is it Value-add? Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Overviewing Performance jargon RESPONSIBLE Impact on others, environment, ethics Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Task: Create SMART(ER) Objectives for Purchasing, Supplier and Buyer Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Overviewing Performance jargon Stakeholders Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance STAKEHOLDERS All those that are affected by the business or can influence the business or both Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance STAKEHOLDERS Shareholders, Customers/ End users, Suppliers, Media Employees, Unions, Agencies Local/Central government, Regulators, Pressure groups, Landlords, Local Community, Tax authorities, Banks, etc. Effective Negotiation Measuring Purchasing Performance Stakeholder groups fall into 5 categories; Strategic, Managerial, Operational, Direct Influence and Indirect influence. Effective Negotiation Stakeholder Needs = Organisation Needs Stakeholder Satisfaction (Stakeholder Wants & Needs SWANs) • Fast, right, cheap & easy • Purpose, care, skills & pay • Trust, unity, profit & growth • Legal, fair, safe & true • Return, reward, figures & faith Effective Negotiation Stakeholders Stakeholder Contribution (Organisation Wants & Needs OWANs) Customers & Intermediaries • Trust, unity, profit & growth Employees Hands, hearts, minds & voices Suppliers Regulators & Communities Investors • Fast, right, cheap & easy • Rules, reason, clarity & advice • Capital, credit, risk & support Delivering Stakeholder Value Stakeholder Demand Satisfaction Delivery Stakeholder Satisfaction Strategic Direction Effective Negotiation Solutions Development Processes EXAM TECHNIQUES Effective Negotiation EXAM TECHNIQUES Why plan? Fail to plan and you plan to fail Effective Negotiation