Predstavitev bioplinarne ECOS Primer dobre prakse Jože Pavlinjek, univ.dipl.gosp.inž. G. Radgona, 22. avg. 2011 Fossil Energy Sources The sustainable cycle of biogas plants Biogas – renewable fuel able to substitute fossil fuels For a wide range of organic substances from agriculture, foodstuff or feed industries, anaerobic fermentation is a superior alternative to composting. Biogas … • results from anaerobic fermentation of organic materials • is a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide • serves as a high-energy, CO2-neutral fuel BIOGAS BASICS 1m3 BIOGAS 20% METHANE Principles of rural biogas reactor types: a) Chinese type b) Indian type Anaerobic degradation of organic matter Organic matter Hydrolysis HYDROLYSIS Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fat Soluble organic compounds ACID FORMATION Acidogenesis Amino acids, sugar, fatty acids Acetogenesis NH4+ Volatile acids, Lactic acids, ethanol H2, CO2 Methanogenesis ACETIC ACID Acetic acid Biogas CH4, CO2 METHANE FORMATION For the Farmer: improvement of manure properties: odor reduction, elimination of acid components, viscosity decrease, mineralization of organic nitrogen, reduction of pathogenic germs and weed seeds additional incomings from heat and power production waste water treatment without costly sewer connection For the Environment: reduction of methane and ammonia emissions from manure reduction of nitrate wash-out into groundwater recycling of fertilizer compounds from organic wastes reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by substitution of fossil resources Biogas yields of suitable organic materials waste wheat waste bread grease trap contents corn-cob-mix corn silage grass silage food waste municipal biowaste minimum variation brewery beet grass cuttings potato peelings pig manure cattle manure 0 100 200 300 400 Standard m³ biogas / ton 500 600 700 Za financiranje projektov potrebujemo: Jože Pavlinjek, univ.dipl.gosp.inž. Four types of gas engines 2 Type • • • Electrical output from 250 to 330KW • 8 cylinder • 1,500 rpm (50Hz) / 1,800 rpm (60Hz) • • 3 Type Type Electrical output from 1.5 to 4MW • V12, V16, V20 and V24 cylinder • Electrical output from 800 to 1,500KW 1,500 rpm (50Hz, 60Hz with gearbox) • V12, V16 and V20 cylinder Delivered engines: more than 2,200 • Since 1989 in the product program V12, V16 and V20 cylinder 1,500 rpm (50Hz) / 1,800 rpm (60Hz) • Delivered engines: more than 5,000 Since 1988 in the product program • • 6 • Electrical output from 500 to 1,100KW • • 4 Type • 1,500 rpm (50Hz) / 1,800 rpm (60Hz) Delivered engines: more than 850 • Delivered engines: more than 750 Since 1976 in the product program • Since 2002 in the product program the most important things by the Biogas Plants • • • • • • • Ø INPUT-materials Ø use of the OUTPUT (fertilizer) Ø use of the produced energy (biogas) Ø economic criteria (feed in tariffs, subsidies) Ø political framework conditions Ø the (best) location Ø communication procedure Biogas Plant Lendava • Case Study ecos Jože Pavlinjek, univ.dipl.gosp.inž. General Data: Biogas Plant Lendava Petišovska ulica bb Petišovci 9220 Lendava Electrical Power: Heating Power: Nr. of employees: Yearly Operation: Biogas Production: Substrate; Input Material: 7.223 kW 6.750 kW 16 7.000 h 70.000 m3 / day 20.000 t Organic Wastes 50.000 t Biomass ecos Jože Pavlinjek, univ.dipl.gosp.inž. • Biogas potential EU • The existing biomass resources on our planet can give us an idea of the global potential of biogas production. This potential was estimated by different experts and scientists Regardless the results of these estimations, the overall conclusion was always, that only a very small part of this potential is utilised today, thus there is a real possibility to increase the actual production of biogas significantly. The European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) estimates that the European production of biomass based energy can be increased from the 72 million tones (Mtoe) in 2004 to 220 Mtoe in 2020. The largest potential lies in biomass originating from agriculture, where biogas is an important player. According to AEBIOM, up to 20 to 40 million hectares (Mha) of land can be used for energy production in the European Union alone • • • • Bioplinski potencial v Sloveniji • V Sloveniji je 16 bioplinarn, v Nemčiji pa že več kot 6.000 s skupno močjo več kot 2.000 megavatov. • V Sloveniji je po analizi kmetijskega inštituta dovolj potenciala, da bi zgolj z biomaso, pridelano na 3 odstotkih obdelovalnih površin (670 tisoč hektarjev), lahko postavili več kot 86 megavatov bioplinskih elektrarn. Pri tem proizvodnja hrane ne bi bila ogrožena, kmetje pa bi imeli zagotovljen stabilen odkup. • Thank you for your Attention Jože Pavlinjek, univ.dipl.gosp.inž. ECOS d.o.o. Černelavci Gorička ulica 150 9000 Murska Sobota Slovenia t. +386-25-252-100 f. +386-25-252-111