Building Institutions in Financial Innovation Remarks by Dr. Richard L. Sandor February 9, 2011 Reproduction or quotation of this material is expressly forbidden without the consent of the Author. CCX Members are Sector Leaders A Selection of Members 0 2003 start 2009 2012 60 56 45 37 33 31 30 29 22 22 19 11 9 4 Belgium New South Wales Finland Portugal Austria Denmark Slovakia Hungary Sweden Ireland Estonia Lithuania Slovenia Latvia 130 150 300 400 Luxemborg 3 71 86 The Netherlands Greece 94 Czech Republic California France 170 171 Spain US NE States (RGGI) 174 206 Australia United Kingdom 232 100 Italy 200 237 300 Poland Canada Germany 540 600 CCX Hundred Million Metric tons CO2 CCX Baseline Emissions Now Greater than Largest EU National Allocation Plan Size of Live, Emerging, Possible GHG Trading Markets 500 496 Live Market Market in development Under discussion Environmental Results of CCX Entity-wide emission reductions in excess of Program requirements, with no hampering of Membership’s economic growth 469,554,700 500,000,000 450,000,000 404,358,500 400,000,000 metric tons CO2 350,000,000 300,000,000 250,000,000 200,000,000 150,000,000 100,000,000 53,359,000 50,000,000 11,837,200 0 Internal On-site Emission Reductions at Member Facilities Project-based Offsets Forest Management Total Cap-and-Trade with U.S. SO2 Pollution 1989-1991 6 Annual Mean Ambient SO2 Concentration 2004-2007 Pre-1992 SO2 Allowance Price Forecasted vs. Actual $2,500 Price per ton $2,000 $2000 Fine Level $1500 EPA Emergency Supply $1,500 $1,000 $981 United Mine Workers $785 Ohio Coal Office $688 Electric Power Research Institute $500 $0 $446 Sierra Club $309 Resource Data Intl. $392 American Electric Power $275 - average auction price, 1993-2008 $62 "Phase 1 Middle" prices, 1 11 Source: Hahn and May, The Electricity Journal, March 1994 Pricing Climate Risk Remarks by Bob Litterman February 9, 2011 Based on “Optimal Climate Policy” joint work with Kent Daniel A view from Cancun Mexico's President Felipe Calderon, comparing global warming to a passenger bus that is careening out of control, warned: “We need to brake as hard and fast as possible” Is President Calderon correct? Prices allocate resources the brake is the price of carbon emissions What is an appropriate price for emissions? (in $ per metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent) current global average price (including global subsidies) a reasonable range depends on risk and risk aversion Increasing risk Increasing risk aversion -$10 $0 current US price $18 current price in Europe $80 Think about dynamic optimization …with uncertainty, tipping points and nonlinear responses A risk averse rider, when recognizing that he may be out of control, brakes hard and expects to ease off in the future as uncertainty is resolved Slowly easing onto the brake makes sense when the road is well known and control is certain Four questions 1. What is the appropriate price of carbon emissions? 2. What should the emissions price forward curve look like? In particular, should it be downward or upward sloping? 3. What is the cost of not pricing emissions appropriately? 4. How quickly should the price move to the appropriate level? The equity risk premium puzzle: Investment behavior reflects extreme risk aversion Data are from Risky cash flows that pay off in bad states of nature have an expected return below the risk free rate Data are from Why do typical economic analyses suggest that higher risk aversion implies lower emissions prices? Estimates of the social cost of carbon from Anthoff, Tol, and Yohe (2009) emissions prices Increasing risk aversion Our analysis builds directly on a number of previous works 1. Summers & Zeckhauser, ‘Policymaking for posterity’ (2008) – A simple two-period model; the impact of increased uncertainty on policy depends on parameters of technology and preferences 2. Weitzman, ‘GHG targets as insurance against catastrophic climate damages’ (2010) – The essence of the emissions externality is the risk of catastrophic damages 3. Ackerman, et al, ‘Limitations of integrated assessment models…’ (2009) – Standard power utility used in climate models match neither market interest rates nor the equity risk premium 4. Epstein & Zin, ‘Substitution, risk aversion…’ (1989) – A utility function that separates the elasticity of intertemporal substitution from the degree of risk aversion Economists model higher risk aversion as increased curvature of the utility function u t i l i t y u t i l i t y income With lower curvature increased uncertainty does not significantly reduce expected utility income While higher curvature means increased uncertainty will significantly reduce expected utility The degree of curvature is called the “income elasticity of marginal utility” People react very differently to uncertain income across states of nature versus over time Risk aversion High curvature across states of nature is required to fit the very significant equity risk premiums that we observe in the market Intertemporal substitution While low intertemporal curvature is required to fit the relatively low risk free rates that we observe in the market The standard utility function has a well known rigidity Risk aversion Intertemporal substitution The curvature of utility (as a function of income) is required to be the same across states of nature and across time That the same curvature cannot fit the high equity risk premium and low market rates of interest is the essence of the equity risk premium puzzle. Climate modelers generally use a low curvature in the context of such a one-dimensional utility function Lord Nicholas Stern, for example, set a degree of curvature that implies an equity risk premium of around 12 basis points, more than 30 times too low relative to observed risk premia Something is very wrong here Higher curvature has two impacts: it increases the risk free discount rate faster than it increases the risk premium Counter to intuition, in the standard utility function increasing the risk aversion makes curbing emissions less urgent Epstein-Zin utility allows intertemporal substitution to be separated from risk aversion Risk aversion High curvature across states of nature can fit the very significant equity risk premiums that we observe in the market Intertemporal substitution While less intertemporal curvature can fit the relatively low risk free rates that we observe in the market Epstein-Zin utility in a simple model 1. Following Weitzman, we add significant tails to the standard distributions of climate damage – we admit the possibility of climate disasters 2. We calibrate emissions reductions costs to previous studies 3. We specify an Epstein-Zin utility function • we calibrate the elasticity of intertemporal substitution to market interest rates • we investigate the impact of different risk aversion assumptions 4. In each case we solve for emissions reduction policies that maximize welfare Economic impacts depend on future temperatures which are very uncertain Projected increase in temperature in degrees C The distributions above are expected under “business as usual” scenarios Many climate models take into account only known, or highly likely, damages These calibrations, for example, which are designed to reflect the concensus damage estimates from integrated assessment models, come from Robert Pindyck’s 2009 paper, “Uncertain outcomes and climate change policy” Many scientists, e.g. Sherwood and Huber (2010), feel “recent estimates of the costs of unmitigated climate change are too low” The probability of a significant reduction in consumption at future dates is much higher The rigidity of standard utility functions explains why in most climate models increased risk aversion lowers the price of emissions Estimates of the social cost of carbon from Anthoff, Tol, and Yohe (2009) Increasing risk aversion Delay increases cost and increases risk Alternative emissions policies $60 $50 $40 $30 Market expectations Low risk aversion policy $20 High risk aversion policy Delayed risk averse policy $10 $0 2010 -$10 -$20 2020 2030 2040 2050 A simple cost-benefit view of optimal climate policy