Energy workshop for groups working on Burma: Thai and Burmese energy sector Chris & Chom Greacen topics • • • • • • • • Burmese energy sector (compiled by MEE NET) Structure of Thai power sector Centralized structure and its problems Governance issues Consumption patterns PDP, load forecast, over-investment Decentralized generation Renewable energy (target, VSPP regulations) Burma Power Sector Infographic about Burma’s Power sector Links Decision Making Structure Actors Generation mix Decision Making Structure The electricity system is centralized and under the control and management of the government and state enterprises. Ministry of Electricity Power 2 Ministry of Electricity Power 1 Gas-fired Thermal power plant Hydropower & Coal Fired power plants Transmission & Distribution System Link to See Structure Link to See Structure Dpt. of Hydropower Planning Dpt. of Hydropower Implementation Hydropower Generation Enterprise Dpt. Of Electric Power Myanmar Electricity Power Enterprise Generation,Transmission & Distribution System Electric Supply Enterprise Yangon City Electricity Supply Board (YESB) Ministry of Electricity Power established in 1997 and in 2006 was restructured and separated into 2 ministries: Ministry of Electricity power 1 (MOEP-1) takes responsibilities for: - Planning and Development of new hydropower plants and also operation and maintenance of hydropower stations and coal fired power plants. - Selling electricity to Ministry of Electricity power 2 Decision Making Structure (Con’t) • Ministry of Electricity power 2 (MOEP-2) in charge of transmission and distribution of electricity generated by Ministry of Electricity power 1 • Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise (MEPE) is a State own enterprise established in 1997. It is an implementing agency responsible for power generation, transmission and distribution throughout the country. - Thermal power plants: Operation and maintenance of Gas Turbine Power Stations and Combined Cycle Power Plants - Construction of Transmission, Distribution and substation • • Yangon City Electricity Supply Board (YESB) was formed in 2005 and is tasked with approving businesses to supply electricity in areas that cannot be fully supplied. Other ministries and authorities involved with the energy is as follows: • Ministry of Energy and Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) in charge of Oil and Gas management • Ministry of Mines in charge of Coal business • Ministry of Forestry is responsible for Biomass and Fuel Wood • Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible for Renewable Energy Actors in the Power Sector Generation Transmission Distribution Export to India, China MOPE-1 MEPE Hydropower, Coal Gas Turbine, CCPP IPPs Small privates MEPE & MOEP-2 MEPE Small Privates Domestic Customer Transmission system is under the control of the MEPE and MOEP-2. They will finance, construct and operate the transmission system. MEPE distributes electricity through the national grid to 5 states and 6 divisions. IPPs cannot own transmission lines. However, about private participation, private sector has been allowed to cooperate with MOEP-1, MOEP-2 and MEPE in generation, distribution, sale and service. IPPs can jointly invest with the ministries. Small generator enterprises can supply power to consumers. Generation Mix Hydropower is the main fuel source in the country. In 2008, electricity generated from hydroelectricity was 60.83% of total generation. Gas and steam power are the second ranked fuel used. Currently, there are the following power projects: -14 Hydropower stations -10 gas turbine and thermal power plants -1 Coal fired power station Statistics from 2000-2008 Installed Capacity, Generation Electricity Installed Capacity and Peak Demand 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 976 1008.5 1038.5 1038.5 1546.9 1546.9 1546.9 1571.9 1719.9 Peak Demand 721.1 692.5 701.2 708.3 864 966.4 995.7 1005 1061.2 Per capita electricity consumption 75.43 68.68 78.06 85.53 86.35 81.00 92.19 94.00 92.80 Installed Capacity Source : Myanmar Ministry of Electricity World Bank, World Development Indicators From the figures, it is clear that there is a gap between installed capacity and highest demand for electricity. This can be due to a number of factors including the low efficiency of power plants in generating power. Another possible reason is that power generated is also exported to neighboring countries (peak demand in the graph is only an indicator for domestic demand). Installed Capacity Electricity Peak Generation 1800 Per capita electricity consumption 200.00 1600 180.00 1400 160.00 1200 140.00 1000 120.00 800 100.00 600 80.00 400 60.00 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Trans-Burma dual pipelines construction begin soon Dynamics of Electricity Sector After Burma attained independence in 1948, the government established the Electricity Supply Board in 1951 and thus began the government’s monopoly on utilities (before that, some local business were able to generate electricity). In 1972, Electricity Supply Board was reorganized to become the ‘Electricity Power Corporation (EPC). The Ministry of Energy was also formed in 1985 as was responsible for the oil and gas sectors as well as for electricity generation and distribution. Ultimately, on the 15th of November 1997, under the State Law and Order Restoration Council, the Ministry of Electricity Power was established. The Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise (MEPE) was also formed at this time. MEPE continues to serve as the State utility company while the the Ministry restructured into to two ministries, the Ministry of Electricity Power (1) and (2). See Burma Power Sector Steps towards Privatization In late November 2005, to meet increasing demands from new satellite towns and industrial zones, the government started to allow private agencies to supply electricity. Under the Yangon City Electricity Supply Board Law, small businesses in Yangon can generate and sell power to consumers. However, once implemented the government encountered protests from consumers who faced high costs from small generators fueled by an expensive commodity, oil. In addition, generators and other suppliers also faced higher costs once they had to conform to standards set by the government. Though the government has allowed for private investments, the main generation plants and the entire transmission system are still under the control of Burma’s government. Burma Power Policy Burma’s economic development strategies, especially in its energy sector are driven by centralized government decision-making. The Burmese domestic energy market is influenced both by regional and international investment flows from major regional states looking for energy resources. Burma’s natural resource rich country including an abundance of gas and oil reserves and high hydropower potential are being exploited. Investors from the region including Thailand, China, South Asian Countries, South Korean, and the GMS countries are all involved in extractive industries within the country. In addition to reaping high profits from these trade opportunities, the government is also using the investment ventures as useful tools in its battle with minority ethnic groups who currently occupy large swathes of resource rich lands. In the name of development, the government has been expelling the groups from construction sites and economic development zones. Though the Burmese government claims that energy sector development is vital for meeting the population’s basic needs and overall development strategy, Burma’s electrification rate is very low, even after years of resource exploitation. In 2008, 42.8 Million of Burma’s 58.82 million population lived without electricity. Or, according to UN statistics, only 5% of all Burmese citizens have access to electricity even though the government’s stated goal is to increase electrification rates to 60% by 2020. During 2010-2020, Burma’s energy sector plans to continue oil and gas pipeline construction, oil and gas extraction plans, hydroelectric power development, and transmission line construction both for domestic use and for regional interconnection plans. Links Power Planning Subpage Dynamics of Electricity Sector Subpage Burma Power Planning • In order to achieve its economic and social development plans of 12% annual GDP Growth, Burma’s Fourth Short-Term Five-Year Plan (2006/2007-2010/2011) was formulated to meet this stated target. One of power-related objectives in the five year plan is ‘To develop electric power and energy sector to be in conformity with developing trend industries’. In addition, specific Long-term Policy for the Energy Sector is as follows: • Sustainable use of natural resources to support the economic growth in a sustainable manner; • Efficient utilization of available energy resources; • Smooth and reliable energy supplies for building a modem agro industrial based nation; • A well balanced use of energy resources by the creation of an equal distribution of the share of various primary energy sources for conservation; • Promoting the development and utilization of all available renewable energy resources; • Creating an attractive base for further investment in energy and energy related ventures. Regional policy and cooperation in infrastructure development in order to support investment and trade in the region results in the Government’s plans for near term cross-country cooperation activities as follows: • Linked infrastructure including hydropower power plants, power lines, pipelines and supporting road networks • Shared infrastructure including road s, channels for navigations, bridges and etc. • Shared link or independent infrastructure for import and export of oil, gas petrochemicals and other related products Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise (MEPE), a state-owned enterprise, has been distributing electricity generated by major hydropower and gas turbine stations. The national grid supplies 94 % of the nation’s power needs while another 6% comes from off-grid isolated energy sources. MEPE’s objectives for the country’s development is as follows: • Developing Hydropower for base load and gas turbine for peak load • In order to optimize the use of natural gas by gas turbine, combined cycle power plants are implemented • To expand the national grid • To revive the study of alternative production of electricity by using waste products including rice husks, etc. Using electricity by firing boilers to generate electricity meeting local requirements instead of utilizing the main grid’s power is encouraged • To reduce loss of electricity incurred from transmission and distribution • In remote areas where electricity from hydropower through the national grid cannot be utilized, the generation and distribution of electricity will be performed by diesel generating sets, wind and solar facilitates Burma Power Planning (Con’t) Power Development Plans and Transmission Interconnection Projects According to its power demand forecast, in 2030, Burma will have a peak demand of 7,334.82 MW (peak demand in 2008 was 1,061.2 MW). During 2010-2020, several projects will be Developed. At present, 19 hydroelectric power projects are under construction. Furthermore, 18 cross border hydropower power projects are currently being planned through investments by companies and/or state owned enterprises from China, Thailand and India. If these projects are completed, their total installed capacity will rise to 19,413 MW. Meanwhile, in 2009 Burma current installed capacity is only 2,255.9 MW. Transmission system To facilitate power transmission, during 2010-2020, the government plans to construct 62 transmission lines throughout Burma in the near future (at present, 129 transmission lines are in operation ) Thailand Power Sector Infographic about Thailand’s Power sector Links Decision Making Structure Actors Generation mix Decision Making Structure Thailand has Centralized Electricity Structure. Policy determination and planning including system operation are in hands of the government and the state owned enterprise; the Ministry of Energy and the Electricity Generation Authority of Thailand (EGAT). • EPPO and EGAT are responsible for electricity supply planning. • DEDE is mainly responsible for alternative energy development • ERC was established in 2009, as an independent authority, to regulate and ensure efficiency and transparency of electricity management, review final draft PDP, license Cabinet to power producers National Energy Policy Committee (NEPC) Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) Ministry of Energy EGAT PTT Public Co., Ltd. (State Enterprise) Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO) Dpt. of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) Bangchak Petroleum Pub Co., Ltd. (State Enterprise) Energy Fund Administration Institute (EFAI) (Public Organization) Dpt. of Energy Business Dpt. of Mineral Fuels Actors in Power Sector SPPs Power Purchaser, System Operation, and Transmission IPPs EGAT Power Plants R E EGAT Power Purchase System Operation Transmission Bulk Power Supply G U L A Distribution/ Retail Supply PEA MEA T O End Users End Users VSPP R Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) Generation Direct Customers Under Thailand ‘Enhanced Single Buyer Structure’, all producers have to sell electricity to EGAT that holds a monopoly over the transmission system. EGAT then sells power to MEA and PEA for distribution to consumers. Only a small amount of consumers directly purchase electricity rom EGAT/ IPPs/ SPPs, most of them are industries. In addition, ERC serves as a regulator in the system. Generation Mix Thailand uses natural gas as its major fuel to generate electricity, 72.5% in 2009. Lignite and coal are used 11% and 8.4% respectively. Power Generation as of Fuel Dec 2009 Hydropower, 4.70% Heavy Fuel Oil , 0.30% Import Laos, 1.6% Litnite, 11.00% Import Malaysia, 0.10% Diesel, 0.02% Coal, 8.40% Renewable Energy, 1.40% Natural Gas, 72.50% Installed generating capacity from April until August in 2010 reached 30,160.01 MW. In 2009, the installed capacity was 29,212.01 MW. Share of Power Generation by Fuel Type January to October 2010 The accumulated power generation from January to October is 134,978.22 GWh. At the end of 2008, the generation reached 148,231.16. Meanwhile, in 2009, the total generation was 145,214.62 GWh which represents a decrease between 2008 and 2009 of 2.04%. Peak Demand of 2010 happened in May, at 24,009.9 MW whereas in 2008 and 2009 peak demands were 22,045 MW and 22,568.9 MW respectively. Thailand Power Policy Overview Thailand’s power policy is driven by two key factors: continued economic growth driven by the industrial sector and energy sector financiers as well as ambitious plans to be the energy leader in the region. Thailand’s stated goal of being the “Hub of the ASEAN Grid” is at the core of its energy investments. Thailand’s centralized power planning structure emphasizes increasing energy supplies to meet expected demands. These needs can only be met through continued investments in large scale power projects both domestically as well as in neighboring countries. Power planning also includes expectations that the regional transmission network will be realized allowing for both exports and imports of electricity with neighboring countries. International concern about climate change is also playing a role in Thailand’s power development plans. By pledging to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector by 30% by 2020, Thailand is planning on increased investments in nuclear power projects, hydropower projects and the promotion of Clean Development Mechanism projects. Meanwhile, renewable energy development, Energy Efficiency and Demand-side management (DSM) are not adequately being promoted by the government. Links Power Planning History of Electricity Reform Power Planning Sub page The centralized government planning process and the National Economic and Social Development Plan in addition to regional development and power development plans are crucial in Thailand’s power sector planning. The National Economic and Social Development Plan such as Southern and Eastern Seaboard Development Projects, which are focused on heavy industries utilize large amounts of energy consumption and require infrastructure development that includes huge power plants. been Moreover, current ‘Framework of Thailand’s Power Strategies’ have also been devised by the government, Ministry of Energy and state-owned enterprise Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) to include the following: • Maintaining energy stability and security: supplying sufficient energy to meet demand, promoting public participation especially in national power planning process, preparing readiness for gas supplied emergency • Regulating energy businesses • Strengthening energy utilities and authorities • Promoting generation and supply of alternative energy • Reducing energy use and lower greenhouse gas emission Power Development Plan (PDP) Diesel PDP 2010 : GDP (Base Case) Renewable Energy Heavy Fuel Oil Thus far, Thailand electricity sector propelled by Import PDP 2010 (2010-2030) ลิง้ ค์ไปที่ PDP 2010, Natural Gas the latest 20 year PDP approved in early Imported Coal 2010. It has been formulated according to Lignite Nuclear the Ministry of Energy’s framework with specific Hydro investment and projects as illustrated In the figure on Installed Capacity classified by Fuel Type for 2010-2030. Combined-cycle gas power plants are main source, followed by power purchase from Laos and coal fired power plants. Importantly, the Ministry of Energy is adamant to construct nuclear power plants Even while opposition exists from local people living 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 around the proposed sites. Renewable energy will be account for 7-8% of the generation during the ext 20 years. throughout 20 years. 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 203 0 Power Planning Sub page (Con’t) Arguments made during PDP 2010: • Thailand’s civil society criticized the 2010 PDP approval process due to lack of transparency and genuine public participation. The national plan was approved by National Energy Policy Council during the chaotic political situation that occurred in April in Thailand. • It is the first PDP covering a 20 year period (Previous plans last 5 years and 15 years). Therefore, long-term demand forecast and investment planning will be less accurate and err from the reality. • Notably, even though Thailand’s PDP noted an aspiration to harmonize its renewable energy component with its Link to 15-year Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP), for 2008-2022, developed by Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency under Ministry of Energy, this is not reflected in the official PDP. According to the AEDP, generation capacity from AEDP is to reach 5,608 MW, however the official PDP only includes plans to increase generation capacity from renewable energy sources to 4,049.5 MW • Unenthusiastic promotion on renewable energy such as decreasing adders (money support per unit) for solar power and excuse that limitations on the transmission system to support electricity from any renewable energy sources for the national grid • EGAT has tried to preserve major shares in the generation market by determining that EGAT’s proportion in new power plants must be at least 50% Process of PDP development and approval: • EGAT draft and propose to Ministry of Energy and Energy Regulatory Commission to review • Approval process by National Energy Policy Committee (NEPC) comprised of Ministers, representatives from the National Economic and Social Development Board while the Prime Minister serves as Chairman. • PDP will be proposed to the Cabinet as a final step In addition to PDP and AEDP, the government had just conducted a preliminary study of a 20 year energysaving plan, which aims to review potential of all sectors in reducing energy demand by 25 % by 2030. LINKS Articles History of Electricity Reform Subpage Thailand’s initial centralized economic and social planning saw electricity projects as basic investments providing Thai citizen’s with basic infrastructure to improve their livelihoods and to to drive economic growth. Mega projects including generation stations, hydropower, coal fired power projects and transmission system were constructed gradually. State Control The government decided that the most efficient model for managing the power sector was to establish its own state owned enterprise. This led in 1968, to the consolidation of regional state owned generating companies into a central national electricity termed the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). The distribution networks, Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) and Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) were respectively set up in 1958 and 1960. MEA became responsible for power distribution in Bangkok and neighboring provinces while PEA was responsible for power distribution in the remaining provinces. By the end of the 1960s, the power system was centralized under EGAT and the two distribution companies. Privates allowed to generation In 1992, Independent Private Power Producers (IPPs) were allowed into the system through long term concessions operative power plants in accordance with Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with EGAT. EGAT continued to hold sole control over the transmission system operation. At the same time, the Thai government also launched a Small Power Producers (SPPs) program to promote the use of clean efficient energy or the use of renewable energy sources for domestic use. However, the plan was also criticized for the overwhelming preference for large industrial producers (who received SPP licenses) over smaller power producers including rural cooperatives, municipalities, hospitals. The first step of privatization was completed with the relaxation of power tariffs. At that time the National Energy Policy Office (under the Ministry of Energy today) believed that marketizing the power tariff would lead to lower tariffs over time. However, the marketization of power tariffs led to a rapid increase due to rising oil and gas prices at the same time. History of Electricity Reform Subpage (Con’t) ‘Privatization without Extensive Liberalization’ In 2000, the second step of privatization involving the introduction of the power pool model along with the unbundling of the generation, transmission and distribution systems was introduced. These were in preparation for complete market competition in the power market by 2003. However, with such attempt, it was However, the attempt at privatization was not a success. Many arguments were raised by parties including academics and consumers that it was too risky to allow for a market mechanism to control prices, regulatory body, etc. Two other options were proposed introduced, EGAT proposed a Third Party Access Model which allows consumers to independently choose suppliers while Academics proposed Single Buyer Model which allows for public ownership of distribution and even transmission. Later, EGAT proposed a different model moving from ‘private sector participation competition to achieve efficiency’ to one that allows for ‘national efficiency and competitiveness and secure regional leadership” and ‘To build strong national champions in the energy sector’. Within this model, EGAT would need remain a large major player in order to compete against multinational energy companies in the region. ‘National Champion’ and Enhanced Single Buyer (ESB) in the present model Under this proposed model EGAT can be the National Champion and maintain its monopoly position. This model is different from a single buyer in which private entities have to compete with EGAT in generation but EGAT retains a monopoly on the transmission system and a majority of generation. EGAT had plans to reform itself into a private company, listing itself on the stock market to raise capital and expand in the region. However, this plan finally failed in 2006. LINKS Structure and Overview of Thai Power Sector ... Steps involved to deliver electricity to end-users Fuel procurement Power Transmission Distribution Generation Retail, Meter Reading, Billing & settlement Structure of Thai power sector Generation (% share) SPPs (7%) (50%) IPPs (41%) Import (2%) VSPPs (<<1%) Govt. EGAT (100%) SO Transmission Distribution EGAT PEA (67%) MEA (31%) Users Users Direct Customers (2%) Remarks: - Figure of % Share in 2008 - ERC = Energy Regulatory Commission ทีม ่ า: EPPO Aug 2009 ERC Power generation (May 2009) Generation by fuel type Generation by sources IPP 12,151 MW (43%) Coal & Lignite, 21% EGAT, 13,615 MW (48%) Hydro, Import & Oil, Others, 6% 0.1% 3% SPP 2,073 MW (7%) Import & Exchange 640 MW (2%) Total: 28,482 MW ทีม ่ า: EPPO Aug 2009 Natural Gas, 70% Power Supply Management Review the Power Development Plan (PDP) every 6 months to be in line with the changing demand situation Maintain the reserve margin to be no less than 15% Diversify fuel types in power generation: Give importance to SPPs and VSPPs using renewable energy as fuel Study the feasibility of nuclear power generation. Promote Clean Coal Technology for coal-fired power generation International cooperation in power development projects: Power purchase from LPDR, Myanmar, China, Cambodia and Malaysia ทีม ่ า: EPPO Aug 2009 Overview of Electricity Generating Capacity PDP 2007 (Revision 2: @ Mar09) • Installed capacity as at Dec 2008 29,140 MW • Total increased capacity (2009-2021) 30,155 MW • Decommissioned plants -7,502 MW • Total generating capacity up to 2021 51,792 MW 2009 - 2015 12,605 MW 2016 - 2021 17,550 MW Comparison of New Generating Capacity by Source of Supply (in MW) PDP 2007 Revision 1 Year PDP 2007 Revision 2 EGAT IPP SPP Purchase from Abroad 2009 - 2015 4,615 4,400 1,193 5,473 3,769 4,400 1,985 264 2,187 - 2016 - 2021 8,900 1,400 575 8,690 8,000 1,600 - 300 2,850 4,800 13,515 5,800 1,768 14,163 11,769 6,000 1,985 564 5,037 4,800 Total Increased Capacity 35,246 Difference of New Capacity when compared with PDP 2007 (Revision 1) EGAT IPP SPP Purchase VSPP from Abroad New Projects 30,155 - 5,091 ทีม ่ า: EPPO Aug 2009 IPPs: 1st IPP Solicitation in 1994 7 Selected IPPs with PPA Signed IPP Plant Location Fuel Gen. Capacity (MW) IPT Aow Pay, Chonburi Natural Gas 700 15 Aug 2000 TECO Ratchaburi Natural Gas 700 1 Jul 2000 Ratchburi Power Ratchaburi Natural Gas 1,400 Unit 1: 1 Mar 2008 Unit 2: 1 Jun 2008 COD Unit 1: 1 Mar 2007 Gulf Power Khaeng Koi, Saraburi Natural Gas BLCP Pluakdaeng, Rayong Coal 1,346.5 Unit 1: 13 Aug 2006 Unit 2: 14 Nov 2006 Bowin, Chonburi Natural Gas 713 31 Jan 2003 Klong Mai, Samut Prakarn Natural Gas 350 25 Mar 2003 Glow IPP EPEC Total 1,468 6,677.5 Unit 2: 1 Mar 2008 ทีม ่ า: EPPO Aug 2009 IPPs: 2nd IPP Solicitation in 2007 4 Selected IPPs with PPA Signed IPP Plant Project’s Shareholder Fuel Type Capacity (MW) Location SCOD GHECOOne GLOW IPP2: 65% Hemaraj: 35% Coal 660 Rayong Nov 2011 National Power Supply (NPS) NPS: 99.99% 6 Thai Individuals: 0.01% Coal 540 Chachoeng sao Nov 2012/ Mar 2013 Siam Energy Gulf JP: 99.94% 6 Thai Individuals: 0.06% Gas 1,600 Chachoeng sao Mar 2012/ Sep 2012 Power Generation Supply Gulf JP: 99.94% Individual Investors: 0.06% Gas 1,600 Saraburi Jun 2014/ Dec 2014 Total 4,400 Remarks: 7 Dec 07: NEPC approved the next IPP Solicitation for power procurement during 2016-2018. ทีม ่ า: EPPO Aug 2009 Promotion of SPP/VSPP Power Generation Small Power Producer (SPP)/ Very Small Power Producer (VSPP): A generator of a private entity, state agency, state-owned enterprise, using cogeneration system or renewable energy, agricultural waste or residues, residues from agricultural or industrial production processes to produce electricity. SPP Sale of electricity to the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), is >10 MW up to 90 MW. Firm contract: 20-25 years Non-firm contract: 5 years and renewed automatically VSPP Sale of electricity to the Distribution Utility, i.e. Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) and Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA), is no more than 10 MW. ทีม ่ า: EPPO Aug 2009 Fuel Diversification in Power Generation Share of Power Generation by Fuel Type (@ May 2009) Coal & Lignite, 21% Oil, 0.1% Hydro, Import & Others, 6% 3% - Currently, Thailand’s power generation depends heavily on natural gas as fuel. - Efforts are being made to boost greater use of renewable energy as fuel. Natural Gas, 70% Status of Power Generation from Renewable Energy and Potential & Target in 2011 Biomass Existing 1,610 MW Target 2,800 MW Potential 4,400 MW Wind - Sugarcane industry, etc. - Biomass power plants - Community power plants Existing 46 MW Target 60 MW Potential 190 MW Biogas Biogas from livestock farms and agro, palm industry (Data as at Jan2009) Existing 1 MW Target 115 MW Potential 1,600 MW Hydro - Mini Hydro and Micro Hydro - Wind farm in southern Thailand Solar PV Existing 32 MW Target 55 MW Potential 50,000 MW - Urban areas - Solar homes - His Majesty’s projects - 0.1% of installation areas Existing 56 MW Target 165 MW Potential 700 MW MSW Existing 5 MW Target 78 MW Potential 400 MW - Bangkok 9,000 tons/day - Municipality 6,300 tons/day - Industry 1,000 tons/day ทีม ่ า: EPPO Aug 2009 Power Purchase from Neighboring Countries • Thailand has cooperated in hydropower development with neighboring countries, on a bilateral basis. • MOUs on power purchase have been signed with Laos, China and Myanmar, with a total power purchase of 11,500 MW. MOUs on Power Purchase Signed Country Signing Date Purchase Cap. (MW) Within Year LPDR 22 Dec 2007 7,000 2015 Myanmar 14 Jul 1997 1,500 2010 PR China 12 Nov 1998 3,000 2017 • Imported power being supplied to Thailand’s Grid: LPDR 313 MW Malaysia 300 MW [High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)] ทีม ่ า: EPPO Aug 2009 Power Purchase from LPDR Project Sale to Thailand (MW) COD 187 126 313 31 Mar 1998 3 Sep 1999 1) Currently supplying power to Thailand 1.1 Nam Theun-Hinboun 1.2 Houay Hoa Sub-total 2) PPA signed but not yet supplied power to Thailand 2.1 Nam Theun 2 920 Dec 2009 2.2 Nam Ngum 2 2.3 Theun-Hinboun Expansion 615 220 Mar 2011 Mar 2012 Sub-total 1,755 3) Tariff MOU signed 1,473 3.1 Hongsa Lignite Status as at Jun09. ทีม ่ า: EPPO Aug 2009 Sub-total 1,473 GRAND TOTAL 3,541 2013 Power Purchase from Myanmar • 14 Jul 1997: MOU on Power Purchase from Myanmar (~1,500 MW by 2010). • 30 Nov 2005: MOU on Cooperation in the Development of Power Projects on Thanlwin and Tanintharyi Rivers. Tasang 7,000 MW • Initially, Myanmar has proposed 2 power projects on Thanlwin River: (Other potential projects: Upper/Lower Thanlwin , 4,000 +500 MW) (1) Hutgyi hydropower project, 1,200 MW Hutgyi 1,200 MW (2) Tasang hydropower project, 7,000 MW Also, Tariff MOU signed for Mai Khot coal-fired power project (369MW) ทีม ่ า: EPPO Aug 2009 (Tanintharyi 600 MW) Power Purchase from Cambodia Feasibility study is being conducted on 2 potential projects: Strung Nam Hydropower Project Koh Kong Coal-fired Power Project 120 MW 3,660 MW Power Purchase from Malaysia Thailand (EGAT) and Malaysia (TNB) have had power trade between each other since 1980, starting with 80 MW. Current trade: 300 MW via HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) system. ทีม ่ า: EPPO Aug 2009 (17 November 2007) NPIEP Milestones for Nuclear Power Program Implementation NPI: Nuclear Power Infrastructure NPIEP: NPI Establishment Plan NPPDO: Nuclear Power Program Development Office NPP: Nuclear Power Plant NRB: Nuclear Regulatory Body 1st Milestone 2nd Milestone 3rd Milestone MS 2 : Call for Bids MS 3: Start Operation MS 0.1 MS 0.2 MS 1: Policy Decision Nuclear power option included in PDP2007 To prepare for policy decision Knowledgeable Commitment Financial Commitments Commissioning 1st NPP Phase 0.1: Preliminary Phase - NPIPC & 7 Subcommittees appointed - Issues & Milestones considered - NPIEP prepared Phase 1: Pre-project Activity Phase Phase 2: Program Implementation Phase - approve NPIEP - set up NPPDO - infrastructure work started - survey of potential sites - feasibility study completed - public information & participation - implement NPIEP with Milestones - full NRB established - legislation & international protocols enacted - suitable sites for bid selected - technology/qualified suppliers selected - prepare to call bids 3 years 1 year 2007 GO NUCLEAR 2008 Phase 3: Construction Phase Phase 4: Operation Phase - NPIEP fully implemented - bidding process completed - design & engineering - manufacturing - construction & installation - test runs & inspection - NPP commissioning license - 3 years 2011 commercial operation O&M planning for expansion industrial and technology development plan 6 years 2014 2020 ทีม ่ า: EPPO Aug 2009 Centralized structure Centralized structure of electricity • Conflicts are a result of centralized structure of control – Loss of livelihood/health/forests for local people for the benefits of others, mainly urban commercial and industrial interests • Centralized grid: in many cases, makes economic and technical sense, however… • Control of a central grid need not be monopolized by one group – Structure of control determined by Cold War politics, not technical superiority Problems with centralized control (1) • Separation of consumption and production leads to inefficient consumption – “Out of sight, out of mind” – Ratio of Power demand growth to GDP growth = 1.4 • Perverse incentives to exclude customer-owned generation – The more to invest, the more to profit. – Small-scale, renewable generators lack access – Energy conservation measures are viewed as a threat to EGAT’s profits. Centralized & decentralized generation Cogeneration Gasifier Centralized & decentralized generation Cogeneration Gasifier Choice of supply options considered in the PDP by EGAT 700 MW Coal-fired power plant 700 MW gas-fired combined cycle plant 230 MW gas-fired open cycle plant 1,000 MW nuclear plant Hydro imports are politically negotiated outside of PDP process DSM/EE, RE, Distributed generation not considered as supply options Centralized energy is also more costly Decentralized generation brings down costs Thailand Ireland – retail costs for new capacity to 2021 8 .0 0 7 .0 0 6 .0 0 E u r o C e n ts / K W h PDP 2007 requires 2 trillion baht to implement, comprising: million B • generation 1,482,000 • transmission 595,000 5 .0 0 4 .0 0 3 .0 0 2 .0 0 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 Transmission adds 40% to generation costs 1 0 0 % C e n t ra l / 0 % D E 75% / 25% 50% / 50% 25% / 75% 0 % C e n t ra l / 1 0 0 % D E % D E o f T o t a l G e n e r a t io n O & M o f N e w C a p a c it y Fuel C a p it a l A m o r iz a t io n + P r o f it O n N e w C a p a c it y T & D A m o r iz a t io n o n N e w T & D Source: World Alliance for Decentralized Energy, April 2005 Centralized generation wastes a lot of energy (~70% of heat value is lost & adds to climate change problem) Total at end of 2007 Hydro 28,530.3 MW import Combined cycle 13,540 MW 47.5 % Hydro 3,424.2 MW 12.0 % Thermal 9,666.6 MW 33.9 % 1.2 % Import from Malaysia 1.0 % Gas turbines, diesel 971.4 MW 3.4 % Installed capacity by types of generation in 2007 Renewables 288.1 MW 1.0 % Loss in conversion process 61% Station use (in power plants) 1% Loss in transmission 3% Loss in distribution Useful electricity to end-users 5-8% <30% Problems with centralized control (2) • Lack of accountability, transparency, participation in centralized planning processes – Political decisions masked in technical language – “Big is beautiful”, fossil fuels dominate – Social and environmental concerns are ignored • “Cost plus” incentive structure – passes risks to consumers – “Overcapacity worth 400 billion Baht” (from total assets of 700 billion Baht and annual turnover of 240 billion Baht) – Prime Minister Thaksin Shinwatra Governance issues Energy policy and its impacts on share prices of energy companies in the stock market • The coup-installed government announced its policy on energy investment opportunities on 3 Oct 2006 • Energy policy, PDP approval and IPP bidding resulted in significant windfall benefits for selected companies • 1 year later, the share prices of companies benefiting from the PDP jumped 66% (other companies had a 8.7% rise) 3-No v -06 In d e x S E T in d ex E n erg y - to tal E n erg y - P D P -related E n erg y- P T T -related * E n erg y - P D P /P T T -related E n erg y-n o n -P D P /P T T N o n -en erg y S E T in d ex 732.3 Ma rke t C a p . (M B a h t) 2-No v -07 In d e x S h are valu e Ma rke t C a p . in crease in 1 (M B a h t) year (% ) 6,902,455 22.1% 1,549,720 1,189,947 1,178,612 1,379,886 25,212 2,416,915 1,975,093 1,946,230 2,259,729 22,126 55.4 % 66.0 % 65.1 % 63.8 % -13.2 % 3,849,255 4,485,540 8.7% 5,398,975 894.34 * "PT T -related" = PT T having m o re than 2 5 % shares (vo ting rights) in the co m pany Change in energy companie’s share prices within 1 yr S e c u rity B u s in e s s C lo s e M arket C ap . C lo s e M arket C ap . P ric e 3 /11/2006 3/11/2006 P ric e 2 /11/2007 2/11/2007 R elated to P D P BANPU LA N N A PTT PTTEP EGCO RATCH G LO W U n related coal coal gas gas-P T T subsidiary pow er pow er pow er to P D P RRC oil-refine P T T subsidiary BCP oil-refine/retail P T T subsidiary TOP oil-refine P T T subsidiary RPC oil-refine/retail SUSCO oil-retail AI other-insulator BAFS other-plane fuel AKR other- P V transform er EASTW other-w ater P IC N I LP G -retail S O LA R other- P V U n co m p arab le TPI IR P C MDX STRD SCG oil-refine oil-refine P T T subsidiary pow er other pow er-S P P 161 11 .9 226 108 89 .5 42 .75 30 .25 (M B a h t) 1,189,947 43 ,751 4 ,165 633 ,840 354 ,833 47 ,119 61 ,988 44 ,252 (M B a h t) 1,975,093 428 20.6 404 159 119 52 35.5 215,152 19 .2 9 .35 61 4 .46 0 .48 9 .5 11 .2 2 .62 5 .6 0 .38 7 .3 55 ,035 10 ,464 124 ,442 2 ,332 571 4 ,750 4 ,760 2 ,070 7 ,415 1 ,123 2 ,190 7 .2 140 ,400 3 .92 298 180 3 ,744 116 ,308 7 ,210 1,137,525 524 ,070 62 ,649 75 ,400 51 ,932 306,762 25.75 14.3 95.5 3 .96 0 .45 7.1 11.1 2 .16 5 0 .29 2 .86 6.6 4.3 - 73 ,809 16 ,004 194 ,823 2 ,084 536 3 ,550 5 ,661 1 ,707 6 ,874 857 858 128 ,700 2,045 132 4,183 Mkt c a p P ric e c h a n g e c hange % (M B a h t) 66.0 % 165.8% 73.1% 78.8% 47.2% 33.0% 21.6% 17.4% 41.7 % 72,557 3,045 503,685 169,237 15,531 13,413 7,680 34.1% 52.9% 56.6% -11.2% -6.2% -25.3% -0.9% -17.6% -10.7% -23.7% -60.8% 18,775 5,540 70,381 248 36 1,200 901 363 541 266 1,332 - Conflict of interest : policy v business ช ื่ อ น าย พ รชั ย รุ จ ิ ป ระภ า ตำ แ ห น่ ง ป ลั ด ก ระท รวง พ ลั ง ง าน Permanent secretary of ministry of energy Board of directors ก ร ร ม ก ำร บ ริษ ั ท ปChairman ระธ าน ก รรม าร บ ม จ . ป ต ท .^ ofกPTT ปDirector ระธ าน กgeneral,Energy รรม าร ก ฟ ผ .^fuel Chairman ofกEGAT Board member ก รรม ก าร ป ต ท . of เค PTT มิ ค อ chemical ล Chairman of Rayong refinery ป ระธ าน ก รรม ก าร บ ม จ . โ รง ก ลั่ น น้ า มั น ระย อ ง ^ oil กBoard รรก าร member บ ม จ . ไทofยThai อ อ ย ล์ ผ ล ต อ บ แ ท น ปี 2549 219,863.01 * 37500 (เฉ พ าะเบี้ ย ป ระชุ ม ) 865,560 ยั ง ไม่ ม ี ข อ ้ มู ล 85,000 *** น าย ณ อ คุ ณ ส ิ ท ธิ พ ง ศ ์ รอDep. ง ป ลัpermanent ด ก ระท รวง secretary พ ลั ง ง าน น าย คุ รุ จ ิ ต น าค รท รรพ น าย ไก รฤ ท ธิ์ นิ ล คู ห า น าย เม ต ต า บั น เทิ ง สุ ข member ofลิRATCH secretary รอDep. ง ป ลั permanent ด ก ระท รวง พ ลั ง ง าน กBoard รรม ก าร บมจ. ผ ต ไฟ ฟ้ าราช บุ ร ี โ ฮ ล ดิ้ ง ^ member ofตPTTEP อ ธิDep. บ ดี กpermanent รม เช ื้ อ เพ ลิsecretary ง ธ รรม ช าติ กBoard รรม ก าร บมจ. ป ท .ส ผ . อ ธิ บ ดี ก general รม ธุ ร กิ จofพenergy ลั ง ง านbusiness ก Board รรม ก ารmember บ ม จ . ปofตPTT ท. Director น าย พ านิ ช พ ง ศ ์ พ ิ โ รด ม of อDirector ธิ บ ดี พgeneral ั ฒ น าพofลัDepartment ง ง าน Alternative Energy Development and Board member of RATCH ท ด แ ท น แenergy ล ะอ นุ รั ก ษ์ พ ลั ง ง าน ก รรม ก าร บ ม จ . ผ ลิ ต ไฟ ฟ้ าราช บุ ร ี โ ฮ ล ดิ้ ง Efficiency 368,000 **** (~ 2,000,000 ห าก ค รบ ปี ) น าย วี ร ะพ ล จิ ร ป ระดิ ษ ฐ์ กุ ล ผูDirector อ ้ า น วยofก Energy ารสา นั Policy ก ง าน and Planning official น โ ย บ าย แ ล ะแ ผ น พ ลั ง ง าน ก Board รรม ก ารmember บ ม จ . ปofตPTTEP ท .ส ผ .^ ยั ง ไม่ ม ี ข อ ้ มู ล (~ 2 ,000,000 ห าก ค รบ ปี ) member ofะโ Aromatics กBoard รรม ก าร บมจ. อ รเม ติ ก ส ์ ^PLC ยั ง ไม่ ม ี ข อ ้ มู ล (~ 2 ,000,000 ห าก ค รบ ปี ) น าย สุ ช าติ จั น ล าวง ศ ์ น าย น เรศ สั ต ย ารั ก ษ์ น าย พี ระพ ล ส าค ริ น ท ร์ of กministry หัSenior วห น ้า ผูofficial ต ้ รวจ ราช าร of energy ก ระท รวง พ ลั ง ง าน official ministry ผูSenior ต ้ รวจ ราช ก ารกof ระท รวง of energy พ ลั ง ง าน Senior official of ministry ผู ต ้ รวจ ราช ก ารก ระท รวง of energyพ ลั ง ง าน ที่ ม า : ราย ง าน ป ระจา ปี 2549 * ดา รง ตา แ ห น่ ง ก รรม ก าร 31 วั น ** ดา รง ตา แ ห น่ ง ค รบ 12 เดื อ น member chak กBoard รรม ก าร บ ม จ .ofบ Bang าง จ าก Board member of RATCH member Ratchaburi generation กBoard รรม ก าร บ ม จ . of ผ ลิ ต ไฟ ฟ้ าราช บุ ร ี โ ฮ ล ดิ้ ง ^ company ก รรม ก าร บ จ . ผ ลิ ต ไฟ ฟ้ าราช บุ ร ี ^ เริ่ ม ดา รง ตา แ ห น่ ง ช ่ ว ง รม ต .พ น . ปิ ยส วั ส ดิ์ *** ดา รง ตา แ ห น่ ง ก รรม ก าร 10 วั น **** ดา รง ตา แ ห น่ ง ก รรม ก าร 8 เดื อ น ยั ง ไม่ ม ี ข อ ้ มู ล (1 ,600,000 ห าก ค รบ ปี ) 2,289,344 2,640,000 360,000 ยั ง ไม่ ม ี ข อ ้ มู ล (1 ,600,000 ห าก ค รบ ปี ) ไม่ ม ี ข อ ้ มู ล Performance of high-level energy officials in serving the government vs. PTT Plc. (Thai gas/oil utility, the largest list company in Thailand) Attendance of PTT board meetings* Permanent secretary Director of EPPO Attendance of Automatic tariff (Ft) mechanism mtgs** 13/13 100% 4/6 67% 8/9 90% 5/6 83% *จากรายงานประจาปี บมจ. ปตท. ปี 2546 **ตั้งแต่มีการปรับองค์ประกอบคณะอนุกรรมการ Ft โดยแต่งตั้งให้นายเชิดพงษ์เป็ นประธาน และนายเมตตาเป็ นรองประธาน (ปลายปี 46) Government officials serve energy companies better than the Thai public? Structure reform of power sector proposed by Thai civil society รัฐ/เอกชน กฟผ. (โรงไฟฟ้ำพล ังควำมร้อน) ~ 15,000 MW องค์ กร กำ ก ับ ดู แล อิสระ ่ ระบบสง ศูนย์ควบคุมระบบ เขือ ่ น กำรไฟฟ้ำฝ่ำยจำหน่ำย (กฟน./กฟภ.) ระบบจำหน่ำย ควำมต้องกำรที่ ้ (บ้ำน/ เพิม ่ ขึน รำยเล็ก/อืน ่ ๆ) โรงไฟฟ้ำใหม่ ไฟฟ้ำพล ังงำน หมุนเวียน / ชุมชนท้องถิน ่ / รำยย่อย/ cogen ่ กำรไฟฟ้ำฝ่ำยระบบสง รัฐ รัฐ ั ื้ ขำยไฟฟ้ำ สญญำซ อ (IPP/Egco/Ratch/SPP) ~ 10,000 MW จ ัดหำ/ค้ำปลีกไฟฟ้ำ * ควำมต้องกำรใชไ้ ฟฟ้ำในปัจจุบ ัน ~ 19,000 MW ควำมต้องกำรที่ ้ (รำย เพิม ่ ขึน ใหญ่) ิ ธิในการจัดการและจัดหาไฟฟ้ าได ้เอง * ในกรณีชม ุ ชน/องค์กรท ้องถิน ่ มีความพร ้อมและความสนใจ ให ้สามารถใชส้ ท ิ ธิในการจัดหา โดย กฟน./กฟภ. ทาหน ้าทีเ่ ป็ นเพียงผู ้ให ้บริการระบบสายจาหน่าย แต่ไม่ผก ู ขาดสท Consumption patterns Electrical consumption by sector in 2007 Others 5% Industrial 49% Residential 21% Commercial 25% ้ ล ังงำนไฟฟ้ำแยกตำมประเภทผูใ้ ช ้ กำรใชพ ที่มา กฟผ. 133,132 GWh ้ การกระจายตัวของการใชไฟฟ้ าแยกตามพืน ้ ที่ Distribution of electricity consumption by region South North เหนือ 8.11% ใต้ 7.84% Northeast อืสาน 8.92% Central ภาคกลาง 75.14% Source: Figure 19, Statistical Report Fiscal Year 2003 Power Forecast and Statistics Analysis Department System Control and Operation Division. Report No. SOD-FSSR-0404-05 Comparison of electricity consumption of three big malls vs. 16 provinces Siam Paragon GWh 123 MBK 81 278 GWh Central World 75 ทีม ่ า: การไฟฟ้ านครหลวง 2549 แ ม่ ฮ่ อ ง ส อ น อา น าจ เจ ริ ญ มุ ก ด าห าร ห น อ ง บั วลา ภู น่ าน ยโส ธร อุ ทั ย ธ านี พ ะเย า มุ ก ด าห าร ส ตู ล ส มุ ท รส ง ค ราม เล ย แ พ ร่ พั ท ลุ ง น ราธิ ว าส ระน อ ง 65 110 128 148 175 188 193 211 219 230 237 246 254 258 278 278 ้ ทีม ่ า: พพ. รายงานการใชไฟฟ้ า ปี 2549 Siam Paragon Electricity production and consumption (GWh) 123 1700 families relocated MBK 81 Loss of 116 fish species (44%) Fishery yield down 80% Pak Mun Loss of livelihood for >6200 families Dams Central World Mae 75 Hong Song Malls 65 Province Source: MEA, EGAT, Searin, Graphic: Green World Foundation Impacts of Pak Mun Dam alone ้ ้ การกระจายของจานวนผู ้ใชไฟและปริ มาณการใชไฟฟ้ า Distribution of number of power users & energy consumed 100% Agricultural pumping 1% 0% 0% 4% 3% 7% 90% 80% ปมน้าเพื่อการเกษตร Government หน่วยงานราชการ 19% 40% 70% Specific businesses ธุรกิจเฉพาะอย่าง Large industrial/commercial) 60% ธุรกิจ/อุต ขนาดใหญ่ 50% Small industrial/commercial 22% 40% 73% ธุรกิจ/อุต ขนาดกลาง Small industrial/commercial ธุรกิจขนาดเล็ก 30% 10% Large houses (>150 kWh/mo) บ้านอยู่อาศัย (>150 หน่วย/เดือน) 20% 13% Small houses (<150 kWh/mo) 10% 8% 0% จำนวนผู้ใช้ไฟ Number of customers ปริมำ กำรใช้ไฟฟำ Electricity consumption ที่มา : รายงานการปรับโครงสร้างอัตราค่าไฟฟ้ า (มติ ค.ร.ม. วันที่ 3 ตุลาคม 2543) บ้านอยู่อาศัย (<150 หน่วย/เดือน) "Nature has enough for our need, but not enough for our greed." - Gandhi Hourly Power Demand (2002) MW > 1,000 MW in 66 hours 16300 16100 16000 15900 14000 15700 12000 15500 15300 10000 2 0 0 1 P E A K = 1 6 ,1 2 6 M W 60 48 36 24 0 8000 12 15100 6000 4000 2000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 h o u rs Source: EPPO, 2007. Load profile on the day of annual highest consumption พลังไฟฟ้า (เมกะวัตต์ ) Notice the rise of air-conditioning load 25000 2551 2550 2549 2548 20000 15000 10000 2534 2533 2532 5000 เวลา (ชั่วโมง) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PDP, demand forecast over-investment Power demand projection Sep 2007 (PDP 2007 revision 1) MW 55,000 50,000 45,000 Economic Development Plan (years) Average GDP growth rate/year Average demand growth rate/year 10th plan (2550-2554) 5.0 5.86 11th plan (2555-2559) 5.6 5.95 12th plan (2560-2564) 5.6 5.54 37,382 MW 40,000 2,178 48,958 MW 2,477 2,399 2,23 5 2,28 7 2,131 35,000 27,996 MW 1,832 2,03 5 1,759 30,000 1,629 1,361 1,410 25,000 1,444 20,000 15,000 10,000 ที่มา กฟผ. 1,26 8 1,449 2550 – 2554 average increase 1,386 MW แผนพ ัฒนำฯ ฉบ ับที่ 10 2555 – 2559 average increase 1,877 MW 2560 – 2564 average increase 2,315 MW แผนพ ัฒนำฯ ฉบ ับที่ 11 แผนพ ัฒนำฯ ฉบ ับที่ 12 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 Planning of capacity additions (Total capacity requirement = peak demand + 15% reserve margin) Power Demand: Projections vs. Actual 1992 – 2008 If no systemic bias, the chance of over-projecting demand 12 times in a row should be 1/4096!! MW 4 8 ,0 0 0 มิ . ย .-9 3 4 4 ,0 0 0 ธ .ค .-9 4 ต .ค .-9 5 4 0 ,0 0 0 เม .ย .-9 6 ต .ค .-9 6 มิ . ย .-9 7 3 6 ,0 0 0 ก .ย .-9 7 S e p -9 8 (M E R ) 3 2 ,0 0 0 ก .พ .-0 1 ส .ค .-0 2 Ja n -0 4 (L E G ) 2 8 ,0 0 0 Ja n -0 4 (M E G ) A p r-0 6 (M E G ) 2 4 ,0 0 0 มี . ค .-0 7 ACTUAL ธ .ค .-0 8 2 0 ,0 0 0 1 6 ,0 0 0 1 2 ,0 0 0 8 ,0 0 0 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 Incentive structure for utilities: the more expansion, the more profits • Financial criteria for utilities link profits to investments – Thailand uses outdated returnbased regulation – WB’s promoted financial criteria such as self financing ratio (SFR) also have similar effects • ROIC (Return on Invested Capital means: the more you invest, the more profits ROIC = Net profit after tax Invested capital EGAT 8.4% MEA 4.8% PEA Result : Demand forecast have systemic bias toward over-projections Too many expensive power projects get built Cycle of over-expansion under the centralized monopoly system Deterministic planning based on demand forecast leads to over-investment in capital-intensive power projects 2 1 Power demand (over-)projections Utilities’ Profits 3 Tariff structure that allows pass-through of unnecessary investments Comparison of trend lines with historical peak consumption Exponential MW Linear MW 30,000 30,000 y = 8 3 1 .4 3 x - 2 E +0 6 2 R = 0 .9 4 3 3 2 His tor ic peak demand เ อ็ ก ซ์ โพเ น น เ ชี ย ล ( His tor ic peak demand ) His tor ic peak demand 09 20 07 20 05 20 03 20 01 99 19 97 19 95 19 93 19 91 19 89 19 19 85 19 07 09 20 20 03 01 99 05 20 20 20 97 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 95 0 93 0 91 10,000 89 10,000 87 20,000 85 20,000 87 R = 0 .9 8 9 4 20 y = 4 E -6 0 e 0.0731 x ้ ( His tor ic peak demand ) เ ชิ ง เ ส น Past demand trajectory was linear but how come the official demand projections have always assumed exponential trend and over-estimated? The government forecast was based on the assumption of exponential growth 50,000 45,000 21 power plants 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 Dec - 2008 For ec as t His tor ic peak demand 2021 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 0 1985 P eak d em an d (M W ) 40,000 กา ลั ง ผ ลิ ต ไฟ ฟ้ า แ ย ก ต า ม ช นิ ด โ รง ไฟ ฟ้ า ต า ม แ ผ น P D P 2007 (ป รั บ ป รุ ง ค รั ้ง ที่ 2) MW 6 0 ,0 0 0 นิ ว เค ลี ย ร์ ถ่ า น หิน 5 0 ,0 0 0 ก๊ า ซ พ ลั ง น้ า นา เข า้ 4 0 ,0 0 0 โ ค เจ น พ ลั ง ง า น หมุ น เวี ย น 3 0 ,0 0 0 น้ า มั น /ก๊ า ซ 2 0 ,0 0 0 พ ลั ง น้ า กฟ ผ . อื่ น ๆ 1 0 ,0 0 0 64 25 63 25 62 25 61 25 60 25 59 25 58 25 57 25 56 25 55 25 54 25 53 25 25 52 0 ทีม ่ า:แผนพัฒนาพลังงานทดแทน 15 ปี พ.ศ.2551 -2565 ห าก ป รั บ ค่ า พ ยาก ร ณ์ + ส ่ ง เส ริ ม ก าร ป ร ะห ยั ด พ ลั งงาน + ส นั บ ส นุ น R E ต าม แ ผ น พ ลั งงาน ท ด แ ท น MW 6 0 ,0 0 0 โ ค รง กา รที่ ไม่ จา เป็ น ถ่ า น หิ น 5 0 ,0 0 0 ก๊ า ซ พ ลั ง น้ า นา เข า้ โ ค เจ น 4 0 ,0 0 0 พ ลั ง ง า น ห มุ น เวี ย น กา รป ระห ยั ด พ ลั ง ง า น 3 0 ,0 0 0 น้ า มั น /ก๊ า ซ พ ลั ง น้ า กฟ ผ . อื่ น ๆ 2 0 ,0 0 0 กา ลั ง ผ ลิ ต ขั ้ น ตา่ 1 0 ,0 0 0 64 25 63 25 62 25 61 25 60 25 59 25 58 25 57 25 56 25 55 25 54 25 53 25 25 52 0 Supply options Cost estimate (Baht/kWh) Generation Trans missio n1 Distrib ution2 CO2 3 Other envi impacts Social impacts Total 4 DSM 0.50 – 1.505 - - - - - 0.50 1.50 SPP cogeneration (PES > 10%) 2.60 6 - 0.44 0.08 0.71 - 3.83 VSPP (Renewable) Bulk supply tariff (~ 2.62) + Adder (0.3 – 8) - 0.44 - 0 – 0.63 0 – low 2.92 – 10.62 gas CC 2.25 7 0.37 0.44 0.09 0.79 low – medium 3.93 Coal 2.11 7 0.37 0.44 0.15 2.76 High 5.82 Nuclear 2.087–7.308 0.37 0.44 - 0.15 + 1.009 High – very high 4.049.26 หมายเหตุ 1. ใช ้สมมติฐานว่าต ้นทุนร ้อยละ 12.4 ของค่าไฟฟ้ ามาจากธุรกิจสายส่ง 2. ใช ้สมมติฐานว่าต ้นทุนร ้อยละ 14.5 ของค่าไฟฟ้ ามาจากธุรกิจจาหน่าย 3. ค่า CO2 ที่ 10 ยูโร/ตัน 4. ค่า Externality ตามการศึกษา Extern E ของสหภาพยุโรป และนามาปรับลดตามค่า GDP ต่อหัวของไทย 5. 5. The World Bank, Impact of Energy Conservation, DSM and Renewable Energy Generation on EGAT’s PDP, 2005. 6. ตามระเบียบ SPP 7. ทีม ่ า : กฟผ. 8. California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), 2050 Multi-Sector CO2 Emissions Abatement Analysis Calculator, 2009 9. Cost of liability protection, Journal “Regulation” 2002 – 2003. Time to review gov’t subsidy to polluting industries with low value added to economy and low competitiveness? ด ัช นี ค วำม ั ส่ ว น ค วำม สด ก ลุ่ ม อุ ต ส ำห ก ร ร ม H ig h E n erg y , L o w V A , L o w R C A ั ส่ ว น สด เข้ ม ข้ น ข อ ง มู ล ค่ ำเพิ่ ม ก ำร ใช ้ พ ล ง ั ง ำน ต่ อ ผ ล ผ ลิ ต อุ ต ส ำ ห ก รรม เห ล็ ก แ ล ะ เห ล็ ก ก ล้ ำ ก ารผ ลิ ต สี ท า น้ า มั น ชั ก เง า ก ารผ ลิ ต ผ ลิ ต ภั ณ ฑ์ พ ล าส ติ ก ก ารผ ลิ ต ผ ลิ ต ภั ณ ฑ์ อ โ ล ห ะอื่ น ๆ ก ารฟ อ ก ก ารพิ ม พ์ ก ารย อ ้ ม ก ารผ ลิ ต เค รื่ อ ง ย น ต์ แ ล ะกั ง หั น ก ารผ ลิ ต เค รื่ อ ง เรื อ น ที่ ทา ด ว้ ย โ ล ห ะ แ บ ต เต อ รี่ แ ล ะห ม อ ้ เก็ บ ป ระจุ ไ ฟ ฟ้ า ก ารผ ลิ ต เค รื่ อ ง จั ก รแ ล ะอุ ป ก รณ์ ท าง เก ษ ต ร ก ารผ ลิ ต อุ ป ก รณ์ รถ ไฟ เค รื่ อ ง มื อ เค รื่ อ ง ใช ไ้ ฟ ฟ้ าอื่ น ๆ ก ารผ ลิ ต ผ ลิ ต ภั ณ ฑ์ ท าง เค มี อ ื่ น ๆ อุ ต ส ำห ก รรม ก ารผ ลิ ต เค รื่ อ ง จั ก รแ ล ะอุ ป ก รณ์ พิ เศ ษ ก ารผ ลิ ต ผ ลิ ต ภั ณ ฑ์ จ าก ก ระด าษ อ าห ารแ ล ะเค รื่ อ ง ดื่ ม ก ารผ ลิ ต สิ น ค า้ อุ ต ส าห ก รรม อื่ น ๆ ส ิ่ ง ท อ ก ารผ ลิ ต น าฬ ิ ก า ก ารผ ลิ ต เค รื่ อ ง ด น ต รี แ ล ะเค รื่ อ ง กี ฬ าไม แ ้ ล ะเค รื่ อ ง เรื อ น ก ารบ รรจุ ก ระป๋ อ ง แ ล ะก ารเก็ บ รั ก ษ าผั ก ผ ล ไม ้ น้ า ผ ล ไม ้ ก ระด าษ ก ารผ ลิ ต ผ ลิ ต ภั ณ ฑ์ จ าก ไม แ ้ ล ะไม ก ้ ๊อก ก ารผ ลิ ต รอ ง เท า้ ย ก เว น ้ รอ ง เท า้ ย าง เค มี ก ารผ ลิ ต เค รื่ อ ง เรื อ น เค รื่ อ ง ต ก แ ต่ ง ที่ ท อาโดลว้ ยหไมะ ้ ก ารผ ลิ ต ผ ลิ ต ภั ณ ฑ์ อ าห ารอื่ น ๆ โล ก ารผ ลิ ต อุ ป ก รณ์ ก ารถ่ าย ภ าพ แ ล ะส าย ต าห ะข ั้น มู ล ฐ ำน ก ารทา เนื้ อ ก ระป๋ อ ง ผ ลิ ต ภั ณ ฑ์ โ ล ห ะ ก ารผ ลิ ต ผ ลิ ต ภั ณ ฑ์ ห นั ง สั ต ว์ อื่ น ก ารอ บ ก ารบ่ ม ใบ ย าสู บ อุ ต ส าห ก รรม เค รื่ อ ง ดื่ ม ที่ ไ ม่ ม ี แ อ ล ก อรวม ฮ อ ล์ แ ล ะน้ า อั ด ล ม อุ ต ส าห ก รรม เกี่ ย วกั บ ผ ลิ ต ภั ณ ฑ์ เชื อ ก โ รง ง าน ทา น้ า ต าล แ ล ะผ ลิ ต ภั ณ ฑ์ อื่ น ๆ High energy intensity Low value added 0 .3 3 1 0 .1 5 1 0.183 0.18 0.178 0.177 0.15 0.146 0.142 0.131 0.126 0.125 0.122 ถ่ ำน หิ น 0.116 0.115 17 0.101 8 0.085 0.078 0.074 424 0.074 0.072 592 0.072 5,062 40.071 08 0.071 0.064 0.064 978 0.061 0.059 7,489 0.051 0.323 0.3 0.336 0.27 0.24 0.253 0.264 0.33 0.276 0.313 0.319 นำ้ ม น ั 0.246 0.172 683 0.346 266 0.415 0.345 33 0.341 191 0.358 0.388 465 0.507 310 30.478 24 0.428 0.392 137 0.445 869 0.404 0.426 3,278 0.418 Low competitiveness ไ ด้ เ ป รีย บ ท ำง ก ำร แ ข่ ง ข น ั (R C A ) 0 .1 9 ก๊ ำซ 76 4 504 1,243 325 2,152 BOI investment privileges should take into account energy and environmental considerations 0.25 0.91 0.5 0 0.21 0.56 0.59 0.08 0.01 0.95 0.41 ไฟ ฟ้ ำ 0.27 0.72 857 1.24 1.74665 1.87135 2.26 2.83187 1.94806 1.82 605 1.85 555 1.52 1.02 1,095 2.57 1.22 48 1.08 4,953 1.11 รวม 1,633 943 168 802 2,367 7,220 9.1% 5.3% 0.9% 4.5% 13.2% 40.4% 1 ,2 8 7 7 .2 % 1,557 1,895 17,872 8.7% 10.6% 100.0% Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board OFFIC E OF THE PRIME MINISTER Macroeconomic Analysis (Low margin/return) Low Value Creation High Import Contents & Sheer size of export to GDP High Energy Intensity & Low Efficiency & Unsustainable structure Slow Technology Development Lack of Saving No immunity/ High volatility Financial System Enabling factors: MACROECONOMIC MANAGEMENT Decentralized generation • Decentralized generation: generation of electricity near where it is used Old way Power plant New way Power plant Biomass Wind power Biomass Customers Energy efficient end-use Solar Energy waste in a typical pumping system Sankey Energy Flow Diagram Cogeneration Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Very Small Power Producer (VSPP) $ $ Technical regulations: • Allowable voltage, frequency, THD variations • Protective relays – 1-line diagrams for all cases: • • • • • Induction Synchronous Inverters Single/multiple Connecting at different voltage levels (LV or MV) • Communication channels Commercial regulations: • Definitions of renewable energy, and efficient cogeneration • Cost allocation • Principle of standardized tariff determination • Invoicing and payment arrangements • Arbitration Evolution of Thai VSPP regulations • 2002 – VSPP regulations drafted, approved by Cabinet – Up to 1 MW export, renewables only – Tariffs set at avoided cost (bulk supply tariff + FT) • 2006 – Up to 10 MW export, renewables + cogeneration – Feed-in tariff “adder” – If > 1 MW then utility only pays for 98% of energy • 2009 – Tariff adder increase, more for projects that offset diesel for English version of regulations, and model PPA Thai VSPP feed-in tariffs Fuel Adder Additional for Additional for Years effective diesel offsetting 3 southern areas provinces Biomass Capacity <= 1 MW $ 0.015 $ 0.030 $ 0.030 Capacity > 1 MW $ 0.009 $ 0.030 $ 0.030 Biogas <= 1 MW $ 0.015 $ 0.030 $ 0.030 > 1 MW $ 0.009 $ 0.030 $ 0.030 Waste (community waste, non-hazardous industrial and not organic matter) Fermentation Thermal process Wind <= 50 kW > 50 kW Micro-hydro 50 kW - <200 kW <50 kW Solar 7 7 7 7 $ 0.074 $ 0.104 $ $ 0.030 0.030 $ $ 0.030 0.030 7 7 $ 0.134 $ 0.104 $ $ 0.045 0.045 $ $ 0.045 0.045 10 10 $ 0.024 $ 0.045 $ 0.238 $ $ $ 0.030 0.030 0.045 $ $ $ 0.030 0.030 0.045 7 7 10 Assumes exchange rate 1 Thai baht = 0.029762 U.S. dollars Tariff = Biomass tariff = adder(s) + bulk supply tariff + FT charge $0.009 + $0.049 + $0.027 = $0.085/kWh Korat Waste to Energy – biogas … an early Thai VSPP project • Uses waste water from cassava to make methane • Produces gas for all factory heat (30 MW thermal) + 3 MW of electricity • 3 x 1 MW gas generators Reduces air and water pollution Biogas from Pig Farms Produces fertilizer Produces electricity 8 x 70 kW generator Ratchaburi Biogas from Pig Farms Micro hydropower •40 kW •Mae Kam Pong, Chiang Mai, Thailand Rice husk-fired power plant • 9.8 MW • Roi Et, Thailand Bangkok Solar 1 MW PV • Project size: 1 MW • Uses self-manufactured a-Si Thai VSPP MW applied, received permission, PPA signed, and selling – as of September 2009 3500 3000 Capacity (MW) 2500 2000 1500 Biomass Solar 1000 Wind Garbage Biogas 500 Coal cogen Natural gas cogen 0 Applied Received permission Microhydro PPA signed Connected and generating electricity