ASEAN AGREEMENT ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND EMERGENCY REPONSE (AADMER) WORK PROGRAMME 2010-2015 Marqueza L. Reyes, D. Eng. ASEAN Technical Advisor for DRR 26 March 2010 ISDR Asia Partnership Meeting Bangkok Building disaster-resilient nations and safer communities About AADMER ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response Initiated in mid 2004, mandate given 3 weeks before the Indian Ocean Tsunami Signed by ASEAN Foreign Ministers in July 2005 Ratified by 10 AMS and entered into force on 24 December 2009 First ever HFA-related binding instrument in the world Presentation Outline Process of developing the AADMER Work Programme (WP) 2010-2105 2. Ten Elements of the AADMER WP 2010-2015 1. Four Strategic Components Six Building Blocks Implementation Arrangements 4. Monitoring and Evaluation, Reporting System 3. 3 Process of Developing the AADMER WP ACDM-led – ACDM National Focal Points (i.e. NDMOs) provide guidance and oversight Participatory and transparent –various means of gathering inputs through the ACDM Working Groups, workshops with partners, FGDs with CSOs/NGOs, country consultations on partnership and resource mobilization, training needs assessments, etc. Partnership-supported – partners include ASEAN Partnership Group (Oxfam), PDC, ADPC, USFS, AIFDR, ADRC, etc. at various points in time. 4 Drafting the WP (Post-Bali Visioning Workshop ) AADMER WP Component Consultation Process Risk Assessment, EW and Monitoring WG on Risk Assessment, Monitoring and EW, 19-20 Aug 2009, Singapore Prevention and Mitigation WG on Prevention and Mitigation, 24-25 Sept 09, BKK Partnership and Resource Mobilisation Country consultations in Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam ,Jan-March 2010 Training and Knowledge Management System Survey Questionnaires, Key Informants Interviews, Rapid TNA, Sep-Dec 2009 Recovery Informal ACDM Workshop on Recovery, 3 November 09, Yogyakarta; WG on Recovery , 22-23 Feb 2010, Yogyakarta Consolidated First Draft (v. 11-19-09) Circulated on 22 Nov 09, Discussion at the 14th ACDM Meeting, 1 Dec 09 Preparedness and Response WG on Preparedness and Response, 15-16 Dec 09 , SG Others DRR Drivers Workshop, 19 Feb 2010, Jakarta Second Draft (v.02-282010) 5 Adopted in the 15th ACDM Meeting on 11 March 2010 as a rolling plan Overview of the Work Programme Strategic Components Risk Assessment, Early Warning &Monitoring Preparedness & Response Prevention & Mitigation Recovery Institutionalisation of AADMER Partnership Strategies Building Blocks & Drivers Resource Mobilisation Outreach & Mainstreaming Training and Knowledge Management Information Management and Communication Technology Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation of the Work Programme What is the AADMER WP 2010-2015? Detailed road map - translates the intent and spirit of AADMER through concrete actions and initiatives. Comprehensive: covers key aspects of disaster management from response to recovery. Holistic : interdependence of the different components and building blocks. Time-bound: phased implementation, i.e. 2010 – 2012 and 2013 – 2015 Rolling plan: a dynamic document, updating through feedback mechanisms, monitoring and evaluation Vision and Goals Vision: Disaster-resilient nations and safer communities in the ASEAN region by 2015. Goal: Substantially reduce loss of life and damage to economic, social, physical and environmental assets of ASEAN Member States caused by natural and human-induced disasters. 8 Objectives Improve the capacities of ASEAN for regional risk assessment, regional early warning activities and continued monitoring for well-targeted response and recovery activities; Assist Member States in mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into national development policies, plans and sectoral programmes and in formulating and implementing risk reduction measures that link climate change adaptation and key sectors to ensure sustainable development; Enhance disaster preparedness of Member States and improve ASEAN’s responsiveness to major disasters in a manner that is collective, fast, reliable and in line with humanitarian standards through common operational procedures and mechanisms and rapid mobilisation of resources; 9 Objectives Strengthen the technical and organisational capacities of Member States to lead, coordinate, and manage the post-disaster recovery process through proactive recovery planning for early and long-term recovery. Strengthen technical and institutional capacities of Member States through the provision of capacity development and training programmes on disaster management. Foster closer partnerships and more collaborative initiatives with partner organisations, international organisations, civil society, academia, and the military, among others, to promote disaster resilience in ASEAN from regional to local levels; and Enhance disaster consciousness of the peoples in ASEAN to instill a culture of safety and resilience. 10 Guiding Principles Regional in nature - geographic proximity, shared borders, shared 11 ecosystems. Cross-boundary disaster impacts and concerns - require collaboration among Member States. Builds on current national priorities and agenda and existing regional mechanisms – some are already ongoing Synergises existing networks and potential partnerships with all stakeholders - people-centred ASEAN Recognises the unique needs and potential contributions of various groups of stakeholders including vulnerable groups and gender perspectives. Linkages between the Work Programme and related thematic programmes of ASEAN (e.g., CC Initiative) Component 1. RAEWM 12 Risk Assessment – includes regional risk assessment (data collection, storage, analysis), developing protocols for data sharing, communicating risk and disseminating outputs Early Warning – system availability, multi-hazard decision support platforms, interoperability, testing of a regional EW system Monitoring – developing policies, procedures and regional mechanisms to facilitate cooperation of Member States in the monitoring of hazards Component 2. Prevention & Mitigation 13 Implementing national action plans and strengthening legal and institutional frameworks for DRR Mainstreaming DRR in National Development Plans – regional forums, training, knowledge exchange, guidelines development Mainstreaming DRR in the Education and Health Sectors – regional forums, vulnerability assessments, guidelines development, national action plan Public Education, Awareness, and Advocacy – enhancing capacities for IEC campaigns for DRR, annual ADDM activities Urban Disaster Risk Reduction – guidance on risk assessment of cities, enforcing building and land use regulations, promoting resilient urban development Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction – scaling up of nat’l efforts Building Partnerships between DRR and Climate Change Adaptation Institutions and Programmes Disaster Risk Financing including microfinance Component 3. Preparedness & Response AHA Centre – operationalising AHA Centre to facilitate a rapid and 14 well-targeted response within 24 hours SASOP earmarking assets and capacities, enhancing civil-military relations to improve ASEAN disaster response (Ch. 6), annual exercises (ARDEX), facilitating entry of assisting parties, identifying staging areas, ERAT – deployment procedures, capacity building ASEAN Response Options – scenarios and triggers for response Logistics management - supply chains, stockpiling, prepositioning Needs Assessment - toolbox, training package, partnership ADMER Fund – for emergency response ICS – adapting it into the NDMS and regional mechanisms SOPs and mechanisms with other humanitarian actors, i.e. UN OCHA Component 4. Recovery Strengthening Member States to: Conduct damage and loss assessment. Develop an effective recovery action plan for rehabilitation and reconstruction. Mobilise resources from local, regional and international community to support implementation of the recovery process. Develop a transition plan and link post-disaster recovery process into sustainable development. for ex-ante planning for early and long-term recovery and provide assistance during a disaster. 15 BB 1. Institutionalisation of AADMER Member States have the primary responsibility to implement the 16 AADMER WP. Designation of the AADMER Focal Ppoint by each ACDM NFP It is highly preferable for the ACDM Focal Point to be likewise designated as the AADMER NFP. Member States to designate one or more Competent Authorities for the purpose of implementing the AADMER. Create an enabling policy, legal and institutional environment to expedite implementation of AADMER related activities. Incorporate AADMER related activities into regular plans and programmes. BB 2. Partnership Strategies Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships at all levels 17 – regional workshop, holding of sub-national platform for MS partnership meetings, designation of in-country AADMER Coordinator Developing coordination mechanisms and agreements organising meetings with key partners, ASEAN Volunteer programme Establishing an online partnership database and information system Showcasing of good partnership practices Developing and implementing feedback mechanisms by stakeholders – annual assessments, mid-term evaluation of outcomes, end term impact assessment of the WP BB 3. Resource Mobilisation Drafting of financial rules for the ADMER Fund – adoption by the Conference of the Parties (COP) Certification and accreditation of ERAT associate members from civil society Drafting procedures and requirements for secondment of staff from civil society and other partners to AHA Centre Fundraising rules and procedures and contract donor management – donor mapping, system for developing project proposals, fundraising, ASEAN-Partners Forum 18 BB4. Outreach & Mainstreaming Developing and implementing a communication strategy on AADMER and its mechanisms – IEC materials development and dissemination, formal launching of AADMER and AADMER WP, AADMER forums at all levels, AADMER website 19 BB 5. Training & KM System Training Training needs assessment Conduct of regional training courses Establishment of ASEAN Network of Training Institutions DMER training certification DMER trainers pool – roster of trainers Knowledge management Knowledge needs assessment Region-wide research on DRR, response and coordination ASEAN Resource Centre/Library at the AHA Centre AADMER Website 20 After Action process – review/evaluation workshop after a disaster event BB6. ICT ICT Policy Framework –based on ICT priority needs, minimum standards, guidelines on technology adoption, periodic review of options ICT Guiding Principles – participatory ICT governance process, integrated ICT solution, empowering , collaborative and user-friendly, interoperability, accessibility to information and services, enabling infrastructure ICT Prioritisation and Strategic Implementation – based on ICT Gaps Analyses 21 Implementation Arrangements 22 Chart 1. Proposed Implementation Arrangements for the AADMER Work Programme M & E, Reporting System Designing a system and methodology for the regular 23 monitoring and evaluation Identifying benchmarks Setting of indicators Programmatic vis-à-vis thematic evaluation Self-assessment and facilitated evaluation, i.e. with the assistance of an external party to ensure transparency and participation of stakeholders. Monitoring template of the ASCC Blueprint to be adapted. Reporting to be closely aligned to the HFA monitoring and reporting, particularly for the DRR elements in the Work Programme to avoid duplication of efforts of Member States. What remains to be done on the WP Second setting of priorities Budget estimation Designing the monitoring and evaluation, reporting system 24 Next steps ACDM to launch the AADMER and the AADMER Work Programme 2010-2015 in May 2010 Convening of the Partnership Conference in May 2010 Implementation of the WP Will be jumpstarted by the Global Launch of the OMSSH Campaign in the and ASEAN Forum on Safe Hospitals on 8 April 2010 in the Philippines as ACDM Chair) 25 Thank you for your attention. ASEAN Secretariat 70 A Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Jakarta 12110 Indonesia Phone: (62 21) 724 3372, 726 2991 Fax: (62 21) 739 8234; 724 3504 Association of Southeast Asian Nations One Vision, One Identity, One Community 26 27 28 29 30 IMPLEMENTATION: AHA CENTRE ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance Coordinator (AHAC) Conference of Parties (COP) Advisory Group Governing Board Executive Director of AHA Centre Note: Red line or command line will activate if a disaster occurs and assistance is requested. 31 Administration, Finance and Communication , ICT Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Prevention and Mitigation Preparedness,Respons e and Recovery Partnership and Resources Mobilisation Information, Data and Knowledge Management Chart 2. Proposed Organisational Structure of AHA Centre