Diana Hoppejová At the rate we’re going, the growing impact of plastic pollution on our oceans will be one of the big disaster stories of this century. Try to figure out ways you can use less plastic, especially plastic storage bags. This type of plastic is easy for wildlife to swallow and eventually causes death. Plastic factories also deliver much of the pollution that is not bio-degradable. Simply say no to bottled water! It is convenient to drink bottled water, but the environmental impact of bottled water plastic is huge! Over 1.5 billion tons of plastic water bottles end up in U.S. landfills each year. It takes over 300 years for plastic to degrade. Up to 40 percent of all bottled waters are merely reprocessed tap water. A much healthier and less expensive solution to bottled water is to invest in refillable glass water bottles or stainless steel water bottles and fill them with filtered drinking water. http://www.blisstree.com/2012/07/09/sexrelationships/ways-to-use-less-plastic-242/ http://www.waterbenefitshealth.com/solutions-towater-pollution.html http://tw.aisjjhb.com/ablijdenstein/files/2012/05/Use-lessplastic.png http://tangreen.net/blog/wpcontent/uploads/2012/04/no-to-plasticbottles.jpg http://365daysoflivinggreen.files.wordpress.com/2 012/01/bottled-water.jpg Thank you for your attention.