Biological & Agricultural Engineering

Biological and Agricultural
Department of
Biological & Agricultural
Engineering Welcome Center
1157 Bell Engineering Center
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Tel: (479) 575-7780
Danielle Julie Carrier, PhD
Biological and Agricultural
Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Research Focus
Application Areas
• Interested in promoting the use of
renewable energy production, specifically
biofuels and biochemical production from
celluosic biomass, like trees and grasses
Deconstruction of plant cell wall into
useable sugars
Extraction of cellulosic biomass to
obtain, in addition to sugars, coproducts that can be used in food and
biofuels industries
Analytical steps and tools to characterize and purify pretreatment
Thomas Costello, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Biological and Agricultural
Research Focus
Bio-Energy Production from
Agricultural Waste
Sustainable Food Production Systems
Increased Energy Efficiency
Reducing Environmental Impacts
Algae Flow Way
Application Areas
Production of Algae as a Biofuel
Space-Heating Poultry Houses
using Renewable Fuels
Absorbing Emissions from Broiler
Renewable Fuels for Heating
Brian Haggard, Ph.D.
Professor Biological and Agricultural Engineering,
Director, Arkansas Water Resources Center
Biological and Agricultural
Research Focus
Database Analysis
Water Quality Monitoring
Constituent Load Estimation
Water Quality Trends
Constituent Transport and Dynamics in
Stormwater and Aquatic Systems
Phosphorus Chemistry in Residuals,
Fertilizers, Sediments and Soils
Application Areas
•Nutrient Criteria Development
• Water Resources Management
•Watershed Management
•Agricultural and Urban Best
Management Practices and Efficiencies
•Information Transfer and Conference
Chris Henry, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Biological and Agricultural
Research Focus
Application Areas
Applied research and extension
Water management
Water quality impacts of row crop
irrigated agriculture in Arkansas
Irrigation scheduling
Water resource development
Irrigation system technology
development and alternative irrigation
Crop water use
Irrigation scheduling
Pumping plant performance
Irrigation energy use
Overall irrigation efficiency
Pump monitor include flow meter, water pressure sensors, a
rain gauge, fuel flow or current usage, a camera and cell
modem connection that pushes data to an internet site,
where a grower can control and view pumping plant
performance data. Data from irrigation pump monitors is
being studied to evaluate the water and energy savings from
this technology.)
Jin-Woo Kim, Ph.D.
Professor, Biological & Agricultural Engineering
Director, Bio/Nano Technology Laboratory
Biological and Agricultural
Research Focus
Application Areas
• Nano-building block toolboxes (nano• Self-assembly of nanomaterials
toolboxes) for multifunctional
with designed arbitrary shapes and
nanocomposites with “customizable”
shapes and functions
– Bio-driven nanostructure self-assembly
– Nanoscale bio/abio interfacing technology • Nano-therapeutics and diagnostics
(nanotheranostics) with nanoparticles
• Nanobiotechnology for hybrid
and nanocomposites
device development
• Multimodal, multiplex, multicolor
• Nucleic acid technology for
bio-detection platform for
molecular computation, genomics
agriculture, food safety and
and proteomics
Source: Kim, J.-W. & Deaton, R.
Small DOI:10.1002/smll.201201152 (2012)
Yanbin Li, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor and Tyson Endowed Chair in Biosensing Engineering, Biological
and Agricultural Engineering Center of Excellence for Poultry Science
Biological and Agricultural
Research Focus
• Biosensors and
• Microbial and chemical
predictive modeling
• Quantitative risk assessment
and simulation
• Food safety and food system
Application Areas
•Biosensor for rapid screening of
avian influenza in poultry
•Biosensors for rapid detection of
foodborne pathogens
•Predictive models of pathogenic
bacteria in food products
•Risk assessment of microbial
hazards in food processing
50 nm
20 nm
5 20
Yi Liang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Research Focus
Biological and Agricultural
Aerial emissions and mitigation from
poultry housing
Indoor air quality and
environmental control
Livestock Environment & Animal
Application Areas
Ammonia emissions and microbial
reduction from in-house litter
windrowing of Southern broiler housing
Design and evaluation of biofilter to
mitigate ammonia emissions (Fig 1)
Controlled surface wetting by sprinklers
to cool broiler chickens
Heat and moisture production of modern
broilers under summer conditions
Biofilter construction to treat Ammonia in air stream, Windbreak wall in
reducing wind speed
Marty Matlock, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
Area Director, Center for Agricultural and Rural Sustainability, Professor
Biological and Agricultural
Research Focus
Application Areas
Life Cycle Assessment of agricultural,
urban, and supply chain systems
Ecological services design and
Watershed restoration and
Ecological risk assessment
Complex Systems Theory
Designing sustainable global food
supply systems
Integrating metrics to support
sustainable production
Corporate strategies for risk
reduction and management
Government policy to reduce impacts
from human activities
Metrics for Sustainable Design
Marty Matlock, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
Area Director, Center for Agricultural and Rural Sustainability, Professor
Biological and Agricultural
Research Projects
Developing a sustainable city
strategy for Conway, AR
Reducing food security concerns in
animal agriculture
Designing water risk protocols for
governments and industries under
climate change scenarios
Life cycle analysis of global
Project Partners
The UA Community Design Center
The Sustainability Consortium
Field to Market Alliance for Sustainable
UN Food and Agriculture Organization
US food and ag industries (14 partners)
World Wildlife Fund
Environmental Defense Fund
Sustainable Design Approach
Scott Osborn, Ph.D., P.E.
Biological and Agricultural
Associate Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Research Focus
Application Areas
•Adding dissolved oxygen and ozone to
Lake Restoration
Water Disinfection
Contaminant Removal
Fish Habitat
Injecting Dissolved Oxygen into a Lake
Scott Osborn, Ph.D., P.E.
Biological and Agricultural
Associate Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Research Focus
Application Areas
•Nutrient Removal from Waterbodies
Watershed Improvement
Repairing Eutrophic Reservoirs
Removing Algae from Water
Samy Sadaka, Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng.
Assistant Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Biological and Agricultural
Research Focus
Improvements of biomass physical
and thermochemical characteristics
Gasification of various types of
Pyrolysis of various types of biomass
Biodiesel production and utilization
Application Areas
On the farm utilization of
agricultural residues for biofuel and
bioenergy production
Biofuel and Bioenergy Production Systems
Samy Sadaka, Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng.
Assistant Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Biological and Agricultural
Research Focus
Application Areas
Evaluation of various types of grain
drying systems
Production and characterization of
biochar from various types of
Grain Drying and Safety
On the farm grain drying for
transportation costs reduction
Sustainable agriculture require
utilization of crop residues biochar
as soil amendment.
Production and Characterization of Biochar
Dharmendra Saraswat, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Geospatial, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Biological and Agricultural
Research Focus
Applied research and
outreach education in
Simulation modeling
Application Areas
Sensor based technologies in
plant management
Watershed management
Economics and efficacy of Best
Management Practices
Land use change impacts on
hydrology and water quality
Interactive Web and Mobile
tools for information
Karl VanDevender, Ph.D.
Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Research Focus
Biological and Agricultural
Application Areas
Livestock and Poultry Manure
Liquid manure solids separation
Manure storage
Mortality composting
Manure Research Activities