From the MDGs to the SDGs - World Family Organization

Transforming economies for jobs
and inclusive growth post 2015
Nikhil Chandavarkar, PhD
Chief, Outreach and Communication Branch
Division for Sustainable Development
United Nations, New York
Widespread concern for lack of job opps
All countries, all ages concerned
Global Unemployment: up 27 million since
2007, total of 189 million (= 1 Brazil)
Figure expected to grow; labour force
grows 40 million/year, by 2030 – 37
million/year, by 2030 - 31 million/year
2016-2030: 470 million new jobs needed
Global employment
Global labour force: 3 billion
One half in wage employment
Self employment: 1.35 billion (60%
in agriculture)
Global unemployment: 189 million
Global unemployment rate: 6%
Global unemployment
Labour force
48 (0.05)
29 (0.08)
20 (0.08)
17 (0.11)
157 (0.06)
32 (0.08)
189 (0.06)
Scenario today
Rich world (OECD): Unemployment
sharp increase, 16% of labour force,
one half of global increase in Un past
five years
Developing World: 56% trapped in
informal, vulnerable, meagre pay
75 million of 189 million unemployed
are youth
Scenario today
90 % of all youth are in developing
countries, 1/5 are unemployed
Higher unemployment for vulnerable
groups and women
Unemployment rates for youth in
some OECD countries > 50%
Jobs in P2015: Milestones
Reports: SG’s HL Panel Report, Global Compact
Report, SD Solutions Network Report (7/2013)
Stakeholder inputs: MyWorld Survey (1.4 million
responses), Major Groups Thematic Clusters
High Level Political Forum (24/9/2013)
HL Event on Accelerating MDGs (25/9/2013)
Open Working Group on SDGs, Committee on
Financing SD: report back 9/2014, with SDGs
Negotiations SDGs begin 9/2014,
Synthesis P2105 report compiled 12/2014
P2015 intergovermental negotiations begin
Adoption of P2015 DA at Summit 9/2015
What is the Post 2015
Development Agenda (P2015)?
Past Development Agendas (DAs) of UN:
Development decades, 1995 DA,
International Conference Agendas
(Agenda 21)
Top-down or bottom-up agenda setting?
Caveats and reservations about Dev.
Bringing the whole world on board, rich
and poor
Bringing all stakeholders on board, nongovernmental and governmental
Stocktaking ahead of setting the Post 2015
Development Agenda:
Mixed record on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): improved
quality of life of billions, but did not focus enough on reaching the very
poorest and most excluded people (as per HL Panel Report on Post2015)
MDGs did not integrate economic, social and environmental goals; were
largely social in focus
MDGs did focus attention and action on key challenges, rallied world
behind common approach to development
Much unfinished work to address extreme poverty and hunger,
preventable disease and deaths, rising inequalities and environmental
crises, particularly climate change
Most MDG targets still achievable by 2015: build momentum into 2015
and beyond
Centrepiece of post-2015 development agenda: sustainable development
goals (SDGs) to build on MDGs, address inequalities and new challenges
facing people and the planet.
Progress towards the MDGs as of 2013
Progress made (MDG Report 2013): Poverty more than
halved (47%-22%); access to safe drinking water rose
76% to 89% (2.1 billion benefited), 40 million more
children attend school, five million more children living,
more than 1.1 million people saved from malarial deaths, 8
million people treated for HIV.
Unmet targets: mortality under 5 (41%<2/3),maternal
mortality (47%<3/4), CO2 emissions 46% higher than
1990; deforestation alarming rate; species extinction; ODA
decreased (2% - 2011, 4% - 2012)
New and emerging and urgent challenges: planetary
boundaries exceeded, 60% annual Earth depletion in 1990;
150% depletion in 2010; widespread deprivation despite
progress towards MDGs – bottom billion; population
dynamics – possible 8 to 10 billion world by 2050.
From the MDGs to the SDGs
Lifting people out of poverty and protecting the planet’s
resources two sides of the same coin.
UN system goal next two years: support Member States
arrive at one single and cohesive development agenda for a
post-2015 era with sustainable development (SDGs) at its
core to realize a future with prosperity for all.
Background reports so far: SG’s High-level Panel on Post2015, UN Global Compact, the Sustainable Development
Solutions Network, the UN Development Group ‘Global
Conversation’, Global Sustainable Development Report,
World Economic and Social Survey, MDG Report 2013 (1
Official report: SG’s report on MDG acceleration and post2015 to GA in September
From the MDGs to the SDGs
Formulating the SDGs: the work of the
Open Working Group on the SDGs
Member state driven process mandated by
Rio +20:30 shared seats representing 70
member states from five UN groups
Eight sessions through February 2014
covering three dimensions of SD
Report to GA by end of 68th session
69th session deliberates, 70th session
adopts post-2015 development agenda
From the MDGs to the SDGs
Proposals for the SDGs: universal –all
countries, all people , including those
excluded remaining after MDGs
Balance economic, social and
environmental goals and targets
Expand MDG agenda: poverty, food, land,
jobs, youth, health, population dynamics,
water, sanitation, energy, growth, trade,
vulnerable countries, cities, transport,
SCP, forests, oceans, biodiversity, finance,
From the MDGs to the SDGs
Possible new time horizon 2015 to
Universal goals, targets selectively
pursued nationally according to Rio
Role of the intergovernmental
process in following progress: high
level political forum (HLPF), GA and
From the MDGs to the SDGs
SDGs: provide concrete and simple form to post
2015 development agenda
SDGs: concentrate, galvanize action
SDGs: provide for a new commitment period –
coming decades
SDGs: new global partnerships and voluntary
commitments (1,382 since Rio+20), innovative
SDGs: broader people and planet goals than
MDGs, bolder targets, more national
differentiation (Rio principles)
SDGs/P2015: draw on inputs of all stakeholders
Stakeholder Involvement P2015 Process
World We Want
Major Groups MG (B&I)&
Other Stakeholders
SDGs e-Inventory
Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
MG Thematic Clusters and Steering Committees
Other Stakeholder consultations
Joint Position Papers
Other Stakeholder inputs
- Open Working Group
Sustainable Development Goals Report
- P2015 Report and Negotiations
Emerging Vision for the Post 2015
Agenda with all inputs so far
SG’s Report : A Life of Dignity for All : end poverty and achieve sustainable and
inclusive growth. The key elements of vision for Post-2015 Agenda:
• i) universality: mobilize all developed & developing countries, leave no one
• ii) sustainable development: tackle the interlinked challenges a clear focus on
ending extreme poverty in all its forms;
• iii) inclusive economic transformations: ensuring decent jobs, backed by
sustainable technologies, and to shift to sustainable patterns of consumption and
• iv) peace and governance, based on the rule of law and sound institutions, as
key outcomes and enablers of development;
• v) a new global partnership, recognizing shared interests, different needs and
mutual responsibilities, to ensure commitment to and means of implementing
this new vision;
• vi) being “fit for purpose”, to ensure the international community is equipped
with the right institutions and tools to address the challenges of implementing
the sustainable development agenda at the national level.
Messages from Interim Report of OWG on
the SDGs to 68th General Assembly
HOLISTIC: make poverty eradication irreversible, include and
interlink economic, social and environmental dimensions of
sustainable development.
FEW ASPIRATIONAL GOALS: a few aspirational goals, easy to
communicate. Critical global priorities by common agreement
FOCUS ON KEY DRIVERS OF SD: desirable outcomes and key
drivers. cross-cutting nature of many issues
complex, cross-cutting, connected factors e.g. human rights,
rights-based approaches, governance, rule of law and wider
participation in decision-making.
concerted actions, provisions for means of implementation
NEW PARTNERSHIPS: mobilized international efforts and
resources behind specific MDGs. Similar goal-oriented
partnerships for SDGs.
Heads of State and Government:
Vision of Post 2015 Development Agenda
Reinforce the international community's commitment to
poverty eradication and sustainable development.
Stress central imperative of poverty eradication free
humanity from poverty and hunger as a matter of urgency.
Recognize the intrinsic interlinkage between poverty
eradication and promotion of sustainable developmenta
coherent approach which integrates in a balanced manner
the three dimensions of sustainable development.
Provide a single framework and set of Goals -universal in
nature and applicable to all countries, while taking account
of differing national circumstances and respecting national
policies and priorities
Promote peace and security, democratic governance, the
rule of law, gender equality and human rights for all.
[From PGA Special Event 25 September at GA: Outcome
HLP Proposal for P2015 Goals
HLP Proposal for P2015 Goals: 12
Goals, 50 targets
HLP Proposal for P2015 Goals
Employment and decent work in the SDGs
OWG IV in June covered employment and decent work for
all, most direct route out of poverty, based on robust,
inclusive job-creating growth
Enterprises and entrepreneurs are principal job creators
Unemployment, especially of youth serious,
A goal or targets related to jobs would need address
working poor and unemployed
Social protection is cross cutting – extend even to lowincome
Emphasize human rights, especially to education
Complete unfinished work of the MDGs to ensure universal
primary school enrollment, learning outcomes, relevance to
job needs, lifelong learning, adult literacy, and non formal
Culture is a source of resilience, strength and adaptability
of societies
Reflect youth concerns across goals, expecially re:
education, health and employment
A employment and decent work goal:
iIlustrative proposal - HLP Goal 8
a) Increase the number of good and decent jobs and
livelihoods by x
b) Decrease the number of young people not in education,
employment or training by x%
c) Strengthen productive capacity by providing universal
access to financial services and infrastructure such as
transportation and ICT
d) Increase new start-ups by x and value added from new
products by y through creating an enabling business
environment and boosting entrepreneurship to give specific
emphasis to the latter than raising GDP.
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