H1N1 Infection Control

M. A. El-Farrash
H1N1 Infection Control
Recommendations to prevent infection by the
H1N1 virus consist of the standard personal
precautions against influenza.
This includes frequent washing of hands with
soap and water or with alcohol-based hand
sanitizers, especially after being out in public.
M. A. El-Farrash
H1N1 Infection Control
People should avoid touching their mouth, nose or
eyes with their hands unless they have washed
their hands.
If people do cough, they should either cough into
a tissue and throw it in the garbage immediately,
cough into their elbow, or, if they cough in their
hand, they should wash their hands immediately.
M. A. El-Farrash
M. A. El-Farrash
H1N1 Infection Control
Healthcare providers:
Be aware of case definitions;
procedures for screening,
infection control, laboratory
testing; and antiviral regimens
for H1N1 and other novel
influenza viruses.
M. A. El-Farrash
H1N1 Infection Control
In case of aerosol generating procedures (e.g. aspiration
of respiratory tract, intubation, resuscitation,
bronchoscopy, autopsy) use N-95 masks.
Gloves and gown should be used for all patient contact.
Eye protection (goggles or face shields) should be put on
when being within 1 meter of a suspected patient.
Pay careful attention to hand hygiene before and after all
patient contact or contact with items potentially
contaminated with respiratory secretions.
M. A. El-Farrash
H1N1 Infection Control
Monitor health of health-care workers exposed to
H1N1 influenza patients.
Antiviral prophylaxis should follow local policy.
Health-care workers with symptoms should stay
at home.
Patient care equipment : dedicate separate
equipment to H1N1 patients. If not possible, clean
and disinfect before reuse in another patient.
M. A. El-Farrash
H1N1 Infection Control
Suspected patient isolation:
Place patient in adequately-ventilated room.
If single rooms are not available, cohort patients
in wards keeping at least 1 meter distance
between beds.
Limit numbers of health-care workers/family
members/visitors exposed to the H1N1 patient.
M. A. El-Farrash
H1N1 Infection Control
Dishes/eating utensils :Wash using routine procedures
with water and detergent. Use rubber gloves.
Linen and laundry: Wash with routine procedures, water
and detergent; avoid shaking linen/laundry during
handling before washing. Use rubber gloves.
Environmental cleaning and disinfection : Clean soiled
and/or frequently touched surfaces regularly with a
disinfectant. e.g. door handles.
Treat any waste that could be contaminated with H1N1
virus as infectious clinical waste, e.g. used masks.
M. A. El-Farrash
H1N1 Infection Control
Influenza patients should limit interactions
outside the home and should not go to work,
school or other public areas.
All members of a household with an influenza
patient should carefully follow recommendations
for hand hygiene (frequent hand washing),
particularly after contact with body fluids
(respiratory secretions, urine, or feces).
M. A. El-Farrash
H1N1 Infection Control
Household members and other close contacts of
an influenza patients should be actively
monitored by the local health department for
Household members or other close contacts of
influenza patients should be vigilant for the
development of fever or respiratory symptoms
and, if these develop, should seek healthcare
M. A. El-Farrash
Six Hand Washing Steps
1. Palm to palm
4. Palms to Knukles
+Finger tips
2. Palm to back
5. Thumb
3. Finger webs
M. A. El-Farrash
M. A. El-Farrash