biomass - jennybglitter

The cleaner type of renewable energy.
By: Brandon Konlian, Colleen Sullivan, Scott Lanza,
Tsneem Abdelrahman, Austin Brinkley
bio- life
mass- quantity of matter
• Biomass is any kind of plant or animal waste that is left behind, and yes
trash, grasses, and trees are included. Then these leftover products get
burned for fuel and can be transformed into electricity and re-newable fuels.
• Biomass Electricity is from biofuels that get boiled and heated up to over
300 degrees f . The steam and natural gases that arise from the biomass
turns the turbine generator, which creates electricity.
• Biomass energy takes the energy out of plants and waste to create other
forms of energy.
When biomass is replanted and burned, it absorbs carbon that is in the air.
Biomass never runs out.
Biomass can be made almost anywhere in the world.
Grasses, trees, and waste can be found easily.
It reduces the amount of trash that end up in landfills.
It is a reliable energy source.
It does not need any fossil fuels.
It is not expensive.
It produces greenhouse gases.
Fossil Fuels are cheaper than Biomass.
Plants need a lot of land to grow.
It releases Carbon Dioxide.
It causes pollution, but helps clean it up.
It can damage the environment, With smoke and steam.
Some materials aren’t available all year long.
It can cause environmental issues like deforestation.
• Biomass energy is a much cleaner source of energy that fossil fuels.
• Many countries around the world are replacing gasoline and diesel oil with
biomass fuels like biodiesel.
• Non- renewable forms of energy like coal can produce gas hydrogen, which
is harmful to the environment.
• Petroleum Products such as oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy nomrenewable, biomass can be reused over again.
Fun Fact- Vine Fuel In Sweden, some new cars run on E-85 fuel (85%
ethanol) made from the vines in southern Europe. The biofuel is made instead of
wine. Manufactures say that the 15% gasoline content helps cars start better in
very col weather. A mix!
Can be re planted and will
collect carbon dioxide
Will never run out
Will grow almost anywhere
Prevents the release of methane
Will remove the smell of
Biomass can be made by the
burning of trash and waste
Fossil Fuels:
More concentrated stores of
Requires LOTS of land
If some small disaster happens it
will cost at least $900 to fix it
It can damage older engines
Emits more nitrogen oxides
Can cause smog in the air which
causes acid rain
• Biomass burns up all of the pollution in the land and in the atmosphere. In
other word biomass energy is clean energy that cleans up landfills and
overgrown grasses.
• The biomass and biofuels burnings release Green House Gases into the
atmosphere like carbon dioxide, methane, and other atmosphere friendly
• For biofuels to become gases it must go through a process called
gasification- solid biomass into gases.
Fun Fact: Thirty-Five cubic feet of waste can light a 100- watt bulb for 6
continues hours, cook three full meals for a family of six, and drive a car nine
miles. (10-15 km)
- this picture is a nonrenewable fuel
• Biopower cost a lot due to farmers having to grow more crops
• But also you can use waste, trash, and even plants and wood
• If you buy fuel from a company chances are that the prices are
a lot less than coal and other fossil fuels
You mostly reuse trash like:
Wood/ Sticks
Animal/ Mammal waste
You need generators, boilers for power specific for biomass
Also large tanks to store the gases, waste, or fuels
Biomass is burning plants and natural materials
Therefore, biomass is reusable and is basically unlimited
Also if you need to you can use animal waste
So with that farmers can grow plants just for energy
A biomass power plant typically requires 15 to 100 acres of land
The area is usually landscaped, and is located away from the public
Some good sights for plant are in the Midwest and places like Pennsylvania for the
East coast
Biomass can be turned into biodiesel, which can run cars
Biodiesel is made from oils of plants, like sunflowers
Biodiesel usually run large vehicles like tractors and buses
Biodiesel can run some types of regular cars though
Biomass burning fields can be easily accessed from car.
Would you rather this: Non-Renewable Energy
A Clean Biomass Energy Earth:
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