Integrated project for Energy Independence and Sustainable Ecological Business Development of Kostinbrod Municipality 1 An innovative sustainable model for preventing the Floods in the region of Kostinbrod. Reconnecting rivers and floodplains. Creating 4-6 Sustainable Wetlands; Sustainable use of ecosystems for biomass production. Sustainable aquaculture and fisheries; Aquaculture by-products for the Energy sector, Agricultural sector, Natural Cosmetics and Pharmaceutics. Recreational opportunities, Eco-tourism, and Sustainability education (building bike trails and eco-infrastructure). Ramsar sites and Natura 2000 zones – protecting biodiversity, conservation of habitats and species covered by the Habitats and Birds Directives of the EC. 2 River’s natural state River changed by human activity 3 4 5 6 7 Paulownia plantation for biomass production Paulownia plantation for hi-quality timber production Intercropping with Paulownia 8 9 10 Birds on the territory of Kostinbrod Municipality covered by the EC Birds Directives Aythya nyroca Falco vespertinus Botaurus stellaris Pelecanus crispus Phalacrocorax pygmeus Crex crex Tetrax tetrax 11 Municipality of Kostinbrod Concessions/ Public Procurement Law Public-Private partnerships (PPP) Private investments 12 Aquacultural production (fish, crustaceans, amphibians, mollusks and aquatic plants; Aquatic and fishery by-products (biomass); Fees from environmentally friendly fishing; Recreational opportunities; Touristic attractions and eco-houses for capital-countryside tourism. 13 Biomass from wetlands, river zones and green alleys. Biomass from the food industry (Kenar, Olinesa); Animal husbandry Nitrates Directive 91/676/ЕCC); Expired foods from large food retailers. 14 15 Electricity - SEWRC, NEK AED; Heat – Sustainable Greenhouses;Industry;Administrative buildings; Swimming pools and hotels; Households and others. Liquid manure – agriculture; Solid manure – agriculture; Terracing the south slopes of the mountain; improving the soil and humus layer. Acacia, Paulownia, woodchips; Restoring forest areas converted to pastures in the past; Improving the micro-climate and returning water to the region. 16 Installation for biogas production (from 0.5 to 1 MW).(Proximity to raw materials, a network to transport biogas); Biomass supply system: At zero price, brought on site from small farmers to local stations; Juridical persons and large farms - pay; Retailers, expired foods - pay a higher price; Slaughterhouse waste – pay on market price lower than the one for the waste incinerator; Liquid manure realization. Solid manure realization. 17 18 Characteristics 2х3 or 2х5 KW, 70% el. energy, 30% heat; 1. Wood Chip Supply: Municipal company; terracing the bare slopes of the mountain; Contracts with Physical and Juridical Persons; Wetlands’ zones concessioners; Agro-forestry, planned logging. 19 Heat sale, monthly bills; Electricity sale, monthly bills; Solid residue - Ash: Application to forest ecosystems; Apply as fertilizer (fertilizer or supplement) in agricultural ecosystems; Implementation in geotechnical construction and industrial processes. 20 Low price for hot water and heating; Effect: Competition - gas, electricity, wood, coal; 100% private investment on the principle of PPP; Operating companies on the principle of PPP with the Municipality: Building substations; Maintenance and operation of facilities; Collecting monthly bills. 21 The company will manage municipal land amounting to 28,000 decars. Production and sale of biomass for biogas and wood chips. Creation of a bio-energy industry based entirely on local raw materials - Energy independent municipality; Terracing of the South slopes of the mountain and planting of tree crops. (Acacia, Paulownia, Alluvial forests, Water and riparian vegetation and others); Organic agriculture, livestock and greenhouses; Forest fruits. 22 Sustainable and clean energy production; Re-forestation and agro-forestry ; Sustainable agriculture, aquaculture and food; Improving the ecological status of rivers and preserving nature. 23 Energy independence; Competitive prices of energy and heat for households and regional industry; Creating Sustainable Local Economy and Green Jobs (150-300); Revenues in the municipality except local taxes; new investment opportunities; Long-term model for flood prevention; Environmental sustainability and Climate Change Mitigation: - Protection of wetlands and biodiversity; - Improving the ecological status of rivers; - Reducing the carbon footprint of the region; Opportunities for tourism, recreation and entertainment; Sustainable return on investments; Initiate innovative and sustainable model for attracting business investment. 24 EU environmental programme “Life +” ; EU energy programme “Intelligent Energy Europe” EEA & Norway Grants; Operational Program for Fisheries and Aquaculture (2007 – 2013) ILO, Green jobs programmes Green growth; Banks; Private capital. 25 Milen Dimitrov Mayer of the city of Kostinbrod Stefan Grigorov and Orhideya Mitova Bulgarian Centre for Sustainable Local Development and Ecopedagogy 26