Section 1
Industrial Revolution transformed how people worked
• Machines replaced animal and human power to produce goods
• Began in England and spread to the rest of Europe and the United States by the middle of the 1800’s
Early 1700’s farmers in England improved farming methods to grow larger amounts of crops
Farmers began to rotate crops to keep the soil productive
Livestock breeders improved their methods of breeding animals and their weight increased
More food led to better living conditions
Caused population of England to grow rapidly
Large landowners forced smaller landowners off of their land and many moved to the cities across England o Many who moved to cities became factory workers o Increased population in cities increased demand for food and manufactured goods
Beginnings of Industrialization
Why the Industrial Revolution began in England
Extensive natural resources
Iron ore
• Rivers for transporting goods
Expanding economy
• Developed banking system made it easy to borrow money to improve industry
Over seas colonies and trading partners supported by the most powerful navy in the world
Parliament passed laws to encourage and protect businesses
Had all of the factors of production (land, labor, capital or wealth)
Beginnings of Industrialization
Inventions helped fuel industrial expansion
Textile (cloth) industry was the first to be transformed
Inventions increased the work that could be done in one day
• 1733 flying shuttle developed that made weaving cloth easier
• 1764 Spinning wheel developed that increased production
• 1769 Arkwright water frame developed that used water power to drive these two machines
Textile manufacturers began to house all parts of production in factories built near rivers and streams
Cotton for textile mills came from the American south
1793 Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin to speed up production of separating cotton fiber from seeds
Beginnings of Industrialization
Steam power was developed by James
Watt as a source of power to run factories
Steam power was also used propel boats
American inventor Robert Fulton’s steamboat Claremont makes its first successful voyage
Faster water transportation cut the cost of transporting raw materials and finished goods
• Early 1800’s Robert McAdam improves the way roads are built
Private investors build roads and charge fees to people using them
Beginnings of Industrialization
1804 first steam powered rail engine
1821 first rail line built in England
• By middle of 1830’s railroads connected many parts of
Locomotive had four major effects
1) Gave manufacturers a cheap way to transport goods
2) Created thousands of new jobs
3) Boosted agriculture and fishing industries, it made it easier to transport these products to markets
4) Encouraged people to take distant city jobs
Beginnings of Industrialization
Industrialization led to an increased standard of living, people had better clothes, better food and earned higher wages in factories than on farms.
Change to machine production caused human suffering when it first began
Rapid industrialization caused unhealthy living conditions, child labor abuse and led to class tension
After 1800 balance of population in Europe was moving to cities ( urbanization )
1800-1850 the number of cities with more than 100,000 people went from 22 to 47
Most urban areas doubled in size
Factories and cities developed near coal and water resources
Cities had no plans to deal with rapid growth
Poor sanitation, no building codes, lack of education, police and fire protection were major problems in cities
Streets were unpaved and trash and animal waste piled up
Workers lived in dark, dirty houses
Sickness was widespread
The wealthy merchants and middle class moved out of the cities to the suburbs
To increase production and profit factory owners kept machines running as many hours as possible
Average worker worked 16 hours per day,
6 days a week
Work remained the same week after week
Factories were not well lit or clean and there was a high rate of accidents
There were no government programs to help people injured on the job
Women and children were the cheapest to employ and had some of the worst working conditions
Growing middle class
Industrial Revolution created enormous wealth
Factory owners, shippers, and merchants were part of a growing middle class
Middle class was made up of skilled workers, professionals, business people
Took political power from wealthy landowners and aristocrats
Looked down on by these groups,
“business” was seen as vulgar
Middle class enjoyed a comfortable standard of living
The Working class
Laborers, factory workers saw little improvement in their standard of living and working conditions
Many saw their jobs disappear as machines took over for them
One group that resisted mechanization was the Luddites
These groups destroyed factory machines and organized worker riots because of poor living and working conditions
Positive Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Created jobs for workers
Demand for engineers and managers increased
Created wealth for the nation
Created tax revenue that allowed cities and countries to improve urban areas
Allowed for technological progress and invention
Raised the standard of living, provided hope for improvement in peoples lives
Better food
Better educational opportunities
Created cheaper mass produced goods
Laborers eventually won better wages and working conditions after they formed labor unions
Section 3