Terms Structure of the Industry Production Factors Egg production and facts Young Female= Chick or Pullet Mature Female= Hen Young Intact Male= Chick or Cockeral Mature Intact Male= Rooster Young Castrated Male= Capon Newborns= chicks Act of giving birth= no live birth! Meat chicken= broiler Egg Production Broiler Production Raising Replacement Pullets Laying Hens Confined in cages or floor pen system Cleaning, grading, and packaging eggs occurs on farm After production cycle, hens are sold for meat Floor system- gather 3 times a day Caged system- automatic egg gatherer Rhode Island Red, Leghorns 5-7 eggs per week Keep hens up to 5 yrs. Best production in first 2 years Increase light duration and intensity for onset of egg laying Wash eggs Must be clean! Dry Cleaning vs. Egg Washing Machine Maintain quality by Keep cool Keep humid 65 Degrees F Store separately They absorb odors! Do you need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs? Nope!!! Chicks are fertilized eggs How are eggs fertilized? Internally before they are laid Takes 7-10 days for sperm to travel to ovary Lay fertile eggs for about 6-10 days How many eggs does the average American consume per year???? 256 eggs/year 1945 average of 403 eggs/year…Why? Cholesterol Eating Habits-Breakfast anyone???? Convenience Food Two Eggs Supply 7% of Calories (75 calories per egg) 28% Protein 22% Phosphorus 10% Iron 39% Riboflavin 50% Vitamin B12 79% Vitamin A 213 mg of Cholesterol Raising chickens for meat High quality rations fed to secure rapid efficienty gains Weight Gain Feed Conversion Breast Meat Yield Carcass Conformation Chick Viability Disease Resistance Grow in 7-9 weeks Slaughtered at 4 lbs. Feed Conversion 1.5:1 Require 1 square foot Raising chicks for egg production or broiler production High feed efficiency Fast return on investment Low land requirements Mechanized operation Disease and parasites Initial capital investment is high Limitations of zoning Death losses from predators and stampede Waste disposal and odor # of farms with laying hens decreased # of chickens raised per farm increased Eggs- Slight decline in popularity Cholesterol concerns Chicken Meat– Major increase in popularity Perceived to have less cholesterol than beef/pork Leading States Laying Hens & Egg Production http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zbkkkn_P xE&feature=related Chick Production http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ7rrHYmF iQ Broiler Production Trims peak Machine with foot pedal Feeding dish for baby chicks Feeding dish for older chicks Weighs and classifies eggs Identification tool Circular, numbered bands Watering dish Watering device Minimizes waste Layered chicken cages