The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership: community development and security of supply Alan Knight May 16, 2012 The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 1 Problem – Security of Supply Global demand for cocoa is on average expanding at approximately 2-3% per annum There is a growing consumer demand that brands should provide broader assurance of product quality that also satisfies health, environmental and social concerns. Cocoa production is declining and the youth are leaving the farming communities for the cities. The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership Need • Raise the productivity of cocoa farming. • Enhance social provision in cocoa communities to meet demand for premium product. • Attract the youth who are essential for future innovation and sustainability of production. The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 But Average cocoa yields in were estimated at 400 kg per hectare; this needed to be increased to 1,000 kg per hectare. The high cost of farm labour coupled with the high cost of inputs deterred many farmers from adopting improved practices and maintaining farms well. Cocoa farming alone could not sustain the farmers, unless something was done to improve yields and farm holdings so that earnings from cocoa went up. The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 Response Engage to develop a collaborative solution The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 2 Engagement – When When Situation Analysis / Mapping Outcome Determination Program Design Develop delivery partnerships Community action plans Implementation support Monitoring and Evaluation The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 Engagement – Purpose When Purpose When SituationSituation AnalysisAnalysis / Mapping / Mapping Outcome Determination OutcomeDevelop Determination strategy Develop detailed understanding of socio economic context Identify materials outcomes and theory of change Develop delivery partnerships Program Design Develop program strategy and Community action plans governance ProgramImplementation Implementationsupport Design Develop delivery partnerships Monitoring and Evaluation Community action plans Develop detailed action plans for each community Implementation support Manage relationships and delivery Monitoring and Evaluation Identify and value the outcomes achieved The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 Situation Analysis / Mapping - Methods 1. Farm operator questionnaire 2. Child questionnaire 3. Adult worker questionnaire 4. Community questionnaire (key informants) 5. Focus group discussion guide 6. Oral life history guide The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership Mapping Sustainable Production in Ghanaian Cocoa Report to Cadbury Institute of Development Studies and the University of Ghana 3 Situation analysis / Mapping - Output Mapping Sustainable Production in Ghanaian Cocoa Report to Cadbury Institute of Development Studies and the University of Ghana The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The study examined the factors that make up sustainable production for cocoa farmers in Ghana, focusing on the socioeconomic dimensions of sustainability. The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 Outcome Determination - Methods • Key informant interviews • Community focus groups • Multi-stakeholder forums The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 Outcome Determination – Output , Theory of Change Improved farm policies, inputs and Content Here organisations (FBOs) Improved external and internal engagement Improved community policies, inputs and organisations (CBOs) The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership Improved farm management Improved environment practice Improved cocoa yield (volume sold) Improved status of cocoa farming Improved non-cocoa business activity Improved community amenities The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership Improved Household Income Improved Food Security Improved Youth Participation Reduced Child Labour 3 Program Design - Methods • Consultation with key government bodies, civil society organisations and relevant institutions • Community forums • Bilateral and multi-stakeholder forums • Interviews with key experts • Internal discussion within Cadbury The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 Program Design – Output: Cadbury Cocoa Partnership Vision: Thriving rural communities that support a sustainable cocoa supply chain. The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership aims to support the development of sustainable growing communities in Ghana, India, South East Asia and the Caribbean. A 10 year investment starting in 2008, investing £45 million, aiming not only to guarantee a reliable long term source of the right quality of cocoa, but also to improve the livelihoods of cocoa farmers. The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 2 Program Design - Output The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 Develop delivery partnerships - Methods • Expert Interviews • Senior governance body deliberations • Partner negotiations The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 Cadbury Cocoa Partnership - Output Achieving this includes working with the • United Nations Development Programme, • local governments, • farmer organisations • local communities • international NGOs • International Cocoa Initiative (ICI), • Anti-Slavery International, • VSO (Voluntary Services Overseas), • CARE International • World Vision. The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 1 Community Action Plans - methods • Moderated community workshops in 101 communities • Moderator and Implementing partner forums The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 Community Action Plans - output • An NGO implementation partner was attached to each community • Each Community developed an action plan based on the key outcomes • From the Community Action Plans, coordinated implementation plans for all CCP partners and communities were developed The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 Implementation Support - Methods • Walk arounds • One-on-one informal discussions • Ad hoc meetings • Periodic intervention review meetings • Networking facilitation The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 Implementation Support - Outputs • Achievement of targets for all interventions • Positive relationships • Early identification of actions requiring corrective action The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 Monitoring and Evaluation - Methods • Community workshops • Surveys (Household, Partner, Production) • Walk arounds and informal discussions with stakeholders; • One-to-one interviews The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 3 Monitoring and Evaluation - Outputs The cocoa supply story in CCP communities Cocoa production Total production Farmer organization Farm management Environmental practices Youth participation Child labour Sector wide engagement - cocoa Livelihoods Household income Community organization Community amenities Food security Health and wellbeing Education Sector wide engagement - livelihoods Valuing change The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership Thank You The Cadbury Cocoa Partnership 23