Government Energy Efficiency Perspective 2013 Subho Banerjee Deputy Secretary Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY Overview • Australia’s economy and the industrial sector are facing major challenges – leading to a renewed focus on productivity • The industrial sector has made major improvements in energy productivity in recent years – and significant opportunity remains • Government remains committed to working with industry to unlock greater energy productivity gains ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY The future holds some challenges for Australian industry Rising costs of energy – electricity, gas and oil Transforming to compete in a low-carbon world Competitiveness Growing beyond the mining boom Improve energy productivity Commodity price volatility Australian dollar uncertainty Increasingly complex regulatory environments ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY Energy prices have risen and are forecast to continue rising Electricity and Gas price indexes (adjusted for inflation) 120 110 Index 1990 = 100 100 90 80 70 60 Business Electricity Business Gas Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY Gt Energy efficiency is important for achieving global emission reduction targets 38 New Policies Scenario 36 34 Energy efficiency measures 32 30 28 26 24 450 Scenario 22 20 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 CO2 abatement Activity End-use efficiency Power plant efficiency Electricity savings Fuel and technology switching in end-uses Renewables Biofuels Nuclear CCS Total (Gt CO2) 2020 2035 2% 2% 18% 13% 3% 2% 50% 27% 2% 3% 15% 23% 2% 4% 5% 8% 4% 17% 3.1 15.0 2035 Source: IEA, World Energy Outlook 2012 ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY Overview • Australia’s economy and the industrial sector are facing major challenges – leading to a renewed focus on productivity • The industrial sector has made major improvements in energy productivity in recent years – and significant opportunity remains • Government remains committed to working with industry to unlock greater energy productivity gains ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY Australian industry has made major energy efficiency improvements Mining Manufacturing Oil and Gas Commercial Transport ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY Significant opportunities remain to capture further savings Mining, manufacturing & transport identified savings = 11.4% of their total energy use Implemented Potential for further savings? % of identified savings 40% 60% % of total energy use 4.8% 6.6% $ savings per year $1.2b $2.1b Source: Industrial Energy Efficiency Data Analysis Project How much of the identified potential can be unlocked? How to facilitate uptake of that potential? ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY Overview • Australia’s economy and the industrial sector are facing major challenges – leading to a renewed focus on productivity • The industrial sector has made major improvements in energy productivity in recent years – and significant opportunity remains • Government remains committed to working with industry to unlock greater energy productivity gains ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY Government is working to further understand factors affecting industry investment in energy productivity • ‘Tracking Australia’s Progress Towards a Low Carbon Economy’ — Power — Industry — Buildings — Land use — Waste • In-depth analysis of industrial energy efficiency activities ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY Companies report that three practices in combination increase energy efficiency outcomes Source: Tracking Progress Towards a Low Carbon Economy ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY Government is committed to working with industry to further unlock energy productivity Industry opportunities Factors affecting investment Government support Financial incentives Energy productivity Competiveness Investment Project attractiveness Information and skills Capability Resources Business systems Business processes Motivation Data Technology ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY EEO Program is evolving to better enable business outcomes ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY Thank you ENHANCING AUSTRALIA’S ECONOMIC PROSPERITY