組織管理與運輸個案應用期末報告 An Application of the Balanced Scorecard to Public Transit System Performance Assessment Jason Keith Phillips, Transportation JournalTM 學生: 9932039 游智涵 9932040 廖家慧 指導老師: 任維廉 Contents Abstract The Balanced Scorecard The Metrics of Public Transit Case 平衡計分卡的優缺點與障礙 Conclusion Reference 2 Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion Abstract This article has 3 primary purposes: To explore the concept of the balanced scorecard and its applicability to public transit system performance assessment. To provide a comprehensive list of performance constructs and measures. To develop a “shopping list” of performance measures for managers. 3 Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 What Is The Balanced Scorecard A tool of performance management Kaplan and Norton (1992) - Four metrics for private sector organizations 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 The Financial Perspective The Internal Business Perspective The Customer Perspective The Innovation and Learning Perspective Conclusion Abstract BSC Metrics 優缺點 Case BSC循環過程圖 共同意願 調整 生產 公司戰略 轉化 具體目標 (4個方面) 設置 績效評估指標 (4個方面) 5 回饋 Conclusion Abstract Example 6 BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion The Balanced Scorecard for Public Transit Systems Private sector organization - Financial、Internal Business 、 Customer、 Innovation and Learning Public sector organization - Effectiveness、Efficiency Public transit - Effectiveness、Efficiency、Impact 7 Abstract BSC Metrics 優缺點 Case Conclusion The Balanced Scorecard for Public Transit Systems Efficiency Perspective Goals/Constructs Measures Are We Doing Things Right? the metrics of public transit Are We Doing Right Things? Effectiveness Perspective Goals/Constructs 8 Measures Are We Producing the Externalities We Intend? Impact Perspective Goals/Constructs Measures Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion The Metrics of Public Transit - Efficiency Indicate the extent to which the government produces a given output with the least possible use of resources. Goals / Constructs Labor Efficiency Vehicle Efficiency Profit Maximization / Loss Minimization Self-Sufficiency Energy / Fuel Efficiency Maintenance Efficiency Maximization of Produced Output Per Dollar of Cost Maximization of Consumed Output Per Dollar of Cost 9 Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion The Metrics of Public Transit - Efficiency Goals / Constructs Measure Source Labor Efficiency Annual Bus Miles per Operator Allen & Zapalac (1982) Annual Passengers Miles per Employee Miller (1980) … … … … … … 10 Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion The Metrics of Public Transit - Effectiveness Comparison of produced output to intended output or objectives. Measures of effectiveness are concerned with the extent to which the service is provided. quantity, location, …. , etc. 11 Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion The Metrics of Public Transit - Effectiveness Goals / Constructs Utilization of Service Security Accessibility Operating Safety Passenger Convenience Frequency of Service Reliability of Service Speed of Service Service Quality Passenger Comfort General Public Satisfaction 12 Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion The Metrics of Public Transit - Impact Describe the macro effects of public transit and reflects the efficiency and effectiveness of transit, as well as external and indirect effects on social wellbeing, economic development, and environmental quality. Goals / Constructs Accessibility of the Transit-Dependent Urban Development/Revitalization Attraction and Retention of Commuter Traffic Pollution Reduction Reduction of Congestion Reduction of Energy Consumption 13 Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion Case 策略背景 : 台中市某家客運公司super-bus,於一年前開始營運一條 新的公車路線,如今該公司業者想使用平衡計分卡來評 估該路線的績效,以做為未來努力的目標。 問 : 1. 在這樣的背景下,會選擇哪些goals作為評估的方向? 14 Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion The Metrics of Public Transit - Efficiency Indicate the extent to which the government produces a given output with the least possible use of resources. Goals / Constructs Labor Efficiency Vehicle Efficiency Capital Efficiency Energy / Fuel Efficiency Maintenance Efficiency Public Transit Efficiency 15 是否有效使用員工 購買此大眾運輸運具,是否有效使用 是否讓營收最大化,損失最小化 是否有效使用能源 是否有效維護 包括了服務品質、output等等 Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion The Metrics of Public Transit - Effectiveness Goals / Constructs Utilization of Service 真正使用這項運輸服務的旅客人數 Security 在運具上或運輸設施內遭受的人為傷害 Accessibility 可及性 Operating Safety 運輸系統造成的身體傷害 Passenger Convenience 旅客到達目的地做的努力 Frequency of Service 提供給旅客服務的頻率,如公車班次 是否達成給旅客的諾言 Reliability of Service 從A地到B地所需的時間 Speed of Service 運輸服務的品質 Service Quality 車內是否擁擠、吵雜、溫度是否合宜等因素 Passenger Comfort General Public Satisfaction 民眾對於大眾運輸服務的整體認知 16 Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion The Metrics of Public Transit - Impact Describe the macro effects of public transit and reflects the efficiency and effectiveness of transit, as well as external and indirect effects on social wellbeing, economic development, and environmental quality. Goals / Constructs Accessibility of the Transit-Dependent Urban Development/Revitalization Attraction and Retention of Commuter Traffic Pollution Reduction Reduction of Congestion Reduction of Energy Consumption 17 Abstract BSC 平衡計分卡範例 Labor 18 Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion Case 策略背景 : 台中市某家客運公司super-bus,於兩年前開始營運一條 新的公車路線,如今該公司業者想使用平衡計分卡來評 估該路線的績效,以做為未來努力的目標。 問 : 1. 在這樣的背景下,會選擇哪些goals作為評估的方向? 2. 使用平衡計分卡會產生哪些優點與缺點? 19 Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion 優點 使整個組織行動一致,服務於公司戰略。 能有效地將組織的戰略轉化為組織各層的績效目標和 行動。 有助於員工對組織目標的溝通和理解 通過實施BSC,提高組織整體管理水平 20 Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion 缺點 不容易確定績效的衡量指標 當組織戰略或結構變更的時候,平衡計分卡也應當隨 之重新調整 較難執行 平衡計分卡無法引導管理者提高績效的方法 21 Abstract BSC Metrics 障礙 溝通與共識上的障礙 組織與管理系統方面的障礙 信息交流方面的障礙 對績效考核認識方面的障礙 22 Case 優缺點 Conclusion Abstract BSC Metrics Case 優缺點 Conclusion Conclusion This article explored the balanced scored approach and how it can be applied to the assessment of public transit system performance. This article also developed a “shopping list” of performance measures for managers This list of transit system goals and performance measures may benefit the conducting of future research. 23 Reference http://wiki.mbalib.com/zhtw/%E5%B9%B3%E8%A1%A1%E8%AE%A1%E5%88 %86%E5%8D%A1 https://balancedscorecard.org/Resources/AbouttheBalance dScorecard/tabid/55/Default.aspx 24