Role of ICT in Trade Facilitation


ICT in Trade Facilitation:

Expediting Cargo Movement & Customs Clearance

February 2014

The Trident Group, LLC

Imperative for Action:

Sub-Saharan Africa could boost its annual GDP by $15 billion if time spent in Customs clearance is cut by 50%.

Additional $20 billion could be realized each year by improving transport infrastructure, getting goods into/out ports in half the time it currently takes.

If implemented, the combined effect would be even larger.

Source: International Trade Centre (ITC)

Inefficiencies in the Supply Chain:

Entry/Exit Points:

+ Seaports

+ Airports

+ Borders


Transportation &

Logistic Systems

• High incidence of physical inspection by Customs

(limited data to support admissibility decisions )

• Poor cargo arrival, discharge & release planning

• Manual handling of import/export processes

• Limited regional cooperation & border mngmt

• Inadequate transport network... poor state where exist (road, rail, waterways)

• Poor cargo & asset transit monitoring

• Underdeveloped regional transport corridors

• Transportation providers are not well organized


Environment &


• Inadequate/inconsistent policy regime (e.g. ETLS)

• Limited enforcement of trade regulations/practices

• High incidence of sharp practices & non-compliance

Enablers: Factors & Impact


T echnology


Trade &






Adapted from: “Understanding Smart Cities: A Integrative Framework,” Chourabi, et al. (2012)

Rate of





Improving Trade & Logistic Efficiency

…one component at a time

Electronic Exchanges (Single Window)

• Port Community System

• Cargo Community System

+ Process Trade Documents

+ Improve Visibility

+ Improve Trade Services

Freight Traffic Management System

• Truck Control System

• Inland Transport/Corridor Management

Risk Targeting & Import Compliance Systems

• Customs Screening System

• Transit Access Monitoring

+ Eliminate Congestion

+ Manage & Control Assets

+ Manage, Track Cargo Movement

+ Improve Security

+ Enhance Import Compliance

+ Expedite Trade & Cargo


Freight Traffic Management:

Port Access Control: Congestion Mitigation

Truck Parking, Gating & Movement Systems

Cargo Movement: Transit Tracking & Monitoring

Border Transit & Regional Corridor Management

Infrastructure Realities:

NAFITH : National Freight Information & Transportation Hub

 Began operation in late 2005

 Proven intermodal solution designed to optimize landside movement of cargo to/from ports and border crossings

 Enable port to “organize the chaos” around terminals & port gates

– creating a more efficient movement of cargo

 Interfaced with Customs, Terminals, Ministry of Transport etc

 TCS now mission-critical for logistics and trade communities

 The Freight Traffic Management System leverages the available information from multiple port stakeholders to:

Capture cargo status & truck movements/schedules

Perform validations for logistic data

Automate decisions such as truck dispatch & terminal access

 Provide cargo tracking & chain-of-custody

 Capital investment $20m; annual operating cost $4m

 Operated under a PPP Agreement with ASEZA

Port Access & Border Transit Control System (Jordan)

 Manages 24-hour freight transport operations for ports, terminals & Free Trade Zone

 Controls movement of trucks from 5 entry points on road network reaching 39 specific destinations including 13 terminals

 Over 200 trucking companies and more than

15,000 trucks use the system daily

 Several truck parks with capacities varying from

150 to 500 trucks

 Thousands of concurrent users requesting permits

& receive instructions from the system

 Extends use of existing infrastructure at terminals

(APM) & other destinations incorporated into TCS

 Uses low-cost RFID/GPS to collect data & monitor truck/rail movement

 Improved regional border transit & monitoring through document harmonization: Jordan-Syria,

Jordan-Saudi, Iraq-Kuwait

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Stakeholder Integration & Information Exchange

Ministry of



• Provide registry of trucks and trailers by company and cargo type (XML)





• Provide Cargo releases




• Provide other releases for cargo pickup, e.g. fuel, bulk



• Apply for permits

(equipment, cargo, operation, route, driver, and other data)

• Receive approval



Truck Drivers

Nafith TCS

• Validate data

• Approve permits

• Capture events

• Manage capacity

• Provide reporting and alerts

• Support invoicing




• Use TCS to validate & schedule container pickup operations



• Receives entry ticket from trucking company

• Receive permit with all details on operation



• Oversee movement of trucks through ASEZ

• Receive instructions from TCS

• Provide event data to



NAFITH: Efficiency Gains

Improved Efficiency/Productivity:

 Eliminate congesting around port, terminals & access roads

 Minimizing wait times for trucks and drivers

 Increased truck turns and cargo carried/truck/year

 Increased rail asset utilization

 Reduced pollution and wasted diesel

Better Managed Activities:

 Providing terminal and yard operators with advanced information on planned and in-progress truck/rail operations

 Providing freight forwarders with better information on cargo delivery status

Better use of Limited Infrastructure

 Spread loads over time

 Push sources of delay and chaos away from congestion

 Monitor operations & react to unexpected delays/emergencies

Increased Logistic Visibility & Data Collection:

 Extend control and visibility for public and private stakeholders

 Capture detailed operational data to support planning, investment & policy actions

TCS Operational Schema




Truck/cargo status

Billing/payment info





Request entry & route

Return Permit Number




Verify truck, driver, route, cargo

Provide paper permit with routing instructions

Track truck enroute & waiting yards

Regulatory compliance and status reports

Government of

TCS IT Platform



Record cargo pickup at terminal

Record truck exit

Truck Park

Entry / Exit Control

Worked in a Developing Economy:

 Significant infrastructure deficit

 Many users had no prior IT experience

 Limited/sometimes unreliable communication & internet service

 No comparable system in use

 Measurable productivity & investment returns for trade & transport sectors

 Multiple stakeholders benefited


Case Study: Common Consignment Note

 A customs transit document which can be issued electronically or on paper.

 Example of a regional trade facilitation agreement in action.

 Information required for transit and receiver countries are included on the common consignment note when issued at origin.

 Successful pilot of transcontinental rail freight shipment from China to

Germany – 11,000KM distance in 18 days.

 Time spent at border crossings can be significantly reduced with corresponding reduction in transport cost.

 Idea can be extended to ECOWAS leveraging the successful regional transit corridor model in the Middle East.

NAFITH: Enhancements

NAFITH has developed new services around the core process for TCS;

 Dispatching for oil tankers, ferry and other distinct transport operations

 Logistics management for bulk cargo, grains discharge and delivery

 Electronic marketplaces for truck freight to and from terminals

 Empty container management framework

 Integration with Weighbridge for axle weight enforcement

 Integrated vehicle & cargo tracking services with virtual routing using mapping & location based services (LBS)

 Mobile interfaces using customized cell phone apps

 E-Payment & E-Waybill services

 Expanding operations to Kuwait and Iraqi ports and border crossing for grain movement

Trade Information Gateway, Real-Time Exchange: Pakistan

Initial areas of focus:

 Karachi Ports access control

 International transit corridor management


 Electronic marketplaces for truck freight to/from terminals

 Nationwide databases of registered equipment, drivers and companies

 Integrated vehicle and load tracking services with virtual routing management

 Mobile interfaces using customized cell phone applications

Risk Targeting, Risk Profiling & Screening for Import Compliance

Facilitate Trade & Expedite Import Clearance

Increase Revenue Through Better Valuation

Detect Import Violations & Misdeclarations

Improve Security to support WCO- Safe Framework

Automated Risk Targeting & Import Screening

• Risk Targeting Solution (RTS) automates the processes needed to objectively evaluate risks, vulnerabilities, threats, assumptions and uncertainties about cargoes arriving at our ports and borders

• Provides Customs agencies at Ports (Sea & Air) & Border Crossings with ACTIONABLE information used in determining which cargo should be manually inspected or cleared. The RTS is designed to provide inspectors with uniform, actionable information needed to:

• Facilitate Trade & Expedite import clearance by reducing manual inspection (dwell-time)

• Improve Security through enhanced threat/vulnerability assessment capability to support the WCO Safe


• Improve the detection of declaration fraud and import violations

• Increase volume of products reaching markets at lower cost

• Improve Revenue through enhanced valuation

trade, increase revenue and improve supply chain security

• Leverage Open Source and other intelligence to find risky products before they arrive in country (Pre-Arrival Intelligence)

• Separate high from low risk imports to give entry reviewers more time to evaluate the higher-risk lines and automatically “may proceed” the low risk imports

• Evaluate each entry line-item on the basis of a wide range of risk factors derived from a wide set of data sources

• Provide automated queries to multiple databases and integration with third party data sources

• Produce a consistent applicable agency-wide entry examination process

• Tightly integrates with Customs systems like ASYCUDA etc

Analytical Breadth:

 Statistical analysis of importer & exporter combination

 History of involved parties: manufacturer, shipper, origin, transit info, consignee etc

 Cross references with external trade databases

 Open source intelligence about

Customs fraud

 Expert intelligence from Customs field offices

 Geospatial analysis of addresses and locality

 FOB value analysis for improved fraud detection

 Purposeful errors in filed information

 Data anomaly analysis of value to quantity ratio

 Correlation with other elements on the declaration form

 Seasonality of product

 Text mining of declaration contents

 Identification of multiple importer identities

Risk Targeting & Profiling Example:

Automates processing for risk screening and targeting

External Parties Science Regulatory Operations


Customs Brokers

Office of


Sciencebased rules

Office of


& Policy

General Infobased rules










• Other Systems

Import Declaration

Forms & Supporting




Static, Disjoint

Risk Targeting









Facilities Samples


Field Activities & Compliance Tracking


Field Experiencebased rules

Operational Impact:

 Reduction in manual/secondary inspection

Fewer items are held for inspection

 Significant reduction in cargo “dwell time” at ports of entry

 Improvement in revenue collected by customs

 Enhancement in valuation process and fraud detection

 Higher number of violations found:

Increased detection of risky cargoes and import violations

 Significant reduction in false positive hits

 Higher productivity for custom personnel

Same number of inspectors can process higher number of entries

 Tighter collaboration between customs & other agencies

 Enormous return on investment for the agency

Saved $M per year in operational cost

Conclusions & Paths Forward

 Intelligent Trade & Logistics Systems multiplies impact of other investments and efforts

 Time is right – ICT infrastructure now in place

 High impact & Low cost

 Rapid deployment

 Addresses a range of challenges in developing regions

About Us:

 Delivers solutions to automate & accelerate Trade, Logistics, Security and other verticals to improve operational efficiency

 Serves several US agencies and other national/regional governments & regulatory authorities

 Deploys & manages logistic operations in US, South Asia, Middle East &

Latin America. Our operations;

 Captures & analyzes data on over 80% of global container cargo movement

 Supports operational risk targeting, surveillance and enforcement of imports involving over 20 million transactions daily for Customs & regulatory agencies

 Monitors & manages over 3000 truck operations daily for 200 trucking companies in a 375 sq. km. area around a seaport to mitigate congestion, facilitate cargo clearance, track inland freight movement & border crossings

 Support air cargo screening for US Transportation Security Administration



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+234 706 617 8563
