Understanding Depression as a Continuum and a Process: Hoe gek is Nederland? How Nuts are the Dutch? Peter de Jonge, prof Psychiatric Epidemiology Peter.de.jonge@umcg.nl Interests Vici grant “Deconstructing Depression” (NWO/ZonMW) Unstrestricted grant “Leefplezier bij ouderen” (Espria) Nemesis All disorders Lifetime: Past year: 41.2% 23.3% Mood disorders Lifetime: 19.0% Past year: 7.6% Bijl et al. Soc Psych Psych Epi 1998 Mood All Colombia 6.8% 17.8% Mexico 4.8% 12.2% USA 9.6% 26.4% Belgie 6.2% 12.0% Frankrijk 8.5% 18.4% Duitsland 3.6% 9.1% Italie 3.8% 8.2% Nederland 6.9% 14.9% Spanje 4.9% 9.2% Oekraine 9.1% 20.5% Libanon 6.6% 16.9% Nigeria 0.8% 4.7% Japan 3.1% 8.8% China 2.5% 9.1% Sjanghai 1.7% 4.3% Demyttenaere et al. JAMA2004 Nemesis and Nemesis II All disorders: Mood disorders: De Graaf et al. Soc Psych Psych Epi 2012 1996 2008 23.3% 7.6% 18.0% 6.1% Predicted global burden of disease (Lancet, 1998) disease DALYs % 1 ischaemic heart disease 82.3 5.9 2 depression 78.7 5.7 3 traffic 71.2 5.1 4 cerebrovascular 61.4 4.4 5 COPD 57.6 4.2 6 Airway infections 42.7 3.1 7 tuberculosis 42.5 3.0 8 war 41.3 3.0 9 diarrhea 37.1 2.7 10 HIV 36.3 2.6 Operationalisation of depression according to DSM-IV and V 227 profiles fulfilling DSM criteria DSM-IV / ICD-10 Depressed mood Diminished interest Why distinguish between core and other? Core: at least 1 Weight loss or weight gain Insomnia or hypersomnia Psychomotor agitation or retardation Fatigue or loss or energy Worthlessness or guilt Concentration problems Suicidal ideation Total: at least 5 APA, 1980. Is a sumscore useful? Why cut-off at 5, and not 4 or 6? Should we want to use a cut-off at all? Why not rumination? How can 1 single disease produce such contradicting symptoms? GROMGAV methode Groep Respectabele Oudere Mannen Gezeten Aan Vergadertafel BOGSAT. Kendler 2012. For science: SSRIs/SNRIs MDD Apparent effect 0.41 (0.36-0.45) MDD Real effect 0.32 (0.27-0.35) Small and overestimated… Turner EH et al. N Engl J Med 2008. % explained variance Effect size (d) % explained var % overlap 0.2 1% 92% 0.3 2% 88% 0.4 4% 84% 0.5 6% 80% 1.0 20% 62% 2.0 50% 32% 3.0 68% 13% From study to guideline/ approval • Richtlijn: depressie => ssri FDA: at least 2 positive trials Positive trial: significant better than placebo (depends on N and effectsize) Example: dubbelblind trial (N=91; 44 placebo, 47 antidepressant After 8 weeks: difference in HAM-D: 2,6 (s.d =7) cohen’s D 0.37 Visual, aggregated Visual, disaggregated V SSRIs/SNRIs MDD Apparent efficacy 0.41 (0.36-0.45) MDD Real efficacy 0.32 (0.27-0.35) GAD PD SAD PTSD OCD 0.34 0.35 0.42 0.32 0.45 GAD PD SAD PTSD OCD 0.32 0.28 0.39 0.27 0.39 (0.28-0.43) (0.25-0.45) (0.35-0.49) (0.14-0.50) (0.30-0.51) (turner et al 2008) (0.25-0.39) (0.19-0.36) (0.30-0.49) (0.11-0.44) (0.30-0.49) Small, over-rated and Interchangeable accross disorders Roest AM, Jonge P, Williams CD, de Vries YA, Schoevers RA, Turner EH. JAMA Psychiatry. In Press. Rethink mental health • Not GROMGAV • Not only based on complaints but also on strengths • Personalised and transdiagnostic Structure internalising symptoms – LifeLines (N=75.000) 57.0% 14.8% 11.6% 8.4% 4.9% 3.2% Wanders RBK et al. In Prep. SSRIs/SNRIs MDD Schijnbaar effect 0.41 (0.36-0.45) MDD Werkelijk effect 0.32 (0.27-0.35) GAD PD SAD PTSD OCD 0.35 0.35 0.42 0.32 0.41 GAD PD SAD PTSD OCD 0.32 0.28 0.39 0.27 0.39 (0.28-0.43) (0.25-0.45) (0.35-0.49) (0.14-0.50) (0.30-0.51) (turner et al 2008) (0.25-0.39) (0.19-0.36) (0.30-0.49) (0.11-0.44) (0.30-0.49) Klein, overschat en uitwisselbaar over stoornissen Roest AM, Jonge P, Williams CD, de Vries YA, Schoevers RA, Turner EH. JAMA Psych, in press. HoeGekIsNL / HowNutsAreTheDutch – 12.781 participants (62.307 questionnaires) – 302 at least 60 assessments (>22.000 questionnaires) – 17 approved proposals 24-2-2015 24 Positive affect Mental problems are gradual and multidimensional Negative affect Activity Depression Interindividual ≠ Intraindividual Personal etiological models Thank you for your attention